Post 1:
Let's welcome the Ferrari 458 Italia to the Transformers family
His name is "Dino."
It's pronounced Dee-No.

And the Mercedes E550 is...The second post also had a link to the wikipedia article on the famous "Q" of the James Bond movies. The name of the Ferrari is out of left field and has no correspondence to Transformers that I am aware of. As for the "famous Italian”, Nelson said it is after Enzo Ferrari's son, Alfredo Ferrari for which the 458 was named in the design stage. There was also the Ferrari Dino from 1968-1976.
Que. Pronounced "Q."
Ironically, the name of the Mercedes was leaked last July but none of us gave it serious thought that would be the final name mostly due to copyright/trademark problems with the 007 franchise. I guess the change in spelling to "Que" gets around that obstacle. The loud groan you here from California is probably everyone at Botcon as this news spreads. Thanks to NHLfan for the links.
The name DINO is that of a 1970's Ferrari sports car know as the 248 Dino. That car was named so in remembrance of the son of Enzo Ferrari, the guy who founded Automobili Ferrari, Alfredo "Dino" Ferrari after he passed away due to an illness! Just thought I'd throw that out there!
ReplyDeleteOK then!!..there goes my last hope that this movie wouldn't be another joke....waiting for the reboot ...and please no more Michael Bay for the love of God.
ReplyDeleteWell there's nothing wrong with new characters...but I was hoping to see some classics like Mirage and Wheeljack get the movie treatment.
ReplyDeleteThat sucks, what a disappointment! Dino, Q...Really?
ReplyDeletethe movie will be awesome no matter what................
ReplyDeleteIt's certainly a nice tribute to Enzo Ferrari's son (Alfre)Dino Ferrari who died tragically in 1956... I love the name "Q" too, also a nice tribute to 007's Q(uartermaster) Desmond Llewelyn.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait!! Only a couple of weeks to go:):) #TF3 ROCKSSSS!!!!
I dont believe this for one second, seeing as i remember nelson saying megatron wouldnt be in Transformers 2 when news about that film was being posted. I believe these to be lies to try throw us off of finding out too much about the film, and its abit weird how he reveals both names at the same time as something rediculous as them.
ReplyDeleteUghh. I just don't see the point in giving them those names. I understand most people won't care what the heck their names are, but why choose 'Dino' and 'Que'? When I say and hear the name 'Dino', I think of the pet dinosaur off of The Flinstones. I'm just gonna simply call them Mirage and Wheeljack just because they sound better and make more sense to me. If there's an explanation to why they named them said names, I hope it's a good one.
ReplyDeleteYeah these names aren't the greatest. Why can't they just go with some already known Transformers like basically everyone else?
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side though, at least Wheeljack isn't getting some crap character.
Based on what I know from the DOTM novel I don't have a problem with these names.
ReplyDeletewhat a crock! stupid names very disappointed! might as well call optimus prime A$$JACK!!
ReplyDeleteDon't believe it...sorry :/
ReplyDeleteUGHHHHH what BS!!
ReplyDeleteMichael Bay didn't want to film Transformers3 and it shows. He wanted to postpone the movie to 2012 but Paramount CEO obliged him to do it immediately and with the useless 3D gimmick and so Michael Bay acted smart by his own point of view and thought to get the money and work sloppy like never before.. this is the result. A messed up 3rd movie that ruins the whole trilogy.
ReplyDeleteDino? Q? Hell with that, I'm calling them Mirage and Wheeljack.
ReplyDeleteBOOOO HISSSS BAD anything but Dino....horrible.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Peterbilt truck is "Fred"
ReplyDeleteAnd the yellow Camaro is "Barney"
The names may be true but judging by the fanboy response i think they will change it last minute though ...I don't ever remember that Nelson douche giving so much away during the last two movies so this definitely seems like its to gauge reaction
I'd rather call them Mirage and Wheeljack too 'cause it's more better than "Dino" and "Que". I don't belive this post, 'cause what a names, dude. :/ Real transformers names should fit, not made ones.
ReplyDeleteI call BS!!! Nelson is full of it. Didn't Nelson say that he knows nothing, until Bay himself confirms publicly??
ReplyDeletesomething that comes to my mind: if they are Que and Dino, what´s up with the names wheeljack and mirage that are already in the children´s book, the novel, the videogame, etc???
ReplyDeletesomething that comes to my mind: if they are Que and Dino, what´s up with the names wheeljack and mirage that are already in the children´s book, the novel, the videogame, etc???
