Below is my best guess of Cullen's lines which hint at some movie events so spoiler warning. After that moment other bits from filming at other locations are shown. This is from the same source, LF3258, that show posted video of other TF vehicles earlier in the week. The image on the left of Peltz, Tucci, and Wahlberg's stunt doubles is from a gallery of images you can find here. Great photos of mostly the vehicles on set but no clue what was being filmed.
Update Few more set images, with Walhberg carrying his sword and the cast running with their large bag can be found here.
Prime: There remains a price on my head. I endanger you all if I stay. I shall take it where it will can never be found.
Wahlberg: (unknown)
Prime: (?)...can't let them. When look at the stars think one of them as my soul. Defend this family Autobots as they have you. (?)...dear friends how they can be.
Blast of smoke, maybe representing Prime flying off
roar of grimlock is fake
ReplyDeleteAfter looking again, decided you are correct and rephrased everything as prefer to discourage more fake videos.
DeleteAlso realized why scene seemed familiar as it was taken from this video at about the 1:52 point: http://transformerslive.blogspot.com/2013/10/image-video-of-new-vehicles-on.html
For reference, the fake Grimlock roar video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o77wWPxebVI
If this is prime leaving then he must not be in tf5
ReplyDeleteOfcourse he WILL return for TF5, he is only leaving, he's not dying.
Deletehe will return in tf5 but my guess is almost at the end of tf5 kinda like a grand entrance thats just my expectation.
DeleteSix Pipez
ReplyDeletePrime always comes back. I think he left in the More than meets the eye comic as we. Rodimus took over leadership. He will be back though, because Rodimus was never quite the leader that Optimus was. I imagine the next movie with be The Darkest Hour or something and Optimus eventually comes to pull them from the fire.
No offence and disrespect but Im a little disagree that Rodimus is never quite a leader that optimus was looking back at G1 Optimus was been a leader for millions of years and never took back cybertron Rodimus not just kicked Galvatrons ass but also blew up Unicron and on season 3 it was 3 years after the animated movie It took rodimus only 3 years to take back cybertron and send autobots to their home planet and kicked the decepticons to planet charr he made an achievment that optimus didnt or cant do for millions of years and chances.
DeleteSix Pipez
DeleteNo offense taken, but thats your opinion. Its easier to win a war that someone had already turned the tide of. Rodimus basically picked up near the end of the war. Credit where its due, he had some great achievements. He isn't and never will be Optimus. Unfortunately your opinion will not change mine. And if this had been you saying "Rodimus will always be the best!" Then I wouldn't even have attempted to change yours. Joseph I have been a fan a long time. I mean a loooong time and one of the things I have learned with this fan base is... People like who they like and there is nothing either you nor I can do to change that. Hot Rod is one of my favorite Autobots, but ask the majority of the fanbase... Optimus is where its at and if Rodimus was such a great leader, fans would have accepted him more after Optimus' death.
Point taken Im not trying to change your opinion and as much as possible I dont want to compare rodimus to optimus as being a better leader coz both of them has a unique leadership skills and I know majority of fans is Optimus fans coz he is an Iconic Leader Its jus that you made it sound so unfair when you said he is not a good leader and I believe without rodimus existence they will lose the war and the end of cybertron from unicron. well thats just my opinion but no bigdeal I respect your opinion.
DeleteSix Pipez
DeleteAnd you have my respect back. Didn't mean for it to sound as if Rodimus was a lost cause.
**will be
Six Pipez
Delete**as well...
Ugh typos...
You gotta love PRIME!!!
ReplyDeleteThis might be either at the end of the first act or at the end of the second act, if the movie is a three acts one as the first and the third movie were. If it was a two acts one like Transformers2 instead then this might be just at exactly half the movie.
ReplyDeleteThis being the ending it's unlikely. Only Optimus Prime in the scene, no other Autobots so it seems.. Also the setting doesn't look like any of the previous movie ending scenes either.. too focused, too narrowed viewing ..
Six Pipez
ReplyDeleteBumblebee clapper!
ReplyDeleteBoy if you think Bay would let something like this out you are crazy. FAke Fake Fake won't be in the movie I bet.
ReplyDeleteIts not fake I watched a lot of video in youtube and still I cant find optimus in hongkong set so this video makes scence the reason he cant be found because he will leave earth and the mission to the autobots team B. magnus and rodimus.
DeleteThe reason I think we haven't seen Optimus in this Hong Kong set, is bc Prime is always in robotmode and not in his altmode, bc the streets are to small for Prime to move in/through as a big ass truck. Look at how barely the Argosy can manoeuvre through the streets, he can't make the turn where the other cars go left.
