The movie opens with a past sequence that shows what exposition later covers again. Back to a post-Dark of the Moon Texas, Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) discovers a rusted truck that turns out to be Optimus Prime. Prime is more or less near death from an ambush by a CIA black-ops group called Cemetery Wind that were created as a response to the Battle of Chicago. Led by desk jockey Harold Attinger (Harold Attinger) and his field agent James Savoy (Titus Welliver), neither of who have met a Transformer that they don’t want to kill so to break them down into “Transformium” so that Joshua Joyce (Stanley Tucci) can use the material to create their own army of human controlled Transformers. Since dead Autobots are not providing enough of the stuff, they are working with bounty hunter Lockdown who offers to provide them with “The Seed” that can create more of the stuff. Through a series of action sequences we learn that Cade is an awful father to his daughter Tessa (Nicola Peltz) whose race car boyfriend Shane Dyson (Jack Reynor) comes to the rescue and joins their adventure as Optimus Prime seeks out to kill Harold (yep that is his motivation for the entire movie) for hunting down his friends. After various actions dots get connected, two hours later we wind up in China and eventually get to see Grimlock and the Dinobots (for all of about five minutes total and movie origin comes down to Hasbro has some toys to sell) as everyone tries to stop Lockdown’s Seed from going off as it would destroy Hong Kong.

The road chase, quick transformation and random cars being destroyed? Check. Optimus Prime somehow being left alone to battle the odds gets severely damaged and something bad happens to him before his Autobot friends can arrive to help? Check. A McGuffin that everyone covets and whoever controls it can destroy stuff? Check. Over the top action scenes, with lots of stuff exploding for no other reason than looks cool? Check. Random Decepticons getting easily defeated in some ninja like fight sequences. Check. And finally bad guys that are simply bad guys because you need bad guys. Check. And of course the now obligatory final Prime speech that is only different cause he is still on a path of revenge, only the target changed. Check.
It might seem like the movie has twists and turns but it really doesn’t. It’s a straight line with illusions of curves. It is very clear that the Bay approach was once again used here. That is where the action scenes are designed first and then the story is molded to connect the dots of those action scenes. Only in this case Paramount decided to see if between China and various marketing departments (in some cases you start to expect the actors to look at the camera and say the product slogan to the audience) that maybe they could pay for the films production so a few more irrelevant dots were added. It is no surprise when the sum total is a meaningless series of action bits of what might as well be random robots (being a Transformer really isn't relevant either) attacking each other as humans pretend they are part of the fight (again).
If you only want eye candy, this film will more than meet your needs. It is wall to wall eye candy. If it isn’t coming from the big explosions, then you get it from the pretty cars. The required human eye candy is easily filled by Nicola Peltz with the camera enjoying her short shorts often. While she still has a lot to learn, she easily surpasses her predecessors in acting skills and her character does a bit more than look gorgeous. Still a bit baffled on why Bay put her age at a slightly creepy 17 years old especially when it seemed to require a scene to explain why her boyfriend isn’t committing statutory rape (complete with laminated card). ILM does their usual fantastic jobs with the visual effects and is really the only reason the film is watchable.
As for the characters, none have a meaningful character arc and the Autobots themselves are really irrelevant to the story. I don’t even know why they bother giving them names. “Blue bot”, “green bot”, “yellow bot”, etc. is really all you need because the characters have no depth and what they are doing in the movie is irrelevant to them as an individual. You could swap about ‘Bee in a scene with any other random Transformer and there is no reason it wouldn't play the same because that character’s uniqueness is never on display because they story can’t be bothered to make them unique. They exist to be expensive visual eye candy and nothing else. Even the always heroic Optimus Prime, who characterization comes down to “always does heroic things” (and so should be right up Bay’s alley) begins the movie seeking revenge and ends the movie in the same place with his motivations has anything to do with heroism.
As for the human characters, frankly who would have cared if they all died with a building landing on them. Cade is a crappy father, Tessa is a horny teenager with her horny boyfriend and everyone else just wants money and power. That is really the summation of the characters and their arcs. Having said that, through their usual effortless skill Tucci and Grammer elevated every scene they were in but frankly they could have been just randomly reading spam from their phones and accomplished the same thing for all that mattered for the scenes they were in.
The complaints that remained with the previous three films remain with Transformers: Age of Extinction. Where Michael Bay at least had the excuse of even bigger and better action sequences to hide his lack of storytelling skills, he no longer even has that has he retreads the same ground over and over again. The result is a visual effects feast that is all fat and no meat as the Transformers as individual characters are irrelevant, the human element is just various levels of boring or jerk, and story literally just exists to move from one action sequence to the next. Bay is clearly out of ideas and its time the franchise moved beyond him. About the only credit I can give film writer Ehren Kruger is he managed to insert a few dangling plot ideas that hopefully a new writer could make use of if they can’t come up with something better. Which should be a very easy hurdle to jump over at this point.
A Transformer film, cartoon episode, comic book etc. that does not treat key Transformer characters as uniquely as would any human character completely misses the point. As always it comes down to the characters and the story around them. Eye candy and gimmicks might get people curious but that alone does little to keep them around. Especially not for 30 years. Bay and Kruger remain all gimmick, devoid of story and character so the result is a forgone conclusion – yet another empty VFX movie of robots fighting robots.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I might have to stop coming here now that this dude has joined the haters it seems. The movie was THE best of the 4. So awesome i cant wait for part 5.
DeleteIf a Transformers fan who has run a blog for over 7 years thinks it is bad... chances are that its probably bad. He hasn't changed to be a 'hater' he is simply using his brain. Something that you appear to be lacking if you think that him disliking the movie is reason for you to stop visiting this website.
DeleteCouldn't say it better myself. Nice one.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it very much. But of course I wasn't expecting a Oscar-like movie. That would be VERY unrealistic!
ReplyDeleteI dont expect oscars....i just want something that makes sense...but no they are just making it up as they go is prime a prime...or a space knight confused...and the dinobots...explain to me based on what the movie told you what they are? and where they came from?
DeleteThis was our opportunity to send a message by NOT going to see it in theaters. It appears that as a planet we failed in that regard. After attending midnight showings of the first two movies, I personally will wait and make this one a rental.
ReplyDeleteSome people just miss the point of a Transformer film. Its fun. Don't wait for rental. It is worth seeing in theaters. Transformations are awesome.
