Mark your calendars as Friday, September 30th is the day that Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be released on Blu-ray and DVD. The information is direct from the official
website for Transformers: Dark of the Moon, assuming you are looking at it on a mobile device when it redirects you to
a page that says "Own It Friday 9/30 on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital Download." If date sounds familiar that was the date that DVDWorldUSA
posted a little over a week ago. The
reported editions are "Triple Play" pack of DVD, Blu-ray and Digital Copy, single disc DVD, probably a single disc Blu-ray, and a
Transforming Trilogy Case. Hopefully Paramount will issue a press release soon providing specifics on pricing and extras. Thanks to
StarscreamDOTM for the heads-up.
this movies is nice. .try to watch movies online for free here. . .
ReplyDeletewhat no second disc? :(
ReplyDeleteIn most European countries (France,Germany,Italy) it won't be out until mid-November.
ReplyDeleteBay should include post production 3 d versions of the other two movies.
ReplyDeletehey a question why is people saying they seen pieces of the twins in dotm like one said they seen mudflaps arm?
ReplyDeleteI really, really hope there's a "Director's Cut", which features some more scenes... there's a whole set that they didn't show, featuring giant letters on the building beside the "Cybertron portal", which spell UNITRIN, and they've fallen to the street below, amidst the carnage. I didn't see them in the movie at all. Also, when the Decepticon's start jumping through the portal from the moon, they land in DC, and one of them scans a dumptruck, like they do before they transform into that vehicle... that dumptruck was on a different set in Chicago, and also was not featured onsceen. Thirdly, maybe there will be some explanation how Sentinel Prime became a fire truck, since he was "dead' for many decades prior to the invention of the new truck, and had no opportunity to "scan" one... he was already in that form when they rescued him. Anyways, it'd be nice to see those unused scenes...
ReplyDelete@Pixel Rally: don't expect any director's cut or extended release. There will be none. Just like for the first two movies. Only Transformers2 got the full IMAX BluRay release that had a few seconds more than the standard theatrical one and that was limited to USA only.
ReplyDeleteParamount marketing and managers are just too lame to understand how much their products are really worth.
If they spent some serious money on delivering quality products Transformers movies would have sold twice as much.
That's a good call Pixel Rally, about Sentinal already being a fire truck for all those years and having not been scanned like all the other transformers, Don't get me wrong I liked the movie but thats a pretty big mistake and sentinal should have been scanned when he got to earth and should have had an awsome transformation, I was definately disapointed that they didn't have at least 1 full transformation of sentinal, I was really looking forward to that, Instead we got deep wang, deepwang and shockwave that did absolutely nothing. I like bays action and effects but he definately gets lost sometimes, some seens are excellent and others just don't make any sense at all but overall i enjoyed the movies.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm afraid to hold my breath for a Director's Cut, so I won't... you're right, Anon, it would have been great to see how Sentinel transforms, even one time. Also, why the heck don't we see Optimus' trailer transform, either... it happens super fast ONCE in the movie, and that's it... For him to have a trailer in this movie was a HUGE addition, but then it wasn't featured at all! I kinda wish it wasn't added, in fact... the one time we see it transform, it's easy to miss, and it's not seen in action again!!! Unforgivable, IMO. That's why I really, really hope there's a Director's Cut, if only to give Prime's trailer the showcasing it deserves!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on that too, I would of loved to see an easy to see complete transformation of op's trailer a few times. Ive seen some cool concept art of the transformed trailor and it was awesome, Optimus called it the flight deck in the movie. I just think they sacrificed a little to much towards the toilet humor in the first half of the movie and not enough of transformations and more death matches between different bots and while alot better this time, needed a little more character development with the bots, but that's just my opinion and I really did enjoy the movie it was a blast. I do believe we will get more transformer movies in the future so we got to keep telling the franchise what we would like to see and hopefully some day they will listen and finally give us what we want, more bad ass transformers, transformations and alot more death matches, they do that and people will be hanging from the rafters in excitement.
