Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lion's '86 Transformers Theme Cover Video

A band named Black Lab have recorded a cover of Lion's Transformers theme that opened the 1986 animated Transformers: The Movie and posted it on the net in a video using a re-edited version of the various trailers and TF footage that has been available online. Below is the YouTube video and can go to Black Lab's site by clicking here. Thanks to tactilecontact for the info.


  1. I think it sucks so bad. The current theme is much better, though I'm not crazy about it.

  2. Bah I think it's awesome, I always did like black lab, but anyway that's just my opinion.

  3. I'm alright with both. Personally tilting toward Mute Math, though... I'm a biased fan. :) But, as everyone seems to have different opinions over what does/does not appeal, I thought this would be another open option for people's palletes.


  4. I listened to both versions. Although Black Lab is NOT the band I would probably pick first, their version is so far above Mute Math's (imo), it's almost funny.

    But here are 3 other bands I would have gone with if I had the choice, in no particular order: Avenged Sevenfold, Seether, or Shadows Fall.

    Probably Shadows Fall.

  5. this version is so much better than the mute math one

  6. OMGwowThatShouldHaveBeenUsedForTheFilm

  7. I prefer the version in heavy metal from 86 here the link:

    It's awesone and the original...
    Seb Cohen


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