ReplyDeleteWow. I thought this blog was a movieverse fansite. Proved wrong today,. The best of the series so far.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Best of the Best
DeleteThis is silly... so you have owned a Transformers blog since 2007 to bash the movies or what?
ReplyDeleteThe critics were right ? WHAT ?
Transformers4 it's an excellent movie. The best of the franchise so far.
Transformers3 was a huge disappointment. But Transformers4 it's worth watching.
I really don't get why you own this blog and why your wrote this article to bash the movie and say that the critics were right.
Just close this blog then. Quit. You clearly don't like the movies. Stop writing and reporting about it.
Correct, he should just stop writing so we can all come here and listen to tools like you tell us in your 4 yr old way what a super awesome movie it was..when it really wasnt
Deleteso he isnt entitled to an opinion>? im assuming he liked at least one of the other transformers movies...i loved 1 and 3...but this one is plotwise at least as bad as revenge of the seems whenever bay gets to use something cool ie the dinobots or the combiners ..he messes it up...all i ask from a movie is that it explains something..the human plot made sense...the rest of it however a jumbled mess...
DeleteMan you nailed it. Couldn't have said it better myself. I never put too much stock in this blog anyhow...
DeleteI was shocked by his review as well...I think im going to stop frequenting this page. I know im not alone. Hes gonna say goodbye to alot of mouse clicks.
DeleteHis blog. If he wishes to voice his opinion on the movie, then he has that right. It is his review, not yours. Been said many times before, if you don't like it, then go make your own blog so you can just do a one sided review of it.... or use the comment section here to voice your opinion on what you feel made the movie as great as you feel it was (which is what the comment section is here for) and less about bashing the owner.
Delete@Anonymous7/02/2014 9:15 AM: exactly. The blog owner here must be really confused. Why he owns a Transformers blog to promote the franchise and then writes negative reviews to bash the movies... ? It doesn't make any sense.
ReplyDeleteYes how dare he criticize the movie... Like all you good dogs he should just like it as he is told to
Deleteit does make sense when the movie sucked ball sack :P
DeleteWhat are you talking about???? If anything all the good little dogs are told NOT to like the film, your words not mine. Hilarious..
Deleteit's their personal opinion. just because they have this blog and follow the news and filming and updates doesn't mean they have to enjoy the movie. I'm a huge fan of the franchise too but I felt that this movie was missing something... it was long and seemed just like the others and didn't really spend much time explaining things they just jump around the globe in battles. this franchise basically became nascar where they just advertise things. the acting was ok but the story and heart wasn't there
ReplyDeleteTypical critic nothing more nothing less. Just the seens with lockdown alone took the movie in a different direction. It wasnt perfect by no means but these so called reviews are all washed up. I dont know sbout you guys but Im done with these critics.
ReplyDeleteLockdown was awesome. He carried the film for a good portion
DeleteTypical critic nothing more nothing less. Just the seens with lockdown alone took the movie in a different direction. It wasnt perfect by no means but these so called reviews are all washed up. I dont know sbout you guys but Im done with these critics.
ReplyDeleteYou read my mind exactly. My 14 and 11 year old liked parts of it as did I (I am 42). Overall a waste of time for me. I am not a hater, just disappointed. Yes the transformations were awesome, Grimlock &, but Marvel knows how to tell a story right and have awesome eye candy. This franchise needs a Marvel approach. I have enjoyed this blog for years. I have been a Transformers fan for 32 years. It is just our opinion. Take it or leave it. I am glad if some of you enjoyed it. Our opinion is no reflection on yours. I was very careful when I talked to my boys after the movie, because I did not want to ruin there excitement. Believe me I understand both sides. Still gonna keep lovin Transformers. Roll out.....
ReplyDeleteIf I was an over analyzing prick I could tell you right now there are PLENTY OF DUMB SHIT DONE IN MARVEL MOVIES TO, quick example ironman 3 was garbage, should have been called Tony Stark lost with dozens of AI suits he doesn't use til the end.
DeleteWow, you missed my post completely. Just opinions dude. You are taking this way too seriously...
DeleteBy the way, I loved Iron Man 3. Hey, that's my opinion. I knew a lot about Extremis before the movie. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love America for that. Not hatin dude...
Deleteall i ask is that a movie be entertaining but make sense...transformers 4 for me was niether ..and just having the dinobots show up no explanation other than they were lockdowns prisoners and some kind of space knights..well to be honest they didnt need the dinobots..and i like how they showed most of the dinobots scenes in the trailers....and just because someone doesnt like it doesnt mean they are a prick.....
DeleteSadly...I agree TOTALLY with the owners review : / ....Transformers, with its very rich lore, has a very real potential to have an awesome story, with awesome characters...and with today's cgi, it could be amazing in every way!!! Its really sad that we have no choice but to scrounge and savour the best "parts" of a cool action scene or two....out of a 3 hour movie :( If we ever have a REAL TF movie, we would look back on these "things" and see them for what they really are. No disrespect to those who loved the movie...but boy could we do better than this : / Have a great summer everyone...Very much enjoy this forum leading up to these films !!! Bless !
DeleteI think to truly flesh out a transformers movie it would have top be like 5hrs long. Cartoons are differentin that their aim is at younger audiences and explanations are less important. Believability can be a stretched just a little more. People are already saying aoe's runtime was one of the worst parts of the experience. The question for me is where to go from here, but more of the same will assuredly kill the franchise even for the staunchest of fans
DeleteI agree with fans and positive remarks on the movies. This should be a site for fans. If you hate it go blog on a Transformer hate site. Leave us to enjoy what we have. If you can do better than Bay then get your millions of dollars and awesome special effects and make a better movie. T4 made over 300 million all ready. Bay is laughing at all your negatives reviews. Looks like more people like it than hate it....
ReplyDeleteso no ones entitled to an opinion? i know plenty of TF fans that hated it...this was not made for transformers fans this was made for people who never watched any of the transformers now prime is a space knight..and a prime...cant wait to see what he is next...there is no continuity from one movie to the next ..they just start over ...ugh..
DeleteWasn't an opinion, was a hate message
DeleteWake up 1:29, 1980s fans aren't the only one out there, that was thirty years ago, GET OVER IT
DeleteLol you think Bay cares what 40 year old fans think of a toy movie, sorry your time has past
Deleteit obvious bay doesnt care what anyone thinks and i think he is capable of making transformers movie that could be comparable to the dark knight and the know comic book movies that are more than eye candy...and after 4 movies of the same thing over and over the reviewer is as frustrated as some of us are...and the fact that you admit that its a toy movie proves the reviewer right......
