Update: AICN has posted a hi-res picture of the standee which you can find here. Thanks to DeceptiFreak for the link.
Side note: Cut the crap in the comments. All movie theories are essentially valid right now and remain so until new official information or the movie comes out.
Scorpio again? He is a machine!
ReplyDeletethanks TFW2005.
ReplyDeleteScorpio again? HAHAHA
ReplyDeleteThe guy never sleeps. If he did someone with more intelligence would come in and relay theories correctly and we would be just fine. If you haven't noticed people...he patrols every blog all day looking for a way to get his name credited for finding a link---no life, family or GF--just Transformers. He wants to be credited for finding a link so he can bring his unicron versus the dinobots theory into another topic {like we don't know what you are planning for a 3rd film by now}
Why don't you grow a pair and submit something to Bay and that way if you are credited with something we would all eat humble pie but until then being credited for never sleeping isn't that big of a deal unless you were in the Guiness book of records
What a shame!!!!
ReplyDeleteAll The Bloggers Lick His A** Still
Funny Aye
Now they need a 'Standee' of The Fallen and Starscream! :D
ReplyDeleteDon't listen to him, Scorpio. You happen to be a big fan of Transformers. That's fine. Most of us are! :D This fellow went on a huge rant based upon someone's 2 word response.
To the Anonymous at 6:52pm: Hey, why don't you get yourself a big bowl of "SHUT UP!"?
This anonymous needs to realize that he is a.) merely looking for attention and b.) looking for a way to make himself feel better by putting others down. Well...the first part came true, but how's that second part coming? ;) "What a shame!!!!"
It's also nice to see that Sam and Mikeala are getting the spotlight as opposed to Sam, Lennox and then Mikaela from the poster of the first film.
Too bad we couldn't read the credits at the bottom. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm not here seeking attention from anyone but...there are plenty of smart people that patrol this blog and their theories are never heard because Scorpio adds a post that consumes the whole page with his homo-erotic love for Unicron and the Dinobots.
ReplyDeleteIn addition when I do see other people's ideas they are shot down by Scorp {who I think doesn't have any idea on his own} Scorps supporters {I'm still confused on why he has any} and Counterpunch {this guy tries to make himself feel better by putting others down}
So look at your own group Tyler---they are what is wrong w/this blog
we should be able to find a high res version of the poster. shall we race people? who can post the link the quickest?
ReplyDeleteanyway, that douche who was crying about you Scorpio is just jealous. we love to hear every opinion and guess and theory about these movies from anyone and everyone. C'mon we live for this stuff!
For a second there, I almost read that "Scorpio has a homo-erotic love for Unicorns"hahaha
ReplyDeleteGood one Mcat---I am jealous of a kid from the U.K. who has no life aside from Transformers. You couldn't be more right. The only person in this world I am jealous of right now is Micheal Bay {a man who ACTUALLY knows how this film will play out} unlike your friend Scorpio who makes incorrect theories based on blog reports :)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said "So look at your own group Tyler---they are what is wrong w/this blog"
ReplyDelete-I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you, just to let you know. Also, what 'group' are you referring to? (I happen to be in a group who posts relevant things but occasional gets caught up in these kind of arguments.) And, are you grouping ME in with Scorpio and Counterpunch, etc.?
I agree with you, Mcat. I look forward to everybody's opinions and ideas about...anything.
Hmmm... how big would you say that this standee is? / How easy would it be to ... hypothetically ... grab it and walk out of the theatre with it? ;)
Also, what are the chances that Ratchet or Ironhide is featured on one of the promotional pieces of imagery? It would be nice to see them get the spotlight.
ReplyDeleteAlso...again... has anyone heard from "Ridiculously-Long-Rant-Guy" lately? (The guy who posted on every article '50 reasons why "Transformers" was a bad film')
lets just all get along. :) i personally like reading all the post on this blog. keep it up guys.
ReplyDeleteGee, I'm sorry. I thought this was a "Let's talk about Transformers" blog, not a "Let's whine about people we don't agree with and put them down" blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat's worse: Scorpio taking time out of his life to find interesting Transformers related info to share with us, or you taking time out of your life to bitch and moan about how much you don't like Scorpio?
There's a huge standee of the Fallen with glowing eyes at my local theater. When I asked them what they do with them when they're done, they said they just toss 'em. If I can find out when they're dismantling it, they'll just give it to me...
ReplyDelete... now if I could just find a place to put a 12'x 8'x 3' cardboard cutout of the Fallen...
when in the film do you think Bumblebee starts to grow?
ReplyDeletelooks the same size as prime here, i bet by the third movie he is able to fight off Unicron by himself. can i get that script from Scorpio? i assume he's written it already.
Preciate it Scorp....Keep up the good work and dont worry bout the immature haters
ReplyDeletetfw2005 got a sneak peek at the new game, some possibly movie info mixed in. soundwave's voice very g1 in the game accordning to them. a good sign.
Holy Crap! Good lookin out DeceptiFreak!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait for that game!!!
WOW---someone found a link before Scorpio?? He must be in the bath with his G-1 toys and missed it. Thank you DF for that link.
ReplyDeleteAre any of you other than Scorpio going to play the game before the film comes out or are you going to wait?
I will wait until I get back from the theater and then start the game
Alex W.
