Monday, June 04, 2007

Transformers Game Behind the Scenes Video

Activision has released a clip that provides a little behind the scenes insight from the creators of Transformers The Game. The video is mostly a cheerleading video game rather then a how to, but does provides good preview of in game play and cinematics.



  1. Have they said if they use screen shots from any particular system for all the videos and pics from the game and what not?

    Probably 360 or PS3. I only have PS2, I hope the graphics are descent for that.

  2. I only have a PS2 and I don't play it that much. Last thing I played was FF12 and XenoSaga 2 and 3 for research. Sadly I sold my 360 because at that time, the only game worth playing was DOAX, so I will probably buy another one JUST for the game though. Nice to know there's a PSP version coming out. That'll do nicely when I'm travelling.

  3. They should have made the game with two modes, Transformers 2007 and G1. They would likely get many more sales.

  4. They've got some G1 skins within the has been mentioned before.

    If the graphics is from the 360, I'm rather should be able to have MUCH higher poly count than the pics they've shown.


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