DeleteWhether you loved it or hated it opinions are not a measure of a person. All these personal attacks are silly people. And furthermore just be thankful you have a blog in which you can denigrate each other. Opinions aren't right or wrong, that's the whole point of discussion.
DeletePrime is not suddenly a knight, a Prime is essentially a Knight already. Lockdown explained what his prison was, something that prime said he "disgraced" the Dinobots were Knights of Cybertron. He called them "rebels" probably because they went against the creators, or Megatron. I dont understand where some people had a problem with that. When Prime grabbed the sword he even said "recognize one of your knights"
Delete"sorry your time has past" - You do realize that if it wasn't for the older fans, the newer fans would have nothing to fan about. "This should be a site for fans" - It is, it is a site for fans that have their own personal opinions on how they liked the movie. If this site was only dedicated to positive or even negative comments, it would basically be.. I liked it: me too: me too: me too: me too: etc etc etc.... Blogs and comment sections are here to allow discussions on topics. To express how you feel about a subject and possibly get opinions back... Unfortunately, they just get turned into hate messages for people that don't have the same opinion as the original poster... in favor of or against. Use this space to explain what you liked about it or what you didn't... not to hate on another person for not having the same opinion as you.
DeleteNo it's not because of the "older fans" genius, there's been inventions and evolutions in technology since 1984, like computers and cell phones, sorry but u only ad to the newer much more vast mass of Transformers fans, and what made them cool then still makes them cool now, TRANSFORMING, the stories both cartoons and movies always have been silly as hell, the TRANSFORMING is the legacy and that's all it will ever need to succeed, g1 is g1, and it's history
DeleteOh AND THE Dark knight rise SUCKED, HES WAS ACTUALLY BATMAN FOR BOUT 11 minutes total
DeleteWell genius, if the older fans did not like the Transformers back then, do you really think that a Toy company would still try to waste money to carry a line of toys no one liked or wanted to buy? The fact that the older fans liked it is the reason why the Toy companies made money off of it and decided that they could continue with the line of toys allowing the new younger fans even know about the transformers. Think of all the other Toy lines out there that didn't catch on... where are their bay movies?
DeleteSome people can never be pleased...
ReplyDeleteThat was a very negative, to in depth almost anger driven review, the movie is about a toy line PERIOD. A FUN RIDE FOR THE 8 to 12 year old in all of us, the story wasn't great but the movie was, it had good peaks and good tone, I strongly disagree with that ridiculous report and if that was the owner of this blog you need to cheer up buddy, it's a movie based on toys, YOU WENT WAY TO FAR TO EXPRESS HATE FOR THIS FILM, you actually dragged it out so far you were being what you said the movie was BORING, the great thing about this franchise is that it's potential is limitless
ReplyDelete,SO NO MATTER WHAT IT WILL NEVER MEET OUR EXPECTATIONS, turn off your judgy grown up button and go watch it as a kid with some imagination, your just another guy mad it didn't do exactly what you wanted, if you want I'll send you the $15 dollars you "wasted" on this audio visual masterpiece
The fact that both sides are so invested in the franchise and their opinions thereof says alot about it in and of itself,huh...
ReplyDeleteI've seen it 4 times, just a fun break from reality
DeleteBe quiet kid !! Adults are talking...
DeleteNot a kid ahole, watch your mouth, get smacked in real life talking like that.
DeleteIts a fun break from anything resembling something that makes sense...
DeleteReally???? Didn't resemble anything that makes sense, that's just... A senseless statement dumbass
Deleteso explain the dinobots to me ? just using plot points from the movie..GO
DeleteThe Dinobots were Lock Downs prisoners. Prime reclaimed a sword and shield of his left over from a long past adventure in which he and other Cybertronian Knights had presumably used the ship for, prior to Lock Downs acquisition of it. Prime then used the power that he regained through the sword and shield to prove to the Dinobots that he was worthy to lead them. Then after the battle he released them from their service and they left to presumably live freely in the vast wilderness regions of China until called upon once more.
Deletethen who are the cybertroinan knights then and what is there connection to the primes? hmmmm
Delete1:29pm're a grown up who talks like a lil punk kid...that is much worse LOL BAHAHAHA
DeletePs you need to chill out homegirl. Take a breath man, wow
DeleteThe movie opened up a whole lot more territory. Who are the Cybertronian Knights. They must have been gone for some time. Also the "creators" So I cant wait to see the next movie. Anyone thinking this was a bad movie must have ADD or something and stopped paying attention when the action stopped. This was THE best of all of the Transformers films....and i loved the other 3
DeleteOne thing is for sure, this is a cool site for info, but we all know now the owners an idiot, DO NOT take that review seriously, cause it was simply hate mail
ReplyDeleteI thought it was honest. People who like the movie don't know a bad movie when they see one. They are oblivious to the obvious fact that this movie proves that Michael Bay is incapable of making a good Transformers movie.
DeleteThat is not a fact anywhere other than in your own mind. It was actually an opinion. You obviously don't know the difference.
DeleteAnd no, his review wasn't 'honest' it was very blatantly and purely hate for the movie for no other reason than to be overly critical and hateful. It wasn't a review in any sense whatsoever. It would have been had he stopped after the first 3 paragraphs but he didn't. He blatantly ignored the character development that the bots did have so that he could say there was none, which is not true. He generalized and trivialized all the human characters as meaningless and having no reason for being there because he doesn't wan't a movie with humans.
The FACT is that he has been very vocal and critical about everything that has come out about the movie since day 1 and to anyone that reads this blog on a regular basis it was obvious that his 'review' was just going to be pointless and baseless hate.
It wasn't my favorite movie ever, but it was a lot of fun and by far was the best transformers movie after the first. The only reason people are hating on the movie is because it's cool to hate on Bay for everything that he does.
I'm not attacking you but a good site for info???? No. Its actually one of the worst gathering what little it does by lazily copying the real sites that are out there. It is entertaining though, you guys see to that. Never disappointed!!!!:-)
DeleteI dont think im even going to come here anymore.. The owners review was the worst. This movie was so good i already preordered the blu ray from Amazon,...theyre offering the movie with a collectors statue of Prime riding Grimlock......very detailed, very awesome.
DeleteYou thought it was good...then it damn well must you have a site I can go to or should I ask your mum for permission first?
DeleteYou thought it was good...then it damn well must you have a site I can go to or should I ask your mum for permission first?
