Update: Three new pieces added. The main one is the animated gifs created by John R. (thanks!) that highlights how the scenes have been altered in the month since the Super Bowl trailer and this trailer with alterations to face shape, more details, change in lightning, more particle effects and other details that you might not catch but add to the "realism" of the moment. In addition has added links to sites with screen captures from the trailer. Finally if interested downloading the trailer, MichaelBay.com has the link.
Stills: TFW2005 | Seibertron

so who will be the first to splice the trailers?
ReplyDeleteNo Galvatron? Whyyyyyyy?
ReplyDeleteOP bitch-slapped Grimlock...
I'm disappointed, the CGI looks much better but all we see is freakin humans, I want to see TRANSFORMERS!!!! dam it. That sucked man, the Transformers look awesome but all we see is humans. ARRRRRGGGGG!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is a teaser trailer! But tbh I think it looks amazing, it looks much more organised, plot looks clean, transformers look awesome, final battle is going to be brutal!
Deleteyes, first thing I thought was LOTS of humans...
Delete..................thats it ?
ReplyDeleteIts a teaser!
DeleteWhat, did you expect for them to show you a whole movie?Hey, it's a teaser trailer after all!It's supposed to tease public into wanting to see the whole movie before it comes out.
Deletei guess some people forgot what TEASER trailer means. it's the orderve, the snack, the time killer or the keeps us happy until the main dish, the full meal or the main event. my guess is (like yours) they were expecting the full movie to be put on here and if that were the case, what a waste of time filming. 5.5 months just to release a two minute and thirty-two second movie? lol some people.
Deletehors d'oeuvres
Deletethat was an epic trailer!!!!!!!!!!! OP just showed Grimlock who's boss!!!!!!!! a little too humany but still this is only the first full trailer, and if i'm not mistaken there is normally like 1-2 more full trailers so altogether 3 but i bet 2 total but man that was awesome. the TF look much more cleaner and much more realistic. excellent selection of choices. this final battle is going to be a beatdown and a half!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletealso by the looks of it, optimus must fight grimlock to prove himself worth as his leader
Deletetoo many gd humans :( they should know the best way to TEASE the audience...is effing transformers !! God I hope there are more transformers in this movie ~
ReplyDeleteanyone call the number on the billboard?
ReplyDeleteYes...it's a message to report Transformers, warning you they could be hiding anywhere, and pointing you to the "Transformers are Dangerous" site.
DeleteSo from what I saw options was on top of Galvatron looks like he cut his arm off, lockdowns ship is unicron If you closely you can see in hongkong that it's sucking up a bunch of the city stinger looks awesome, couldn't tell if that was crosshairs or ratchet getting shot but just from the trailer looks like the story will be a whole lot better not to worried on the action bay hasn't disappointed on that in the past 3 movies
ReplyDeleteSo you think the ship or ships combined are Unicron?
DeleteNo just the one in Hong kong those other ships I have no idea I'm guessing quintessons
DeleteThat was Ratchet getting shot look at the head very carefully. the way it looks the humans kill him.
DeleteIf Ratchet is killed I am officially done with this franchise.
DeleteI don't think he dies in this scene because in the beginning of the film is when their hunting down all the autobots and when they where filming ratchet was spotted with new upgraded Optimus, bumblebee and hound in Hong Kong well it was actually in Detroit when they had the Autobots in display it was a distraction so they filmed some ratchet scenes and I'm guessing the Hong Kong stuff dosnt happen until the middle of the end of the movie.
DeleteThe CGI has definitely improved big time, looks much more cleaner. I wanted to see a little more Transformers but over all I'm pretty happy so far. It is just a teaser!
ReplyDeletewho is optimus prime getting off of when he is shot through the chest?
ReplyDeleteIf you watch it again, he's not getting off of a Transformer...he's getting punched.
DeleteYay, I watch it again and it looks like Prime gets punch and shot at the same time. I'm thinking that is when he is capture.
DeleteDid anyone else notice that wahlberg wished on a shooting star. pretty nice touch.
ReplyDeletethe green bot that got hit on the boat looks a lot like Ratchet. also, who was the red transformer by Bee? can't be the Huyara, as he's a con.
ReplyDeleteThat was Stinger.
It is the Huyara. The pagani is right next to him. And it's not a human verision of Bee since he clearly has the old mode while looking at Stinger. He probably scan/takes Stingers robot form, but another alt mode.
DeleteWas that ratchet getting gunned down by the humans?
ReplyDeleteI hope not but this IS Bay. When it comes to being creative about where the previous Bots are, he flat out sucks.
DeleteIt's Ratchet. There are a few frames that give it away. Before he gets shot you can make it out, and when he hits the ground you can see the headlights and bumper from the Hummer.
