Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Transformers' Wall Graffix Pics

Hasbro has introduced a new line of Transformers related paraphernalia call Wall Graffix. Not quite a poster, its images that will stick to smooth surfaces but can be removed and reused. Retail for $12.99. The main point though isn't to help advertise the item but more to point out its more cool images of the movie version of Optimus Prime, Barricade, and Bumblebee in some CGI glory. These might be a re-use of previously released images, not 100% sure about that.



  1. Freakin' sweet. All three look fantastic.

  2. BTW... nothing new except for the Barricade action pose. I can't wait to see him wreaking havoc. I never noticed the clear screen in front of Optimus in truck mode before, either.


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