DeleteThe autobots themselves were irellavant to the story? Say no to drugs man
ReplyDeletePeople really need to be more open minded! Just because the owner runs a blog dedicated to hyping and bringing transformers news, doesn't mean he had to enjoy the movie! He isn't a typical "critic, nothing more, nothing less", he's genuinely disappointed that the film he's been hyping for 3 years wasn't anything near what he hoped it would be! And seriously guys , he's entitled to an opinion! some of you want the owner to leave just because his opinion differs from yours??
ReplyDeleteAs for me, i enjoyed the movie, it kept me entertained. but i still have few problems with it... yes they're technically nit-picks, 1. i really didn't like the racial stereotype applied to Drift. I wouldn't have minded if they made it seem like he was "borrowing" from Japanese culture rather than flat out making him Japanese, maybe even comparing his Japanese philosophical views to cybertronian philosophy or something. but it appeared that Drift was born in Japan and has had Japanese influence since birth, but he's a cybertronian not a samurai. cool design though 2. the movies story really did feel like an afterthought to the action sequences.. oh well. 3. the humans were off i suppose. no problems with the actual cast, i just didn't buy Marky Mark being an inventor for one second, and none of the Texans in this movie seemed like Texans. i mean Cade and Tessa dont seem like they came from Texas, but Cades colleague always has a surfboard on top his car! when is he going to use that in the middle of texas XD i don't even care about that, i just thought it would be funny to point out. 4. Dinobots didn't have nearly enough screentime, i assumed we would get them for half of the movie, but they didn't come in until the last 25 minutes. And as a side nitpick, i really wished that at least Grimlock would've spoken a couple lines. I also wish the dinobots were mentioned by name. And i really want to hear someones input on Grimlocks robot mode, his face had a beak! it wasn't something i was really into. it was a cool face design, just not for Grimlock.
I still loved the movie! Hound and Crosshairs were excellent! i wish we got more Crosshairs, because his design was sweet and John Dimagio did great voicework! And Galvatron was pretty awesome too, I'm okay with his lack of screentime because the sequel is clearly set up for him, not a huge fan of the way KSI transformers transform though. Lockdown is a badass! And while i agree that Optimus's goal being revenge isn't very Prime-esque, I think its still pretty cool to see Optimus on the war path, so broken and done with humanity
while im not fond of the movie Lockdown was a better villian by far than megatron has been with the exception of the last 10 mins of the first movie...and yeah the dinobots only showed up for a bit...
DeleteLockdown a better villain? That's a sad statement.
Deletewhat has megatron done ? other than kill jazz.....he was the fallens puppet again never mentioned again in any of the movies, he was a depressed puppet of sentinel prime in 3......lockdown did more in this movie than megatron has done in the last 2...and yes he may have killed prime in 2 but that was 3 on 1...lockdown took prime down by himself pretty muchf...and im not a fan of tf 4
Deleteim talking about the movies version of lockdown no other version same with megatron just keeping it to the movies
DeleteI've seen a movie get so nit picked like this in my entire life. It must be dam good.
DeleteAgree 110%
DeleteJD, please explain what you mean, lockdown was one of the most developed characters yet, truly menacing and awesome in design. Why is that sad. Is it that you could do better? If so just tell us your version of a not so sad story, please enlighten the masses
DeleteWhile I don't quite 100% agree with the review (I really loved this movie) the blog owner is entitled to his opinion. He's not a Transformers hater. He just expects more. I do agree there are things that need to be improved. But this one was actually my favorite one.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of difference of opinion, I hope the owner of this blog continues to share about the Transformers live action movies.
we can agree to disagree peacefully...i fully agree with the review above if not the reviewers opinion of transformers 3 which i went back and read...the owner is entitled to not liking the movie as are those that did like the movie perhaps if we have an honest debate about what we liked and disliked instead of just name calling or saying he should shut the site down..
DeleteMy 2 cents: I thought it was the best acted from the humans of the four but the plot, no decent explnation of the a space knight? okay so what is that...i guess its something from transformers animated which i could never get into but other than that i feel the review is spot on...and bay can direct an action movie..and he can do a movie that has a story..bad boys and the rock..but its clear he is just doing it for the money at this point and is just coasting plot wise with it..Time for a reboot and just because someone hates this movie doesnt make them a kinda surprised more people liked it than i thought...and lockdown is a badass as is kelsey grammer but that doesnt make up for me the plotholes that unicron could fly through...and FYI marvel proved you can make comic book movies...that do have a plot and make the avengers...captain america the winter soldier...
ReplyDeletewhat plot holes you didn't understand the plot. Are you serious. A 10 yr old can figure it out. I knew what it was about right off the bat.
DeleteAgreed. What plot holes ? I didnt see any, What i see is lack of imagination and having to have everything explained. What are we ? children ?
DeleteMy thing is why would I want Transformers to be like Thor, Ironman, I just want to see Transformers Transform & fight. I could careless about the story ie: Marvel. The Avengers (a movie which I loved) had a different feel as it should
DeleteIt wasn't an opinion it was an outright insult to every scene, no one said he had to like it or not, he went clearly overboard and that's not cool with me, made it sound way worse than it is. Just cause he owns it gives him no immunity for being....just dumb. Reread it, dumb.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's the point. Reviews like that may actually stop someone who would genuinely enjoy the film from seeing . Opinions are fine but everyone should make their own
DeleteDissappointing Review. The movie isnt as bad as the author claims. its a very fresh movie better than the first 3 parts with a way better plot when compared to earlier 3 flicks. Very disappointing that the author gave a review like a movie critic with zero transformers knowledge
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed it myself. Thought it was funny. Not sure why Bay has to put cussing in. That just rules out me taking my kids to see it.
ReplyDeleteYou were spot on....... However I'm sure you knew what you were getting when you seen the first 3 . Hard to say anything bad just dissapointed.
ReplyDeleteI am very very dissapointed as a father of 5 that the pedo thing was made light of. I will now have to fight with my 3 girls when they use this movie for 20 to 17 .... It's black and white to just about everyone that kids date kids.
Pedo thing? I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means. They are only 3 years apart at 17 and 20 years old, which is NOT pedophilia. Also, in most states a 17 year old girl is well above the age of consent. Not to mention that they imply that she is at the end of her senior year of high school which would suggest that she is close to her 18th birthday anyway. I am not and would not advocate pedophilia, but in this case it is most definitely NOT pedophilia. Grow up.
