Sunday, June 19, 2011

Speilberg, Not Bay, Fired Megan Fox

Australia's is reporting that Transformers franchise Executive Producer Steven Spielberg is the one that fired Megan Fox, not director Michael Bay. The reason why was because her comment back in September 2009 in Wonderland Magazine that Bay "wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is." Below is a major portion of article.
The comparison angered Spielberg, who is executive producer of the Transformers series and deadly serious when it comes to Nazis. Bay revealed for the first time he was told to get rid of Fox.

"You know the Hitler thing. Steven (Spielberg) said, fire her right now," he said ahead of the premiere of Transformers 3. The comment drew the ire of the film's crew, who compared her acting to that of a porn star.

Bay said he wasn't hurt by the Hitler comment. However, Spielberg is known to be sensitive when it comes to Nazis. After his experience directing Schindler's List, he founded the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, which furthers the remembrance of the Holocaust of World War II.
I still am not convinced this is the final straw mostly because the time line makes zero sense. Megan's Hitler comment was published September 5th, 2009, open letter response from the crew followed a week later on September 12th, 2009. Nothing really happens (besides the DVD release in November) until May 4th when Megan Fox is spotted on the Playa Vista location for Transformers 3 with a makeup test shot appearing online a week later. Then on May 19th, 2010 the news breaks she was fired and will be replaced just two weeks before production starts.

Despite what is being said by Bay or others it doesn't make much sense to me that there was a 9 month delay in the publishing of her Hitler comment and the consequences of that comment. More happened. I think that "more" occurred in that two week period when she started showing up for production prep and the day she got fired. Rumors of that include her weight (too thin) but who really know at this point.

Keep in mind something as major as replacing the lead actress on a $200 million dollar summer tent pole film on the eve of the beginning of principle photography is a major decision. It not one that Michael Bay could have made alone. A unified front from Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg would have been sufficient to make it happen but the signing off would still have to go up the Paramount and DreamWorks executive ladder for approval. It wouldn't even surprise me if Hasbro's leadership was tapped for input. Whatever happened was significant enough to make the change and I don't think a 9 month old Hitler comment was the main reason. It was probably one of many factors but there is still that "final straw" that no one is talking about. Thanks to Emil for the link.


  1. Oh boy, never going to hear the end of this crap, just what we don't need more dumb shit about megan fox, so disapointing, now where going to get thrown off track with this shit, cant we just stick to tranformers, what a waist of good space on this site, who gives a rats ass how or why she got fired, she's an asshole, she deserved to get fired, bay is just as stupid for bringing all this crap up again

  2. ^^ Agreed...

    I could careless about that talentless whore bag. She can't act worth shit, shes not even that good looking... Rosie is better looking and in TF3, so yea I kind of agree. Stop posting the megan fox shit.... its old news.... i know its up to you mr blogger man... but damn nobody gives a care

  3. This is just real bull. Everyone in the business knows that Steven Spielberg is a kind professional man and surely he wouldn't have fired Megan Fox that Michael Bay hired, wanted and made famous in the first place just "to protect" Michael Bay himself from her.
    That is beyond silly. What wants Paramount to achieve by spreading this fake scoop? Do they seriously think that people will accept Rosie more by telling the lie that Spielberg fired Megan Fox now?
    That won't happen. It's a really dumb strategy. Are Paramount managers really that desperate promote this Transformers3 movie? It seems that they are getting more and more nervous..
    Well, the movie is pretty flawed on almost everything so they better be worried because their $150million US opening weekend projection might be right but Transformers3 is going to be hit by a huge drop the week after and word of mouth is only going to pinpoint all errors,issues and flaws that this disappointing Transformers3 movie really has to offer.

  4. the blonde in that pic is WAAAY more hot than fox

  5. She will be in the movie and she will be killed off in the first few minutes according to a new source.

  6. I am very sure that 95% of the audience will say, "Hey where is Megan Fox?" that has not been following the development of TF3 over the past year. Lots of people are going to bitch saying "It didn't have Megan Fox in it so it sucked.."... That's how brain dead most of these people are.....

    Yea I'm pretty sure that SS would be the one to fire her as he is the EP..and the EP has the final say. Contract wise I think they just bought out her contract and was done with her. That's what usually happens, there is usually a buy out she probably got 10 million to walk away from TF3. All I can say is thank god they never made a real action figure for her.

  7. At...6/19/2011 7:50 PM

    Depending on who you talk to, the whole Hitler thing can be a very...very ...touchy subject for some ppl. And Steven S is one of those people, and for very personal reasons. To a lot of people that sh!t is not funny...and she pushed his buttons with that one...and he canned her ass.

    ...and Yes he is a professional...and that is way he canned her ass ...because of `her`` UNprofessional remarks!!

    Ps...personally I could care less about this...but at least now we know why. Basically she got herself fired. Oh well

  8. Yeah I say this new comment from Bay is way too convenient. A good way to gloss it over as the attention really builds. I don't think it would've hurt to explain the reasons at the time, yet they didn't. I say it's all marketing-based.

  9. @6/19/2011 7:50 PM
    What are you talking about? you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic.
    Be careful, "they" are watching you, they're gonna get you!

    ah, hell, why do I care what you are thinking...?

  10. I'm not even going to weigh in on the issue of Megan fox's departure...already said enough about it and to be honest don't care about it anymore.

    The average person doesn't live under a rock. I doubt there are very many people who don't know Fox will not be in DOTM. This was widely reported on in the mainstream media; At this point, 13 months after she left the production only people who don't read any mainstream entertainment rags, don't spend any time on the internet, haven't seen the superbowl spot, theatrical trailers or recent flood of tv spots and don't ever discuss movies with friends or coworkers don't know Fox is gone.

