Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bay Reveals Onslaught for Transformers: The Last Knight

The green utility vehicle that was spotted last month several times on the Arizona set of Transformers: The Last Knight now has a name. In a post on his website and Facebook page, Michael Bay has verified the character is Onslaught. The character in Transformers lore is the leader of the Combaticons, a group of five Decepticons that merge to form Bruticus. So far there has been no indication if the Combaticons are part of the movie so don't get your hopes up yet on a Combiner appearance.


  1. Onslaught is a Combaticon. That does not look like any of the Combaticons. I hate this isn't like the Devastator in the first movie or Devastator in the second movie. Learn you charactet, Michael Bay.

  2. First..Bay is a director. He doesn't come up with the character designs. Story line. Characters. Granted he does have some say but it is largely up to the studio as to what goes in the movie. It's also why a lot of movies end up with scenes cut. He knows his characters but they do have to work within the universe that's been created. Sucks yes but SO far I haven't had nay huge issues with it. That's just me though.

    This Onslaught does bear some minor resemblance to G1 Onslaught. He was a large truck in it and we can't see the back end of the truck pictured. I've seen it a lot in different threads people are jumping to the conclusion that Bruticus is in it. We don't know that. We don't even know if there are any other Combaticons in it to my knowledge.As awesome as it would be personally I'm kind of hoping not simply because of how small a part and how little Devestator looked like his G1 counterpart.

  3. Now that we have Onslaught it makes sense to me that the Combaticons & Bruticus will be in the movie, the Decepticons need something to go up against the Dinobots, especially with how huge they are compared to the rest of the Transformers.

  4. yes it does sucks when Michael Bay does everything his way. Why don't they just come up with all new bots and scripts. I mean don't try to use original character names with vehicle modes that does not have anything to do with it at all. Personally besides the CGI effects and all this blowing things up... everything so far in all these TF movies does not live up to what it should be. Just look at the Oscars and all that awards shows... the only thing TF ever won are Razzy awards.

    1. If you're expecting Oscar-level stuff from these movies, you really should be watching something else.
      Having said that, I love the stupidity of these movies!!!

  5. Very cool

  6. Part 2

  7. Would've been better to be Motormaster..even though they could've found a cooler truck. But Onslaught?? He's a military vehicle!

    1. In g1 he's a flatbed truck that has missiles attached. Not necessarily a military vehicle. Judging from the amount of wheels and what we can tell of the backend of the truck it very well might be a flatbed. No idea what that stuff is in the back of it. IT looks very much like Onslaughts G1 vehicle form.

  8. I wonder what the "never back down" written on the front is about? I'm assuming it's about how he is as a figther

  9. I always wonder why some get upset about the character vehicle modes, that they are not what they were in the G1 cartoon, comic book, etc. I mean there are so many variations of these transformer characters from generation to generation. This movie generation is just another variant. So what bumblebee isn't a VW beetle, Ironhide isn't a van, On-Slaught isn't a military heavy weapon vehicle. Its a different universe. We've been through four installments and the same gripes are heard over and over again. Come on, get over it already. IJS, Please.

  10. I always wonder why some get upset about the character vehicle modes, that they are not what they were in the G1 cartoon, comic book, etc. I mean there are so many variations of these transformer characters from generation to generation. This movie generation is just another variant. So what bumblebee isn't a VW beetle, Ironhide isn't a van, On-Slaught isn't a military heavy weapon vehicle. Its a different universe. We've been through four installments and the same gripes are heard over and over again. Come on, get over it already. IJS, Please.

    1. Well said,friend. I think the same thing each time I see the complaints. Like a lot of people I've been watching the Transformers since I was a child. I don't see the big deal. The movies have their flaws (all movies do) but overall I've really enjoyed them and will damn sure be in theaters for this one as well

  11. I don't know if ILM will ever do a massive Combinator like they did in the second movie ever again after they bitched it blew out some of their computers (it's in the documentary on the BR)

  12. Bay is not good at matching vehicles with the characters they never really did fit them well and a real waste and thats what Bay has been doing throughout most of these movies is wasting money.

    1. I always thought the vehicles matched pretty well and like the Transformers universe that Bay and company have created.Your entitled to your opinion and that's fine but you don't have to see it if you think they are so crappy,you know? Save your money on something you will enjoy more.

    2. I intend to do that thank you :)


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