Monday, May 07, 2007

More Movie Toy Galleries

More toy galleries, click the links to see the pics.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Walkie Talkies
Legends Optimus Prime
Legends Megatron
Fast Action Battler Blackout
Optimash Prime
Cyber Stompin Optimus Prime
Cyber Stompin Bumblebee
Real Gear Watch
Transformers Chess Set, Puzzle and game

1 comment:

  1. I had my kids review the images of the new toys from the movie. The reaction was less than good. I explained that one was Megatron, and he laughed and thought I was joking. There was no prompting.

    In my opinion these are basically ugly, no good toys. My son can transform master piece Optimus Prime in his sleep. These are more than toys, in a way they are puzzles to kids. The transformations for the movie based toys are poor, or non existent.

    It's a shame they had to make Bumblebee ugly as can be. I can't design a good toy for my life, and also can't make a tire. However I can spot a flat tire, and an really bad toy.


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