Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"Ellen" Transformers Clip

Josh Duhamel was interviewed on "Ellen" the other day, presenting a clip from the film involving Blackout and a few more bits of his transformation.



  1. This movie is gonna kick sooo much ass

  2. Too much focus on the sappy scenes.

    I enjoy the fact that chad is impressed with every scene he sees. Assuming chad is not working for the studio to promote the film by posting quick little 'kick ass' comments, I think this a good sign for ticket sales.

    This reminds me a little of Star Trek The Motion Picture, in some small ways. Far too much cuddly soft moments, and far too much screen time for the costly special effects. Between the two a good movie was lost. The big difference here is that Transformers has large explosions and action scenes.

    We all have our goals when going to a movie. Some want to surprised, some just entertained, other want to see the largest fake computer generated explosion, and still others was to see skin, and so on.

    When someone says a movie will kick large quantities of ass, what does that mean. The phrase 'kick ass' is somewhat teenage-ish. You might hear a kid say 'That's totally kick ass.' This phrase is used to express excitement when the subject does not have the ability to express themselves in detail.

    When chad says it I get the impression he is referring to the action, such as fights, chases, and explosions. If that is what he means by 'kick sooo much ass' I could not disagree.

  3. Why are all the bad guys monochromatic and boring looking?

  4. Haters need to shut the hell up and just watch their damn Fantastic Four movies!!!

  5. So people who don't agree with Jake are haters?

    Mature. If you really enjoy this film from what you have seen, try to talk about that. Extol, endlessly, the wonders of this movie. Please.

    If you really liked the movie you would have said something positive about it. You didn't, and maybe you can't find something to say? That says enough.

    They didn't change a few things, they did change everything in the movie. Sure, the movie is called Transformers, and a few character names are the same, but the similarities end there.

    Plot, Story, Motivations, Looks, Character personality, and so on. Enough has changed that this is only a Transformer movie, in name only.

    The disappointment comes from hoping our heroes will never leave us, that they will grow with us. In the way that The Lord of The Rings did. The characters grew from a fantastic book to an even more fantastic movie. There was no need to make huge changes. People knew what they wanted. You didn't see updated Elves with machine guns did you? Wonder why?

    Our heroes aren't coming beck, and they have not grown with us. They have been taken from us and strangers now carry their names, and expect us to not notice the difference. They have become like missing children, we don't know where they are or what has happened to them, or even if we'll see them again. We knew them when we were young, and when we need them to remind of us of those fond times. Maybe they have rejected us.

    We always expected them to be there for us no matter our age, and hoped they could be there for our children. This outright rejection or disappearance leaves one alone, at a time when we were told our old friends were going to come back for a visit, giving us a moment to be young again, and share them with our kids. But there are unfriendly strangers at the door.

    So, go on. Call me a hater also. Call us all haters. If that is what my comments make me. I can except that, and I can be proud of it. Rather that than posting such calumnies.

  6. "So people who don't agree with Jake are haters?"
    Why is that everyone who likes what they've seen is a studio "plant."

    What's the excuse gonna be when the movie makes tons of money? A million studio plants went to see the movie?

  7. Yeah apparently you aren't allowed to like the movie no matter what. Go figure. I'm a rebel I guess. And by the end of the year when the TF franchise is printing money, all of us who liked it early on will be getting the last laugh.

  8. Astroturfing has become a popular marketing ploy.


    Nobody says you shouldn't like the movie. Go for it. But I don't see anyone saying anything good about it, just bothered that some people are not excited by the treatment of the material.

    To me they are two separate items. There is this movie, and their is the Transformers long established history. This movie might stand on it's own and could be great, in fact I'll go on record as saying right now it will be great. But, some see it as now a good Transformers movie. There is a huge difference. Worlds and worlds of difference.

    Not one person has posted here any details that they like, but they are excited about it in general, as they should be. And it should mean fantastic ticket sales.

    This is a movie with high expectations. And it did not escape people's notice that Bay didn't want the job, and had to go to "Transformer School" before he would take it.


    There are just, to some people, inescapable problems with the movie. Some people want these characters treated with care, not just hacked out. Nobody wants to see Transformers outdone in character treatment to Spiderman & Harry Potter. Both movies series have been good to their cast of characters.

    In my view there signs of stupidity, but they might be normal in the movie business. For example, Optimus has mouth guard in "battle mode", but not in robot mode. In both modes he still seems to have loads of unprotected bits all over. So why protect the mouth at all? Maybe this is why I don't make movies.

    Explain how you feel about the movie and explain, what you like about it. Don't just complain that others have an opinion. It sure would be welcome.

  9. Product placement is a tad obvious (HP) but yes, I'm dead excited over this. TF!


  11. Damn those movie plants

  12. Yes...they're getting so big they are starting to eat people.

  13. I'm not a movie plant..i just want blackout to kick some ass!


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