Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Transformers II Script In Development

According to the LA Times, Michael Bay has confirmed that a script for Transformers II is already in development indicating a very very high confidence the studio has for the film. I would quote the section but its requires a subscription.


  1. Oh, good. He's going to piss on the Transformers, again, and the studio is happy with this? This shows that there never has been and never will be an accounting for taste.

  2. wow wtf is ur problem? u havent even seen the movie and ur talking like u have and it sucked balls..

    just be thankful someone shitter didnt get transformers.. like the guy who did doom... or RE 1 and 2, or the person who did alone in the dark....

    at least bay has talent and can make extreme block buster movies..

    I support Bay.. I agreee with MOST of his decisions..

    Bumblebee = camero = good... VW sucks ass
    Flames o n Prime/... well I dont really care bout it either way... it isnt G1 Prime, its a new transformers universe and he looks different in every one... at least he still ressiembles G1 Prime.. some incarnations of him are total shit

    lips = I dont reallllly like, but atleast his face plate is there.. id prefer all face plate all the time, but i wont let it bother me

    to leave out a bunch of TF's.. well YA! bring them out in sequels, cameo's, and it allowed for the movie to come out quicker.. made less work for CGI workers and script work ect ect

    I personally think the movie will be toooo human orintated.. tooooo many human scenes all the time..

    just prey it doesnt turn out like spidy 3 where theres more human mushy scenes then blow em up action

    so to anyone who think bay is not the man for he job and want to say how much he sucks for makin it this film b4 u even seen his work, go FCUK yourselves seriously...

    bay is the man for the job.. what other action director u think would be better? huh? please someone tell me.. I would reallly like to know

    P.S Thank god they changed frenzy's name from Soundwave... THAT IS NOT SOUNDWAVE yay

  3. Hey, to read the article, just use this username/password combination:


    Find more combinations at:http://www.bugmenot.com/view/www.latimes.com

  4. Well, i enjoyed Transfomers. Although i have a comment myself about it. There was not enough Tranformers in the film, no cannon fodder to speak of. Jazz did not have to die, the cool talking transformer met an horrible end. But better ending than in the book... Either way, it was a good film. I hope the second one is not rushed or ruined as most sequels are... Good job on Transformer, Mr Bay.


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