DeleteAs much as I wish he wasn't dying, I'm glad they're at least showing them getting taken out instead of just ignoring them altogether (Twins, Jolt) in favour of new bots.
Hate to say it, but it is ratchet...I really freaking hope they are just capturing him...so there's a chance for him to be saved >_<
DeleteNope, I refuse to believe that was Ratchet getting attacked at the docks. I'm gonna keep believing it's Crosshairs because I refuse to let another epic Bay brainfart aggravate me.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, I guess the trailer pretty much confirms that Stinger is a Bee clone. It also confirms that the bad humans are a whole new level of stupid and brutal. Pretty sure this will be the first Transformers movie where I'll be rooting against the humans.
So, was Prime in stasis when Cade found him? I also want to know how the heck Bee ended up in that museum showroom type place with Geeky McGeekerson (the nerdy guy who tells Bee humans don't need Bots anymore).
Prime battles Grimlock. Lockdown looks awesome. Galvatron is.....nowhere to be found. Drift and Houd are also nowhere to be found. Tessa already annoys me. Once again, too many squishies (humans) for my liking.
Freeze frame that scene and Bee is transforming in front of the main kid, not the geek. It's just edited that way.
DeleteI'm pretty sure that was ratchet getting blown away :(
DeleteThat was Bee transforming in front of Jack Raynor's character.
DeleteU dont cry much do u tens?
DeleteWhy do you hate Bay so much? Without him we wouldn't have these movies. He only interprets what he's given. That's his job. Writers write. Directors direct. ILM does the cgi etc.
That was ratchet but I don't think he dies in this scene because he was spotted in Detroit when they where filming the Hong Kong scenes witch include the dinobots so that scene probably takes place in the beginning of the film.But I also am hoping ratchet didn't die because he's survived throughout all the TransFormers films and he's a awesome autobot and he deserves to live for who will repair his fellow wounded autobot brothers.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletered bot is stinger
ReplyDeleteI love how G1 Prime says 'calling all Autobots' when Wahlberg juices him up
ReplyDeleteBye Ratchet...
ReplyDeleteUuuuuum... I don't know man. I truly don't want to be critical, but I'm sorry, I wasn't impressed. The special effects were solid... I mean It's hard to call this a teaser when it's over two minutes long... but truth is it really didn't tell us ANYTHING!!! I've read above how a few of you have already said this, but I have to say it again... WAAAY TOO HUMANIZED. Now before some of you attack me, I understand that Bay is obligated to attach a significant human story arch to these films because chances are the average fan won't be interested... but c'mon man, this entire trailer felt like a 75% human story and 25% Transformer story. As always, I'll wait for the next trailer and obviously the movie until I pass final judgment, but I was really looking forward to seeing some new Tformers... other than HUMAN CREATED (which is DUMB) STINGER... who new did they show? Hahaha... Prime did slap the sh#t out of Grimmy though!!! haha
ReplyDeleteI 100% agree with you. At first glance, the Trailer looks awesome. Then when you look at it again, it's Here a human, There a human, Everywhere a freaking human. You can still have humans in the movies WITHOUT them sharing the spotlight.
DeleteI was also really hoping that Stinger wasn't going to be human created. Well, he is and I have a feeling Galvatron is as well. Ridiculous idea on Bay's part since real Transformers are either sparked or given life by Primus. True Transformers have Sparks, human made robots do not..
More than any other movie, however, it does seem to be a story about Optimus. He's hunted by humans, then Lockdown, and probably Galvatron, and it seems like the Humans are along for the ride. T1 was about Sam chasing the Cube, T2 was about Sam chasing the All-Spark, T3 was about Sam chasing his GF. Now at least it's a humans chasing Optimus and they run into some Dinobots.
DeleteI agree on the whole humans made Galvatron thing. Maybe they scavenged Megatrons parts to create him. That's some shit Bay would come up with
DeleteThis is not the first continuity where humans are creating transformers. It may seem impossible, but in that reality just need study the mechanisms and take out from dead transformers parts that can't be artificially created like transformation cogs, voice boxes and sparks.
DeleteI have no problems with the humans being in there. Sure we would all like to see a lot of Transformers but really that's just not possible. For every 10 humans you may see the 1 scene with the Transformers overshadows. The humans are integral to the store imo. It's a human planet learning,dealing and battling with aliens.
DeleteWho is Prime standing on before he get's owned by Lockdown?
DeleteDoes Optimus die in this movie??
DeleteThis teaser is excellent because it shows a great story and balances it with money shots while setting the overall tone. Michael Bay is a master at marketing.