I have no clue if this has been stated on this blog site yet nor how to contact the creator of it to post this link.
This dude has some eye. He seems to have spotted a possible skids appearance in the trailer.
Aww....ignore my comment above. I checked in on the best hd video I could find on youtube and it appears to be just a tree.
ReplyDeleteI should have figured.
It was probably Scorpio that thought it was Skids or maybe even a Dinobot :)
ReplyDelete*in Chris Crocker voice*
ReplyDelete"Leave Scorpio Aloooone!!"
This rocks, hopefully we get to see the Fallen one that guy mentioned as well :D
That is about the worst joke I have ever seen on this blog or anywhere!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the words of Scorpio "TFLive please delete the post @ 1:15 AM"
TFW2005 has HUGE {pun intended} news about DEV in the ROTF game
Thanks for reading this Mr. Blog Guy {or lady}
Patrick from Philly
ReplyDeleteMixmaster is a TRiplechanger!!!!!!!
Really cool, he has a robot, vehicle and BAttle mode!!! The lil' guys really nice..think me gona buy him
P.s. hope he actually uses his battle mode on the movie
What made Transformers a good movie?
ReplyDelete1.Incoherent plot? scenes in the movie lead nowhere or had no real purpose, comedy filler, waste time, no story logic. The movie's script made it hard to suspend belief and enjoy the movie. B movie but with a bigger budget...
2.Laughably bad dialogue? "My bad" Shia "NoNoNoNoNo" Whats up lil B ****es" Touch my bush I'll kick your @$$!'' Happy Time" ect. ect. VOMIT
3. The army can kill the Decepticons? Why even have the autobots.
4.Transformers look like metal scraps glued together.
5.Dramatic scenes that fly straight out of left field? ("I'm so glad I got in the car with you.") B movie
6.Formerly respectable star sinks to a new low? John Turturro Jon Voight,Golden Shower Bumblebee pees now and farts? comedy gold....
7.Incredible overacting that is obviously encouraged by the director?
8.Bumblebee who cannot speak for no apparent reason? Damaged in battle ....please, prequel comic or motion comic just try to cover up bad story telling .Makes no sense other than that is what the director or script calls for in the movie. (no story logic.^)
Wouldn't need to waste so much time If BumbleBee could repair himself. Like Barricade repaired himself after the first fight and tell Shia that he needs the glasses!
9.Rampant racial stereotyping?" Hey Mammy "
"Speak English dude "
10.Characters with a lot of face time who end up playing no important role in the "story?"
Hackers and soldiers.
11.The action in some shots is hopelessly muddled? Shaky Cam, close ups, and quick cut editing.
12. Jazz's hilarious death scene is matched only by his hilarious eulogy? B movie
13. Transformers had little scene time due to over elaborated designs which made them too expensive? Prime shows up 70 mins into the movie.
14. Blatant over the top product placement? Takes away from the movie experience. Not just minor product placement the movie stops just for the product placement. Bumblebee updates to a newer car. The pilots getting into the F 22.
15. Transformers are secondary characters with little to no dialogue?
16. Hard to tell the Transformers apart. As long as the camera stands still long enough and the transformer is not silver. If it is an action scene forget about it..
17. For an action blockbuster there is not much action: 5 min of action in the beginning 10 min of action in the middle and 15 min of action at the end. In a 2 hr and 30 min movie. All of which jumps around from robots to humans every 2 seconds, due to the quick cut editing. Shaky Cam and close ups ruin most of the action.
18. Shia LaBarf can't act? NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo BS comedy shtick, Even Stevens with robots...
19. Meagan Fox can't act? ........LMAO please
20. Michael Bay can't direct? " I make movies for 13 year old boys." Can't remember the Transformers names. Brawl is the tank Bay.. not DEVASTATOR!
Intense slow motion shots of characters
Has the camera moving during most scenes. Very rarely uses static shots.
Actors/characters in his films are almost uniformly shot in tight, emphatic close ups, framed under the hairline and above the chin.
Often has over-the-top visuals (i.e. key events taking place at sunset or dramatic events taking place behind actors doing routine activities).
Utilizes monotonic but intense musical cues during action-filled car chase scenes. Bad Boys II (2003), The Island (2005)
Uses shots of aircraft against a setting sun, especially helicopters (Armageddon (1998/I), Pearl Harbor (2001), Transformers (2007)).
Often features a slow-motion shot of an object crashing into, or tumbling towards the camera.
Uses a shot where the camera spins in a circle around characters. (Bad Boys II, Transformers)
Frequently incorporates scenes that involve characters running or moving towards the camera (almost always shot in slow-motion)
[Michael Bay on "Transformers look"]
Well, it's just, you know, listen, it's like...I didn't want to make the boxy characters, you know? Think about it, 30 feet in the air in the real world, just boxes, you know and it'd just look more fake, you know? And by adding more doo-dads, you know, stuff on the...stuff. Stuff on the robots, more car parts, and...you know you can just make it look more real.
Something close to the 80's cartoon design could have been achieved.
Nanotechnology is a legitimate reason for parts of the transformers to disappear or for mass shifting.( LIKE THE CUBE! )
Nobody wants the same thing from the cartoon.
Something CLOSER to the 80's or 2000 dreamwave comic book designs
could have been great.