ReplyDeletehey do u guys remember a few months back that michael bay and james cameron and some other directors where kinda protesting to production companies cuz they where planning on releasing major block busters movies on demand a month before its physical release so transformers dark of the moon just came out yesterday and it already made its way to online the quality is bad its in old school 4:3 ratio but if u guys wanna check it out heres the link www.irfree.com
ReplyDeleteAs much as I thoroughly enjoyed TF3, I did feel that this film left quite a bit to be desired. Yeah a full transformation for Sentinel Prime and seeing Optimus actually put on his jet pack would've been great. Megatron & Shockwave were both pretty useless in this movie IMO. Had they cut out some of the unnecessary childish humor and focused more on story telling and character development (2 things that M.Bay apparently has yet to fully grasp), this movie would've been perfect. Still, it was a fun summer movie and that's all I wanted. Whoever directs the next TF movie, I just want him to please focus more on developing the robots. Still, I'll ALWAYS love TRANSFORMERS no matter what!
ReplyDeleteBay did it again, too many gaps, he focus too much on the humans especially in battle. They show Sentinel scanning the fire truck, they never show how Optimus got his trailor back and the tranformation in the the jet pack, they never show how the autobots got ambushed and caught, and how they have been doing on their part of the battle. We never got to know the autobots too well and hardly any good element of transformers is their at all. If their is a director's cut with all those scenes that would be a improvement. I'm glad this is Bay's last transformers movie when they reboot this I hope they find someone who can do it right.
ReplyDeleteHey folks, I was wondering if anyone knows if Michael Bay is doing a autographed version for Transformers 3 on Bluray for a charity? If not...I think we should raise some awareness and contact his people to do something. I would love to have his autograph on Transformers 3.
ReplyDelete@Pixel Rally 9/02/2011 11:39 PM
ReplyDeleteu shouls be happy bay even had primes trailer transform! in g1 it disappeared into thin air! it was pointless in g1! and for everyone who think sentinel was a firetruck from the beginning, he wasnt. that was blood on him and he was originally yellow. the red was blood. and opttimus probably scanned it for him or something idk
Yeah Bay did it it again alright, the franchise earned 1.1 billion, not to shabby. He must have done something right because it was a massive blockbuster and just wait and see how incredible the DVD release does, it will be mindblowing, people love these movies period, despite the flaws and mistakes and god knows there's plenty of that. To me, and again this is just my opinion, I just don't understand why some parts of the movie like the action and special effects and stunts were some of the best I've ever seen and was great to see on the big screen,but in my opnion the acting was just so goofy and doofy and so many parts of the movie made no sense it kinda leaves ya scratching your head saying it was fun, yeah, it was action packed, yeah the second half, awesome visuals, yeah, great stunts, yeah, cool bots, yeah, plot holes wide as the grand canyon, yeah, some parts don't make any sense, yeah, to much toilet humor, yeah...... I figured it out its your typical Michael Bay movie.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 9/05/2011 4:38 PM: Transformers3 was a mess of a movie. It's just a bad draft. Poor execution overall. Michael Bay clearly didn't want to film it, and it shows. He just was there for a quick big check but while Transformers and Transformers2 show all the effort he put into filming those, the 3rd movie is badly flawed. Firing his lead actress was just a big part of troubles that Transformers3 then got.
ReplyDeleteJust look at how big Transformers2 fighting scenes are. And then look at Transformers3 ones, they are all tiny and quick, too short, and CGI wise Transformers3 has nothing new to offer, nothing outstanding never seen before, no great details either (blame useless 3D gimmick for that too).
Yes, Transformers3 has some dark human deaths but even those are quite quick and put there just to please those requesting some and were not well designed either.