ReplyDeleteOne of my assumptions did turn out to be true though... at least at a quick glance... Lockdown not only looks bad@ss... but he just comes across like he has some serious technology that can open up a huuuuuge can of whoop @ss on Bots and humans alike. I bet he does damage in this flick!!! I'm also guessing that we don't see the Dinobots till the very end. UNLESS... they do a cool @ss origin scene on them early in the film... Sounds like Bay to me.
ReplyDeleteI hope not. I'm thinking with them fighting the dinobots perceive the autobots as threats initially. Something happens (perhapa a decepticon kills one) and they side with the autobots.
DeleteI think Bumblebee looks amazing...loving the bot designs...
ReplyDeleteGot a feeling that ship my be Trypitcon for some weird reason. Might be wrong but seems like he would fit in more since they went prehistoric
ReplyDeleteNo way. That would be dumb.
Deletehope lockdown isnt all fart like shockwave was made up to be this big badass then was all fart...that ship is unicron sucking up all those ships and buildings...i guess after part 3 all autobots took alt forms and passed out...where is the matrix...im see huge plot holes already...ol ratchet bites the bullet ..more way too much human story..prime suxs as a samurai looks almost as bad as beast wars prime
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the movie? No! Then wait and watch the movie when it comes out
DeleteOf course there are plot holes in a 2 and a half minute trailer. We haven't seen 99% of the film. I think some of you just need something to complain about. Really sad.
Deleteread the posters on the wall in the scene with bumblebee and the pagani, stinger man made!
ReplyDeleteLooks like it. I'm curious why there is one for 'Original Bumblebee'.
Deletei'm not sure how that assumption is made from the sign...the sign says prototype, does that mean the bot or the car?
DeleteWell there's a picture of Stinger in bot form beside it so I imagine that's how. Also with the parts and sketches of the car, and the car not being a prototype.
DeleteThis is supposed to be THE TRANSFORMERS not THE HUMANS. I know its just a teaser but come on man tease me with some TRANSFORMERS man. What little I see of the bots looks pretty dam good. I'm sorry that's all I want to see, I see enough humans at 7-11.
ReplyDeleteWhen Lockdown shoots Optimus Prime you can see Galvatron. He was lying on the ground
ReplyDeleteLOL@dumbasses... "What kind of a teaser trailer is this?!? It just teases me into wanting to see more!!!" LOL!
ReplyDeleteSo... does this mean that leaked trailer description from a few weeks ago was total bullshit?
ReplyDeleteI was asking myself the same question??? Either it was total BS or it will be one of the trailers yet to come? Kind of stinks if it was BS... it sounded excellent!!! Should'a figured it was too good to be true.
DeleteIt sounds like a theretical trailer, sounded too action packed for a teaser
DeleteDear next Director: Reboot, Reboot, Reboot!
ReplyDeleteLooks to bright of green to be ratchet. But I wouldn't rule it out. My major questions are who is lockdown working for? Why is prime a powerless wreck? And finally why are some of you people so mad? Its a teaser trailer, it's meant to tease. It worked. Would you rather of had the entire movie be completely spoiled in 2 and a half minutes? Just please no unicron, rodimus, or blurr
ReplyDeleteNo, it is Ratchet. I pulled up his DOTM pics and compared him to the visible parts of the Bot getting shot. Bay has an obsession with mindlessly killing off Bots and Cons in epically stupid ways.
DeleteBut we must also remember that having some characters killed leaves places that can be filled with new characters. Ironhide and Ratchet and few others were killed in 1986 G1 movie in order to let Rodimus, Ultra Magnus etc. to take over those places (also in later seasons of G1).
Delete@tens What do you mean mindlessly killing off robots? Ratchet's death is part of the story. The autobots are being hunted down. Key characters have to die so it can hold more weight.
DeleteI think it's too early to be saying that's Ratchet. I pulled up the same frame and paused it. It's way too quick to give a definitive answer as to who that is. Best look you get is a partial look at the top of the head. Do you realize how many bots can have that look? How often do you really see the top of a Tformer's head? Jumping to conclusions with no real evidence. Calm it down a notch.
DeleteAnd Anonymous 12:00pm. Completely agree. The deaths are part of the story. The deaths give fuel to the battles. I haven't seen any die in a stupid way.
Bro. It's Green Rachet getting killed. The two round circle lights on his shoulders match exactly to Ratchets robot mode. Look up any picture of him in robot form. Poor guy. All he wanted to do was help...
Ratchet was also geen in Kre-O Dino Hauler set. So if he dies, it happens after Optimus has scanned that Western Truck mode and after the existence of the Dinobots is revealed.
