Yesterday Transformers 4 production
returned to M-52 outside of Adrian, MI where most of the vehicle cast was spotted.
On Location Vacations has posted pictures of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee (2014 Camaro), Corvette Stingray, Bugatti Vitesse, Lamborghini Aventador, and the Freightliner Argosy in some holding area for the vehicles.
Videos filmed along M-52 showed the Argosy either following or chasing Prime but no telling what part the area has for the movie.

The freightliner has to be Ultra Magnus he is constantly with the autobots so I assume it is an autobot.
ReplyDeleteYep, that is what I have been saying since the freightliner first showed up. Don't know if anyone has noticed this, but the colors are different on the freightliner now. The original pictures showed it as a silver/black combo and now its a grey/white. The white is really solidifying my assumption that it's gonna be Ultra Magnus. Bay wouldn't want him to have any similar colors to Prime, to avoid any confusion and repetitiveness, so he took away the blue in exchange for grey and kept the white.
DeleteWhere is Pagani Huayra and Chevrolet Sonic SS ?
ReplyDeleteI think the lambo could be lockdown.
ReplyDeletecome on guys... If anything the freight liner is "Nemesis Prime " Seeing how Kelsy gramer is the bad guy he could be the mad scientist like in the cartoons which if anyone has been watching transformers prime beast hunters the cars are pretty similar to what is going on i think...
ReplyDeleteThe Feightliner was never silver/black, it always was and is silvergrey/darkgrey, it was just the lighting of the picture on Bay's site that it lookes darker than in the open air. No colors were changed ever.
ReplyDeleteBay is making his own movie with some plotlines from excisting ones. The movie will never follow the complete plotline of TF Prime Beast Hunters.
I have not seen Beast Hunters yet, bc in the Netherlands we are way behind with episodes. So I don't know what that's about. I have to wait 'till the DVD's are released, bc nowadays every cartoon get's synchronized in Dutch, that's just awful!
Anyway, awesome we have some new setphoto's, I'm very curious if the Lambo and Freightliner are Autobots or Decepticons.
But I do agree that the Freightliner could be Nemesis Prime and that Kelsey Grammer's character is making human Transformers with found/stolen Transformers technology.
I am telling you the Freightliner is 'Motor Master' and the STUNTICONS and MENASAUR will be in it.
ReplyDeleteits Grimlock :-P
ReplyDeleteIf the truck is ultra magnus then i think. The blue car may be BLUR and the green car SPRINGER just a thought and the dark grey/black lambo cup maybe ??
ReplyDeleteThe lambos sideswipe its been confirmed
ReplyDeleteBy who? Name a source please! I think the green Corvette is the new altmode for Sideswipe.
DeleteB.S alert! people all over the place say they know who the cars. there are no sites confirming anything,
DeleteI was down there yesterday and talked with the crew some. I was able to get a little enough out of one of the guys. As of now the bugatti is drift. The vette is sunstreaker. No word yet on the others
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think the Corvette must be Sunstreaker because Bay would have used another car or something to portray a new autobot personality. Since Sideswipe was a Corvette himself, that would explain the new Corvette, if the Lamborghini is Sidewipe that is!
DeleteHow close to the set could you come to talk to the crew? And are you sure that those names are valid and aren't production names?
DeleteI live on one of the roads they closed down for the movie. I was able to get right next to the cars and talk to the guys who were moving them. The names very well could be just production names or call sheet names. I Haven't heard anything on the Lamborghini or pagani. I did as where the sonic was and was told its in hiding. So sunstreaker and drift may only be production names, but I think they will stick for the movie
DeleteCool, thanx bro.
DeleteSo the Sonic is a Transformer?
DeleteYes the sonic is a transformer. It's an autobot
DeleteI'm not a big fan of small Autobotcars, and that's mildly put, but at least the Sonic is a bad ass rally car, that's way cooler than Skids and Mudflap small girlie car altmodes.
DeleteNow just hope he won't have a silly voice like Skids and Mudflap. I did find S&M funny, but we don't need that kind of comedy, Bay has to step it up, like in TF1.
From what I've heard he will be nothing like the M&S. He is gonna be somewhat of a guardian to Jack raynor and Nicola's characters. The rumor floating around about this character is its either Cliffjumper or smokescreen.
DeleteI was right all along! I knew the Sonic was a Transformer from the start!! In my opinion, I think Sonic will be the new Bumblebee, guarding Sam in the last three movies. I don't think it is Smokescreen because his main number I think is 72 and on the Sonic is 12. I know it is a very small difference, but that number is a big deal to Smokescreen, well that is according to the cartoon version.
DeleteCliffjumper would be an appropriate name for the Sonic rally car!
DeleteIf he will be Jack Reynor's guardian, I don't know. He will never be as popular as Bee.
I'm not so sure if Bay will do the guardian thing again, I'm guessing not for now.
I dont think he will be a guardian like Bee was, but he will play a similar role and look after the 2. I to think Cliffjumper would be appropriate for the Sonic RS
DeleteNew update: The word going around on the set is the Lamborghini Aventador is Prowl. I know thats a bit of a shock, but that's what I'm hearing.