You can't find nothing like the amazing forest battle scene of Transformers2 nor the horror like Pretender Decepticon girl transforming on Sam nor anything like the long fighting sequence in Egypt and the outstanding ultra-detailed massive Devastator Gestalt...
Those are just some things Transformers3 is completely missing. It's a tiny movie with no soul and a messed up script. The replacement topmodel actress didn't help for sure, she couldn't deliver anything on screen, that was a big mistake, she wasn't needed and without her the movie could have had a darker tone, it had to be depressing in a good way.. instead it turned out being a depressing movie that disappoints and doesn't have a real ending either.
What about Blu ray 3D?
ReplyDelete@Anon 9/05/2011 7:36 PM
ReplyDeletewow, thats the stupidest thing ive ever read! thats stupider than hearing some one think the the twin towers were in philly! chill, megan fox fanboy! if who have no respect for the masterpiece of transformers 3, than just dont comment under one of the tf3 posts! its that simple damn it! the visual effcts in transformers 3 were amazing just like the action! and they were never before seen. you are obviously lying to everyone and urself! cuz u kno transformers is way better than tf2. optimus vs sentinel tops the forest fight!
I agree, Optimus vs Sentinal blew the forest fight away, But thats what drove me crazy about the movie, just not enough death matches. The match between Ironhide, Sideswipe and the Dreads should have been much longer way to short and the same with BumbleBee and soundwave, that was like 2 seconds, The match between Op's and sentinal was the perfect amount of time. I would have liked to of seen alot less toilet humor and alot more death matches but there was alot of good action in the second half.
ReplyDelete@Prime 9/06/2011 5:16 PM: Optimus Vs Sentile on Transformers3 was lame, too quick, too predictable, too easy and simple. Add to that that Sentinel design wasn't even original and just a ripoff of some Gundam model...
ReplyDeleteTransformers2 had the best fighting scenes of the whole franchise, there Michael Bay did his best, nothing tops the visual and CGI quality of Transformers2, no other movie achieved anything as big and complex so far.
And Transformers3 is a lame product, tiny to save on costs. Paramount didn't spend the money the movie needed and Michael Bay didn't care about the franchise anymore, he just wanted his check ASAP.
Trans 2 was a disgrace, unless you like hairy asses and big balls a jingle and dogs a humpin. Bay is one weird dude, thats for sure.
ReplyDelete@Anon 9/07/2011 4:28 AM
ReplyDeleteWTF!!!!!! devastator looked cartoonish! the driller was a beast! and tf3 is the beat by far! optimus vs sentinel was far better than the forest fight and far better than optimus vs fallen an megatron that was short as hell! tf3 has the best action by far and the best visuals and cgi! tf3 has the best visuals in the entire franchise! and same goes for tf3's action packed battles! though the death matches were short, there were plenty of them! in tf2 all of the autobots except bee and optimus, were blurred in the background! even ironhide! atleast in tf3 every roboy gets chance to shine in a battle! even dino in the freeway chase scene! tf2 is like saying screw the autobots! but ur obviously not a real transformers fan so u wouldnt know! tf2 had those annoying twins! i mean i dont think theyre racist, but theyre annoyin and just plain dumbasses! u cant even compare tf2 to tf3 even by the action battles, because tf3 was too amazing! i like how u go after Prime about everything else he said, except for how he called u a megan fox fanboy! clearly u r one because u cant even defend urself against that! rosie is far better than megan! and u have to take into consideration its her first movie! she has a much better attitude and her character actually did something besids hold shias fucking hand and run! tf3 is far better than tf2! tf2 is a big movie with cartoonish cgi and special effects and a really in the end a big stupid headache because of the crap thrown at ur face and the stupid annoying toliet humor! tf3 on the other hand is an even bigger movie, without the headache and only a little bit of toliet humor within the first half hour, but the action will have u jumping out of your seats instead of looking away or closing ur eyes! tf3 is fun like the original! tf2 is awful!