Instead with now how Starscream retarded gorilla with chicken legs, Megatron's pineapple a$$hole face, alot of transformers now roll around on wheels, the constructicon is shown twice riding around on 1 wheel. Motercycle (Arcee) bots..... yep 1 wheel, Unicycle transformers The Twins ugly retard mongoloids stereotypes JAR JAR BINKS now Wheelie looks like Wall- E and Johnny Five hybrid
The outsides of the ALT MODE would be like armor that could split apart or change in minor ways to accommodate for movement.
The mass area of joints or the blocky parts can bend or reline itself.
Instead of having their guts exposed they could have the outer shell of their ALT mode act like armor.
The Nanotechnology would allow for more pleasing Aesthetic by adding simple yet believable appearance between the Alt mode armor plates and the human like areas and joints.
So you can achieve a balance between the 80's cartoon and Bayformers !
Will Transformers 2 be as good as the first one?
I hope this movie is 2 hours and 30 mins long with a lot of soldiers, hackers and only 15 minutes of incoherent action!!! HELL YEAH THAT WILL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!
Will it have abhorrent, horrendous, obnoxious, repulsive, shameful, terrible, ugly, swirling metal chucks, gorilla arms, unicycle retard looking Transformers in it.
Great job Bay keep lying to everybody about how your extremely expensive, hyper realistic Transformers is the only look that works and is not silly.. No middle ground between the original look and these bionicles metal junk piles....
It needs to have Shia Ledouche doing his crazy retard shtick, talking to himself and saying NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. Megan Fox trying to act and looking like a 30 year old raged out street walker whore.
More shameful masturbating close ups of her stomach... More random characters who have no purpose in the film.
What will make it funny is to have more scenes of Transformers stumbling around like morons hiding in the backyard, golden shower scenes, bumblebee farting on Sam's dad. COMEDY GOLD! Horrible Stereotypes and blatant racism. So much respect to source material....
Sure to get the Oscar this time, as long as we still have Michael Bay's AWESOME character development, 20 camera using, seizure inducing can't tell whats going on shaky cam, fast cut editing, emphatic tight close ups, helicopter in the sunset, extremely nauseating, repulsive, over the top product placement, and slow motion over dramatic explosions.
I sure hope so this movie will be AWESOME AND RAD TO THE MAX EXTREME with my A.D.D and short attention span.
Be sure not to take your riddilan when watching this great action packed popcorn blockbuster, leave your brain at the door snore fest...
"Gee, I'm sorry. I thought this was a "Let's talk about Transformers" blog, not a "Let's whine about people we don't agree with and put them down" blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat's worse: Scorpio taking time out of his life to find interesting Transformers related info to share with us, or you taking time out of your life to bitch and moan about how much you don't like Scorpio?" - TheChief
I agree with you. This blog is meant for fans to put positive comments or suggestions about the movie instead of moaning that it doesn't suit you or you hate Transformers.
Theatre Standee looks spectacular!!!!! To be frank,looks a bit better than the previous one!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Cool news people the Constructicons are all Playable charecters in the TF game :)
And Protectobots:
I dont see why everyone seems to turn against me when i provide news.
Replying to The Chief:
If it is true they will give it to you then best to probably just get the head if you cant find space for the rest of the body.
Mixmasters instructions:
Also if any of this is already posted i dont know about it so just forget it.
Thanks everyone who supports my information :)
To anonymous at 5:56 AM AKA IMDb user "Vayeate999"
ReplyDeleteYeah----your secret's out!!! Everyone check this link
You know who I am on IMDb Vayeate999 :)
Replying to Anonymous at 8:00PM:
ReplyDeleteLook at yourself. You have just shot down many other peoples ideas dude and also although Scory does disagree with other people he isnt all bad. He ran a competition a while ago. Too bad i was on holiday so i couldnt enter LOL!
So lets just all stay calm while Scorpy and overs like him deliver us the news so we can figure out the plot.
More news i searched the DVD sites and found that HMV has the TF ROTF DVD already set on there however it isnt available for pre order yet. Still best to check this every so often:
Also i have found larger images of the rest of the concept art it can be viewed here:
P.s. I know the concept art isnt new i just thought if anyone wants a larger image.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm not here seeking attention from anyone but...there are plenty of smart people that patrol this blog and their theories are never heard because Scorpio adds a post that consumes the whole page with his homo-erotic love for Unicron and the Dinobots.
In addition when I do see other people's ideas they are shot down by Scorp {who I think doesn't have any idea on his own} Scorps supporters {I'm still confused on why he has any} and Counterpunch {this guy tries to make himself feel better by putting others down} <------------------- Why should I feel better by putting other people down? Who for example have I done that too? My GAWD YOU SHOULD GO GET A LIFE. IM SORRY YOU DONT HAVE A GF TO LISTEN TO YOUR RANTS BUT EVERYBODY ELSE HAVE A LIFE & DONT HAVE TO VENT THEIR FRUSTRATIONS ON THIS BLOG.
Punch said...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
I'm not here seeking attention from anyone but...there are plenty of smart people that patrol this blog and their theories are never heard because Scorpio adds a post that consumes the whole page with his homo-erotic love for Unicron and the Dinobots.