Pedophilia -
ped·o·phil·i·a [ped-uh-fil-ee-uh or, esp. British, pee-duh-] Show IPA
noun Psychiatry.
sexual desire in an adult for a child.
Lol, right on!!
Delete2:34 you are an idiot, there is nothing wrong with the age difference at all, now if she was 5 and he was 20 then we would have a problem
DeleteMight have been a bit of an issue with the butt shots on an under 18yr girl.
DeletePlease close this blog. Your review was a disgrace and made no sense. No one thinks this movie was perfect but the autobot characterization was much improved this time around. This douche that owns this blog needs to stop. Just stop. He doesn't sound like a fan who was disappointed by the film. He sounds like a Bay hater with all the same boring talking point. Done with this shitty blog. No thanks.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as you used the word 'Douche', you lost all creditably.
DeleteThe entire concept of Transformers is a gimmick. Is this a joke? It must be.
ReplyDeleteI said in another review that Bay's use of the new IMAX 3d cameras were wasted in this movie. There were a number of scenes that flipped between IMAX and standard, sometimes seconds apart instead of having one big scene in IMAX. Many scenic shots that would have been amazing in IMAX were ruined by the visual effects blocking or distracting the scene. From what I could recall a lot of Autobot dialog scenes were in IMAX. Wasting IMAX shots on a farm with corn fields comes to mind as well. Nolan did a great job doing the Joker attack on the convoy scene in full IMAX.
ReplyDeleteSo you spend the whole looking for crap like that, your taking this movie about toys way to seriously
DeleteI go to Michael Bay movies to see the beautiful landscapes too. When I saw all those robot things in the foreground, I walled right out. Didn't even try to get my money back, unbelievable
DeleteHe seems to be speaking from what sounds like a film student point of view, not a bash-fest point of view.
DeleteExactly I was looking at it from a framing point of view. Have any of you ever seen a movie shot in real IMAX? There is so much information and detail that is shown. Star Trek: Into Darkness was also done this way however I did notice that a LOT of Computer Generated scenes were displayed at an IMAX frame...which made no sense to me. With computer graphics you can render at pretty much any resolution and go from there. Having a CG Enterprise displayed at IMAX resolution was kinda wasteful imho. Yes the ship looks great, but why fake it with CG?
Deletealot of poor and poorly executed dialogue- mostly among humans, namely Stanley Tucci. Kelsey grammer was the best actor in it- only part that gave any dramatic legitimacy to the movie. i give the writers blame, editors blame, some director, but bad and unnecessary dialogue would be best left on cutting room floor. nevermind the screen i saw it at was as if the turned off the stereo side speakers- all center and bass
ReplyDelete...with that being said, i was fine with the robot action and dialogue was passable. but stanley tucci ruined the movie for me. his lines and interactions with others, especially the chinese actress made all their scenes B-movie-esque
ReplyDeletewhen I get the movie I will probably manually edit out off but story/action necessary stanley tucci and chinese actress parts and/or dialogue to make my personal directors cut
ReplyDelete1. Hound is overweight and has a beard and "smokes" a cigar? Ummm lame.
ReplyDelete2. Drift is voiced by Jackie Chan lame.
3. A cape on a Transformer? Ummm lame.
4. Me Grimlock hate Michael Bay since Me Grimlock don't have line in movie!
5. Since when can humans block punches from giant robots? Ummm lame.
6. We can resurrect and build an army of robots but Bumblebee's voice, now that is technology that even the best of best can't seem to figure out.
7. Every shot in this movie is a Michael Bay cliche which means there has to be a light somewhere in the background shining at a moving camera, most likely at an extreme angle to give it that nice little Michael Bay touch that only Michael Bay seems to like.
8. Oh yeah, somebody died. Who was that person again? Did anybody seem to care?
9. Megatron is built by humans and, he does NOT look more menacing then he did before.
10. There are random scenes with a guy who is supposed to be the Chief of Staff for the President, except you have no idea why he is even in the movie. It's almost like they needed to justify how a rogue CIA agency could be doing all of this without the President knowing. IT'S SO BAD!
Hound shouldve been renamed bulkhead just saying....
Deleteyour taking yourself and the movie about toys way way way to seriously.
Delete1: Didn't like Hounds look either.
Delete2: HAHA!! Calling Ken Watanabe a "Jackie Chan impersonator"
3: Yeah... didn't like the fabric like metal design
5: I noticed that too.
6: Bee not talking still.... ugh.. agreed.
I think you meant GALVATRON
ReplyDeleteWHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THE PLOT?? Thats All I Have Been Hearing People Say Is That The Plot Is Horrible. Stfu. Who The Fuck Goes To See Transformers For The Plot? Its Based On Amazing CGI & Visuals & Robots Fighting. In My Opinion It Blowed Me Away. The Visuals Were Outstanding & The CGI Was Sooo Good. I Rate It 9 Out Of 10 .
ReplyDelete^^^ C'mon Cletus....lets go to the lie-bary and get some moobies ....
DeleteA movie based on "Amazing CGI & Visuals & Robots Fighting" can also have a plot.
Delete3:54 pm ^^^ "who the fuck cares about the plot" & "...It Blowed Me Away" ...nuff said
ReplyDelete^^ That was sarcasm ...for those low IQ "movie buffs" who didn't get it...
DeleteIt "BLOWED"him, no way duuuude:-)
Delete^^ actually the movie both "sucked" & "blowed" :P
DeleteI personally had no problem with the plot. I just couldnt stand most of the crap stanley tucci related dialogue
ReplyDeleteI love the Transformers, which is why I dislike these Bayformers so much! They truly dishonor the original characters. I actually commend him for not being a mindless drone and being honest about the movie, being honest to US who take the time to visit this site. His honesty encourages me to visit the site because I know he is not a yes-man to anything with the Transformers name smeared on it.
ReplyDeleteWell looks like people love it . Made 10.5 million Mon. 10.4 million Tues. Those are good solid numbers. So positive word of mouth is crushing the whiners and nit pickers and so called critics to death. And mindboggling numbers overseas. She will hit 300 million in us and all total she will hit a billion. Take that nit pickers , whiners and critics you've been crushed!!
ReplyDeletecritics were not crushed...most people didnt like Michael Bay's "Transformers 4 Revenge of the nut sacks Dark Moon Extinction." needs to see the movie first before they can "nit pick"...