DeleteNot buying it. Can't buy anything because none of it is real clear. I'm not saying it's not him I'm simply saying there is no way to know for sure. Do I care if he dies? Nope. Because it's part of the story and the war.
DeleteDude you're blind if you can't see that's Ratchet.
DeleteDude you got a copy of the script to tell with absolute certainity that blurry image is him.
DeleteIts Ratchet you fucking retards, I'm not the first or second anon btw,
DeleteLooks like the humans are trying to make a upgraded version of bumblebee! Then bumblebee sees this(in the shot shown) and scans his bot form...cause if u compare the 2 they look exactly the same almost except one is red and the other is yellow..and 2 different cars of course.
ReplyDelete#transformersaredangerous Call (855) 363-8392 for more info
ReplyDeleteI DARE someone to call.lol
haha already did...so f-in cool...
Delete"stay alert and keep your eyes open..."
I feel like Hasbro/Paramount are maliciously torturing me. Michael Bay is Satan, agreed? Thank you. 1, 2, 3... transformers films by him were enough, but 4? I loved transformers and and have my least favourite director making ALL the films; films that share no shape what so ever to the original cartoons and comics tonally or thematically. They are neither kids films nor adults films, they are bad films by a bad man. Go to hell Bay and wake up Paramount/Hasbro, look at what else is going in the comic/sci-fi crossover film world, you're being outclassed a hundred fold.
ReplyDeleteYou people are nuts
DeleteBooooo get out of here! Crazy man!
DeleteI've got a hanky for you when you're dine crying.
DeleteYou know, "Stinger" really doesn't look alive to me in this clip. The way he stands in that position without moving, he's like a doll on display. The way that Wahlberg's character and BB seems to ignore him. and the fact that a red pagani is standing beside him, kind of underline this.
ReplyDeleteThis first teaser trailer shows what it seems a good movie after a boring Transformers3 .. it seems Michael Bay put some serious effort on this franchise again.. This one seems a mix of the moods from The Island and Armageddon... something Michael Bay already tried to achieve with Transformers2 but most people didn't get it while on Transformers3 the whole darker stuff was written in a lazy way and the execution was even worse overall.
ReplyDeleteThe new cast seems to work pretty well on screen too, Mark Wahlberg and Nicola Peltz father-daughter relationship looks a lot like that of Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler on Armageddon...
BUT the CGI on many scenes looks unfinished, cartoonish and needing a lot of work.
Only a few months left before the final rendering has to be ready there at ILM... will Michael Bay be able to force ILM to deliver Pacific Rim top-notch CGI quality? That is the big question... could ILM still be able to deliver the same level of quality for this movie?
Or is the budget cut wanted by Paramount/Hasbro managers affecting CGI quality at ILM ?
My thoughts about the teaser;
ReplyDelete* It was a nice mix of story and action…but more story than a usual for a 1st full-length teaser.
* It's clear they're pushing the new human cast, especially Mark Wahlberg who is an A-list movie star.
* I wonder if Joshua is working with Lockdown to "build" new transformers from the bodys of dead transformers and they need Optimus and the matrix to bring them to life.
* I think Harold Attinger is hunting down the transformers and is not in league with Lockdown or Joshua.
* I suspect the balance between human story elements and transformer story elements will be comparable to ROTF and DOTM.
* Optimus and Bumblebee look very Transformers Prime-esque.
* RIP Ratchet
* Not surprised we saw very little of Lockdown and basically none of Galvatron. Bay doesn't like to give away much of the villains.
* There were a few "turkey shots" but I thought overall the CGI looked very good. The few shots carried from the super bowl spot looked noticeably improved.
* Paramount's negative cost for AOE might be $165 mil but this movies looks to be costing considerably more than that to produce...it's worth remembering Paramount got a $20 mil rebate from Michigan and with China Movie Channel and Jiaflix co-producing I'd be surprised if they didn't also foot the bill for the Hong Kong/China portion of filming.
Actually it's more likely that Lockdown is either in league with Attinger or no one. He just manages to get the man-made transformers to become new members of the Decepticons.
DeleteI hope they will got few powerful decepticons etc like Tidal Wave and combiner in this...Please Michael Bay...give us surprise in the next trailer..show us the real villain..
ReplyDeleteLockdown is probably the real villain. He looks pretty brutal despite his smaller size. He is a bounty hunter after all. He has got to be pretty high tech and clever.. I think between Lockdown. Galvatron and if there are human made Tformers the Autobots have their hands pretty full. The only thing that worries me is if they will have too much going on story wise.
DeleteTidal Wave was never made through CGI, because it's too expensive.
