Transformers 30th Anniversary Kre-O Project - Hasbro might want to consider purchasing these designs from Alex "Orion Pax" Jones as he recreated the Generation One 1984 line using Kre-O bricks in robot and vehicle modes including the Combaticons that combine to form Menasar. I don't know if they actually "transform" but regardless the results look outstanding and a whole lot better than what the Kre-O line has been offering up to this point. A full gallery of his creations can be found here.
3rd Party Galleries
Maketoys Quantron - A look at Maketoys next Combiner, their take on the combiner Computron. Their names for the five Technobots are Blindfire, Celeritas, Sonicdrill, Overheat and Metalstorm. No release date yet.
MakeToys Catalog - Hit the link for a look at Maketoys releases over the last few years just to give you an idea of their other G1 inspired creations.
Daca Toys Kronos - A take on the G1 Jetfire that attempts to duplicate his cartoon look. No release date but based on the pics, he is much larger than the average Masterpiece toy so I doubt he will come cheap.
Perfect Effect Guardian - Hit link for look at one of the best (robot mode anyway) 3rd party toys released over the years. Its a repaint of Warden, both of who are heads for the 80s G1 Fortress Maximus. This one is repainted in Brave Maximus colors (aka RID Fortress Maximus) that was never released stateside. It is mostly for sale at TFcon 2014 and Auto Assembly 2014 but I would not be surprised if toy importers got some to sell.
MakeToys Utopia - Even though Hasbro release a Generation Metroplex, that has not stopped MakeToys from doing their own. Coming sometime this October, the 18.5" (47cm) tall creation recreates the G1 character with touches from War for Cybertron and the comics. The result is pretty awesome but not sure if worth its hefty $400 price tag.
Mastermind Creations Shadow Emissary - Another third party repaint, this one takes the not Sixgun toy released last year and gives him a nearly all black paint job that reminds me of comic version of The Fallen. The result is gorgeous. If didn't already have the other version, probably would have got this one instead. The cost is $140, out sometime this month.
Toyworld TW-HO3 Swamper - A look at Toyworld's next head master homage, this one based on Skullcruncher. No release date but probably price will be in the same $100 range as the other two.

Warbotron WB-01B - Below is a review for the first Warbotron release, while this take on not Brawl is due next. The combaticon is the second of five that will form the 3rd party take on Bruticus.
Warbotron Computron - Hit the link for a very early look at Warbotron future combiner plan (at current pace, probably next year) with their version of Computron. This is not to be confused with MakeToys own version.
Hasbro and Takara Galleries
Generations Jetfire - Years ago Hasbro released a Classic Jetfire that was Voyager sized. Now, as part of Generations, they are release a brand new mold for what I believe is the first Leader class figure for the line. The result is an excellent homage to the Generation One character that doesn't infringe on any copyrights.
Rusty Evasion Mode Optimus Prime - For those wondering what the repaint of Evasion Mode Optimus Prime will look like, hit the link to find out. This Prime is one of the better Transformers: Age of Extinction toys (for me about the only one may buy), and now that I know the "rusty" version is really just a white Prime with brown splotches, makes it easier to pull the trigger once the price is right (aka not $25). Currently its a Japan only release but Hasbro is sure to release it here.
Kre-O MicroChangers - Hit the link to look at future releases for the Kre-O Kreon Micro-Changers and Micro-Changer Combiners, some of them "inspired" by Transformers: Age of Extinction (but unlikely the movie has a combiner).
SDCC 2014 Knights of Unicron - Hasbro has planned a rather unique box set for San Diego Comic Con 2014 that gives four characters a 1980s rock band look. Generations Optimus Prime, Megatron, Jazz and Soundwave all get a makeover, complete with feather pieces and big hair look. The price for this is a whopping $185 for what is essentially four redeco deluxe toys.
Masterpiece "Eva" MP-10 Convoy - Another redeco of MP Optimus Prime, this time in an Evangelion-01 purple, green, yellow, and black color screen. The release date is November for around $315. At that high price, this is really only for fans of both TFs and Evangelion as this is the umpteenth reuse of the mold.
Masterpiece Toys R Us Exclusives Grimlock Comparison | Grimlock Official Pics | Prowl | Sunstorm - Masterpiece Grimlock is getting a re-release in the states to go with his Takara re-release. Available now (if lucky enough to find one), he will retail for $80. As for Prowl, he is the same as the Takara release but not sure when he will be hitting toy shelves. The rumored price is $40 to $50. No idea when Sunstorm is coming but assume he will be in the same $80-ish range.
