Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Transformers Related Interviews

Shia LaBeouf in promotion for Disturbia briefly discusses Transformers with IGN.com. Over at ENI, Transformers screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman talked with MTV.

The highlights from both interviews:
- The writers decided to hold on Soundwave for a sequel "for when we can actually do Soundwave right."
- Everything is up for grabs from Armada to Beast Wars if another movie is made.
- The writers pitched to Michael Bay "...a boy and his car. 'E.T.' with action."
- First draft focused on the Shia meets girl romance stuff, second draft began to incorporate action movie booms.
- The comic books where used as model for the human characters (and one assumes some of the Transformers).
- Cybertron will be seen in the film.
- Bumblebee speaking on through song was inspired by first conversation between Elliot and E.T. to create a sense of wonder about the Transformers.
- Orci liked writing for Prime and they both advocated for Peter Cullen to voice him.
- Ravage was in an early draft of the movie.
- Shia's interview was mostly contrasting how hard it was to act against a make-believe robot in TF versus a real actor in Disturbia.
- Apparently Michael Bay is like General Patton and the acting was hard because didn't get the immediate feedback of whether a seen will work or not.
- Shia confirmed he is signed up for sequels.

Full writers interview is here.
Shia interview is here.


  1. Hmm...I'm a big Transfan, but I like the new designs alot. >.>

    Also, Sector Seven updated again...kinda. There's a new email about Agent X.

  2. I still think Shia is a little bitch.

    Why does Speilberg have such a hard on for him?

  3. "Hmm...I'm a big Transfan, but I like the new designs alot."
    So do I. I was a huge Transformers geek as a kid. Watched it from the first episode of the first mini-series and read most of the comics. I absolutely love the designs. I'm so glad they aren't making a live action movie with the boxy humans of the original cartoon.


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