Deleteat 1:25...that's ratchet
ReplyDeletewow.. is the new Optimus that hit by Lockdown ( or hit by the Con lying below him )
ReplyDeleteIt felt like to me that BumbleBee was on display or something. The signs said "Original BumbleBee" and the other sign said "Prototype Stinger".
ReplyDeleteIf Walhberger "found" a transformer, then they must not be walking around at all like before... so maybe BumbleBee was caught and put on display?
yes dying to find out what the story is...why Optimus is hiding like he was Yoda or something...
DeleteI figure after all the hate they suffered after DOTM all the Transformers had to go into hiding. Hence the new vehicle modes and Prime's rusty truck look which I think is awesome btw. It's almost like a slight nod to G1.
DeleteNotice the lack of hound and drift. Is it important? No. but I felt like pointing it out.
ReplyDeleteIt's Optimus Prime vs. the smoke monster from LOST.
ReplyDeleteThe cg in the Superbowl teaser for Transformers 3 was also rough and unfinished, compared to the actual movie. Internet people needlessly jump to conclusions in this age of instant information.
ReplyDeletewheres sam he wouldnt let bee get put on display he would hide him out...another fkd up bay plot hole
ReplyDeleteAre you retarded? The old cast is gone. This is a new start elsewhere. Keep up with the news if your going to comment!
Deletefkn idiot hes saying sam wouldnt let bee be mounted in a museum somewhere he would hide him out hisself so are you retarted?
DeleteI don't know if anyone realized this, but after listening to the part where Cade makes the truck light up and stuff, it's heard that Optimus is giving out a distress call saying "Calling All Autobots..." and that's why Cade said I think we found a transformer....took me awhile to notice it.
ReplyDeleteI heard that the first time. It took me a minute to realize that was a rusted truck and not the Argosy though.
Deleteit's not just a rusted truck, that is optimus.
Deletealready spotted a goof.when bee transforms he still has the rear fender scoops on his hips but the 67camaro that he is starting out as does NOT have these only the 69 and the 2010-up LMFAO
ReplyDeletegreat job BAY/ILM how could you miss this!!
DeleteI doubt that is anything that someone who is not a car not is going to know or care about...also CGI is not done yet so...yah...
DeleteWell... And when OP burst out of the barn, he's blue and red (TF3 style) although the truck mode is grey... More obvious than fender scoops... There might be an explanation. Or not ...
DeleteI'm sure that scene is not even close to complete...you can also notice when Bee jumps to Strafe, the car he stands on doesn't move...i'm pretty sure if a bot was to jump up like that, the car under his feet might move just a bit.
Deleteoptimus prime was that ol rusty look when he busted out of the barn are you retarted?? and ILM screws up all the time like in DOTM when megatron is sitting on A Lincolns chair and megs leg kept going in and out of the statue lmao..free country and our god given right to complain about shit we spend our money on and dont like!
DeleteBitch..bitch..bitch..bitch...bitch.. that's all some of you do. One would be inclined to think your little girls getting your first period. Need a fresh tampon? You also have the right to not see a movie you don't like. Wow! That was easy to solve! Thanks for dropping by to say things we don't care about. Now those of us who will be seeing it just have to wait for it all to be finished.
Deletelet the nit picking start
ReplyDeleteHere's what... why don't haters just shut up, support, and watch the movie. I'm pretty sure you want tf5 to be better. So watching this would give them the budget to make tf5 and Hopefully please you haha
ReplyDeleteclearly they must be why tf2-4 is just so awesome WRONG..idiot thats why they are cutting everything from toys to these horrible china designs and more plot hole stories..keep telling yourself that!
DeleteAt 2'00":
ReplyDeleteIs the boat exploding... or transforming ?
Anyone notice the bumper sticker on Prime..."I love Guns"
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 3/06/2014 7:43 AM: are you out of your mind or what? So people should tell that products are excellent even if flawed and keep buying? If the CGI has some serious issues and needs a lot of work then potential customers and/or previous customers of a franchise surely have the right to complain and ask producers to act quickly to improve quality.. otherwise no sales. It's just that simple.
ReplyDeleteThey must deliver top-notch products if they want people money. Period.
I like the humans an all BUT! you guys do realize if there going to have transformers they need to lower the numbers. maybe 3 autobots and 4 decepticons. that's it. then you will be able to get good screen time for these few robots. Don't be ones defending the human elements and be wanting a lot of robots. there wont be enough room for them.