DeleteI am sorry you people have to make a choice either have a strong plot which cleverly devised and much less action then you know transformers would not have gone past number 2. You cant have a brilliant plot and brilliant writing with the same amount of action we get without the movie hitting 3 hours at least, seriously you cant make a serious tformers it will just be booooring!! And im sorry number 1 then number 3 were very good!!
ReplyDeletethen tell me why the dark knight made so much money and the avengers...
DeleteThe dark knight had like 3 action scenes in the whole movie; there is probably more action scenes in tformers 1 than there is in the whole dark knight trilogy
DeleteI think those who hated this movie, such as this blog owner, went into the movie in the wrong frame of mind. This movie is based on a cartoon from the 80's which was designed to sell toys, both the old cartoons and these movies. Have you gone back and watched those G1 cartoons? I dare you to try and I bet you'll wonder what the hell you were thinking when you were a kid.
ReplyDeleteIf you see this movie in the frame of mind of that kid you once were you will enjoy it. If you go in as a 45 year old expecting a deep and moving movie you will be sorely disappointed, as this blogger was. Do you know why this movie has made the money it has? Kids. Plain and simple. Us super nerds make up only a small percentage of that box office number.
This 4th installment felt much better written and the characters, autobots, decepticons, lockdown, and the humans were given enough story to drive them forward and get to the action. It was satisfying. What more can I ask from a movie based on a cartoon that was designed to sell toys?
Here is my problem with all the reviews that are coming out. they are just as empty and pointless, as they clam the movie is. A movie which has made more money than any movie this summer. Hundreds of movies come out every year most don’t make their money back. So to say transformers is making so much profit is because it is stupid lazy film making. Or people who go to those movies must be stupid only demonstrates how ignorant a lot of critics are. Lets be clear hear this movie is number 4 let me say that again number 4! You should know what to expect. So stop bashing Mikel Bay for making a movie that looks like it was made by Mikel Bay and has made a sh@#! Load of money. So don’t think for a moment he or Hollywood is going to listen, to the same complaints. Instead let’s take a look at what was don right and what constructively could be done better. Frist off the plot which began with humans hunting autobots with the help of an alien bounty hunter. I liked it gave us a great villain lockdown the coolest bounty hunter sins Bobofett. It started as a grate autobots on the run fugitive like chase film. I do agree that the story then broke into two many subplots half way through, it seemed like they were trying to set up the next movie before finishing this one. That said at least it shows that they are thinking ahead. No! it is not the same story over and over again. There themes that repeat themselves. Like growing from a teenager to adulthood. Each movie has gone deeper into were the transformers came from who they are and what there conation to earth is. Cut the prologs from all 4 movies together and you see that there is a interesting backstory developing. We get G1 one optumis prime! In truck mode at the begging how cool is that! There is no and I repeat no bathroom jokes! The movie is really pretty dark with two main human characters getting killed up close! And on screen. We do get more robot on robot action and can tell them apart. So that said I say that yes the movie does run a little too long. Had it just stuck with the hunt for the autots story and saved age of extinction for part 5 the movie would have been perfect. But then again it would have been too small for Mikel Bay and Mikel Bay does not do anything small.
ReplyDeleteeveryone has a right to an opinion i hated tf 4 and i am a michael bay fan from way back i almost dislike it as much as revenge of the fallen..there is no cohesive storyline they are just making it up as they go along which would be fine but they keep changing the backstory first prime is a prime now hes some kind of crazy space knight wow thats consistant...they dont explain where the other autobots are except the ones that are killed so you can assume that ..but thats just lazy storytelling...they spend 10 mins explaining why the dad didnt charge her boyfreind with rape thats good too right...visually its good but its just one explosion after another with very little in the way of a good story at least for me it was lacking everyone else may like it so be it....
DeleteHere we go again nit picking nit picking nit picking. It just doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the story. How can you not understand the plot and story. I've just never seen any movie so easy to understand. It bounces around a little bit here and there, which by the way plenty of movies do that. I just feel they crammed to much into the movie towards the end and Hound didn't do much for me but the movie was a blast and apparently people left there satisfied and gave it a cinema score of A-.
ReplyDeleteWhere it could have been A+
DeleteThis is a THEATER film. To see it on video its to miss the one thing its really got going for it... Spectacle. As for the story, acting, plot, ect., no way in my opinion was it the worst, not even close. It seems people either love it or HATE it. People have a better tome bashing the film than watching it, and where this is the case it seems most had their minds made up long before they saw the movie. Never have I seen so many people sooo pleased with themselves after stating the obvious. Don't listen to ANY self proclaimed internet critics and see for yourself. And if you don't like it you can bash it online over and over while telling yourself that YOUR opinion is original and profound. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteHA HA HA HA HA!! gonna hit 550 to 600 million by sun, Staggering numbers
ReplyDeleteI didn't like that the ending was rushed.Optimus Prime came down saved the day and left to go find his creator's.did anyone notice that lockdown' s ship was left on earth, so why didn't he just take lockdown ship!It would have been faster and more logical then to blast off into space.I also didn't like that optimus left the Autobots behind, unless the Autobots are going to build a base on earth like G1.
ReplyDeleteWell, i think its time to unfollow this blog.. bye
DeleteTBH i thought this post should have been written at least a month from now, because it still hasn't come out here and a lot of other places and i like other people were sooo excited to go see it BUT now after reading the brief outline of the article and the comments i i now feel dissapointed before watching it. Tbh before i went to watch number 3 i expected the worst i was thinking i just paid £20 this better be good i was just like you guys i let the critics get to me, but i thoroughly enjoyed the film and so did everyone who came with me. So i just think wait til you think most people have seen the film then voice your opinion because you might have just driven a lot of fans away before even watching it and its not only just about the US
ReplyDeleteMy two cents is that you shouldn't have clicked this link if you didn't want a repeat of your transformers 3 experience.
DeleteBut definitely do not let anything said here keep yourself from seeing the movie! The visuals alone are worth the price of admission!
It's just that a lot of people want the G1 feel to these films but we still haven't gotten it so we nag about how horrible the movie was because it's nothing compared to what we grew up with and what we want out of the these films.But their are some people out their that haven't realised that the G1 series of transformers are gone this is the new live action movie!so we can't expect the whole story plot of G1 into these films.But I'm really hoping transformers 5 and 6 go G1 so we can get the Quintensson's,Unicron,Primus, and a huge space battle on cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons into the films!!!oh and I also get annoyed that the film's don't follow the G1 story, but what can we do.All transformers fan's should right post and comments everywhere of what we want of the next two films so hopefully we can get the message and they'll introduce Primus and Unicron!then we'll all be happy!!oh and also ultra Magnus and Rodimus prime.
