Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No Action Figures For Fox

Via ENI, it appears that Megan Fox has a phobia of being an action figure,
WENN reports that Transformers 2 co-star MEGAN FOX is desperate not to become an action figure. "I told them that I would literally commit suicide if they made an action figure of me. I will kill myself."
Its a shame, sure more then a few fanboys want a life size version. Considering the detail that figures can reach nowadays I wonder she is so against the idea.


  1. Awww man... that's so sad. I'd love to have a Megan Fox action figure... hehehe... hopefully she'll agree to one soon. We wouldn't want her to kill herself over something so simple, no? :)

  2. I think she might be a little paranoid with voodoo maybe? She might think people will get her action figure and do strange things to it? That or... She just doesn't want a little version of herself?

  3. She's a little late. There was one of her in the Screen Battles:First Encounter set.


  4. Beaten to the punch. Well done, optimus prime.


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