Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Demo Available Now

Transformers: Regeneration Preview #82
Dinobot Month begins tomorrow for Transformers comics as Transformers: Regeneration One #82 hits comic stores. The action picks up after Kup and the Wreckers crash lands on Earth that has been destroyed by Megatron. A preview of the issue can be found here.
Transformers: Regeneration One #82
Simon Furman (w) • Andrew Wildman (a) • Wildman, Guido Guidi (c)
DINOBOT MONTH! And ex-Dinobot commander GRIMLOCK wishes it wasn’t! His quest for a means to restore his ability to change modes takes him to Nebulos—a world off-limits to TRANSFORMERS, where a welcome that’s more incendiary than warm awaits him. Plus, KUP and THE WRECKERS find themselves stranded, hunted and in a whole world of pain. Quite literally!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Simon Furman (w) • Andrew Wildman (a) • Wildman, Guido Guidi (c)
DINOBOT MONTH! And ex-Dinobot commander GRIMLOCK wishes it wasn’t! His quest for a means to restore his ability to change modes takes him to Nebulos—a world off-limits to TRANSFORMERS, where a welcome that’s more incendiary than warm awaits him. Plus, KUP and THE WRECKERS find themselves stranded, hunted and in a whole world of pain. Quite literally!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Friday, July 27, 2012
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Demo, Customization
A little bit more news for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The studio announced Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Demo to be released on July 31st for the XBox 360 and PS3. There will not be a demo download for PC version of the game. The other day High Moon released a trailer highlighting the multiplayer aspect of the game and now below we have a new video that focuses on character customizations for those multiplayer wars. In addition, they have a trailer for the G1 Retro Pack that is a GameStop exclusive. Speaking of exclusives, Wal-Mart has their own by offering a free copy of War for Cybertron with each pre-order of FoC. Amazon's pre-order is the G2 skin for Bruticus to go with their G2 version that they are releasing in November (trailer for the toy below). So to sum it up - Demo on the 31st, customization video, G1 retro pack video and G2 Bruticus video below.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Transformers: Prime Returns August 25th

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron - Multiplayer Trailer
GameSpot has premiered a new trailer for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron that highlights the multiplayer aspect of the game. The game release date is August 21st.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Linkfest - Prime Masterpieces

