Official Takara DOTM Toy Images (x5)
Takara Tomy has updated their site to show off some of the upcoming Dark of the Moon toys. Most of it is nothing new but there is one of Prime with trailer that isn't the ultimate version that I don't recall seeing before. (via Seibertron)
DOTM Deluxe Thundercracker (x5)
Hit the think for gallery that compares Transformers: Dark of the Moon deluxe Starscream with his repainted counter-part Thundercracker. Identical except for weapon, it’s the same ugly robot with a prettier color scheme. No idea on release date but guessing the second or third wave in late summer.
Amazon Japan DOTM Listings with Images (x20)
Allspark has compiled a list of the various DOTM toys that are currently up on Amazon Japan. The release date there is May 14th, 2011. The images don't really show anything different that we haven't already seen.

A nice look at voyager Skyhammer that shows the full potential of the toy. Peaugh already reviewed him but the images really do help you get an idea of what a solid addition he is to the DOTM line. (via Seibertron)
Nitro Bumblebee (x3)
Another deluxe Bumblebee. Hard to tell if this is a new mold with different transformation sequence as the main deluxe 'Bee figure or if they just changed to a different TechMech weapon with slight tweaks to the mold details.
Laserbeak (x4)
Four more images of Laserbeak, still no idea what the "transformer" aspect is of the toy.
if anyone cares i lightened the photos from the first site.
but there was nothing to see, but will satisfy if you had any curiosity.
that laserbeak looks alot like one of those helicopters from "avatar" id has the tail and a small cockpit in alt mode so perhaps "cybertronian helicopter" lol?