Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shia LaBeouf Interview Movie Clip

Shia LaBeouf appeared on the 06/13 episode of the Tonight Show. Don't have the interview, hopefully will be on YouTube soon, but someone did snag a copy of the movie footage shown. Amusing sequence with Spike trying to hide the TFs from his dad and they not particularly helping.

Update: Thanks to Maximus, now able to download the Leno footage from here.



  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my god, dude! That was freakin' hilarious! Now I KNOW this is gonna rock!

  2. Ahahaha, ok that was pretty good. Bumblebee rocks too ^^

  3. I'm in love with this movie!!! is it Julu yet?

  4. That Shia is quite the comedian lol

  5. Hey, you can dl the vid here

  6. Maximus, thanks you!

  7. not a fan of the cheesey jokes but OMG!.....bumblebee in that clip looks so realistic! his movements look so human and the shadow and light make his body look like real metal----crazy shit, i guess this really is gonna be groundbreaking shit

  8. Thanks Maximus! Can you get a high def version of the theatrical trailer in AVI? the MOV doesn't work well on my comp. :(

  9. which trailer? Cause I think I have like...2 or 3...maybe I'll jes zip all mah trailers into one bundle and upload it to rapidshare...:D

  10. It was supposed to be the last theatrical trailer. Starting with Sam and his dad going to a Porsche dealership. I think it was labeled "trailer 4". Thanks


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