Gamespot has reported on a first look at Transformers: Autobots for the Nintendo DS, one of two DS games, other being the Decepticons. Game story is focused, like the movie, on claiming the Allspark. Gameplay is third-person, mission based in a 3D city, same idea as the next-gen games. There are some RPG elements such as leveling up based on experience that will add abilities and attacks. Also can scan vehicles so can change into them. Also can tweak player color scheme.

The game will also have local wireless play for up to 4 players in deathmatches and other games. For Nintendo Wi-fi (internet play), there is the "AllSpark Wars" where can download daily missions. Completed missions are tracked by a server that measures performance of the two TF factions. Not sure if that means vs play or not. Doesn't sound like it.
Control is done via the touch screen for actions such as scanning and transforming. Graphics are described as "solid and have a good look to them" and the audio is same. The article says the games are coming out in June.
Update: Hasbro press release on the game is
here. I noticed that the release date is listed as 6/29/07 which is the Australian and more or less the Korean release date. So not sure if that is a typo or not.
Any word when all this Bayformers crap will blow over and we can expect more Transformers stuff?
ReplyDeleteI'm all for looking at these space fender benders that look like something is seriously broken, but they're all too Star Trek The Movie for me. Too much focus on the ill spent special effect budget and not enough on making them good looking.
Hey, it I was a robot I'd try to protect my gut in something rather than wearing them on the outside. A sharp shooter could just pick off parts of you. These robots are in disguise because they are butt ugly. They are just lucky enough to be able to go one step beyond wearing a bag over their head, and turn into second rate car.
So protecting ones internal organs... What can be done? Maybe some kind of outer shell, like armor. If I was to turn into something else I'd make my outer armor form the item I was to turn into. And, of course, that would make me look cool. Holy crap I saw that somewhere before, maybe it was the Transformers.
Hey, at least some sharp shoot is not going to pick off my internal organs from a good mile off in the distance. If they could I'd stay as a car all the time.
you (and all the haters) need to get out of the 80's
ReplyDeleteI think you miss the idea a little.
ReplyDeleteI can see people have ill feelings for this movie, because it's taking up the space they expected to be used by something more faithful.
You keep on defending it. You're doing "the right thing. There is nothing wrong with that. You think it's a matter of people holding onto the old and being stuck in the past.
That sure is a valid point of view.
But I doubt it would really be so bad to see things from the other side. Maybe you liked the Lord Of The Rings movies, or Fight Club, Starship Troopers, or something that was a story from some other medium, that became a movie.
It's not good enough to say this is just new and the stuff from the 80's was old. That's not it. It's about changing the story, even if it's an improvement. It's just not what people have been hoping for.
There sure is nothing wrong with giving people what they want, I hope? I can tell you all the "haters" are really just disappointed.
There are no answer for the changes to the stories, to the characters, and so on. There is no good answer for the deal with GM. There is very little that is the same. Once you have changed the character, the story, the setting, motivations, and so on, is it the Transformer or something with the same name?
Many people who wanted more Star Trek had to wait until the sad first movie ended and was long forgotten, before we could see any more. The fear here is that we'll have that same long wait until the Transformers are back again. Truth be told, some of us hope this is a huge flop so that we can get what we wanted, the Transformers as they should be.
For anyone who might think people are upset about small changes they are not. People are sad, disappointed, and feeling betrayed by huge changes. Assuming the character names are only 1% of the story, that's about all that has not changed.
These are not Robots, Cars, Planes, and an odd Gun here. For many that were young when they saw The Transformers these were heroes. And to a child they seem to have a super natural dedication to their mission, and a moral compass that never moved. A child could see past the cartoon and see what was being told. These are characters that would hardly hesitate to make the ultimate sacrifice to save someone. They're character showed in their actions.
When I was a kid the Transformers didn't interest me. I never really looked at it. I maybe saw something like 3 or 4 episodes. Maybe more. We didn't have many TV stations, so really there was nothing else on. When my dad was ill he would spend time in our living room on the fold out couch. We watched a few episodes together, and I could tell he was impressed.