  11. I agree , why would bay all of a sudden, out of no where bring this shit up 9 days before the movie, i dont know if its good or bad for the marketing, it just seems so rediculus, he could have said it months ago, we need another tv spot or something to get us away from this nonsense

  12. uhm, Winton Ray, there are an immense lot of people who do not know Megan Fox isn't in the movie.
    Not everyone reads film ezines or TF related blogs.

    In fact, I think the majority doesn't know.

  13. Bay was asked and he answered, why are you all acting like he called a press conference to announce this?

    Moreover, how do you honestly thing a jew like Speilberg would feel if there were rumors going around that he had hired Hitler to direct his franchise? This obviously has a lot of truth to it. The decision was a long one for the reasons stated above, she was a big draw. She returned and things weren't going smoothly so they replaced her...She probably had a say in it too.

  14. I really dont get where any of you Megan haters are coming from when you say she is a horrible actress. I cant think of a single scene or line she had that justifies your hatred of her acting skills. I just dont see it.

  15. @Anonymous - I also can't think of a single scene or line she had that's acted well either. I think people hate her acting skills because they are generally rubbish, and she somehow gets more attention then other better actors simply because she's hot.

  16. I don't know who this anonymous is, but he seems one sided. Don't ditch T3. Megan is probably a bit too big for her own britches. Now she has been fully humbled. A lesson we all need.

  17. @ Anonymous 6/19/2011 11:14 PM
    Did you even read my post before you commented on it? Here, let me post the main points again for you;

    "The average person doesn't live under a rock...This was widely reported on in the mainstream media; At this point, 13 months after she left the production only people who don't read any mainstream entertainment rags, don't spend any time on the internet, haven't seen the superbowl spot, theatrical trailers or recent flood of tv spots and don't ever discuss movies with friends or coworkers don't know Fox is gone."

    Did I single out people who read film magazines or follow TF related blogs? No, hence the fact I said "the average person".

  18. Just wanna say... Yesterday I went to see Insidious(so scary btw) and they put DOTM trailer before the movie and when it finished some guy scream (soooooooo high) Where the hell is Megan Fox??? and half of the audience were like yeah!! Where is she? dude, WTF was that shit???? other guy scream DAMN ITTTTTT!!!!!!,and go on. I was like OMG there is STILL people don't know this. Then they put Harry Potter trailer and some girl said oooohhhh at least this people keeps Emma Watson and the audience start to laugh.
    So apparently there is still people don't know

  19. at 6/20/2011 10:06 AM

    dude...I don`t believe that happened in the theater lol, sorry

  20. @John:

    Why don't I believe a single word you just wrote?

  21. @John:

    It seems I'm the only one who believe you John, and actually I believe you because when I saw Pirates 4 that happend to me. the people was like WTF! Where the fuck is Megan Fox??? the guys next to me in the theater were so pissed off, I heard a lot of swearword and curses.

  22. @John 6/20/2011 10:06 AM: I am pretty sure you are telling the truth. When watching Transformers2 in four different theaters I always met groups of teenagers with males clearly telling "I watch these movies for Megan Fox, she is so hot, I wouldn't care less without her"
    Tell that to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg that don't have a clue.

  23. Lmao the lies on this page are ridiculous.

  24. I see Aredo has officially joined the conversation.

  25. seriously lol are saying people watch the entire TF movies for the few supporting scenes with megan fox....riiiiggghhht ...suuuure

    lol and I believe what John said about as much as I believe in the tooth fairy :Z

    c`mon PPL !!! Get Real

  26. I think the same guy is posting the lies ...and its own supportive comments too HAHAHAHAHA lame is that!!

    Lamy Lamerson LMAO !!

  27. @Anonymous 6/20/2011 3:11 PM: you think wrong. And you have no clue then just like Paramount managers.. still they are pretty scared of being wrong and they are using this smoke screen trying to make people forget Megan Fox and love Rosie. What a lame dumb attempt,indeed.
    Absolutely unprofessional just like having fired her in the first place.
    They know they have got the wrong replacement with Rosie still they expect to fool people enough to love ugly face Rosie.

  28. Look at your life dude, Megan Fox doesn't care if you defend her until you're blue in the face and Rosie is still hot imo so give it a rest.

  29. 6:27, u need help man,

  30. You guys need to pull up your shorts, put on some pants, get a life and a real girl!

  31. The transformer franchise has been weak at best and dropping of one of the main characters will not help. As many have commented people will avoid it just because Fox was dropped. Right wrong or indifferent the fact is that people are just that way. If enough do not see it for just that reason , adding the fact that we are into 3rd of a weak series, it is highly likely that the movie will not bring in huge box office receipts. Meaning that, hopefully, this will be the last of the series.

  32. Lmao Transformers 3 will be if not the highest one of the highest grossing movies of the doubt will crack the billion dollar mark with the 3D prices so I don't know what some of you fools on here are talking thos horny white teenagers are just a small fraction of the TF audience who cares if they see the movie or not..Can't believe people think Megan Fox is that big of a deal..look at the Dark knight and those were actually real actresses being change..You Megan Fox defenders would be believable if Megan Fox other movies did better wasn't Jonah Hex one of the biggest flops of the year it came out..if Megan really had a following Jonah Hex wouldn't have did so bad...

  33. dude u must honestly hate this human being(rosie) seriously, u need help

  34. @Anonymous 6/22/2011 12:39 AM: you are kinda silly.. The Dark Knight over $1billion gross happened only because WarnerBros marketing dept sold Heath Ledger death as a fashionable event. People reacted like sheeps and the movie became a huge financial success.
    Michael Bay and Paramount have no dead actor/actress to use for promoting Transformers3. So.. BIG FAIL.

  35. Your a "BIG FAIL" life :/ lol

    get a life
