Friday, June 15, 2007

New Stan Bush Transformers Theme

Stan Bush has released a snippet of a new Transformers theme. For those not familiar, Stan Bush was one of the singers and writers for the animated Transformers: The Movie soundtrack back in 1986. He is of the famed "The Touch" that most Transfans could probably sing to you whether they would admit to it or not. I don't know if its official with the movie release or him just doing his own thing. Thanks to Chad T for the link and don't forget to check out the message boards.

Click here to listen to the mp3 formatted song.


  1. The song is nothing more than over the top, chessy as they come, i didn't even bother to think about the lyrics, 80's Garbage

    And I cannot help but love it

  2. haha WOW... cheesy as heck, but I love it. I doubt this one is being used but it's great nonetheless. I can't wait 'til he releases another CD album!

  3. It's an awesome song, but it's VERY 80s. I could understand why it's not in the movie and it shouldn't. If this movie came out in the 80s, would have been awesome. Funny cuz it seems Stan is stuck in the 80s. Goo Goo Dolls came out of the 80s, but they evolved very well.

  4. He submitted it to the movie makers, but he turned them down. So he's including it on his next album.

    Read the blogs.

  5. Oh oh, I think I read elsewhere that this was a Bot-con exclusive designed to re-capture the thrill of the 80s Movie and stuff. It was composed quite few years back so it's very dated.

    I really like this song, but I'm inclined to pass on it for a more KICKASS song like The Touch or Dare. I'd still buy his album, of course.

  6. Back in the 80s Stan did good things for the transformers movie...

    This new song made me want to rip my face off. Seriously. If this song made it into the new Live action Transformers movie I would have grabbed the sides of my mouth with my hands and tried to pull my face down over my skull.

    We should have music police inorder to punish those that write crappy music like this. Imagine the process that went into this song production. Stan Bush presents the song to his fellow recording colleagues and they have to bite their tongues and fight their desire to say "no... This song blows!! we are not going to be a part of this"
    I feel bad for those that had to go along pretending this song was good.

    Thank god I dont have to rip my face off.

  7. WHAT!!!!! THE????????

  8. i dont want to sound sad here but this is just Groundzero by Stan with difrent lyrics :)rdtvvcv

  9. omG i LOVE this song... sure beats all the other TF themes we've come by... yeah, it's very 80's, but hey, at least it's a proper song, with the Transformers spirit intact

    ps: love the lyrics :)

  10. Come on, people...with all due respect (sort of) to those who still like '80's music, this would have been like putting early Beatles songs in the first TF movie...

  11. The Transformers were created in the 80's, they belong in the 80's, And since everything in the movie has been updated, The song should at least keep with the spirit of that time....

    And as for the guy who was all like 'I would pull my skin over my skull etc, WTF? it is good, And even if you don't like it, quit being such a buzz killer. What are you, Some 12 year old kid that watched armada and think that they know it all???

  12. A very 80' alright, but I loved it! Stan still has the touch! haha

  13. he sounded a lil like bryan adams during his heyday :D

  14. That was "Ground Zero"!! He didn't even change half the lyrics. I love Stan, but I bet he could have done something a little more, well, current. Can't wait for June to hurry up and END!!!!


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