Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fan-Made Optimus Prime Posters

In another attempt to pass off fake posters as real, two posters that show Optimus Prime have hit the web. As "Josh" over at TFW2005 forums noted, the images are taken directly from Blur Studio's Transformers: The Game (video). Still they look pretty good, not bad for a screen saver or something. Thanks to Slushie Man for the link.


  1. I think these posters are very much alike with the art/screenshots from TF- The Game.
    But anyway, nice work of using photoshop :)

  2. Sweet, but yeah, you've seen these before, so it's obvious it's from the game. And the low-res-ness tells too... but it's still pretty neat :P

  3. at least we getting something from the movie. even though its fake.


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