The last day I spent with my dad one of the things we did was watch an episode of Transformers. Referring to Optimus Prime he said grow up to be like him and you be a hero to those around you. He said they were heroes, even if they were "car things." During that last week I noticed how much Optimus was like my dad. Until then we had never spent a day apart.
Optimus was most likely like allot of people dads. His family is the Autobots.
They sure were a hell of allot more than met the eye. I for one miss them and hope they return. My hope is not diminished, I will keep waiting. My father always said "When you know what you want, just never give up, and don't settle for less." I haven't and wont. Never. I'm sure Optimus would agree.
I can see your point on some of it, but I don't see you saying anything about all of the series that came out after G1. I started off not really liking the designs, but accept them because they are quite a bit more believable than the originals. Unicron was always my favorite because his transformation was actually complex enough to be believable.... the "Unicrons" they came up with after the movie suck in my opinion...
ReplyDeleteThose series were in many ways not as good as the original, in my opinion. They changed things that they didn't really need to to tell their story. Why would they depart from the long standing tradition of telling stories within the Transformers universe? I can't say. We all know that Hasbro needs to sell toys, and that should be their motive in all this.
ReplyDeleteThe thought I hear expressed around the water cooler and elsewhere is simple "This was so hard to get wrong." It's clear to all that this might be a good movie, but it's only using some names. This is not a dig, it's a simple statement. We've all read about what will be in the movie, the plot, and so on.
But there is a way out of all this for those of us with a little cash. We can purchase the series, the entire series on DVD. 98 episodes.
I am a Transformers fan, I guess. I have clothing, comics(all the original, both US and UK), toys, and much more. I didn't start out that way, but over time things gathered. Then friends noticed and when ever I got a gift it was something Transformer. It's like a critical mass event. People see you collect something and then they start sending you tons of it.
My wife got me a season 3 DVD set. I didn't think much of it, and really didn't want to watch it alone so it sat there for years. One day my 4 year old son, wanted to watch the DVDs. So watched me using the DVD player and popped in the Transformers himself. He was hooked and only wanted to watch those DVDs for the next six months. My 3 year old was hooked also. They run around the house making the transforming sound(perfectly) and "turn into trucks like Optimus Prime."
This got old and I order the full 98 episode boxed set. It has become generational. I know they will always think of the Transformers when they look back on their childhood. There is a emotional content to that show that does not appear in any other. It like the show Heroes, but for kids.
Maybe it can't done again. The will may be gone, or there might be no demand. Could be the people at Hasbro dislike the original series. In any case they've done what they have done. I do hope the movie does poorly, or is bad enough, or creates enough of a stir to rally people behind the idea of doing it again and right. If they did I can imagine a series of movies going on for a long long long time.
It's something so hard to get wrong, and so easy to get right.
Well, I can't agree with you on that they got it wrong. Most (literal) remakes don't do well, so they HAD to change things....and as an adult, I think that what they changed makes sense for the series. Don't get me wrong, the originals are great for kids, but don't make a lot of sense most of the time.
ReplyDeleteI was a bit disappointed when the Arc wasn't in it, but it does make a bit of sense to me now... Megatron was the only one that could travel the depths of space after the cube, but even then, he was almost drained. The others get there as 'meteors', or you could call it their protoform.
I could be more accepting of the new designs and such because I had only a few episodes as a kid (plus the movie) and only a couple years ago gotten the other 70+ episodes on DVD.
I am quite the fan tho, I've got 60+ issues of the 80 issue comic series that ran way back when and they've been read so much that not only is the cover off, but some are missing a couple pages (but are now protected by bags and boards). The series got very different than show...which might be another reason why I'm willing to accept the 'Bayformers'... But really, if you want new G1 material, I think you will only get it from the IDE comics, but I could be wrong.
Would you do me a favor tho, after the movie comes out, post what you thought about it? I think it'd be best to get ready for this to turn into a trilogy. I'd like to see what happens after the 'origin' anyway... does Megs become Galvatron? does Unicron make an appearance? Does the Matrix of Leadership get passed on? does the Decepticon Matrix of Conquest exist in this continuity?
I wont. I almost said can't.
