Takara-Tomy 30th Anniversary Plans - While Hasbro has its "Thrilling 30 line" that just slaps a number on existing toy plans, it comes to no surprise that Takara has its own plans to celebrate the line's 30th Anniversary. Announced with a few images, the plan is 4 major projects. The first project is to modernize Optimus Prime vehicle mode to more closely match the truck designs of today. No indication if that means a Masterpiece item or something else. The second one is "Transformers Celebration 2014" at Sunshine City Toys R Us in Tokyo on May 16th for the midnight launch of the Transformers: Age of Extinction toy line. The 3rd item will be the what will be the largest Transformers Expo ever held complete with dioramas and holographic images in Agust at the Pacifico Yokohama. It will also include the AoE Slug repainted in his G1 Slag colors (pics here). Last is a new repaint of Super GT Optimus Prime belong to Team Mach. The "Super GT" line was a Japan only exclusive that had some character set with race car alt modes. No release dates for the toys nor date for the Expo.
3rd Party Galleries
Maketoys Utopia - First look at 3rd party homage to G1 version of Metroplex. From what I can tell it looks like an more detailed and greater articulated version of the G1 toy. No price and potential July 2014 release date.
Unique Toys Salmoore - Set for May 2014 release, hit the link for a look at a homage to Go-Bots Cykill. Too early to tell if want to buy, I have to admit I am highly tempted.
KFC Citizen Stack - An unofficial not Masterpiece Ultra Magnus that will cost around $200 for release in the next month or so. The images show a near cartoon accurate version of Magnus. Unlike previous versions of Magnus, this isn't an Optimus repaint with armor add-on but its own vehicle mode with single robot alt mode. The cab remains attached and does not have its own alt mode. Review below.

MP-20 Masterpiece Wheeljack - After a few months of teasing, Takara has finally revealed what the first new mold for the Masterpiece line in almost a year will look like. Sadly a long wait as Wheeljack's release date is set for August.

Calibre 30th Anniversary Statues - Limited to 130 pieces each, Calibre is releasing statues based on the movie versions of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. The estimated release day is July with a price of $1250 for Prime and $1100 for 'Bee (again not typos).
Prime 1 Studios DOTM Optimus Prime - Yep another statue. And yep very expensive with a $2000 price tag. Its also one of the most articulated and highly detailed of the bunch and stands 24" tall with accessories, lights and sounds.
Kids Logic Transformers - A look at the first wave of Kids Logic 4" figures with LED eyes. I think these are Japan only releases and do not transform. A set of five with Grimlock, Starscream, Soundwave, Bumblebee and Prime is around $120 for a July 2014 release.

Winter Wonderfestival - A gallery of upcoming Licenesee products (currently for Japan only). Items include a Unicron play set, EX Ally figures (no idea what these are), and few other weird things. Oh yeah, also ties and business card holders.
More G1 Concept Art - Hit the link for four more pieces of Generation One concept art created by Floro Dery for the 1980s cartoon and movie.

Transformers Armada The Complete Series - Out now, an 8-disc DVD set from Shout Factory for the complete 52 episodes series.
Transformers Energon The Complete Series - Set for release on May 6, the 51 episode series on 7 discs takes place 10 years after Armada. Hit link to pre-order from Amazon.
Transformers Cybertron The Complete Series - The last of the "trilogy" has a release date of August 5th. The placeholder info just lists 1 disc with run time of 60 minutes which is off by the 52 episodes the actual show had so more than likely it will land in the 7 to 8 disc range.
Video Reviews
Generations - Armada Starscream | Minicon Assault Team | Scoop | Cosmos | Swerve
Hasbro/Takara - Simplified Voyager Predaking | Kreons Wave 4 | TF Go! Optimus Prime
Masterpiece - Ratbat | G2 Sideswipe | Grimlock - Three reviews for "new" Masterpieces figures that are actually re-issues or repaints. Ratbat comes with Soundblaster which is a repaint of MP Soundwave, G2 Sideswipe is the MP mold but in black with new head sculpt and accessories while Grimlock is the TRU Exclusive from a few years ago with a silicon fire thing and a pass if already have the mold.
Kids Logic Optimus Prime - This isn't the same as the set mentioned above. By itself it costs $119 vs the above set of 5 for same price. I think the may differences are size, level of articulation and more LED lights but that is just a guess on my part.
iGear Shark Attack Squad - Review of the three pack of not Sharkticons. Not bad homage to the G1 movie monsters but not sure if worth the $119 price tag.
MakeToys Utopia - As mentioned above, the full review of not Ultra Magnus. The toy will be out sometime in the next month for around $200. I am very tempted to get it.
FansToys Scoria - A kind of 3rd party Masterpiece not Slag that is specifically designed to go with Masterpiece Grimlock and the reset of the Masterpiece line. It does look good and a transformation sequence that mimics Grimlock's which in turn mimicked the 1980s toy but with a few clever touches. Set for release sometime this month at a price of $200. A gallery of the toy can be found here.
Maketoys Trash-Talk and Cogwheel - Look at the 3rd party not IDW Swerve and IDW Gears. Its is a G1 homage but really the design and look is based on how the characters have been executed in the comics rather than the cartoons. Result is pretty sweet but debatable if worth the $70 price tag for the pair.
Warbotron Air Burst - The first release from new third party company Warbotron that is their version of Combaticon Blast Off. The first of a planned 3rd party not Bruticus combiner that will be one of the largest combiners yet. The other four have not yet been scheduled. This one will be out in the next month or so with price of $90.
Unique Toys Soundmixer - Early review of the 3rd party companies version of Blaster. The size is around deluxe scale but the detail and transformation sequence is nice. Will be out in next month or so for around $75 (those import prices are getting painful).
Before and After Six Sigma - This is an add-on for the large Generations Metroplex and homage to the G1's Sixgun. The alt mode is a gun that Metroplex can hold and a missile silo in city mode. Two versions, one with black arms and one with red arms (comic look vs toy look). Out in the next month for about $83.
FansProject's Warbot Set - A look at three new toys from Fansproject. The trio is the more or less the same mold with modifications. The main piece is Revolver (not Roadbuster) with Recoiler and Riftshot as troop support. The result are three solid transformers and another great addition to the FansProject line-up. The average price for each is around $90.
Will always prefer movie toys to 3rd party. Then again I've yet to see 3rd party tackle a movie inspired or related look. Only then will I be interested.
ReplyDeleteI don't have your e-mail. So HERE. Post this up as news. TF went to the New York Auto Show. Look what the brought! wtf is that SUV Hatchback? Who is that?!?!