Saturday, September 04, 2010

War for Cybertron DLC #2 Dated

It seems the DLC packs for War for Cybertron are going to continue as the ticker in Multiplayer and Escalation mode has revealed the 2nd pack will be coming on September 7th. According to, they figure the pack will follow the same format as the 1st with at least five new characters, 2 new Multiplayer maps and 2 Escalation maps. However, that is speculation so hopefully Activision will reveal something official soon. Not sure what the image the site posted is one of the new characters but it looks cool so used it to.


  1. what about a DLC #1 for PC?

  2. He's Drag-Strip...i think they put the DS characters on those DLC(Ultramagnus,Hot Rod,Motormaster etc...

  3. That car with the stripes was in a video of Escalation along with Zeta Prime (I think it was linked on here). So safe to assume they are both DLC characters. But anything else is pretty much just wild guesses I think. Although would definitely be sweet to see some more of the original cast.


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