ReplyDeleteI don't believe those are the real names and if they are somebody really dropped the ball on that end. Hopefully the movie still kicks enough ass to overlook that crap.
ReplyDeleteI ask again. Who has said anything about them rebooting the series??? It keeps getting mentioned in threads.
i like how they just named the bots even though its less then a month until the movie mirage is so much better
ReplyDeleteWell which is worse, naming a transformer "Dino" or from the GiJoe: Rise of Cobra, replacing a white character Ripcord with Marlan Waynes?
ReplyDeleteNelson. Is. Full. Of. Crap.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, this guy still claims Soundwave isn't the SLS.
The flying bird Decepticon is named Xerox. Nelson told me in a PM.
ReplyDeleteIts Nelson tryin to keep the movie hype up, its all bullshit
ReplyDeleteTerrible......just awful....
ReplyDeleteLets face it Nelson is a loser, who thinks he is Bay Jr, so lets take all of this with a grain of salt. If bay didnt say lets not hold it to be true. And even if those are the names, who cares i own everything transfromers, even a yellow Camaro with a Bee-otch air freshner, and I really could care less, this isnt transformers 1984, this is transformers 2011, Bay can do whatever ther hell he wants because Hasbro (The owners of Transformers) and Paramount let him. and there will be no reboot any time soon, no one is going to come behind Bay and Spielberg, If anything there will be a sequel but not for another 6 years at least, plus unless you get paid millions of dollars to make movies that make hundreds of millions of dollars then you need to just shut up and watch the movie. and people complaining about the run time, Pirates 4 was shorter than the others, but it was just as good as the others
ReplyDeleteWow look at the anti"trolls" being "Trolls". haha Why arn't you guys still sucking on Bay's d*ck with the character decision? Just messing with you guys. Crap decision but nothing new. I like the Xerox idea for Laserbeak, I mean really... a printer/scanner thing? Makes more sense than a cassete i guess.
ReplyDeleteAnd to the guy always asking about the re-boot. Its our hope for a re-boot in the future by a new director and crew. As far as we know there is no real re-boot coming yet but we cross our fingers for a genuinly well thoughtout and respectable movie (or possibly trilogy) that real fans and normal movie fans of all ages can look at in a much more rewarding way.
this is an insult to our intelligence. Nelson just needs to give it up. We've all seen the toys, books, and even video games refer to these characters as wheeljack and mirage. It's his job to keep fans confused, which he failed at, thanks to all the leaks.
ReplyDelete"i own everything transfromers, even a yellow Camaro with a Bee-otch air freshner"
ReplyDeleteHahaha thats awesome!^^ lol
you've all been had and all your buts will be in seats making bay millions and you know it's true, their will be another trans movie with or without bay, hasbro already hinted at that, too much money and too many fan's to stop this train and i'll be on that sucka having a blast, SEE YA AT THE MOVIE!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
ReplyDeleteI for one am both relieved and sad at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI'm relived that the blue Mercedes is not Wheeljack because I would not be able to stand seeing him with such a ridiculous looking head. I actually wouldn't want any of the Autobots to have to get stuck with that movieverse persona. So I'm okay with Que or "Q." Its's just too bad they couldn't have fixed the CGI model back when they heard fans initially expressing their dislike of the Einstein look. If they would have, maybe Wheeljack could have still been in the movie.
I'm sad to see that the red Ferrari will be named Dino. The bot mode for that character looks really cool. It's a real waste not to have an actual existing Autobot taking on that form.
Let's hope that their names aren't actually spoken in the movie, or if they are, just once to minimize the annoyance from fans.
Still, this movie looks like it's going to be awesome, stupid names aside. I can't wait!
This is the kind of shit that freakin twists my melon!!! As a fan of MB he's really getting on my freakin nerves!!! Seriously!!! For that call Bumblebee= Banana & Ratchet= Clank!! Please, if Transformers ever goes the reboot route, I hope to GAWD it goes to someone that pleases the fans and not so dumb ass on a POWER TRIP!
ReplyDeleteOk, hold on, relax and get back on track, this is about changing names of robots, it's not about reboots or another movie, i mean i'm excited about the movie and i can't wait to see it and i hope we are being played and its just a joke because calling a tranformer dino or que is horrible at least for us hardcore fans, mirage and wheeljack are proper to us
ReplyDeleteBay YOU SUCK! WTF does the name dino and que have ANYTHING to do with TRANSFORMERS! Bay you need to be replaced! QUIT making movies, you just mess them up!
