- The Last Knight's world premiere is on Sunday, June 18th at Leicester Square, London.
- Below is the first "official" picture in relation to the upcoming Bumblebee movie. Not sure if "Transformers Universe: Bumblebee" is the final title but I assume its currently a placeholder. The image itself looks like it was taken from a previous movie poster (blanking on which one). Top left pic is the logo that will be used for the film.
- Also below is personnel profile for the Transformers Reaction Force (TRF) Commander Santos (Santiago Cabrera) who helps hunt down Transformers regardless of faction.
- The last picture is a new theater standee of evil Prime vs Bumblebee.
- Michael Bay received his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star on Monday. I thought he already had one. Video here.
- Inspired by the movies, below is a real-life Transformer in the Generation One style. A father and son team in Russia remade an old BAZ-2110 Lada into TF that goes from working car to gun shooting robot (not clear if real bullets or blanks).

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