ReplyDeleteI wont be seeing the movie. My kids are into the Transformers. It's the most important thing to them. I would not feel right seeing a movie called Transformers without them, and I can't really take them to see this. They're a little young to the stuff of nightmares.
I also wont be getting the DVD. I would have to hide it from them, and I don't like the idea of that. I just want to straight forward and honest with them. During this time in their lives I like to do as much as I can with them.
So here, I am. The guy who wont see it. Not really the person to please with a movie, after all I'm sure the target audience going to be people more willing to buy a ticket.
I've run into the Bullies and the people who use terms like 'Haters' for everyone who'd like to see a faithful film. What can I say. I teach my kids not to cave in to peer pressure, to be their own person, I'll do the same.
If everyone else in the world thought this movie was a good idea, I still wouldn't. I think of it like updating the Lord Of The Rings with machine guns, because the Elfs would look cool...oh and give them all trench coats like Neo from the Matrix. It might make one hell of a great movie, but it's not what I want.
I want a good faithful Transformer movie. Simple, yet hard to get. The story is easy. And we all know who was there are the start. Like the Lord Of The Rings, you don't need to change the story, or their be no surprises. It is the story we want, or, at least the story I want.
I am my own person. I have a sound and reasoned opinion. I'm not swayed by the crowd. The movie it sure to be great, and make tons of money, but still it's not my cup of tea. I will live forever with the vein hope that things will change, or that a better(in my opinion) movie gets made. And just because I'm the only person in the world who thinks this way does not change my mind.
I can see where you're coming from. You're one of the few that want an actual remake of the original G1 crew...I don't think that will happen in a theatrical movie. King Kong, Oceans Eleven, Starsky&Hutch, Dukes of Hazard, etc... all got a lot of flack because they were 'unnecessary' remakes. The only G1 thing that they would make would be a cartoon series, I'd think...unless if an indie film studio were to do it, but then would it be good? Who knows?
ReplyDeleteIt's good to hear that you're one of the seemingly few parents that take responsibility for what your children watch. But I have to disagree that you should do without because you don't want to 'do it behind their backs'..but that's how I feel about it... who knows? maybe if you watched it and you found nothing wrong with it...I don't know...I'm not trying to change your mind, just giving my opinion.
I was 4 myself when the Transformers: The Movie came out, but since it was PG, I was able to see it.
Just one question tho...if you're not planning on watching it, why'd you check this blog?
Simple. I'm hoping to see if there is any momentum for a good remake, as you call it. I started checking to see how much this movie was related to the Transformers. I think you have answered that question by indicating that you don't want a remake, and I'm sure most people wouldn't care either way.
ReplyDeleteI'm here partly to be a critic, voice of reason, to represent those that would prefer a more faithful version of the movie. Keeping it real, keeping it honest.
Just one question tho...Why do you think a more faithful movie could not be a good one? Or why is it you insist on NOT asking for a Transformers movie that has more ties to the Transformers?
Hey, we all know that it can't be a simple remake. But it could contain some of the story, the characters could have been more faithful in their looks, and so on, AND still make a good movie.
I've never said this movie would be bad. It might not be right in some people's view. Personally I think it will make tons of money. I think it follows a well proven Hollywood formula, and these people are no fools. They know how to get people to spring for a ticket. In a few words: Explosion. Chase. Robots. Chicks. Hardware. Sci-Fi. Jokes-a-la-Arnie.
I'm sure I would like it. On some level we could all just sit and watch that kind of thing.
But when currently cycling through the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd seasons at home now, I see they missed much of what really captured people imaginations. Get a kid who has never seen them and roll out the original series. You'll see. Look at the series new as an adult watching with a child. You will see.
At the moment I see a very large missed opportunity. But then again I'm not as anti-remake or anti-retelling as you seem to be. A good story only gets better and better, but a bad one should be changed. Every story can be adapted, or improved. But in each case important key elements are preserved.