ReplyDeletereally.. why ruin the franchise with stupid new names when clearly the autobots they are trying to recreate are ones who are already made why change there names its so stupid, its like when they brought the twins in dont get me wrong funny characters but had nothing to do with transformers at all the only relevance to twins in the g1 series was bumbleebee and cliffjumper ! they were the only similar characters in the whole thing ! whelljack was one of the main autobots so i dont know why this new "Q" guy is even in here BAY is making a mistake ! with the red ferrari dnt even get me started ! it shud be hot rod or even still red alert! come one bay make ur target audience count ! its not rocket science!
ReplyDeleteActually Nelson is extremely reliable with info and I've never known him to explicitly lie about anything movie related. Bay himself said Megatron wasn't in TF2 not Nelson. Pretty much everything he says you can take to the bank even though he's cryptic sometimes. I actually like the name Dino but I must admit going with Que as opposed to Wheeljack is a disheartening.
ReplyDeleteI just thought of something. Could naming the Ferarri 'Dino' be an homage to Dean Martin?
ReplyDeleteStop acting like Generation one was perfect with no mistakes. G1 had lots of animation problems. Bad voice actors( the only good voice actors from G1 Peter Cullen and Frank Welker ).
ReplyDeleteThe good things about G1 are the story and the mythos. Im not a G1 hater, just telling the truth. Nothing can be perfect. They are stuff I dont like in the movieverse, but I have learned to accept it. Im not happy with the names but thats not gonna change the movie!!!
@Red: No has nothing to do with Dean Martin. It's a reference to Alfredo Ferrari ("Alfredino", or "Dino") - see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfredo_Ferrari
ReplyDeletelaserbeak is a copy machine???? jesus....
ReplyDeleteI mean, my expectations on movie 3 where not high. But the recent trailer + clips got me excited.
But now these two names pull me down to earth again.
How on earth could Hasbro agree with this?
Dee-no... come on, this has to be a joke.
that's leadfoot and brains i think ...wheelie's friend
You morons do know that hasbro can't put their character names on these (non GM)cars right?
ReplyDeleteEven if that wasn't the case, I love how much pleasure you people amass by watching cars run around with your characters name...
whoops, looks like bay ruined the movie for you cause he changed a characters name...stupid
These names are almost as bad as Megatron having a vehicle alt mode. What a total rape of the Transformers world, Shame on you Bay & Co.
ReplyDelete(Flipping the bird and tea bagging.)
I'm not crazy about the new names but to act like the whole entire movie is going off a cliff because of a couple of names is just going too far, kind of childish, i mean G1 can't be the be all and end all for eveything, i mean G1 had tons of stuff i didn't like but over all i loved it, thank god i don't take myself so seriously that i wouldn't wait and see the whole entire movie and then praise or critisize, where's the common sense
ReplyDeleteOK...so Bay has used the names of the Flinstones dinosaur dog and a letter for character names. How original. Ohh wait, that's not the inspiration for the names...Seriously, I'll still go see the movie but Bay and Speilberg continue to mess up the franchise. And I bet that Bumblebee still can't "talk" or if he does in this one it won't be the same voice that was in the end of the first film.
ReplyDeleteIf you think the names are bad, wait until you hear their voices, HA HA HA!!! I still think its going to be an awsome movie, CAN'T WAIT!!!
ReplyDeleteSO Dino and que are going to ruin the whole movie and the franchise, are you serious? WTF!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 6:48am. turn off caps please...your not making any kind of dent
ReplyDeleteThe names are ridiculous but hopefully the movie is kick ass
I think that the names Mirage and Wheeljack are way cooler so that's what i'm going to call them. There was no reason to change their names.
ReplyDeleteMark my words ..Dino and q are the new twins
ReplyDeleteI wont believe it until I see the movie for myself...there hasn't been a transformer movie so far with a aubotbot or decepticon having a weird and random name, (unless you count scalpel in which case that WAS a cool name and an original character from rotf)so why start now? I'm sure these are not their real names, and if so...well...still gonna be an awesome movie lol.
ReplyDeleteGuys rmember, wheeljack and mirage got damaged really badly by Shockwave, ratchet said he "could rebuild them, but may never be the SAME"
ReplyDeleteMirage AKA Dino
Wheelhack AKA Que
besides they probably got major dmage or something when they got hurt.