Orktimus Prime
Hit the link with a gallery of images for Orkitums Prime and interview with its creator madscuzzy. This version of Prime is based on Ork Truckk used for Warhammer game products only with that Transformers touch. It took two months to create using 3rd party Gundum parts and 1.5 ork trukk kits. The paint job proved to be especially difficult but as the images show, the final result was pretty darn cool.
Hasbro Bails on TFCon
Hasbro has announced that they have cancelled their New Product Preview and Q&A panels at TFcon this coming weekend because of the allowed sale of 3rd party TF toys at the Con. The Canada's Annual Transformers Convention is being held from July 27th to 29th in Mississauga, Ontario. They will still have a product display. The 3rd party market is not violating any law or copyright which is why Hasbro is applying pressure in ways like this (they also tried to get online stores to ban the products). If legal is an issue I am sure Lego would love to have words about the Kre-O line. Hasbro has chosen to ignore the collector's market as not having enough mass market appeal to reach the profit margins they desire (see Breakdown below as example). Takara has attempted to meet the need with their Masterpiece line (and BinalTech in the past). The 3rd party market (and Hasbro's SDCC exclusives) has clearly demonstrated that collectors are willing to pay a premium for new and unique products. Transformers' Collectors Club of repaints does not count as a meaningful effort to fill that niche. Nothing wrong with Hasbro's choice, from a business perspective I get it. I just can't agree with Hasbro's attempt to punish fans and conventions when others decide to fill a market area they chose to ignore using the same tactics Hasbro uses to their own benefit (see Kre-O). I applaud any convention (like TFCon) that refuses to bend to their unreasonable demands. Note: Botcon, being officially attached to Hasbro, as no choice but to comply.
Transformers: MTMTE #7 Preview
Tranformers: More Than Meets the Eye #7 hits stores shelves Wednesday. The action shifts from the Hot Ride and rest of the lost Autobots to a Decepticon hunting squad. Click here to view the first six pages of the issue.
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Ongoing #7
James Roberts (w) • Alex Milne (a) • Milne, Nick Roche (c)
DECEPTICON MONTH! The war’s over — but no-one told the DECEPTICON Justice Division! Meet the five deadliest DECEPTICONS in the galaxy. Their sole purpose: to hunt down and kill anyone who has ever disobeyed MEGATRON. Who’s their next target?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
James Roberts (w) • Alex Milne (a) • Milne, Nick Roche (c)
DECEPTICON MONTH! The war’s over — but no-one told the DECEPTICON Justice Division! Meet the five deadliest DECEPTICONS in the galaxy. Their sole purpose: to hunt down and kill anyone who has ever disobeyed MEGATRON. Who’s their next target?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Thursday, July 19, 2012
SDCC 2012: Peter Cullen Roundtable Interview
Below is the roundtable interview that Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime) has with the press as part of his "Optimus Prime: Up Close and Personal" panel (highlights | video) from last weekend at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con. In the thirty minute press Q&A, Cullen discussed getting the role, the inspiration for the Optimus voice, what it takes to be a leader, and more.
"When I realized the effect [Transformers] had on children, it became a responsibility. ...I am not going to let them down. I am not going to let any fan down. If they love Optimus Prime for what he is i'll be damned if I am going to change anything. If he's been a good influence I am going to keep making him a good influence and make him a better influence if I can for children all over the world."
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
IDW October 2012 Transformers Comics
IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for October. A total of three comics and two trades are being released that month. If you are interested in the books, just let your local comic book store know. For the full details of IDW's other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, TMNT, Locke & Key, and more click here.
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #10
James Roberts (w) • Alex Milne (a) • Milne, Nick Roche (c)
SHADOWPLAY continues! On pre-war CYBERTRON, Prowl and Chromedome realize they’ve got a serial killer on their hands, and Orion Pax receives a summons from an old friend that will change his life forever!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #10
James Roberts (w) • Alex Milne (a) • Milne, Nick Roche (c)
SHADOWPLAY continues! On pre-war CYBERTRON, Prowl and Chromedome realize they’ve got a serial killer on their hands, and Orion Pax receives a summons from an old friend that will change his life forever!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Sunday, July 15, 2012
SDCC 2012 Day 2: FoC, IDW Panels, Cullen Video

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
- Game about the death of Cybertron, see the fall through different characters.
- Stages designed for specific characters, will not have option to choose which character plays what level.
- Worked with Hasbro so game fits with canon (so by default the game is canon)
- Made large sections of the game not requiring contant fighting so could explore environment.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
SDCC 2012 Day 2: Peter Cullen, Official Images

Optimus Prime: Up Close and Personal highlights
- Radio job in Montreal doing commercials and characters led to TV jobs.
- First big break was "Sonny and Cher" show.
- Inspiration for Optimus' voice was his brother Larry due to his "honest, truthful" personality.
- Believes Prime has matured over the years and Peter fights any attempts to push Prime in direction that doesn't fit the character.
- Favorite Optimus quote: "Hold onto your dreams, the future is built on dreams."
- Did agree that Dark of the Moon line, "We will kill them all" was out of character but was overruled.
- Said working with The Hub has been best experience so far in regards to voicing Prime.
- Mel Blanc was his hero, watching matinees when young. Blanc is the greatest voice actor of all time, if don't know his name, hit link to learn.
Official Hasbro Images
Friday, July 13, 2012
SDCC 2012 Day 1: Hasbro Brand, IDW Panels, FoC Preview

Hasbro: Transformers Brand Panel
Fall of Cybertron
- Relaunching Generations in 2013 with at least 40 news toys
- Ruination: Repaint of Bruticus with Impactor, Twin Twist, Top Spin, Roadbuster
- Legends Cassettes: Eject, Rewind, Ramhorn, Laserbeak
- Voyager: Grimlock, Blaster with Steeljaw (Soundwave repaint)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
SDCC 2012 Preview Night