I'm not anti-remake at all... but I feel that it should be done only when it is necessary. With King Kong, I feel that Peter Jackson made the movie the way that Merian Cooper originally invisioned. And I'm a huge fan of the Spider-Man movies, tho they changed a bunch of things around. I'm pretty open unless if it's just not done right or without reason... I havn't seen Oceans Eleven, but I accept the remake because they then made Oceans Twelve.
ReplyDeleteThe new Transformers movie isn't exactly a kids movie..it was nearly rated R... to have a kid friendly movie, they could have the originals and it'd be fine because it's geared for kids and laws of physics don't need to apply.
I'd LOVE to see a movie or new series using G1, but as a more 'believable' film, I think they hit it spot on.
Btw, I gave it some thought and I realized that someone as young as 4yrs old wouldn't be psychologically warped by watching -a- movie geared for more adult audiences as long as it wasn't all the time...just a thought...your kids would enjoy it anyway :)
"I'd LOVE to see a movie or new series using G1, but as a more 'believable' film, I think they hit it spot on."
ReplyDeletePhrases like that just don't cut it. I've never met a problem that could not be solved, and this looks like the very easy. Your statement amounts to "can't" which is the dirtiest word in the world. Anything can be done. Where there is a will there is a way. But, there first must be a will.
First let me address your use of the work 'believable' as it applies to Hollywood CG effects and big robots that turn into things. It does not.
Second lets look at what you are saying. Either it's the look they have in the movie, or nothing. You are seriously telling me that this is the closest someone could get to making the character look like themselves? It can't be, and I'm sure there are many many talented people out there that would take exception to that. Oh, maybe putting the gut inside might be a start, but details are not important. This is doubtless not the best they could do. Even if this movie did not make Transformer claims, it still could have used more imagination, from the looks of it.
Also there is no such thing as a necessary remake. Films are not even necessary. So I don't know what a necessary remake is. Hell, by some accounts this film is a remake. And maybe not necessary.
No matter what you or I think this is a Hollywood movie. Like MacDonalds food it's common, everyone will eat there once, and it might be the most common food experience on the planet. That does not make the food great.
So, it just comes down to will. If the goal was to do enough to get by and make a good return on investment, it's the MacDonalds route. And, if they did not go that direction they will have to explain to their bosses what the hell there were doing with all that money. Their jobs, Bay, his bosses, and their bosses, is to make money, by way of getting you to pony up money.
A person of will could have easily made a good film that featured G1 characters that were somewhat faithful and 'believable'.
It all reminds me of an interview where Bay told someone that there would be no size changes because that would be cheating. It's a movie and he can do what he wants. The size changing idea was nice because is allowed some characters to become something other than a giant truck/plane.
In short I have heard all the "can't" people make up all the reasons for can't. They answer for the people who made this film, knowing full well the answer is a business one and only known to those at the top of the production. Those people are never going to be honest. That doesn't sell tickets. It's easier to come up with excuses. If they were totally honest maybe you would hear something to the effect of "We skimped on the Ark and Cybertron for money reasons. It was the budget." Nope. They would say "We intended to place our focus on the main characters."
They'll never tell us the things that went into this movie. If Bay really hated the Transformers, and blames them for the death of his pet cat Sally, he sure as hell is not going to say that. You are completely daft if you think he'd level with anyone. The party line is, most likely, "Everything is great. We didn't run into any snags, other than the normal ones..."
Label me a hater. And I still think the movie will gross tons of money. I think it might even be a really popular thing.
I know what I would have liked. I seriously doubt I'm alone.
I don't label you a hater because you have reasons for why you don't like it.
ReplyDeleteIf they made the characters more like the masterpiece editions, it'd go pretty well, but to do it like the cartoon, I don't think would be pulled off well enough for most adults...again, if the target audience are kids, it wouldn't matter if it's 'believable' or 'realistic'.
As for my use of 'believable', I simply meant that IF this existed, it could be like this...if there we made the transformers, they'd probably have a more Gundam or Patlabor look to them and 'cover up their gut', but coming from an alien race, I can believe that they could look like they do. I've poured over the designs and I just can't see what you (and others) call their 'exposed insides'...doesn't matter tho.
It's nice to see that someone has an opinion that has reasons behind them, instead of "I just don't" or "They just suck".