ReplyDeleteTfcollect:maybe its me, but I'm not really into this (human making transformers route) even though they're machanical Optimus has said they are organisms. "We are robot autonomic organisms, from the Planet Cybertron" organism to me is what stands out. If humans were to make them in my opinion they would be mindless as in they would not be able to distinguish friend or foe. They wouldn't know Galvatron nor Optimus Prime like Grimlock didn't know Optimus Prime and that's why he attack him. I can see humans using Cybertronian technology and reverse it, but actually making transformers is a little too far fetched to me. Again maybe its just me...also I wasn't too impressed with this teaser niether, maybe I expected more since it was longer, it just didn't grab me like the shorter teaser or the ROTF trailer. With Demolisher crashing through the highway as Optimus jumps on him in slowmo...I was hooked. This one just didn't do it for me. Will I be in the theater seat? Yes I will, front and center. I just hope it going to be worth the price of admittance....skeptical
ReplyDeleteI agree, i'm not liking that angle either. I approach every movie like this with an open mind however if humans were making them, I would guess we would then have 'irobot' and there would be one in every household. SO the humans accomplish this amazing technology, but I still have to mow my lawn and use a dishwasher? I'm sure the story will work, but right now, I'm not loving it.
DeleteHumans using cybertronian tech by reverse engineering was in the franchise long time ago and references to it were on the first Transformers movie too.
DeleteReverse engineering Cybertronian weapons technology, is what was discussed in the Rotf, in my Optimus voice "it would cause more harm, than good"...that's an angle but to manufacture your own Transformer is totally a horse of a different color. Like c'mon man, I sincerely hope this isn't the true angle of this movie.
DeleteHaha! That's the most retarded thing I've read. You actually think transformers would be available to the poor? Ok let's give everyone Bugattis and Bentleys to drive around in too. Those things would probably cost at least 50 million each. Sorry they won't be available for you to do your dishes. Matter of fact let's give common people drones to fly around and tanks to drive around in their yard while we're at it too.
Deleteare you kidding 7:09pm? .what about a "piece of crap" camaro Sam bought for $4k? Have you been to Best Buy or Wal Mart lately...Who do you think they market those $150 tv's to? They make numerous products to appease the highest to the lowest family income specifically for that reason. Your comment is more ignorant than the one you're referring to.
Deletedidnt they already do the reverse engineer with megatron in the 1st flick lol why now they act like its something they just figured out...no way humans can create spark for man made TFs sorry
DeleteYes they made cds cell phones etc. Using Megatron, but I don't believe they were able to make weapons at the time, that's why they asked Optimus and the Autobots and Optimus refused...now here's my theory. I believe this is why the head of Megatron was so prevalent. Since his head was cracked opened it gave the humans access that they hadn't had before being as so his head was armored. Remember in the beginning they couldn't penetrate the decepticon armor. They found later that the Sable rounds could hurt them. With that being said after Optimus put the ax through Megatrons head they could now get inside and download everything they need from his memory bank. Makes sense to me. I also think that it triggered a beacon as well. Now, Lockdown the bounty hunter fits in to this theory. A bounty had been put on Optimus once he had gotten the Matrix. The Matrix is the only thing that can put Unicron back into stasis. So Unicron can't retrieve it himself so he hires the bounty hunters. That my theory. Unicron can't even touch the Matrix.
DeleteTfcollect:that was my above post. But also with that theory in mind it would make sense as to why Optimus Prime was captured. I don't think he's about to get tortured. I think Lockdown was preparing to extract the Matrix...Also it would make sense that Megatron info could assist the humans in making their own Transformers. This could have possibly been an idea sense the beginning and was classified info. Remember tbey didn't tell the Autobots about the Ark. The Government knew about it for decades as well as the Russians. China also could have known as well. They also had a space program during the 60s. Its my guess that the Chinese and the Americans will put together a joint effort in creating Transformers. But I also believe that its not going to go as well as the predicted.
DeleteTfcollect:sense there is an outcry for reform in reference to these Aliens because of Chicago. The Government was forced to disband the Nest program and deactivate the Treaty by which turned there backs on the Autobots and declaring them fugitives and traitors, this is why the either left the planet or went into hiding for 4years. Sense now the Government has their own Transformer program they also felt that the Autobots were no longer needed anyway and they can now hunt and or destroy what remained of the Decepticons themselves.and the Autobots.
DeleteTfcollect:I'm on fire. Now the net question will be. Why are the bumans looking for Optimus?...Well, guess is that now that they can manufacture their own Transformers the next step is bring them to life. So in order to accomplish this, they also need the Matrix. How do theg force Optimus to use it for them? Capture bis fellow Autobots and force him to decide. Bring our Transformers to life or we destroy your fellow Autobots.
Deleteall ways be grateful for what you get, without bay u wouldn't have any live action movies, people look so spoilt these days!
