Thursday, September 20, 2007

IMAX Deleted Scenes Descriptions

Over at the forums, "beatrush" has posted a description of the two minutes of scenes added to the IMAX release of Transformers. The summation is the scenes are slight additions to existing scenes in the movie and does not include new CGI or Transformer elements. Here there be spoilers.

From the post:
I just got back from an advanced screening of the Imax Transformers.

We still do not know the fate of Barricade We do not see any new footage of any battles

First additional Scene is Sam picking up his friend who climbed the tree in the park. He makes fun of sam's car about being yellow.

Second additional scene is at the police station when sam gets arrested and they make him watch a video about what drugs do to your brain. The video is amusing but nothing great

Third additional scene has the agent from Section 7 makes Sam take a test to see if he is lying inside the van by making him look into a device to see his pupils dialate.

Fourth additional scene is where the sector 7 agent tells the group about a room where he likes to meditate in (the part before they see the all spark cube)

Fifth additional scene is where one of the army guys goes into a pawn shop and tries to pawn his watch to get the shortwave radios

There may have been something new in the credits but I didnt think about checking until I left.


  1. I never thought that this 2min extra was worth anything and this proves it.. pretty much worthless scenes that had no purpose...

    we want more transformers.. in the series there were many times where there wasnt even a human in an episode...

  2. you do know in the book barricade gets trashed by prime right after he destroys bonecrusher. just checking

  3. Actually all of these scenes were in the novelization word-for-word, so none of them are actually worthless. If we do see any additional scenes with the TFs it'll be on the DVDs, not in IMAX theaters.

    The scenes are mostly to provide little insights into the varying characters psyches and quirks that they may have.


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