The current tally for DOTM stands at $337.9M domestic and $645M from international ticket sales. That number includes $9.5 million from the movie's first weekend in Japan with 82% of those sales coming from IMAX. The international ticket sales this weekend added an additional $42M to the total. On the U.S. side the movie slipped to 8th place with $6M for the weekend.
As of now, Dark of the Moon rests as the top movie of the year in the US with its $337.9M ahead Harry Potter 7.2 ($318.5M) and Pirates 4 ($238.2M). However it’s $982.9M in worldwide sales places it behind Pirates 4 ($1032.8M) and Potter ($1008.5) for the year. Still a touch soon to know for sure but chances are DOTM will be the top movie of 2011 in the US (something that matters a great deal to studios) and may land at number 2 in worldwide sales (another important studio stat). All this means that not only did the movie hold its own against stiff competition like Potter 7.2 but makes a heck of an argument on why the franchise needs to continue sooner rather than later.
as long as dotm earns 350-360 million in the states and 1 billion worldwide the transformers franchise is a total success and it pretty much guarantees a fourth movie, i know some people want to harp on potter on this site but believe me transformers is completely holding its own and this franchise isn't going anywhere and thats all us trans fans should care about right now, everyone in the movie industry now knows that the transformers franchise is force to be reckond with and i would imagine alot of directors would love to be part of this franchise so love or hate bay he will leave the franchise in a strong and stable place and utimately thats good for everyone involved in the transformers franchise. I think there is more than enough to talk about now without harping on potter
ReplyDelete"Transformers 4: Rise of the Dinobots" coming?
ReplyDeleteI love the photo that comes with every TFLAMB blog post about box office results :)
ReplyDeleteI hope that Transformers 3 will beat the Potter domestically and take the 2011 crown as it deserves to be 1 time at least the winner :)
ReplyDelete@anon 8/01/2011 8:28 AM
ReplyDeleteyea i agree. i mean if you think about it, harry potter had 8 times to make 1 billion, and it seems like they choose now to make 1 billion just because transformers is out. but revenge of the fallen beat the half blood prince for the highest grossing summer films of 2009! =)
and if you think about it transformers is doing better in marketing. because harry potter had 8 times to make 1 billion and finally is for the last film, when transformers had only 3 films and is already making 1 billion. so if transformers has 5 more films, it'll show it's a better franchise in marketing and it'll make more as a whole franchise to hp :P
The one time TF makes a billion, it's overshadowed by one of the biggest franchise films ever...Potter performance would and has made TDK look sour.
ReplyDeleteGood job all around.
"The one time TF makes a billion, it's overshadowed by one of the biggest franchise films ever...Potter performance would and has made TDK look sour."
ReplyDeleteEh. Except that shitty Wizard boy movie won't even come close to TDK's domestic box office total.
ReplyDelete8/01/2011 9:28 AM
Yeah look at the countries which did not show transformers and then look at how much they added to Harry Potter, Like Russia and Venezuela, for example
@Mandy and anon 9.28:
ReplyDeleteYeah, and there's another note, overseas like here in The Netherlands they show Potter also in a Dutch spoken version for the kids. And the theatre I always go to showed only the 1 version of TF, only the 3D version. And 3 versions of HP! Original 3D, original 2D and Dutch 2D. So it's ovious HP has much more advantage than TF.
So I hink it's save to say TF is a bigger franchise than HP.
I'm gonna go see DOTM again wednesday night.
I dont give a rats ass what the hell potter does or doesnt do, to even compare the two doesn't even make sense, its apples and oranges, its two different universes, they just happen to come out around the same time, I guess some of you guys just like the competition between wizards and optimus, i guess thats cool but for me personally harry potter makes me ill and i'm sick of hearing about potter over and over again on a trans site, competition is good, but optimus against wizards, come on man i'd rather see transformers against voltron or something of that catagory, but geese! harry potter, good grief poor optimus....makes no sense
ReplyDeleteIt does not show in IMDB that transformers 3 made it to $900,000,000. But you cant trust IMDB.
ReplyDeletei don't give a shit about potter.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous 5:22 PM, totally agreed. i can't imagine harry potter vs. optimus! LOL yea it's a different universe, can't even be compared.
i bet Transformers 3 will make it to 1 billion soon, there are countries that haven't showed transformers but have showed potter first.
with this heck of success, let's keep our hope that there will be transformers 4
DOTM will definitely have a higher domestic gross since it obviously appeals to the market, with the original cartoons, and the ridiculous amount of patriotic American themes inserted in there.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't understand how some people can say they TF had 'better marketing' yet complain that more theaters choose to screen more slots of HP than TF. It just shows that HP may have a wider international audience and appeal. Exception to this is of course Japan, where TF originated from.