ReplyDeletePretty sure another Director would have made the movies, just sayin'
DeleteTens no director wanted to touch this. They all thought it was a dumb idea. Michael Bay even turned it down at first, but he reconsidered because he thought he probably could make something so silly realistic and cool. If any other director would have done it it may have flopped. For example Pacific Rim, The Last Air Bender, and Dragonball evolution. I actually liked Pacific Rim but it flopped at the box office so we won't be getting a sequel. Same thing would have happened to transformers.
DeletePacific Rim 2 is in pre-production stage. It has been a huge hit outside US.
DeleteToo bad in the US too many people are so lobotomized nowadays that they all go watching The Amazing Spider-Man movies which are absolutely awful and then don't go watching Pacific Rim featuring the best CGI by ILM ever.
Tfcollect:the cgi on Pacific Rim was spectacular, but the movie itself was horrible the acting was just a bad if not worse....trash.
DeleteI agree with tfcollect pacific rim was terrible as hell i just got bored if it after about an hour
Delete@Anonymous 3/07/2014 9:10 AM; @Anonymous 3/07/2014 10:13 AM: Pacific Rim script and acting is more than good. You got a really bad taste if you go around telling that it was terrible.
DeleteDid you just say the Amazing Spider Man movies are bad? You are out of your mind. The first was very good and the new one is rumored to be The Dark Knight of Spiderman films. Also Pacific Rim is not in preproduction. Quit believing everything you read from these crap sites that lack integrity. Pacific Rim lost the studio money. Do I believe we will get another one? Yes, that's because a lot of people liked it and if they market it right it can be successful.
Delete@Anonymous 3/07/2014 12:24 PM: The Amazing Spider-Man reboot movies are a farce, a joke. Very bad CGI, bad acting, bad script, bad cinematography. Peter Parker turned into a pathetic jerk. The action scenes are plain bad. The trailer for the new one it's even worse.. they put a silly transformers dinobot wannabe CGI thing there.. please...!
DeleteAnonymous 3/07/2014 12:24 PM: if you think Pacific Rim was a financial failure you really have no clue what you are talking about... DVD/Blu-Ray and digital downloads sales alone were huge worldwide.. Amazon alone sold millions of copies worldwide... then tv rights worldwide would at least be 3 to 4 times the boxoffice gross... The boxoffice gross is just 20-30% of what most movies make on average. Most of the money comes from DVD/Blu-Ray and digital downloads sales and rentals first, then tv rights. It's not all about the boxoffice as naive people think.. a urban myth that the studios put on the 'net.
DeleteI think without Bay we would just have gotten an other kind of live action movie...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Transdformers AOE to be realeased, and will probably go watch it twice in theaters.
At 2:00 in the trailer, the boat is transforming i guess.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you people think: transforming or being destroyed?
Or being destroyed while transforming?
I think it get destroyed as i dont think a boat would transform in mid air but who knows you might be right :)
Deleteit's blowing up, not transforming...if you look closely it's clear the cybertronian ship smashes through it.
DeleteSpeaking of boats, there seems to be a heap of them in the movie. Already in the trailer we see a ship where Ratchet seems to be killed, Bumblebee pulls up a boat to destroy those DOTM ships and Lockdown's ship seems to be sucking up boats. I mean will some major battle scenes take place in the ocean or harbour area? Maybe Tidal Wave is in this?.....Just putting my thoughts in the air...
DeleteOkay so everyone saw that ratchet got shot down by human operatives hunting down the Autobots burn it dosn' t mean he dies because this scene is suppose to happen in the beginning of the film scenes the Autobots are being hunted down and ratchets vechicle mode was scene in Detroit where they where filming it as Hong Kong witch in the new upgraded bumblebee and hound where spotted alone side drift and new upgraded Optimus Prime and then later where displayed their in Detroit.witch was used as a distraction to film some scene of autobot ratchet' s vechicle mode now if does in the beginning of the film that must mean he's not able to hangout with upgraded bumblebee unless he gets hunted down in the middle of the film when the whole dinobot disaster is happening in Hong Kong witch is unlikely to happen to he problem does end up escaping from the evil humans trying to kill him and that's why his vechicle mode is all dirty from when he escaped this is just my speculation take is as you will and yes he died in G1 but he is the only autobot in the TransFormers movie universe that can repair or fix his fellow wounded autobot brothers witch then makes him a necessary character to not kill off but still get a downgraded role and as for the wreckers it would be impossible to take them down since they have a bunch of weapons and dino can move like a ninja in combat and possibly turn invisible G1 mirage and sideswipe is also a mastered swords men and can escape faster then any autobot thanks to his feet that are wheels so who know how Michael Bay kill them off.
ReplyDeleteYou should write sentences with no periods next time :-)
DeleteHahahahahaha.... WTF???????? Uuuuummm... yea... hands down the craziest post I have ever (tried to) read on this site. Wow...