DeleteYes he maybe in robot form but you know nothing is impossible to Bay he can simply take a shot of optimuson a different area or place where is wider just to make it look like he is in that country or place. Actually I saw some pictures 3 new cars rollin with the argozy truck , astonmartin and orange red mercedes from the ragin nation its 2 lamborghini one green and powder blue color and a silver Mercedesbenz I wonder who they are?
DeleteYeah, I saw that video this afternoon. The orange car is probably the McLaren, it was a little hard to tell. But there were indeed a green and a blue Lamborghini Gallardo. Alex Yu said the blue one was a Murcielago, but it is also a Gallardo. Alex already stated he is not big of a car guy.
DeleteThe silver Merc is not that special imo, a little bit like the multiple Audi S6´s, but all the Lambo's and the McLaren and the Argosy almost have to be the Stunticons. All those mad hypercars and in different colors, it's hard not to think they are the Stunticons.
Dudemue:wow,...it would seem that if this Optimus speaking thing is the real deal. It seems as if my previous theory wasn't so far fetched...I believed that Optimus would leave in this movie. But I believed he would do so for the reason to intercept Unicron. Now he says "there is a price on my head"...well with that I think he's leaving for the reason this time, is to not bring further harm to Earth. Seems as if Optimus is being hunted, so if he were to stay on Earth whom or whatever it is that wants him destroyed will continue to come to Earth searching him and bringing chaos and destruction along with them...he also said "Autobots, protect this family" so as l mentioned before, he going to leave Hotrod here to lead the Autobots UNTIL his return. Optimus will return.
ReplyDeleteDudemus: what leads me to believe that the Audio is authentic?...well I had mentioned at one time that the voiceovers had possibly been done prior to filming. And somewhat explained how it was done and the possibility of why MikeB would use go on to use this method verses the old conventional way...not going to rewrite the whole thing. But the reasons that I had mentioned are the reason why I believe the Optimus audio is real.
DeleteMaybe Optimus leaves and the Argosy is Ultra Magnus or the Pagani is Rodimus and they take over for Prime? If this is legit, we have no clue to where this fits into the sequence of the movie. Its great to hear Cullen's voice!
DeleteI think it is too early in the trilogy for Hot Shot to become a Prime, Therefore I speculate that Argosy is Ultra Magnus and he will take command of the Autobots in Optimus' absence. After all, the 'new' Autobots need to learn the Earths rules etc.. especially Hot Rod if he is to become aPrime.
This is Legit video Coz wer is Optimus in Hongkong set I watched a lot of videos in youtube still Optimus is no wer to be found so in my opinion this video makes scence he will leave the mission to the rest of the autobots.
DeleteI surely hope that is not what this is about. It would seem it's more geared towards whatever it is that he's trying to hide. That is what is causing the price on his head. Not intercepting Unicron. I don't believe Unicron has put a price on Optimus's head by any stretch if the imagination. Hot Rod is a possibility is a slim possibility however he would probably have to be called Rodimus as Hasbro hasn't been able to secure the name Hot Rod due to trademark issues
Hot Rod might be the Transformers character with the most names in the US. From "Hot Rod" to "Rodimus Prime", to "Rodimus Major" to just plain "Rodimus". Varieties of "Rodimus" appear to be how he will be for a while, as Hasbro appears to be unable to secure the trademark on "Hot Rod".
If the Optimus speech vid is legit, I think it gives more creedence to the Argosy, Pagani and the other cars with them, being a second Autobot team.
ReplyDeleteDudemus:I agree,...I don't think Rodimus will become a prime yet, but I do believe he will be left here to protect Earth in Optimus place. Possibly Ultra Magnus will resume command until Rodimus becomes a prime and is fit to lead...sadly enough for some reason I also believe that the dinobots will be wiped out in this film. Can't see them in the next installment.
DeleteI dont know if this has a connection to the movie but I remember that Magnus. Hotrod and Prowl wer nominated in the 2013 TF Hall of Fame so Im just guessing that the Pagani, Argosy and Aventador are them.
DeleteI think Optimus will eventually be back in the next film. He's way too popular for Bay to just sideline. I'm hoping (besides Sideswipe to be in and survive this movie) that they don't kill off Ratchet, since the Bots do need a medic. I mean, I like First Aid and Hoist but they're not as beloved as Ratchet is. I'm also hoping that whomever takes over for Bay does the right thing and resurrects Jazz. By canon, all they need to do is use the Matrix or shard of the All Spark. Could you imagine a team made up of: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Jazz, Prowl, Mirage, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Bluestreak, Ratchet, Optimus and Windcharger. The other team made up of Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus, Hound, Red Alert, Inferno, Wheeljack and the Wreckers. I'd happily pay to see that kind of line-up.