In addition when I do see other people's ideas they are shot down by Scorp {who I think doesn't have any idea on his own} Scorps supporters {I'm still confused on why he has any} and Counterpunch {this guy tries to make himself feel better by putting others down} <------------------- Why should I feel better by putting other people down? Who for example have I done that too? My GAWD YOU SHOULD GO GET A LIFE. IM SORRY YOU DONT HAVE A GF TO LISTEN TO YOUR RANTS BUT EVERYBODY ELSE HAVE A LIFE & DONT HAVE TO VENT THEIR FRUSTRATIONS ON THIS BLOG.
The first guy arguse a case and backs it up then punch retaliates not by using reason to get his point across but by talking about periods
To C.P. at 7am
Stop accusing me because of these other no-namers that rant due to the fact they don't like you. I never had a problem with Scorpio so that isn't me that wrote that----I'm the real deal....not these wannabes.
The quarrel we had a few weeks ago C.P. is over. Are you obsessed with me or something? Every other post of yours that I read contains my name and the names of people who are not me. I have moved on guy--why don't you do the same :)
-The first guy arguse a case and backs it up then punch retaliates not by using reason to get his point across but by talking about periods-
ReplyDeleteWait isnt that exactly what one of the Anonymous people did to me earlier! The only reason i am forced to write these riduculously long post is to reply to Anonymous people who think i`m so lame. I have my own ideas about the film however i kept them contained and only released a few plot things when someone asked for my ideas when Essex was writing his plot.
I took in the idea of Unicron when someone said that Orci said that Unicron was in the third film. The Dinobots idea wasnt mine at all but the combined idea of several Anonymous posters who were discussing how to include them in the third film. And unless you say it with a name then how do i know your not the same person going round posting a load of stuff about me.
Also havent you read my recent post i just gave links to the instructions for Mixmaster and stuff about the Protectobots. Why is everyone bieng so rude and picky when the very topic you are blaming me in was found by me and others.
hey i posted that first!!! but no stress......
ReplyDeleteto the douchebag anonymous at 5:56Am.......this is a blog about tf movie, so try to make ur acusations about tf movie legit.....mos tof the stuff u said was bullcrap..seriusly.....the movie had no action? the las figth ws only 15 min? u crazy? Bumblebee farting? I don't get why u wining so much...it's one thing to make constructive critism it's another to be a total jackass
Oh my god you are all moaning about this Scorp guy while there is an Anonymous person at 5:56AM who took us half of this post to say why he hates TF. Anyone who is comes onto this blog to annoy people or ***** about certain people is a real idiot. This blog was meant to be friendly and a good place to talk about TF. Now due to some Anonymous gits and Lionboogy (WTH) the whole place has went mad. Either shut up or the owner of this blog will most likely disable comments so you will all have to bug off.
ReplyDeleteReplying to Adam Ismail:
ReplyDeleteSorry about that i just didntwant to have to search through all this hatred to find out whether it was already posted. Hopefully you get all the credit so i dont get moaned at when the Admin adds the new topic.
you don't need a long drawn out post to say that you are lame----we know it already.
ReplyDeletenext time you want to add a comment just put "another lame plotline from me--scorpio" and leave the rest of the post blank so we aren't forced to either a}read it or b}take forever to skip through it. simple!!
btw---orci never said unicron was in part 3 {that was you spinning incorrect info or it was someone else giving you false hope}
also----the writers/producers/bay would look like complete fools if the dinobots showed up onscreen---there is absolutely no way to bring that 80's dribble into the 21st century---let it go!!
p.s. i am not brock or alex or jeff or sandy or mike or karen----i don't need a 1/2 dozen fake people on my side b/c more than a dozen real users even some that have names {snortpocket & simbatron & deceptifreak etc.} are tired of your posts---long or short.
stick to providing links and having your ego boosted by the blog owner mentioning that you found something {i would have the jump on you if i never slept but you don't see me looking for recognition}
Oh i also found this Standee however i am not sure whether it has been posted already:
Its the Fallen!
Well his Standee form anyway.
ReplyDeleteThat JERK that posted back at 5:56 am is one of those IMDb loser trolls---don't even respond to that fool :)
Here are his comments about the first film on IMDb
^^ Do you notice the similarities?? What a tool!!
To prove not all my stuff is shit here is where it says the Barricade dissapearance would not be expained.
Here is where Orci said he wanted Unicron in TF3:
So there now that you know that is true hopefully you will stop pestering me as we all know if this continues the blog owner will ban comments forever. I never said you were anyone called Brock or anyone else i only said that it would be better if you had a nickname.
I dont care about who gets creditted for links i am merely posting it here so we can all coment on it like sensible people. Please dont force the blog owner to ban comments by continuing this fight.
wanted for part 3 is not the same as he will appear which you have said many times over. if you are going to provide an accurate link---please have your theories stand by it.
ReplyDeletebarricade's disappearance will be explained---do you know what the word "implied" means? it means that we will get an answer to why he wasn't in the final battle. a main character just vanishes on the 101 freeway in los angeles and the fans would just accept that?
jeeez man---you can't even back up your b.s. stories with links but what you provided proves you wrong---not anyone else. how much longer are we supposed to buy your theories? they wouldn't hold up at a pre-school b/c the 4 year olds would be proving you wrong and with more accurate links {if they could type and read}
btw---your stuff is $h!t
Replying to Anonymous at 8:02AM:
ReplyDeleteImplied means that it will be hinted at. Barricade wasnt a main charecter he was cannon fodder used to introduce Frenzy and give Bay his all important car chase. There is no need to insult me and everyone asociated with me. So please stop otherwise the Blog owner will probably stop comments. Also why are you bitching about me for? If you are saying that a Pre-school person can do better why dont you write a plot rather than pester me all the time.