Delete"Dino moves like a Ninja"... lol
Deletehow do you know that scene is at the beginning? did you write the script? no? then you don't know. that could be halfway through the movie for all we know
DeleteNo I didn't write the script but if you truly think about the plot,story, and the filming that went down in Detroit and Hong Kong then you pin point what scene takes place throughout the film and i never said it happens in the beginning, I was just questioning but that was my fault since I didn't add question marks. But ratchet was spotted in Detroit when they where filming the Hong Kong scenes with the dinobots, and upgraded Optimus Prime and bumblebee and I doubt that the autobots would be hunted down when the dinobots are around and when they have their new design's.they also could have filmed some early bringing movie scenes of ratchet, but I doubt he would be roaming around Hong Kong in the beginning of the film. And sorry about not adding periods I just try to type what ever pops in my mind as fast as I can.oh and I love dino and to me he moves friggin fast when it comes to fighting.
DeleteI was looking at the picture of Optimus getting punch and shot at. His chest doesn't blow up and and it looks like the bullet goes the right side of him.
ReplyDeleteLoved seeing the gun (flamethrower?) in Grimlock's mouth as he gets up and starts turning towards OP.
ReplyDeletewatch it again its not in his mouth lmao its sparks and shit from under his jaw where its hitting his neck and stuff..omg you ppl are idiots
Deleteagreed....can't believe some of the things people think they see in these scenes, but this one by far made me laugh the most.
DeleteNah, I'm pretty sure it's a flame thrower like in G1. Wit da fire coming out of his mouth and everything. Cool!
DeleteThis is gonna be an awesome ride no matter what. No matter how much people bash the film and bay. Just Think of it guys. The franchise earned about 3 bil excluding toys etc. What if the first film was directed by a different director, it couldve bombed badly . .....
ReplyDeleteIf humans were to create transformers, i think they may be using some allspark shard or something to give them life?
.... .
In the scene with Bee and Stinger, can anyone make out the words on the posters? On Bee's, I can only kind of make out the first words of every sentence.I believe they are: First, Slow, Inferior, Limited, and a word beginning with a V.
ReplyDeleteOn Stinger's, I think it says: Cutting Edge Tech, (a word I can't make out) Efficiency, Supercharged Power Supply, Lethal but Safe, Dynamic Design.
It almost seems as if they're talking more about their alt modes then their Protoforms.
@tens1822 -
DeleteUnder Bumblebee's poster:
- First-Generation
- Slow and (can't figure out the word)
- Inferior
- Limited
- Unsighted
Under Stinger's poster:
- Bleeding Edge Tech.
- Maximum Efficiency
- Supercharged Power Supply
- Lethal Yet Safe
- Dynamic Design
Thank you. I was trying to make out what it said at 2 in the morning, after a very long shift at work. : )
Delete1. Unicron will pop up
ReplyDeleteSometime in this new trilogy that will convince the effing humans that indeed they need the prescence of autobots.
2. I wonder if Linkin Park is involved.
3. The CGI is obviously unfinished especially in the part where Optimus gets shot .not convincing.
4. It appears that bumblebee may have copied Stinger's robot form.
So, I was going thru the older threads re-reading everyone's posts about which transformers are in the movie. In one thread, we had the dueling "I know who's in it and what happens to certain Bots". A little beyond the duelers, there was an Anon poster whose post has a little validity, based on what we now know. Here is what they said:
ReplyDelete4 Autobots die. Ratchet, Drift, Vector, Topspin
There are no minicons
Main bad guy Unicron, His Lt's being Megatron and Lockdown
Warship has Lockdown and captured Prime
We see Ratched coming under very heavy fire, tho we don't know if he dies. Don't know about other 3 though.
We have the complete opposite of minicons, with giant Dinobots
Lockdown is confirmed. We don't know if he's in charge or working for someone.
We saw Megatrons head, and it's possible Galvatron is a clone of him.
We don't know who or what those warships are. They and Lockdown could be working for Unicron.
It's now confirmed Prime is taken prisoner on Lockdown's ship.
I just find it very interesting to go back and re-read other's posts, to see who has come closest to what we now know.
DeleteHow long ago did this person post this?
It was posted August 7, 2013
DeleteIt's in the 'Transformers 4 Detroit Set Prepares for Potential Blowout Story Rumor' thread
Deletetens1822 do you know who the sonic is
ReplyDeleteI have no idea. Some fans think it's Cliffjumper, others think it's Smokescreen. Then there are fans who think its just a regular car.
ReplyDeletei hope its cliffjumper
ReplyDeleteYeah....the red bot, It's Dino