ReplyDeleteI may prefer the Autobots, but there are a few Cons I'd like to see in upcoming movies. Cons like: Knockout, Thundercracker, Blitzwing, Skywarp, Sunstorm and of course a reincarnated Starscream. I just realized that all but 1 Con is a Seeker, but then Knockout is unique.lol
ReplyDeleteSix Pipez
ReplyDeleteI agree with guys and tens... That would be THE perfect movie! O.o Seriously.. Maybe even throw Brawn in there for some added muscle. I alway wanted to see them bring ratchet some help, in first aid. Maybe he and Ratchet could operate more on bee's voice box. I also think Defensor is the perfect combiner for the autobots in the bayverse. Especially with Prime's speach.. "protect this family autobots." Protectobots? Who would of thunk? O.o lol... I love every autobot combiner though... Just give us one.
To me it seems Optimus does not say "there remains a price on HIS head, but more like "on IT'S head", or it almost seems Prime says a TF name and the name is cut out from the voice-over.
ReplyDeleteI also don't think Bay would give away such a great spoilerific scene, that would just be even stupider than the pole-aces !
Could be fake again, like anon above 10/27/2013 8:21 PM says, that someone random just put the voice of Peter Cullen in from cartoon episode or something and turned down the volume, so you can't hear it clearly.
I dont think its fake I mean whats the point of mark whalberg standing there looking up and talking to someone and also the smoke special effects after optimus flew off and not just that but the sound effect too when the smoke came out listening to it again you will noticed that there is also a background music of TF score while optimus is talking to mark. unlike the roar of grimlock its easy to do that unlike this one.
Deletethis video makes scence coz If you noticed too wer is optimus in hongkong set?
DeleteWhat's the point of Mark standing there talking up? Didn't you see the previous movies how they were made? They never used voice-over work during filming the 3 movies.
DeleteI'm not saying the scene is fake, I was pointing out, the Prime voice-over stuff could be fake, not saying it is.
It probably is real, you can definitly hear there is something cut from the voice over. To me, he definilty says not "there remains a price on MY head", but "on IT'S/TF Name head", but I could be wrong. I don't have speakers attached to my laptop.
I also can't make much of the other stuff on my laptop, there's nowhere where I hear the words stars or stones or soul.
After watching and hearing it very closely multiple times with much attention, I can hear the sentences that are mentioned by TLAMB.
DeleteI can hear the majority of what Optimus is saying. IF this video is a legit, going by what Optimus said, this looks to be the end of the movie.
ReplyDeleteOk I don't think this scene has anything to do with Unicron. If you look at what's said
ReplyDeletePrime: There remains a price on my head. I endanger you all if I stay. I shall take it where it will can never be found
"I shall take it" What is this it? Obviously it's something that the Decepticons are after and will hunt him down till they get it so he's taking off to hide it from them.
As mentioned many times in previous movies I highly doubt we can expect to see Unicron in this one. A planet sized transformer would be pushing it well beyond the reaches of believability. I think that barrier is being breached just with the Transformers themselves.
Believability? They were teleporting an entire planet to Earth in the previous movie :P
Deleteand that part of the movie was not so awesome :)
DeleteI'm guessing the "it" is probably some ancient and very powerful Cybertronian artifact. It almost sounds like this thing could parallel the Allspark, in that it needs to be hidden to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. We know that the vessel containing the Allspark was destroyed, so unless it's the Allspark in a new vessel, I don't know what it could be.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the artifact could be the sword Walhberg is carrying? The sword is
Deleteobviously an important part of the movie
Could the existence of the Anti-Spark sound impossible without Unicron? The AllSpark existed in these films even though Primus didn't.
DeleteWhat if it is cyclonus and scourge hunting prime down like the animated movie cause the matrix can destroy unicron...there's mention of them in this movie why not galvatron and company
ReplyDeleteThere's been a lot mentioned in all the movies. Bay and crew like to spread falsehoods to throw us off. Nothing is for certain till we see the movie
DeleteThe call sheet informed Mark's character name as Cade. I heard that some persons heard that "voice of Prime" mentioning character's surname as 'Label' or something like it. It was previously rumored to be Flynn Vincent, which was actually never officially confirmed.
ReplyDeleteJust. Wow. What if Unicron has a bounty on Prime,and all of these new decepticons are after him,and Optimus is trying to hide the matrix so that Unicron cannot be fully resurected. It fits perfectly fits witth G1,and the very first set of plot details revealed.