Harry Potter is heading for the $1.5billion mark now. It reached $1billion in just 10days. It took around 40days for Transformers3 to do the same and only thanks to 3D inflated ticket prices, in fact outside the US the ticket price for 3D viewing in theaters is 50% more expensive than regular 2D tickets.
ReplyDelete6:46 am please take your love affair with potter to a potter site, and we all know that dotm is holding its own and thats all we care about because we want the franchise to continue,we've already heard you crying over and over about 3d ticket prices, its getting old, who gives a shit what potter does, you should be talking transformers, but no the first thing you say is harry potter, stop trolling us transfans...TRANSFORMERS RULES!!!
ReplyDeleteHARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER, I thought this was a transformers site? hmmm, begining to wonder.
ReplyDeleteATTENTION EVERYONE: ACCORDING TO DON MURPHY, THERE WILL BE A TRANSFORMERS 4, 5, AND 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
ReplyDeleteso why is this site here? all you need is me.
P.S. my source is transformersdotmnews.blogspot.com
surely HP beat Transformers now for 1 billion mark....but for HP " IT ENDS HERE "...for Transformers "THE WAR JUST BEGUN!!"
ReplyDeleteThis site is for 35 year HP nerds living in their parent's basement. Anyone who cares about a boy wizard and his boring friends is a loser.
ReplyDeleteAnd anyone who cares about Optimus Prime and his pointless cohorts is not??
ReplyDeleteWho cares about optimus prime?, holy shit, good grief, how about every true trans fan that ever was and ever will be, we all love different robots and have different reasons for liking them but its all inside the transformers universe and optimus has always been the great leader, so how the fuck can you come on a trans site and say something so disrespectful, i can understand if someone is agravating you on this site and you want to vent, but come on you just blasted the very heart of transformers on a trans site, wtf!!! now that's just not right period....shame shame shame!!! i'm sorry any comments like that should be banned
ReplyDeleteWhy are there so many comments whenever Potter's mentioned? Oh yeah, because "no capitals guy" @ 6:47am, 8:57am, 5:22pm, 7:17am & 5:09pm writes half of them.
ReplyDeleteHey there buddy, count your number of posts on this one page. Have a look at your bizarre word-count. And then have a look at the amount of verbal abuse you dished out. Give yourself a name (a consistent one) at the very least.
"And anyone who cares about Optimus Prime and his pointless cohorts is not??"
ReplyDeleteTransformers isn't silly fantasy bullshit with stupid British teens. HP is Twilight with wizards and magic. The fact you have nothing better to do other than waste your time shrilling for HP on Transformer website is proof you are a nerdy loser who lives in your parent's basement. Take off your ridiculous glasses and wizard costume and go find yourself a life.
ha ha ha, the no capitals guy, ya know thats actually a pretty good name, its definately better than burnsideo7, just kidding , you definately rooted me out, not that i'm hiding from anyone and i actualy agree with you, i'm contributing to the very thing i hate and it really doesn't matter what anyone says, i got to stick to the tran's universe and stop calling people out because i might not like what people say, because ultimately i'm pissing people off too and thats not what this site is for, so enuogh of the sarcastic remarks i got some positive stuff i found at tfw 2005 and its an article from cg society and its all about the special effects in dotm and its pretty dam cool, check it out or maybe tflamb can post it here.
ReplyDeleteam i the one who has to constanlty give dark of the moon release info?
ReplyDeletehere ya go
" This site is for 35 year HP nerds living in their parent's basement. Anyone who cares about a boy wizard and his boring friends is a loser."
ReplyDelete"And anyone who cares about Optimus Prime and his pointless cohorts is not??"
lol thought the first comment was slightly ironic given the type of rabid fans both franchises contain.
though the second comment is a bit harsh for a tf blog!
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnd anyone who cares about Optimus Prime and his pointless cohorts is not??
8/02/2011 3:20 PM "
attention everyone! this piece of shit right here is TFLAMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's the only one defending hp with his little shit self! if i were you i would stop coming here! cuz the only reason he stopped trashing dotm in his recent posts is because of how much trash people were saying about him in the post when he did trash talk transformers! what kind of person would say this? forget being a true transformers fan. everyone i know loves optimus and bumblebee even after seeing 30 minutes of the first movie. like wtf?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only reason potter made that much is because its the last fucking film! of course people are gonna go rush to go see it! its taken potter 8 films to make over one billion, and transformers 3! how do you sound TFLAMB!