ReplyDeleteI did like seeing Prime as a Flat Nose truck.
DeleteIt kind of saddens me to see how Optimus is portrayed in these movies. Had I wanted to follow someone who enjoyed violence, shoot defeated enemies in the head etc., I would have joined the Decepticons. They've got more high grade than we do.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying there mustn't be any more movies, I'd just appreciate it if whoever made those movies would show us some respect and try to do us justice. After all, we've saved you guys countless times, I believe we can expect as much.
Sincerely, an anonymous Autobot
Hell, i was a decepticon long before Optimus started showing his blood lust!
Deletei think it was a good transition though, just to show how mentally compromised Prime is getting after losing all but 4 of his team
Explain A- Cinema Score then SHUT UP has better coverage than this shit blog.
Does not have to explain his opinion.
DeleteWhat a pinhead. You seriously woke up to write this shit? You have bitched and hated on Bay and his Transformers for the better part of 5 years. Why do you even run this blog? Go and make a movie and let's see what you come up with you dimwitted munchkin. I am now seeking alternatives. The rules have changed and I'm done with this dumb site.
DeleteAll of you guys getting TRULY upset on both sides need to get a life. Wow......
ReplyDeleteCan we say Pan ties in a wad!!!! Very childish. Its just a blog. He can write whatever he wants. He owns it. Nuff said.....
So it's a good thing for blog owner to make a fool of people creating a blog site that looks like that of a fan just to bash the franchise instead ?
DeleteAnd people should accept that and stay quiet ?
Yes this blog owner definitely wants to make fools of the faceless anons that pass through the blog!(sarcasm)
DeleteYou really think he cares about that?? He simply wishes the movies were better, and i see his point! I'm sure he still gathers news for this franchise because he genuinely hopes there will be a change in the next installments. He can put whatever he wants on this blog and if you don't like it then don't read it!
Anonymous 11:31, your statement helps make my point with flying colors... Wow again....
Delete"Yes this blog owner definitely wants to make fools of the faceless anons that pass through the blog!" Hahaha.. loved it.
DeleteOf all the movie series that need a reboot.... this is one.
ReplyDelete^^ Agreed
DeleteHave to side with Bay on this one, since Transformers is only a toy movie. Even sacred storyteller Saint Nolan poops all over stories (TDKR) for the sake of spectacle, which is what we really want from action movies in the first place. The cinematography was exquisite. Seeing it IMAX is worth it because seeing the robots 30-feet tall ("actual size") just makes sense. An hour too long? After paying $16.75, four hours would be just fine! Hound was a total disappointment (smoking? really?). The dinobots deserved more screen time. Calling it "Transformium" was hilarious (why so serious, Avatar?) Bumblebee's unfixable voice is just one of life's mysteries...
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm done checking up on this blog, THE CRITICS WERE RIGHT???? YOU FUCKING TOOL. How the hell were you bored at all in this movie, it was action packed
ReplyDeletesome of us with a little more IQ, need a little more stimulation to entertain us, rather than " robot go smash huh huh " " Me likey smash and boom" & "...oooh explosionzz...and look...a bouty hunty oooOOOO.... Awwwww " ...oh and ...plot??...whats a plot?? Get my point cave lady ??
DeleteI agree with Scanlan...really bored? This movie was anything but discredit yourself by saying such nonsense. I bet you loved The Notebook...
DeleteThe plot in AOE was simple, better than ROTF and DOTM, The movie is pure escapism, I loved it and my 6 year old son loved it too, not at any point were we bored. for example, I took my son to see Godzilla and a few other movies that were only 2 hours long and he ended up falling asleep half way through, he was wide awake for AOE to the end
DeleteSame here...brought my two boys to the 9pm show...we didn't get home until after midnight...they didn't close their eyes of them slept through the Lego Movie...
Delete2:20 has"a little more IQ", right, like I said...never disappointed!!
Delete11:07 pm ^^ you bet...I know my own intelligence quotient you ?? Anyone who would freak out swearing on a blog owner for writing his honest opinion of a movie ( ie. most of this thread) has either, a very low IQ, or they are emotionally unstable, with narcissistic and borderline tendencies. Or...they are just plain bat-shit crazy. So in kind, I generally dumb down my posts a little for ya ; )
DeleteWho is the dinobot frozen at the excavation at the very beginning? I thought It was supposed to be grimlock but then the dinobots were actually inside Lockdowns ship.
ReplyDeleteThat was just a normal Dino that got caught in the bombing run that turned it to metal... Just like what happened to Cade's friend.
DeleteHmm I see, Its structure didn't look like the one of a real dinosaur to me, thats why I got confused. It had very long teeth and a lot of them, just like Grimlock.
Its a transformer not a real dinosaur, to much nitpicking
DeleteThere was a scene where Grammer's character meets up with Lockdown in some arctic type area (doesn't say)... so I am guessing he was there to pick up the dinobots.
DeleteWith all the location titles in the movie I think they forgot to add Earth, 65 million years present day when they found the dinobot.
I looked like a transformer, however it was way smaller than Grimlock.
DeleteIt was a Dinosaur. Remember at the beginning of the movie, the ships dropped the seeds on the ground causing dinosaur to stampede away from the fire and explosions? Once it caught up to them, it turned them into Transformium just like they turned Cade's friend into Transformium after he got stuck getting out of the Rally Race Car. Remember how Cade's friend looked once he was hit with the smaller versions of the seed bombs? He turned to Transformium and he turned all rough with pointing spikes like the dino had.
ReplyDeleteSheep much?
Deletelol ^^ this is a win ^^
DeleteTransformers is my life....WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. Hilarous and sad;!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't blame Bay, he is just a director. His job is to translate to images whatever comes to Ehren Kruger's mind. As a matter of fact, Bay does an outstanding job taking those scripts and with the help of his awsome sense o action, visual talent and the help of ILM, he makes a movie that despite the script, everyone wants to go see.
ReplyDeleteBay gets credit for the animation and action scenes but when it comes to the script Its not his fault....ILM must feel pretty shitty
DeleteI didn't say Bay should get credit for the animation, that's why I mentioned ILM, however the guy has a great eye for putting together exciting action scenes and shoot scenes with a lot of "eye candy"
DeleteILM shouln't feel bad, they are one of the reasons the movie is great.
