Transformers Brand Panel
This panel went over future release plans of the line. In general Transformers broken up into three segments: Rescue Bots (pre-school), Robots in Disguise (pre-teen+), and Generations/Combiners Wars (all ages, collectors). The below gallery section will cover the official images of upcoming toy lines. The key bits from the panel is upcoming Combiners will include Victorion made from 5 female Autobots, Optimus Maximus (from the comics), Bruticus (in 2016) and Sky Reign (with Sky Lynx as core). The upcoming combiners will rely very heavily on repaints but there will be a few new molds (like Sky Lynx).

The panel opened with a look at Botcon exclusives that might become available at Transformers online stores but they will cost you an arm and a leg to buy. Part of the plans for the next' year of releases is "GI Joe and the Transformers: that mixes GI Joe molds with Transformers ones including action figure versions of Marissa Faireborn with an Arcee repaint, Snake with Vehicons repaints, and "Only Human" versions of Arcee and Hot Rod. Other figures is Universe Ramjet and Universe Skywarp (both repaints of Generations Armada Starscream), along with the Triggercons that are a mix of Wave 1 and Wave 2 Combiner Wars repaints with Bludgeon (Onslaught repaint) as the torso. Display pics
Combiner Wars Galleries
Titan - Devastator as SDCC exclusive and foil labels, store shelf release late 2015
Leader - Skywarp, Starscream with crown (both Jetfire repaints)
Bruticus - Onslaught (remold with Hot Spot as base), Vortex (repaint), Brawl (new mold), Blast Off (Firefly repaint), Swindle (new-ish mold)
Sky Reign - Sky-Lynx (new mold), Hound (Swindle repaint), Smokescreen (Streetwise repaint), Trailbreaker (Offroad repaint), Wheeljack (Breakdown repaint)
Optimus Maximus - Battle Core Optimus Prime (repaint), Mirage (Drag Strip repaint), Prowl (Streetwise repaint), Ironhide (Offroad repaint), Sunstreaker (Breakdown repaint)
Legends - Rodimus (repaint), Skywarp (repaint), Shockwave (new mold), Buzzsaw (new mold), Chop Shot (Skrapnel repaint), Pipes (Huffer repaint)
Display Cases: TFormers | TFW2005 | Seibertron

Warriors - Night Ops Bee (repaint), Gold Armor Grimlock (repaint)
Legion - Night Ops 'Bee (repaint), Alpine Strike Sideswipe (repaint)
Three-Step - Sideswipe
Tiny Titans - Devastator, Bulkhead, Clampdown, Fracture, Galvatron, Grimlock, Inferno, Kickback, Megatron, Optimus, Roadbuster, Sideswipe
Display Cases: TFormers | TFW2005 |
Class of 1985 Kre-O - Not really from Botcon but related. Hopefully be available on Hasbro Toy Shop but getting them will be difficult.
Other Panel Summaries - Hit the link for summaries of other panels held during Botcon including some of the above along with the TCC Magazine and Timelines Panel, Derrick J Wyatt Panel, G1 Retrospective Panel, The Art of Transformers, Birth of Transformers Panel and more.
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