Thursday, July 06, 2017

Transformers 5 Week Two Box Office

I was waiting to see what the numbers would be including the holidays but didn't really see much that mattered. The short of it all is Transformers: The Last Knight didn't really benefit from the holiday weekend in the States. As expected, the movie took a significant drop (62%) for $17 million resulting in a 3rd place behind Despicable Me 3 and Baby Driver. Internationally it added a nice $68M for a modest ~55% drop from the previous weekend once again showing that the films really are not made with the American box office in mind. So as of today the film is sitting at $448.6M.

So far my guess-timate of a $625M total seems about right. Now most other movies would love these numbers as would all but guarantee a sequel. However Paramount was expecting much more (close to or past $1 billion total box office) so it will be interesting how they respond to executive disappointment (always fear executive disappointment, a lot of franchises ground to a halt from this). Shrug it off as an inevitable bump of any franchise (most don't make it to five films after all) and stay the course? Over-correct? Under-correct? To be a bug on that Transformers wall.

Domestic: $109,158,195 24.3%
+ Foreign: $339,413,539 75.7%
= Worldwide: $448,571,734

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