Friday, May 11, 2007

Transformers vs Die Hard 4 Game On

Last year it was Superman vs Pirates, this year its Transformers vs Die Hard 4 for July box office dollars. To the victor goes...well bragging rights since both are probably going to bank a crapload of money.

In this battle, Bruce Willis launched the opening salvo by commenting on the AICN messages boards:
Bay...Would have ruined DH4. Few people will work with him now, and I know I will never work with him again.
Michael Bay in return responded via his blog:
Hard to believe it really is Bruce saying that stuff on AICN. I
loved working with Bruce. He gave me a big hug one month ago at the GM party and
we talked for 20 minutes. We even talked about working together again! I mean it
would be sad if he felt this way - he's never one to hide his feelings - I say
sad, in that he wouldn't be man enough to say it to my face. But truly sad that
such a big time actor would have to hide on a little talk back section. So I
really don't believe this story.

I find it also totally odd that my
agents at William Morris got the call from Bruce's people to inquire if I would
like to helm Die Hard 4, but I was already on Transformers.


Real feud? Friends having fun over competing films? Marketing stunt? Who knows except those two.


  1. The only competition for TF in July is the new Harry Potter movie.

  2. Given the hype level for Transformers I'm betting they'll move the release date for Harry Potter, or they'll play chicken, but they'll keep away from each other.

  3. Mannnn that Bruce willis really is a scum sucking dirt bag chump!

  4. Harry Potter open like a week and half AFTER TF. I don't think they'll change the release date, but TF will blow it out of the water. (in the US anyway)

  5. With this many movies out at that same time it will create that theater desire. They'll come to see one movie, take note of others and come back to see more.

  6. I see no way DH4 could ever come close to TF. What a joke, especially after the lame DH3. I thought the franchise died with DH2. I can't imagine why anyone would think that DH4 could even get close to competing with something as fresh, and epic as TF promises to be. Why would someone ever try to compare them. I understand a TF-Spidey comparison, or even a TF-Potter Box Office war. But Die Hard 4, that's hilarious!

  7. I'm a fan of Bruce Willis' work, but if he actually does feel that way and did it in this manner, I like him less as a person....not that I've heard anything on his actual personality.

    Anyway, I slapped these together. If you like them but have a different resolution, say something and I'll put them out in the rez you need.

  8. I forgot to mention that he is whack..

    sso hes a scum sucking dirt bag whack chump!!


    Bruce Willis is a scum sucking dirt bag whack chump! :' o

  9. Bruce Willis is so fucking old and played out. Where is this Die Hard going to take place... in a fucking retirement home? Terrorists trying to take over Century Village? Maybe throw in an intense wheelchair vs crutches chase scene? Are you fucking kidding me, Bruce? Transformers is where it's at. You need to get with the times, old man. And this is why your wife left you for me. lol


    Ashton Kutcher


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