Friday, March 02, 2007

Another Sector Seven Update

Sector 7 has added another Optimus Prime sound file to the site. The sound file is a cleaned up version from the previous "emails" as its a reply from Dr. Howard claiming that Optimus (NBE 2) wants to help. In the clip Optimus (Peter Cullen) says "This is Optimus Prime. device to help stop the Decepticons who are determined to destroy the Earth...wants to enslave the human race. Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost."

To reach the file, go to Sector 7 > enter as the password "thefirst7" > click the scorpion icon > choose the most recent email. Based on some comments read on various message boards, you might get "Warning. Login Failed...Retinal Scan Required." The password is still valid as some people are able to get in so it seems the error is more of a result of the site getting slammed rather then the password being inaccurate so keep trying. Thanks to Joe P.for providing the above information.


  1. Another update. This one's an email reply to the last email that had the sound file of the translated Prime message. Might want to be checking up on this a little more closely. They may be doing this in 'real time' where the events will happen more frequently or on a steady basis up until the release of the movie.

  2. Oh, now the floor plans (under the wasp on the far left) have floors 6 and 7 as restricted. It could have been this way before, but it seems like they said 'not available' last time I looked.

  3. do u guys remember the first teaser? it said that the Beagle 2 Mars Rover's last transmission was the only warning we would ever get. and now theres all these email/messages/warnings from the autobots. whats up with that?

  4. Another Sector Seven Update!!

    Email from Agent Alex Powers in reply to the Dr. Howards email about N.B.E. Two.

    "I'm warning you -- DO NOT SEND THAT MESSAGE.

    Sector Seven doesn't run on "feelings." You're a scientist -- you should know that. Sometimes I just don't understand you. I'm starting to think you cheated on your IQ test.

    And since when do you think you make policy decisions for Sector Seven? You work for us. You're nothing but a hired gun. I need you to do one thing, develop military technology based on the Megaman's systems. No one wants to hear your "theories" about how to protect the world from an alien invasion. Leave that to the experts, Dr. Howard.

    Maybe this is my fault. So let me make this clear -- I am and always have been your superior officer and you will treat me as such. Any other aspects of our relationship are dead and gone. In fact, I wish I'd never made the mistake of giving in to your aggressive advances in the first place.

    This discussion is over. Return to the weapon design work I ordered you to complete. If you have trouble doing that, I can have you replaced with one phone call."

    - Joe P

  5. -Anonymous said...
    do u guys remember the first teaser? it said that the Beagle 2 Mars Rover's last transmission was the only warning we would ever get. and now theres all these email/messages/warnings from the autobots. whats up with that?-

    I would venture a guess that it was the only warning that the general public would ever get.

  6. "I would venture a guess that it was the only warning that the general public would ever get"

    according to the trailer, the last transmission from the beagle rover and transformer stomping it was classified thus never revealed to the public. i agree with the guy who first said "only warning we would ever get" and "contact via email" etc... contradiction.

    also... the fact that megatron's body has been kept in isolation since god know's when must of been a bit of a clue that something else was out there and may come. has there even been an explanation as to how the "allspakr" got to earth? are we supposed to assume it just fell out of orbit?! how did sector7 know to associate it with the 'megaman' (megatron) and store them together?!

    the producers seem t be gettin their wires mixed up a little, but like the idea of building up a back-story to the movie by developing and updating the sector7 website. i also agree that it will be regularly updated... where do we access newly revealed passwords for the site?

  7. First, I'd like to state that I havn't read the script, so if there's anything tying the teaser into the movie, I don't know anything about it.

    On that note, I read that the teaser originally didn't have anything to do with the movie's storyline. If so, then the 'only warning we would ever get' doesn't apply.

    As far as I know, Sector7 has gotten all of their information from Megatron. If I'm wrong, please point it out and I will stay quiet.

  8. err... bad news folks.

    unless the site is under-going yet another update, then the 'thefirst7' password to the Sector7 website has been changed. access is now denied with the message 'retinal scan required' appearing.

    anyone know where to access the updated passswords to this site?

    i just hope it's getting another update...

  9. I got a weird email that i'm assuming is part of the sector seven site. It seems to be from some underground person. Check out the details here.


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