This movie will be amazing, though that said, Bay has gone on this huge campaign to separate DOTM from the second movie ROTF, saying DOTM is serious, has no stupid humor and is more of a darker/adult movie....then he goes and names two autobots que and dino and makes one of them look like einstein???WTF. Cause that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteBay is just a weird dude and has a strange way of doing things but after hearing the early reviews from everyone that seen a decent amount of footage and they all say it's realy impressive i believe it's going to be a great movie, bay said he likes to have some humor in his movies but he also said it wouldn't be so dorky, lets hope
ReplyDeleteWhy did they even bother using any of the real names for any of the transformers if they are going to make up there own names? Why bother calling it transformers? Who was at the wheel when all of this was going on ???? Who wrote the script? Who signed off on it ???? What a disappointment. There is such a great selection of characters they could have used... why are they making up new ones? People continue to support the movies because they want to see our favorite transformers created as though they would be seen in real life. I just hope this is just a rumor.
ReplyDeleteIt could be worse, Bay could have cast Arnold Schwarzenegger to voice Shockwave, lol. But Schwarzenegger is putting his acting career on hold.
ReplyDeleteGo to tfwiki.net and type in Dino & Que. Mirage and Wheeljack sow up with pictures from the trailer.
ReplyDeleteWhen exactly was it EVER stated that Hasbro TF names couldn't be on anything but GM cars? Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. :| Sometimes I have to wonder if the blog owner doesn't post bullshit anonymously to troll his own blog and make people think that more people come here than actually do.
ReplyDeleteI really liked this blog during the first two movies. It was strictly movie news. No bullshit, none of his personal opinion (which usually seems to be based off of information that is either old or just out of thin air), whining that he didn't get to go to Botcon, or whining about not being invited to preview the movie like the other "real" TF websites.
Personally, I feel that this blog has done nothing to add to the overall TF community or fandom in a very very long time. Other than some pictures and a couple of videos from the Chicago filming, EVERYTHING posted here is just a poorly written version of an article from legitimate websites. The pictures, videos, and information are all plagiarism. Poorly written, yes, but still plagiarism.
I liked it much better when this was a place that we could all go and get all the movie news consolidated into one place. Used to be streamlined here and then linked to other websites if we wanted to get the whole thing. Now it's a little bit of (usually idiotic) personal opinion followed by a COPY and PASTE of another websites article, complete with THEIR pictures! So I will no longer be coming here.
If you were a legitimate website, that actually had some value and respect, you might actually be able to go to Botcon or be acknowledged by Paramount when they invite TF sites to preview footage. But as long as your blog is filled with poorly written stolen articles, and whiny, idiotic opinion, you will always be the bastard step-child of the TF online community.
Goodbye and good riddance.
It's Bay's way of covering his ass for botching familiar characters - if they were called Mirage and Wheeljack they would be accompanied by familiarity and expectations from fans/people with knowledge of Transformers. If they have new names like Dino and Que, he gets a blank slate to do as he pleases with their characters/appearance/etc., more or less. This is the same strategy he's employed in these movies to date - Blackout (who was supposed to be Soundwave but got less-than-favorable reviews as Soundwave), Barricade (supposed to be Prowl), Sideswipe (supposed to be Sunstreaker), etc.
ReplyDeletewell, 1:23 pm if you hate this site so much go and biuld your own site, talk about whiny and idiotic that was just a down right nasty comment and you should be ashamed of yourself for being such a butthead over a movie, i've been following this site for all three movies as well and it's pretty much the same as it always was, you can go on any tran's site and their are always trolls bitching and moaning, ever hear the trolls on screenrant, my god!! disgusting, at least here most people are positive, but calling someone a bastard step child, wtf? come on man
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @1:23 pm - you need to take a chill pill and/or GTFO. No one's forcing you to come here and the majority of people dig this blog and the effort this dude's put into it. If you can do better, start your own or STFU.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah "Ironhide,Ratchet, Sideswipe and...ehm Dino ROLL OUT" seriously What the f... is going on in this movie?
ReplyDeleteI want to see TRANSFORMERS 3 not BAYFORMERS 3
i want to hear the name of my heroes not a name from a James Bond movie c'mon.
You can't always get what you want
ReplyDeleteYou people that say this is going to F up the movie or that you're not going to see it because of "names" are so sad. You were all Gung Ho to see the movie but now that two characters maybe have different names you're not going to see it? Are you kidding me? What are you like 8 years old or something?