Their exclusives proved to be especially popular probably due to Fall of Cybertron Bruticus. That one might be hard to come by but at least the Amazon exclusive repaint is currently up for pre-order for $59.99, just be aware its release date isn't until late November. All this means lots of images of current and upcoming Transformer products that will be coming out over the next six or so months. High Moon Studios' booth that is covered with concept art for Fall of Cybertron.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hasbro's SDCC Press Release
Transformers: Regeneration One #81 Preview
This might seem familiar as IDW's TF: Robots in Disguise also explores this theme but there are at least a few surface differences. In most cases, The main one is this is the more pure G1 take on the characters with 81 issues of back story to cull from. Also where RID explores the beginning of a new government on a planet that has to be essentially rebuilt from scratch, this one has it starting up after most of those birthing pains are done. Not yet sure if worth adding but since decades long Transformers writer Simon Furman is at the helm, the result should be an entertaining read. A preview of the first 8 pages of the issue can be found here.
Transformers: Regeneration One #81
Simon Furman (w) • Andrew Wildman & Stephen askerville (a) • Wildman, Guido Guidi (c)
The TRANSFORMERS comic that began it all—is back. With a vengeance! 21 years have passed since CYBERTRON was restored to its former glory, and finally there is peace. But, after millions of years of bitter civil war, can all ever truly be one? In a conflict this primal, this epic and far-reaching… There are always “Loose Ends”!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Fall of Cybertron Cover, Character Art (Updated)
High Moon Studios tweeted the Playstation 3 and XBox 360 cover art for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. As you can see below, it features Metroplex, Jazz, Optimus and Grimlock. Also just in case you missed it with today's trailer, the release date of the game was moved up from August 28th to August 21st.
Update: The official website has added additional character art that shows the front, back, and alt mode of some of the playable characters. Can also click here to view Perceptor (tank alt mode), Grimlock, Vortex, and Swindle.

Update: The official website has added additional character art that shows the front, back, and alt mode of some of the playable characters. Can also click here to view Perceptor (tank alt mode), Grimlock, Vortex, and Swindle.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron: Through the Matrix Trailer
From High Moon Studios is a new trailer for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The game will be out on August 21st, 2012 for PS3, 360, and PC.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Linkfest - Fall of Cybertron

Next Three Masterpiece Transformers Images -
All Three | Hi-Re Gallery
A few weeks ago we got a look at the non-colored prototype of Masterpiece Sideswipe (MP-12) that Takara is releasing in a few months. Now we can get a leak at him in his fully painted glory along with a look at the Soundwave with Laserbeak (MP-13) and Red Alert (MP-14) prototypes that will clearly stick as close as possible to look of the Generation One characters. Of note is it seems Takara isn't going to try to come up with a modern alt mode for Soundwave, choosing to stick with the classic cassette boom box.
Transformers' Scott Benza Joins the Academy
Transformers trilogy animation supervisor Scott Benza was recently invited to join the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Members of the organization are those that vote for the Oscar winners each year and considered a huge honor in Hollywood. 176 members total were given invites this year, most of them either past winners or nominees including Benza who received multiple nominations for the effects work on the Transformers’ films. Congrats to him for the honor.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise #7 Preview
Transformers: Robots in Disguise Ongoing #7
John Barber (w) • Brendan Cahill (a) • Andrew Griffith, Casey Coller (c)
DECEPTICON MONTH! Fan-favorite character TURMOIL returns from the dead—but what does he want on CYBERTRON? The AUTOBOTS don’t want another DECEPTICON on their planet and the DECEPTICONS don’t want things to get any worse… but what Wheeljack discovers about the DECEPTICON warlord will change everything!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Monday, July 02, 2012
Transformers at SDCC 2012
Transformers will be well represented with panels from Hasbro, IDW, and High Moon studios to promote the toys, comics and Fall of Cybertron. Hasbro will have SDCC exclusive toys available with teh most expensive being the Bruticus gift set at $99.99. The highlight for Transformers fans will be Saturday nights "Optimus Prime: Up Close and Personal" panel when Peter Cullen is interview by legendary broadcaster Larry King about his decades long role as the voice of Optimus. Below is the Transformers related panels and descriptions. The full schedule is here or at day links below.
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