Dear mister blog owner,
ReplyDeleteThe state of this blog is attrocious this war started by an Anonymous person has ruined this
thread. Can you please ban all comments for this blog. Although i didnt want it to come to this because it will mean that good people will not be able to post i am afraid the blog has become hell over night. Please Ban comments so we dont have to listen to all this rudeness!
A loyal supporter of the blog
I agree with this guy here @ 8:13 am.
ReplyDeleteThere should be a way we could e-mail you or even twitter you with the links so that people don't cry over who is credited with finding it. Scorpio does help find a lot of stuff out there but he is being ridiculed for everything.
WTF happened to this forum---not just today but it has been ongoing. The only real thing people have stopped doing is numbering their posts.
Loyal Supporter #2
Sign me up aswell
ReplyDeleteThis forum has been going down hill for a while now. It got better when the Admin released a statement saying about stopping comments but now an Anonymous person turns up starts a war with Scorpio by calling him gay and insulting along with insulting people with A.D.D in one of his posts.
All this started since that Anonymous peson hopefully this stupid war thing stops and we dont have to block comments but it isnt just on this topi it is in the Wolverine Trailer topic aswell. Please everyone stop before the blog becomes even more of a wreck.
Loyal Supporter #3
Thats it i`m signing this thing
ReplyDeleteThat Anonymous guy is seriously a dick. He keeps saying that i`m Scorpio and because i dont have any accounts here i cant prove that i`m not. I really hate that. Please Admin block the comments so we dont have to listen to him as he starts more wars and destroys the blog.
Loyal Supporter #4
Although i guess this whole thing was partly my fault for providing links and plot details for everyone i suppose i should sign this thing also. I`m gonna hate it not bieng able to talk to anyone or tell G-man when his CGI model is ready or where it is but i cant stand it seeing this thread destroyed because of some war that that Anonymous person started. Since he has been on this blog he has been rude, insultive, racist and annoying. Hopefully banning the comments if only for a while will sort out this blog!
Loyal Supporter #5
it's funny that the blog is a "wreck" when someone comes along with an opinion about your beloved scorpio. what makes it more interesting is that regulars chime in with their dislike for him as well. i have seen numerous times where people have got on his case for long posts. here is an example
ReplyDeletefirst off-----i'm not "brock" punch so don't take this the wrong way okay....but scorpio had a ridiculously long post {yeah i know---what a shocker} and the reply he got from you punch was "scorp???" that's it just one word with question marks meaning.....are you serious noone cares about the dinobots anymore
so even guys like punch now and again get tired of it too so if you ask me what the point is of this argument i would say.......
scorpio tell me everything you have so far that you feel will play out in this sequel. i want names of bots, locations, key plot points and at what time they will be introduced, and if they change on a dime and finally your thoughts on the final battle in egypt----who makes it out and who doesn't???????
p.s. make me wanna read your post please wow me!!! so far....gotta tell ya....i'm not impressed with any theory of yours that hasn't already been revealed especially with your barricade theory----he "will" be explained or at least given a proper send-off in rotf
i'm done posting harsh things towards you scorpio and this will be my last one but.....you better blow me away with your theory or everyone including your circle of friends will think you're a fraud. g'nite guys/gals
Because of this guy above i definently am signing this petition. Who cares if someones post is long. There was a guy posting a 200 page essay on how TF was so lame, this Anonymous person posts only hatred continuously. First he torments Scorpio saying his posts are lame now he is tempting him to write a post so he can expose how lame Scorpios post are.
Loyal Supporter #6
calm down fellas, trailer coming may 1st :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm the dude that pointed out that IMDb freak earlier. That guy didn't write that tonight but did a copy & paste job from his IMDb profile. To tell you the truth I would not be surprised if he stole that from a real critic somewhere.
ReplyDeleteAll the boards, forums & blogs are being ruined by haters & spam-bots. I am not standing up for that anonymous guy but he never said once he hated the film. I am tired of people out there that can't accept the fact that Michael Bay is directing a billion dollar blockbuster. It's those damn Terminator/Wolverine/Potter/Avatar nerds that are upset their devoted films won't come close to knocking this behemoth from #1 this summer.
Do away with the posts TFLive {we will be okay b/c the film is almost out anyway--but you can reinstate them on the 25th or 26th please}
L.S. #7
damn scorpio you did it again, even after all the criticism.
ReplyDelete"Cool news people the Constructicons are all Playable charecters in the TF game :)"
no where in that article you link to does it say that!
take some time out to read and make sure the link has new information.
ReplyDeletesomeone wanted large standee art? via aintitcool.com
on the topic of transformers news being first etc,
99% of these blog posts originate from there, and they deserve some credit.
those are the two main transformer sites, if you get news before them, you are likely involved in the movie :)
Replying to Anonymous at 9:12AM:
ReplyDeleteSorry wrong link for the Constructicon one i meant to put in this one aswell. Its because i was rushed. It is hinted they appear although they only may available through multiplayer games:
ReplyDeleteOf course what i write now is based solely on Information we already know. So please don’t pester me by saying we have already heard about this or be rude by saying all this is speculation because most of it will be as we have no true idea of the plot due to Bays misinformation campaign.
