Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Example Transformer Card Images

Maximus purchased some cards for Transformers the movie that some stills from the movie not seen in the trailergame trailer and other sources. She was kind enough to scan them for all to view. Some of them are pretty awesome looking especially the Optimus and Megatron jump. The gallery is here, but I snagged a copy just in case photobucket limit is reached.

Update: Corrected some incorrect assumptions.


  1. Actually, most of the stills are from the game's intro. :P And as for the one with Ironhide and BB, that's from a childern's book. I jes really liked Ironhide's expression...XD I'll be scannin more in when I get a chance.

    Btw, I'm a she. ^^

  2. Where can I get these cards?


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