Masterpiece Bumblebee - Finally an official look at MP-21 'Bee that will be around $75 for a November release. Like the rest of the line, he sports his classic G1 look with an alt mode that looks like a modern Volkswagon Beetle.
Masterpiece Wheeljack - Yep another vehicle, also a new mold for the Masterpiece line. MP-20 is set for an August release for around $80.
Masterpiece Ultra Magnus - Another upcoming release MP-22 with a late 2014 release date for around $190, this one is an update of the classic G1 look for the character complete with trailer section that can hold four Masterpiece cars. While the cab looks a whole lot like Prime's truck mode (like his G1 look) it is not the Prime mold that fits into an armor suit (like the G1 figure did) but instead appears to be an integrated transformation sequence.
Shout Factory 30 Years in 3 Days - During Botcon 2014 from June 20 to June 22, the company that has been releasing all those Transformers season box sets plans on doing some kind of streaming event called "30 Years in 3 Days." That is literally all the details so what they will stream and all those kind of details I guess are still being sorted out but the streaming will be on their YouTube channel or
New Transformers Box Sets Transformers: Animated | Transformers: Beast Machines - Speaking of Shout Factory, their next two complete series box sets will be the 6-DVD set of all 42 episodes of Transformers: Animated. Out now on Amazon. The other is a 4-DVD set for the 26 episode single season not really beloved follow-up to Beast Wars called Beast Machines. That set will be out on September 2 and available for pre-order now.
Transformers: Age of Extinction Lenticular Coins - Australia's Perth Mint is releasing three coins, limited to 5,000 each, to mark the release of TF4. The 99% silver coins that are rectangular shaped depict Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Lockdown and their corresponding alt mode. The price is AUS $104.55 ($98 US) per coin or $286.36 ($362 US) per set of three.
Transformers Cosplay - Below is a video from the recent Hasbro Transformers Toy Madness event held in Singapore for the release of Transformers 4 toy line that shows off some cool cosplayer costumes as Bumblebee or Optimus Prime. I think they are fan creations but not 100% sure.
Street Performer with Transforming Costume - Another cosplay type video, this one of a street performer in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The main thing here is how simple but effectively the costumes switches to alt mode and rolls around. To no surprise the kids love it.
Video Reviews
Generations Legends Skrapnel | Legends Tailgate | Deluxe Tankor | Deluxe Rattrap - A look a few upcoming Generations figures that should be hitting toy shelves soon.
Shockwave and Soundwave Figures - Review of fan made action figures based on the two G1 characters robot modes. These non-transformable revoltech-like figures are exclusive to and also have Wheeljack and Sunstreaker. They are $48 each or $90 for two-pack.
Before and After Sigma - Review of not Sixgun for Generations Metroplex released last year. Not a bad figure but click the link to see if worth $83. A gallery of the toy here.
TFC Toys Gears of War 3 - Another not Sixgun for Metroplex, this one from TFC Toys. Be sure to check out video above before deciding to buy either. This one is out now for around $88.
Mech Ideas Techno Toon Titans - For fans of Transformers Animated, hit the link for a third party take with Bluster and Trench. The duo is set for release in June for around $60.
Warbotron WB01-A Air Burst - A review of not Blast Off who is one of eventually five not Combaticon figures that will be released over the year. The first edition indicates it might just make for an excellent combiner. Out now for $89.
TFC Toys Gumball - not Streetwise if the 1st of five not Protectobots that will form Prometheus (aka Defensor). If a fan of TFC Toy's previous combiner figures, then likely to be a fan of this one too.
Unique Toys Soundmix - Hit link for a look at not Blaster. The deluxe scaled figure is a detailed take on the classic G1 character including keep his G1 boombox alt mode with a tiny cassette that turns into his gun. Available now for $75.
Prime 1 Studios: Revenge of the Fallen Megatron Statue - A look at a massive statue at a massive price ($2000) that only someone who really loves the movie version of Megatron should consider getting.
Toyota Optimus Prime - An official Takara product that was part of a car promotion for the Toyota FJ Cruiser. I have no idea how you get one, which does require some assembly, but it actually seems like a cool version of Optimus Prime.
UT-D01 Salmoore - A look at the first 3rd party attempt at the Gobot line from the 80s (since bought by Hasbro to keep it from the light of day). This one is for Cy-Kill and the result is not too shabby. Not really worth $100 when released sometime this month but could see why people would want to get it.
The Masterpiece Kre-o figures are amazing.