1. The film opens with the N.E.S.T army soldiers following reports of a rogue transformer (Sideways in china)however they find Demolisher who attacks them. The autobots arrive and the three bike bots (Arcee, Chromia and the unknown one) chase after sideways meanwhile Optimus prime chases after Demolisher. (Outcome of battle unknown but Demolisher survives, Arcee is most likely killed in this scene due to Bay saying she dies)
2. It is some years after the first film and Sam is in collage. His relationship with mikela has hit a bump as he now is living in an appartment with his roommate (Who doesnt know about TF) and in school he has a new love intrest (Alice) who is actually a Decepticon pretender in disguise) He is forced to leave the Autobots behind as he leaves for collage.
3. Sam starts going mad because of bieng in contact with the Allspark and starts drawring symbols. He goes to school the following day however when in maths he reads a textbook in only a few seconds. He then contacts mikelaThe Allspark power begins to effect. They then head to prime.
4. Meanwhile Soundwave comes into earths oribt he scans a Sattalite and transformers so he can scan the planet for Megatrons energy signature. Unable to find it he finds the location of a N.E.S.T base and sends ravage down to earth to locate Megatrons location via there files.
5. Bieng able to see what Ravage see`s via his middle eye Soundwave finds out Megatrons location is the laurension abyse and fires missiles at the Aircraft carriers and destroys them.
6. Megatron is reawakened by Soundwave (From early leaked film plot) Megatron never died but simply overloaded after absorbing the Allspark.
7. Alice reveals here true form while kissing Sam and then is killed by a combined effort from Sam and Mikela. Starscream captures Sam and Mikela along with Sams roommate and Megatron arrives and fights Starscream over who is leader. Megatron wins and pins Sam to the ground. Scalpel then inserts a tracking device (Insecticon maybe?) into Sams neck so he can track where the Allspark energy is coming from.
8. Optimus arrives and after a short fight the Autobots and Decepticons head to Egypt. Sam and Mikela go into a pyramid and find out it is actuallly a machine buried underneath. They find out that the machine can be used to release an old enemy of the Autobots and could bring about the end of the world. They then discover Hieroglyphics which show Helicopters, Planes and other vehicles leading them to believe the Transformers were on earth in ancient egyption times (I have no idea how Cars, Planes and Helicopters could be there when they were built later and the TF`s need something to scan)
9. They escape the Pyramid as the Decepticons arrive. The constructicons appear and combine forming Devastator who then destroys the remaining N.E.S.T. Forces and kills one of the Autobots (Most likely Wheelie
10. Megatron uses the Allspark piece he recovered to release the Fallen. The Twins and Sideswipe attack Devastator while Optimus fights a newly released Fallen. Jetfire faces off against his old leader. Near the end of this fight all the Autobots look like they are going to be destroyed when Jetfire combines with Optimus. This new combo easily defeats Megatron however the Fallen is still there and chases one of the humans who has the Allspark Fragment which he needs to destroy earth and replenish the cube.
11. The newly formed combo attacks Devastator and badly wounds Demolisher forcing the rest of the Constructicons to retreat (They cant work without Demolisher)
12. The human is chased up the Pyramid and the Fallen grabs the Allspark piece in a quick but cool fight the Optimus/Jetfire combo attacks and defeats The Fallen (Although he may escape) The Allspark piece is refound and the Autobots wonder if there is a way to replenish the cube. However they choose against it.
Most likely to die are:
Arcee (If what Bay said is true)
One of the twins (So that the other can take revenge upon the Decepticons)
Wheelie (Too small to survive the final fight if he lives that long
There done. P.s. It is only a long post because you asked for my ideas.
Replying to DeceptiFreak:
ReplyDeleteDont forget www.Allspark.com
It has a few good news peices.
I went to the local cinema and they said that there was a plane one that was coming soon. This probably means we will see the appearance of a Jetfire or Starscream display stand soon.
ReplyDeleteugh more spam.
ReplyDeletedidnt know sam was in a collage (hope it was a nice one,) heard he does go to college though.
Devastator gets taken out by a missile from the info we have, think it was the coloring book that said they needed a laser lock on him. ie guided missile.
I checked mine and they said that they were gonna be selling those poster things with one having a image of the attack on the aircraft carrier with the words Revenge is here and another one with the Autobots and Decepticons all in a group with the Fallens face similar to the poster behind them.
ReplyDeleteDevastator is attatacked by the Army but a missile shouldnt take him out. Look at all the damage that Megatron had off the fighter jets and he still managed to function.
ReplyDeleteMy posts are not spam and if you are the same Anonymous as earlier then you asked for me to post that.
I checked on youtube and found a ROTF review of the new trailer apparenly there is a shot of Devastator similar to the concept art where he is using the sucker. Also they said that they saw the trailer when watching Monsters Vs Aliens. I saw the film a while ago and it wasnt attatched to that film but still it could be released with it when it gets closer to ROTF release date!
ReplyDeleteP.s. When did we hear that Devastator was gonna get killed with a missile. That would be really lame i hope we have a fight such as Scorps idea rather than just having him die from a missile.