DeleteWow this site is awesome as!
ReplyDeleteI was down at one of sets a few weeks ago and from what I have heard from the crew, the Lamborghini is the new, redesigned Sideswipe!
I think it could be Ultra Magnus. Based on the imbd website, an ancient powerful transformer is coming to earth. So I think Optimus would not be able to handle this alone and need another transformer similar to his abilities. The reason I think this is because we need a major villian this time and the last three films were just reviving dead transformers etc... so based on my
ReplyDeleteresearch, the humans will obviously create transformers and also attract that main villain.
(Like The Avengers a little bit - messing around
with the 'tesserex' or what ever and then aliens
evade earth etc...) And lastly, there will also be sub villians like the stunticons or something.
I have a similar view as you with the story line and all, except the truck in my opinion is either Grimlock or Motormaster, (most likely Grimlock though.) Like the people below me has said, it could be Grimlock's alt mode, but in my view i think (if this is Grimlock) that they have three modes to transform into! One would be the "t-rex" form, second would be the "normal robot" mode and lastly the "truck" mode. And like you said, the sub villains foes would be the stunticons.
DeleteIm thinking Motormaster aka Motormouth... Grimlock as a T-Rex wouldn't be that hard, a cybertronian form could just scan any anamatronic theme park dinosaur? right? bad idea?
DeleteIs that Bruce Wayne's Lamborghini? hahha
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought...
ReplyDeleteThe black/grey truck being Motormaster makes perfect sense, but where are the other 4 stunticons? We all know they can be added digitally later, but that expensive and time consuming. And the grey truck being Ultra Magnus doesn't add up, UM wouldn't take convincing to fight for the Autobots.
I believe its an early alt of Grimlock, and the grey lambo is swoop or snarl. Hasbro wants to make toys, and two alts of Grimlock would sell great. Plus Grimlock and Optimus have faught alot, explaining some of the scenes we've see. It also explains why there is no faction listed for the grey truck or the lambo, and grey is the traditional primary dinobot color. Just a thought ...
I think the truck could be grimlock too
ReplyDeleteI know their trying to use alt modes for the Transformers based on today vehicles, but I'm saying it right now if the Dinobots are in this movie(and from what I read, they are) and are NOT DINOSAURS I will not go see this movie!!! Grimlock as a truck or Swoop as a plane or jet doesn't work for me.
ReplyDeleteYes you will! You say you don't, but you will, hahaha.
DeleteThe black and silver truck CANNOT be Grimlock!!
ReplyDeleteI have got a few reasons for this!
If you think about it the colours of the dino bots are grey black (which is why most of you are thinking it is Grimlock's protoform) but the lights of the truck are blue and the dinobots colours are RED, which is one of the main features of a Dino bot. But if Bay has decided to make the eyes blue to portray them as Autobots, then the Dino bots lack the orange colour another main physical feature of a Dino bot.
Another reason is, if the truck was Grimlock there would be two other similar coloured vehicles, like the Wreckers in DOTM.
I have heard from various sources that the Dino Bots are in this movie, but the reason there is no evidence yet, is because the Dino Bots would be 100% CGI!!
The dinobots might just go vehicle to beast. For example grimlock goes from truck to alien cybernetic dinobeast. I like the idea but I understand if some people don't. what do you guys think of that idea.
ReplyDeleteIf the Dinobots ended up being triple changers... vehicle, dinosaur, robot, I could live with that.
DeleteKelsey Grammar could be the mad scientist, which results him to make the Dino Bots! That sort of makes sense because dinosaurs lived here on earth, and obviously not in Cybertron! Another theory is for the film, since everyone wants to see a living dinosaur, the human villains probably found a way to create them using Transformer Technology.
ReplyDeleteWow, if some of the crew indeed say the Lambo is the new Sideswipe, Bay needs to give those people a beating! They shouldn't say such things (in this early stage) to spoil.
ReplyDeleteOn DOTM there was a security guard that flat out said to guy with a camera, that the firetruck is Sentinal Prime.
I thought those guys were sworn to secrecy. Or do they get the approvel from Bay to get word of mouth? So that we all can speculate, wich get people talking and gives the movie free promotion.
Though it would be awesome if the Lambo is the new Sideswipe. But why wasn't he there on that highway scene, that was shot last week? All the other Autobot cars were there. That scene already confirmed the Bugatti is an Autobot imo.
Because he dies!!!!
DeleteI can careless who is who just give the robots meaningful screentime and develop the characters..
ReplyDeleteLamborghini is an Autobot, since Nelson questioned why rest of the fans thought it was a Decepticon. But Freightliner can still be a Decepticon. This is the only time we've seen on filming places and it's faction has not been commented by any official information. Besides we've seen Autobot and Decepticon at the same time in production of revious films too.
ReplyDeleteI mean 'Autobot and Decepticon vehicles'.
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ReplyDeleteThe grey truck is Galvatron I work on the set of transformers 4