Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Transformer Inspirations

Sadly it seems not much info is coming out about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen front. So below are some stuff I stumbled across over the last week or so that seem to be examples of how Transformers have inspired many. The first from China is various Autobot like robots built from junk yard parts. They remind me of the Alternator line. The full gallery is here.

Next up apparently de-classified video of the F-35 Lightning II that shows lots of Transformer like inspirations. Sadly it doesn't turn into an actual war robot. The military should probably consider that for version three. More info here.

Last is from France where art troupe "Not So Noisy" put together robot images from multiple cars. Not actual transformation thought. Personally I am hoping their next attempt is to use stop motion cameras to take multiple cars put together as one car then move them to show a transformation sequence. Course such an idea would be a royal pain in the rear. Full gallery is here.


  1. Woohoo first post! anyway... saw the jet one a few days ago, could almost guarantee that's all CG... good CG though.

  2. F35 is from Boeing I believe and is exactly the same as the Lockhead prototype which is now the F22 raptor(starcream). I saw it on a documentary on PBS.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Boeing and Lockheed competed to build the F-35 Lightning II (a.k.a. Joint Strike Fighter)...and it's Lockheed that won the JSF contract. (It's the Lockheed version that's shown in that video)

    Lockheed and Northrop Grumman competed to build the F-22 Raptor, and Lockheed obviously won the F-22 contract.

    The F-35 and F-22 have similar designs (they both have stealth capabilities), but the F-22 is not a prototype of the Lightning II.

  5. To mtthwgrdnr, I have two things that I want to tell you:
    1st: If you don't know what you're talking about, then SHUT THE FUCK UP! The jet isn't CG at all, so SU and watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GjrPvSBGXE&feature=related
    2nd: I hate people that write first post, it's getting fucking irritating.

  6. the F-35 Lightning II is the best! imagine Ramjet on the movie as an F-35

  7. Pssstt....

    These people are professionals and do a kick ass job. You can even buy them!


  8. Yeah man, I love the F35... Joint Strike Fighter Project... VTOL ftw :)

  9. the last anonymous kid is a douche. I would agree that most of that video is CGI. The parts move to fluently and they are synchronized to move at pretty much the exact same time. And those fly over shots are just unrealistic to capture some of the fly over scenes in the video.
    That pretty much spells CGI IMO

  10. Anyway guys, here's a real clip of the F-35 (I think)


  11. To the last anonymous crybaby, get your facts straight and shut the hell up. no CGI there.

  12. Hi first anonymous dude... now THAT vid you linked to is real, no doubt. Unlike the one here, looks like CG ALL THE WAY... oh and the Transformers in the movie were CG as well... sorry if I just busted people's realities there...

  13. "Transformers in the movie were CG as well... sorry if I just busted people's realities there..."

    NOOOOO! IT'S A LIE! A LIE! What about my letter that i sent a month ago to Starscream?! He send me a respond! So HE MUST IS REAL! You are a lier, i don't like you ;( Go away from this site ;( Next thing, your going to say me, that Pokemons aren't real too! ;(

  14. The F35 and F22 are two completely different aircraft. The F35 was meant to replace the Harrier. That's why it has vertical take off capabilities. The F22 cannot take off vertically from a stand still. And it also has 2 engines instead of 1. I doubt there was any CG in that video. These are precision engineered machines so everything must work flawlessly and smoothly or your f**k'd.

  15. The Transformers is a line of toys produced by the toy companies Takara and Hasbro. Initially reusing previously released toys from the Japanese lines "Diaclone" and "Microman," Hasbro issued the toys under the name "Transformers" in the United States in 1984.
    Social Advertising

  16. ^
    |To the guy above... WTF? Beside the point, that we all know that... LOL...

  17. Thank you for the history lesson. Do I get my A+++ now? haha

  18. First video is completely cgi...
    if you truly believe that is real... I have a couple of bridges I would like to sell you...

  19. The JSF competition was not to build a f-35. Lockheed was the one who designed and built the F-35, whereas Boeing designed the X-32. Same thing with the F-22. Its compitition was against the Boeing YF-23. The YF-23 lost out because it was more suited for a stealth bomber, couldn't turn as well as the F-22.

    Sorry, just bugging me how everyone was saying that the compititions were to build a F-22 and F-35. The point of the programs were to secure a CONTRACT to build the next Multi-roll Fighter and then the Joint Strike Fighter.

  20. Sorry, edit for above post. Northrop built the YF-23 not Boeing.

  21. OMFG!!


    Wendy and Cartman are going to fight after school!

  22. first
    rumor has it that soundwaves alternate mode will be a meteor!
    now think about it man...
    the way the autobots arrived on earth...
    when this meteor hits earth all life will be destroyed just like 65 millions years ago!

  23. "Anonymous said...



    Wendy and Cartman are going to fight after school!"


  24. "Anonymous said...

    rumor has it that soundwaves alternate mode will be a meteor!
    now think about it man...
    the way the autobots arrived on earth...
    when this meteor hits earth all life will be destroyed just like 65 millions years ago!"

    Cool! That means no more STUPID human actors AND he fell from the sky....AND he got REVENGE!!...see where this is going??


    I know I know :P

  25. The real giveaway was the camera movements and shots. They are way too hollywood to be a de-classified military video.

  26. They're two they're four they're six they're eight
    Shunting trucks and hauling freight
    red and green and brown and blue
    they're the really useful crew
    All with different roles to play
    Round Tidmouth sheds or far away,
    Down the hills and round the bends
    Thomas and friends
    Thomas he's the cheeky one
    James is vain but lots of fun
    Percy pulls the mail on time
    Gordon thunders down the line
    Emily really knows her stuff
    Henry toots and huffs and puffs
    Edward wants to help and share
    Toby, well let's say, he's square
    They're two they're four they're six they're eight
    Shunting trucks and hauling freight
    red and green and brown and blue
    they're the really useful crew
    All with different roles to play
    Round tidmouths or far away
    Down the hills and round the bends
    Thomas and friends
    They're two they're four they're six they're eight
    Shunting trucks and hauling freight
    red and green and brown and blue
    they're the really useful crew
    All with different roles to play
    Round tidmouths or far away
    Down the hills and round the bends
    Thomas and his friends....

    oh and... I hear fallen people


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