I would rather have it like this:
ReplyDeleteArmy fights TF they loose so they call in the
Pentagon LOL
That is how boring this thread is with all the fighting.
ReplyDeletePeople i have great news
ReplyDeleteLionboogy is a bogart. HP RULES
I agree with the insane guy. Everyone else except the regulars should be blocked although i am suprised i wasnt mentioned as a regular. All post should be banned i`m joining that petition
Loyal Supporter #7
We can't behave like this. If we do other sites will take us over!
ReplyDeleteCmon people. It's for the good of the franchise.
Please stop arguing!
Sorry i meant Loyal Supporter #8 i missed the last person.
ReplyDeleteOf course what i write now is based solely on Information we already know. So please don’t pester me by saying we have already heard about this or be rude by saying all this is speculation because most of it will be as we have no true idea of the plot due to Bays misinformation campaign.
1. The film opens with the N.E.S.T army soldiers following reports of a rogue transformer (Sideways in china)however they find Demolisher who attacks them. The autobots arrive and the three bike bots (Arcee, Chromia and the unknown one) chase after sideways meanwhile Optimus prime chases after Demolisher. (Outcome of battle unknown but Demolisher survives, Arcee is most likely killed in this scene due to Bay saying she dies)
2. It is some years after the first film and Sam is in collage. His relationship with mikela has hit a bump as he now is living in an appartment with his roommate (Who doesnt know about TF) and in school he has a new love intrest (Alice) who is actually a Decepticon pretender in disguise) He is forced to leave the Autobots behind as he leaves for collage.
3. Sam starts going mad because of bieng in contact with the Allspark and starts drawring symbols. He goes to school the following day however when in maths he reads a textbook in only a few seconds. He then contacts mikelaThe Allspark power begins to effect. They then head to prime.
4. Meanwhile Soundwave comes into earths oribt he scans a Sattalite and transformers so he can scan the planet for Megatrons energy signature. Unable to find it he finds the location of a N.E.S.T base and sends ravage down to earth to locate Megatrons location via there files.
5. Bieng able to see what Ravage see`s via his middle eye Soundwave finds out Megatrons location is the laurension abyse and fires missiles at the Aircraft carriers and destroys them.
6. Megatron is reawakened by Soundwave (From early leaked film plot) Megatron never died but simply overloaded after absorbing the Allspark.
7. Alice reveals here true form while kissing Sam and then is killed by a combined effort from Sam and Mikela. Starscream captures Sam and Mikela along with Sams roommate and Megatron arrives and fights Starscream over who is leader. Megatron wins and pins Sam to the ground. Scalpel then inserts a tracking device (Insecticon maybe?) into Sams neck so he can track where the Allspark energy is coming from.
8. Optimus arrives and after a short fight the Autobots and Decepticons head to Egypt. Sam and Mikela go into a pyramid and find out it is actuallly a machine buried underneath. They find out that the machine can be used to release an old enemy of the Autobots and could bring about the end of the world. They then discover Hieroglyphics which show Helicopters, Planes and other vehicles leading them to believe the Transformers were on earth in ancient egyption times (I have no idea how Cars, Planes and Helicopters could be there when they were built later and the TF`s need something to scan)
9. They escape the Pyramid as the Decepticons arrive. The constructicons appear and combine forming Devastator who then destroys the remaining N.E.S.T. Forces and kills one of the Autobots (Most likely Wheelie
10. Megatron uses the Allspark piece he recovered to release the Fallen. The Twins and Sideswipe attack Devastator while Optimus fights a newly released Fallen. Jetfire faces off against his old leader. Near the end of this fight all the Autobots look like they are going to be destroyed when Jetfire combines with Optimus. This new combo easily defeats Megatron however the Fallen is still there and chases one of the humans who has the Allspark Fragment which he needs to destroy earth and replenish the cube.
11. The newly formed combo attacks Devastator and badly wounds Demolisher forcing the rest of the Constructicons to retreat (They cant work without Demolisher)
12. The human is chased up the Pyramid and the Fallen grabs the Allspark piece in a quick but cool fight the Optimus/Jetfire combo attacks and defeats The Fallen (Although he may escape) The Allspark piece is refound and the Autobots wonder if there is a way to replenish the cube. However they choose against it.
Most likely to die are:
Arcee (If what Bay said is true)
One of the twins (So that the other can take revenge upon the Decepticons)
Wheelie (Too small to survive the final fight if he lives that long
There done. P.s. It is only a long post because you asked for my ideas.
you are probably wrong
I agree with you Essex but blocking some of the comments may be the only way to stop all this rudeness. Hopefully it is all back to normal tommorow and we can forget all this happened. Though i must admit it was amazing how this blog turned violent with just one word from the admin (By posting the link)
ReplyDeleteTopic change.
ReplyDeleteWhat new human actors would you like to see in the next film?
and Anonymous guy, he posts a lot, so he should be allowed too.
ReplyDeleteif you agree with me you can post if not you can't, seems fair.
To the Pentagon person at 10:55 AM:
ReplyDeleteI know it is probably all wrong because it is based solely on the truth and the information revealed by Bay which could all be misinformation.
