Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No Transformers Trailer for the Super Bowl?

Super Bowl Sunday is near and usually its the time that big bucks are spend on advertisements for upcoming summer movies. A kind of coming out party for the expensive tent-pole pictures for May, June and sometimes July. Usually the idea is tons of eyeballs to see the ads making it worth but apparently this year the studios are making the decision to use the big bucks in more careful manner instead saving it and directing it towards the various hit television shows currently running such as American Idol and Heroes (perfect for Transformers). Considering there is no proof that a Super Bowl commercial in February helps drive tickets sales in May, June and July, it could just be the studios are wising up a little. Sucks for us Transfans though hoping to catch another glimpse of some TF action.


  1. I don't think it'a necessary and it's probably a waste. The trailer is too mellow, if they were to use that trailer and fans are too hyped over the game. Transformers will do well regardless of a superbowl trailer. I would say they saved money on advertisement if they didn't play it on the superbowl.


  2. They need to spend that money on life size cut outs of the transformers to stick on the walls of the theatres!! Now that's money well spent!


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