Speaking of medieval, Acting Auditions has posted a search for extras for Transformers 5:
“Transformers: The Last Knight” will be filming a major medieval battle scene between Saxon Invaders and King Arthur’s Knights. Shooting will be taking place in London, England between October 3rd and October 14, 2016. The casting directors are seeking the following:Can take this to assume that Bay will be taking his filming style to a Braveheart type battle during Arthur's range, possible to explain whatever happened to Arthur that ties into the present day quest for whatever McGuffin everyone will be looking for.
• MALES – 16 years of age and older, with long hair and/or long beards. This is to play medieval Saxon invaders and King Arthur’s Knights. Very good pay.

Joining Tucci in an unknown role is Elizabeth Croft, who is probably known to British audiences but is an unknown stateside. I suspect the role is a just a few lines, maybe as an assistant to Tucci's character or possibly Guinevere (but my bet is Laura Haddock is playing that character).
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What is on the skull looks like a wreath made of either leaves from an olive branch OR bay leaves. In certain ancient societies (such as Rome; not sure about Britian), especially in the Ancient Olympic Games, wreaths were placed on the heads of those who won. However, this is different, since the skull is impaled on a sword. Might be a modified version of that ancient Roman custom, especially since ancient Britian co-opted many of Rome's customs.