Replying to Essexs Topic change:
ReplyDeleteDavid Tennant could be a human who joins the Decepticon side because he believes them to be a way to form a stronger future. (Added to show how the Decepticons operate)
Lee Evans as a funny mad scientist working on how to defeat the Decepticons and is captured by the Decepticons. (Added for comedy)
Peter Cullen as a person who can immetate Optimus prime (E.g. a comedian) for comedy effect
I choose the actor to be . . . PENTAGON!
ReplyDeleteYou stole my idea ;)
How about a robot desguised as a human disguised as a robot it would be the ultimate disguies LOL
ReplyDeleteHere i have a link for the trailer:
Dont tell anyone what its like until you have all seen it!
Cool loved the trailer thanks dude ;)
ReplyDeleteOh my god thats even worse than the Fallen Joke. The link provided by Anonymous at 11:17AM is fake. Do not click that link!
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing that link i am signing the petition.
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened to this blog its all gone so insane!
Loyal Supporter #9
I used to only be intrested but Scorps plots attracted me to the idea of robots that change into something else. I dont know who Megaron or Otimus prim are but he makes them sound good.
ReplyDeleteHopefully he writes a plot including Arcee she is my favourite charecter anyway.
I think this sums up the current state of the TFLive blog quite well:
(its works safe, dont worry)
ReplyDeleteloyal suppoter #10
i used to like reading the comments,seeing other peoples opinions and idea's but it is becoming out of hand,
I agree with the above i used to love these ideas but all these anonymous people who post madly made it go out of hand. Now we have coments running rampant the return of the Pentagon joke the introduction of Porn on this blog and so much rudeness its becoming out of hand. I was okay with all this speculation and some of it was fun but now it is all going down the drain hopefully a new topic may get everyones attention i hope that tommorow we will all be back to normal
Loyal Supporter #11
Although i will probably be moaned at that i didnt find it here is a lin for High res packaging of certain RPM`s
lol snortpocket that's awesome!
ReplyDeleteGeez this thread got busy last night, what with all the asses with blank space and the pentagon jokes. The horse is dead on that one, people.
To the Anonymous way back toward the beginning that posted that long list of what they didn't like about TF1:
Well, I suppose if Martin Scorsese were directing, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, and Robert DeNiro were acting, and the CG effects were done by YOU, then the movie would be Oscar-worthy. Until that happens, I'm satisfied with my popcorn flick starring giant fucking robots.
Ok, I am going to try to help everyone here:
ReplyDeleteThis whole argument seems to all stem from Scorpio's posts so I will suggest soemthing. I am not going to say I like or do not like Scorpio's post, this way I will sound Neutral.
At the begining of each post there is a place for a name. If it reads "Scorpio" and you do not like his posts then skip it. This could also apply to other peoples names if you do not like their posts.
Additionally, to be able to post you must choose a "profile". Instead of just clicking "Amonymous" and then typing your name at the bottom of the post, Click "Name/URL" and enter your name there (URL is not required), this way others will see your name at the beginning and can skip over your post if they do not like your posts.
Again being neutral, there are some good posts and some bad posts, but banning post all together just ruins it for everyone. Best thing to do is to make this blog one where you must sign-in with a password to be able to post. This allows the Blog Master to restrict people and/or ban them all together if need be.
Now not sounding neutral: There seems to be a lot of boys acting like little boys here. It must be true that girls mature sooner then boys. Try to prove me wrong.
^^^ YOU SUCK!!!! ^^^
ReplyDeletecan we ban Kasumi?
ReplyDeletecan we get a new post on this blog? my finger is hurting from scrolling too much.
ReplyDeleteYO YO YO---I figgerd out who da blame belong to.....
He da one who was all "Scorpion--you a machine"
I tink he ought be banned from here
Yep! Agree
ReplyDeleteMCAT fault's! He started all this Licking Scorp A$$ Lets ban him.
To Scorp: Bro, Chill out.. You are cool, Just keep given to us some TF info to talk about!
P.S Sorry for my bad english, Im Canadian and yes, We do eat beaver.
here is my list of people to ban:
and all canadians.
ReplyDeletepic of script writing session featuring a few of our biggest posters,
from left to right, Mcat, Scorpio and Essex.
correct me if i misnamed one.
Thanks God Mexican are allowed !
ReplyDelete"Todos los Transformes a Rollar" !!
Replying to Anonymous at 2:47PM:
ReplyDeleteWhy are you trying to restart this argument you are obviously immature yourself.
Replying to Kasumi at 12:44PM:
Finally someone understands. I didnt want to start this argument and i dont mean to restart it now but i have told people if you dont like my posts ignore it.
Cool I'm hoping for a Starscream on personally.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said…
-Thanks, man! :D
I think that WE ALL (myself included) need to have a tall glass of "SHUT UP!" until we can calm down. Hmmm...maybe seeing the new trailer in 2 weeks would help? ;)
I really like the idea of a Jetfire and Starscream standee. Sweet!
ReplyDeleteA big "HECK YEAH!" for Steve Jablonsky, Industrial Light & Magic and Steven Spielberg! :D
(I'm glad that I can FINALLY see the 'credits' at the bottom) :)
Im quite honoured. 1st name's on the list.
ReplyDeleteDarn you Counterpunch! >:(
ReplyDeleteJust jokes. ;) I bet that "THE OTHERS" are also quite honoured.