Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy 4th: Two Stop Motion Transformers Related Fan Videos

Going into the States Fourth of July weekend, here are two well done stop motion videos as a fun way to kick things off. The first is Devastator vs Optimus Prime using 3rd party MakeToys Giant and Reveal the Shield Optimus Prime with MakeToys' Battle Tanker Upgrade kit. The result is very well done and must have been a pain in the rear to create. The second video is a drag race between Transformers Prime Optimus, Back to the Future DeLorean and Batman Begins Batmobile with a "guest" appearance. Things don't go well for Optimus but still an entertaining vid.


  1. Both of these videos are awesome! I would have to say of the two videos that the racing one is slightly better but they are both awesome! Great job to the creators of these vids!

  2. These are professional videos, viral marketing from China distributors in agreement with Paramount. It's pretty obvious. The quality is too high and the videos are too complex to be created by one or more fans, normal people or kids with average skills.

  3. The author likes this shit and dislikes the movie which is a 1000 times better. Epic disappointment

    1. this is actually better than the movie BAAHAHAHA... !! awesome

  4. hdghjfhbf fjh fh hf fh hfhf fhf ff fhf fhfhdjfhhffh fdhfadijhf sojkdf ihfsjdso drzjcdjhfzmdc dsjdiadd dhcjddd jdd h v hfudf dfhdu fhjdhudhdhf dfhdhfsd fh dhdjfgh dhuh hdfu dh hf fh ai ak jf fhhf jjfjigji ifjvjc

  5. I like the first. I thought the second one was getting a bit ridiculous

  6. looks like AOE is done, wont even make 300 million in US. I could care less what does over seas if it cant make 300 million here as far as I'm concerned its over. AOE took a serious nose dive with a sad 36 million, cant even match the 1st one. Be lucky to make 250 million. So much for great word of mouth. I don't think people are sick of Transformers, there just sick of Bay's approach. Yeah there were some cool scenes but as far as taking it in a new direction, not even close nothing new, same old Michael Bay. We truly need a new director and writer.

    1. Are you on crack or what ?
      You have no clue what you are talking about.
      Anyway you are no one. Surely Paramount and Hasbro managers and CEOs won't care about what you think.

    2. I don't care how much it makes as long as I enjoyed the movie

    3. "word of mouth." I remember that wording in someone else's post that was directed to the "haters".

  7. I agree that is very disappointing. They must be scratching there heads right about now sayin WTF.

  8. The first one is made in Malaysia. Woohoo! Malaysian pride.


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