@Anonymous 9/07/2011 6:48 PM: Transformers3 is a joke. Transformers2 is a very good movie. Anyone blaming it must have some serious comprehension issues.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 9/08/2011 7:29 AM: you obviously watched a pirated low res copy on your tiny smartphone for going around telling that Devastator looked cartoonish...
ReplyDeleteThe driller bot on Transformers3 was a ripoff from Matrix movies first and other movies, also it had nothing to do with the Transformers franchise as a whole. It was a cheap quick trick to add some new simple CGI model. And it didn't work at all, too quick, not detailed enough, just bad and disappointing overall.
Devastator CGI is still the most complex model and animation ever created by either ILM or any other CGI production company.
Going around telling that it looked cartoonish is not just false but way beyond silly.
Devastator was big pile of shit with a scrodum attached, One shot and it fell apart like a big pile of crap, Nothing should have taken a real devastator out so easliy and the disrespect of dropping a dead optimus on the runway like he was a big pile of shit, I will never forgive bay for that one it was horrible, shame on bay. Some seens and effects were okay but bay went his own bizzare way on that movie, well at least he got one for the razzies. Trans 3 was much much better, not perfect but alot better.
ReplyDeleteHaha! OMG! Trans2 was the shittest piece of shit in the history of shit! Worse than pig shit! Devastator was the crappiest villian ever! Defeated by pesky humans and the fuckig Twins! You gotta be fucking kidding me to say Trans2 was the best! I hope everyone knows, that the same guy who is defendig TF2 is the same guy on evey comment! While there are many of us defending Trans3! Trans3 has the best CGI work! TF1 the CGI was cool and awesome. TF2 ILM took a huge step back. TF3 ILM took a huge step forward surpassing the CGI work in TF1!!!! Thats a fact! And yea the Driller caused more fucking destruction than Devastator! Devastator had balls for goodness sake!!! The Driller destroyed buildings, ripped up streets like he literally did! Devastator sucked in what sand? WTF?!!!! I just think its sad how some ppl trash talk TF2 like mad, then after TF3 comes out, they make TF2 sound like its Avatar! Whereas TF3 is even better than TF2!!!
ReplyDeleteIts stupid and dumb! TF3 is by far better than that crap called Trans2, and btw, words like silly and lame are the worst way to come back! And I agree that the fight of optimus vs sentinel tops the forrest fight!
And Sentinel Prime's design, is at least by far closer to the original than TF2 Devastator is closer to it's original. And it wouldnt even matter because Sentinel Prime in TF3 looked AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! And how was the fight predictable? You had know idea that Megatron would save Optimus and Optimus would get his arms torn off!!! Even though I knew he would live, I felt emotional and was on the edge of my seat when Sentinel tour off optimus's arm!
Your obviously just trying yo find ways to trash talk and put down TF3!
@Anonymous 9/09/2011 4:56 PM: the pathetic Drillbot on Transformers3 was just lame, it got killed like nothing, they saved on CGI as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteTransformers3 wasn't a good movie at all.
Having had a couple Gestalts like Superion and Menasor fighting downtown Chicago destroying skyscrapers with people inside.. that is what anyone should have been expecting from Michael Bay.
The chasing scenes on Transformers3 were lame as well, the whole sequence with Bumblebee transforming and Sam flying and getting back inside Bumblebee looked just fake. The chasing scene on the first Transformers movie was so much better.
yeah fuck tf2!!!! XD!!!!!!!!! tf3 all the way all day!!! XD!!!'nnn
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 9/09/2011 4:56 PM: you must be kidding,really. On Transformers3 the Drillerbot along with Shockwave got killed faster than on any Transformers tv series anime/cartoon to date. Devastator lasted a lot longer on Transformers2.
ReplyDeleteBut even way more disappointing was that all fight scenes on Transformers3 were just lame, too short and pointless.
There is nothing like the outstanding forest battle scene on Transformers2, there Optimus Prime really shined.