Well it is clear we are going to get a Transformers 5 with the money number 4 is making and anyway paramount would be beyond stupid not to make another one, i strongly believe we all need to deliver a message to ehren kruger, lorenzo, michael and the rest the major issue which is the plot and maybe the time but seriously you people need to voice this bcos MB is sitting at home with his 20million relaxing thinking the fans love every single thing about the movie
ReplyDeleteMichael Bay gets around $80million from boxoffice gross alone.. then he gets a good percentage on merchandise and anything Transformers related.
DeleteFar from just $20million.
People, after 4 major Hollywood blockbuster, summer release, big name actor, Live Action Movies, all we have is hollow character shells, scenes shot solely to be appealing in 3D with no regard to logic or flow. By now we should be beyond that.
ReplyDeleteIf MB had just left this one alone I feel like we would have had a chance at getting something different. Lets face it, the only reason he came back to start the 4th was for the sole purpose of not letting another Director start a new trilogy and blow him out of the water. Now the "new direction that 4 set" will make it so that any new Director will have to follow in Bays Footsteps that he chose. Bay never loved transformers and that's why these movie suffered. Lets all hope for #5 and that they get someone new.
Getting a new director risking a flop ? Why would Paramount managers want to do that? Both Paramount and Hasbro CEOs wouldn't risk getting fired if a new director could cause a new movie to fail.
DeleteFor all you people complaining that the author isn't entitled to his opinion as however he sees it, get off your rear end and actually go out in the real world and explore how people think differently. Just because someone writes a lot of material about something doesn't mean they can't offer critique.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you awesomely dedicated fans who are quick to judge someone else, need to be watching less TF and spend more time doing stuff in the real world that matters.
Then again, if your ideal movie is just computer effects with no story, that's cool. Some people want more though.
Lorenzo already said that he would be dissapointed if Bay wouldn't direct #5 and Kruger's imdb already says he is working on #5. The only director in the world that can take a script from Kruger and make a blockbuster out of it, is Bay. Any other director will ruin it because he would end up with a movie in which, not only the script is bad, but the action, visuals and all that fun stuff that we all love.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Kruger is the mind behind this, Bay is the best option.
Blog owner is an amazing
ReplyDeletevery intelligent as well
(you can tell from his other blogs AND his twitter account)
Even though i do not agree with him, he is entitled to his own opinion. That doesn't mean hes not a trans fan, doesnt mean he doesnt put his 100% into giving us news, it just means that he wants more
ive been visiting here since the first movie leaks were coming out, its a great place to visit and keep up the hard work
........and try to share some of the money ur making with all the ads eh :P (contests? giveaways?)
On Facebook, the official page announced that it is the #1 movie in the world. I agree with them, not you. By the way, it was in Hong Kong. Plus Lockdown is awesome.
ReplyDeleteMe and all my ten year old friends were deeply insulted by this review...we all ran to our mummies and asked them to punish you for not agreeing with us lolz time you want to write a review omg please ask us to have our dads read it to us to check for corrections first...this movie was perfect and anybody that says otherwise cant play with us anymore brb
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of Transformers, but I must admit that i am with this fourth part pretty disappointed! First, I do not like in this sequel to the manner in which the new Decepticon transformed! Exactly,the old way of transformation, and its the only genuine, that it is a classic transformation Transformers (Autobots and Deseptikons) is something unique and something that adorns Transformerse.To one of their main features and it shouldnt be have to be original transformation! Another thing I did not like is the design of Dinobots, especially their design in the form of a robot ... too ordinary! Third thing that I do not like is that when original Dinobots thrown Brontosaurus and the herbivore with plates on its back and tail, which finally has spines or mace (I do not know how the real name for this type of dinosaur), and instead are inserted makes me Plesosaurus and some predator? And I do not understand why Pterodactil got two heads?
ReplyDeleteLast thing might be a habit with the previous cast ... though I love Mark Walberg ... I still think that the previous team had more quality actors ... from which everyone in it had a touch of humor as the previous parts of the elevator to a higher level!
I'm a big fan of Transformers, but I must admit that i am with this fourth part pretty disappointed! First, I do not like in this sequel to the manner in which the new Decepticon transformed! Exactly,the old way of transformation, and its the only genuine, that it is a classic transformation Transformers (Autobots and Deseptikons) is something unique and something that adorns Transformerse.To one of their main features and it shouldnt be have to be original transformation! Another thing I did not like is the design of Dinobots, especially their design in the form of a robot ... too ordinary! Third thing that I do not like is that when original Dinobots thrown Brontosaurus and the herbivore with plates on its back and tail, which finally has spines or mace (i think its Stegosaur - Slug), and instead are inserted makes me Plesosaurus and some predator? And I do not understand why Pterodactil got two heads?
ReplyDeleteLast thing might be a habit with the previous cast ... though I love Mark Walberg ... I still think that the previous team had more quality actors ... from which everyone in it had a touch of humor as the previous parts of the elevator to a higher level!
For the most part I enjoyed the movie and Lock Down was really a great character. But I agree I wasn't too happy with the Dinobots wasn't thrilled with the designs at all and towards the end they just looked kind of goofy.I don't know about you guys but I loved the whole entire hwy chase that ended with Lock Down saying to Prime "YOU THINK YOU WERE BORN, YOU WERE BUILT AND THEY WANT YOU BACK!!! how could you not like that. To me that was the best part of the movie. If they kept that tone through out the whole movie forget it it would have been a masterpiece. Galvatron was cool but not as badass as LockDown, at least not yet we will see. Over all I was satisfied and most movie goers were also. Looks like Bay's headed to the bank.
ReplyDeleteI respect your oppinion and agree in some points, but I like this movie a lot ! I think if they do an interesting movie for us, adults, it will become boring for 8-16 year old people, who will be the next generation of TF fans. But I agree with you in the point that the main characters must be preserved (Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream) because they are the core of the franchise.
ReplyDeleteThey could cut some scenes to improve the Dinobots story and give them some words and dialogues. Dinobots kick ass in CGI. Grimlock is just awesome and Lockdown is really a bad guy.
It's my second favourite after the first one movie. I just curious about how they would continue this story in the 5th movie. This will be bigger and bigger. I agree with you that another couple of writers instead of Ehren Kruger could write the next movie. But let Bay film these movies. He is good filming and directing.
And thanks Paramount to continue the trilogy of the TF movies. A new wave of TF Fans has arrived since TF1. Glad to see my 6 year son crazy about them.
I read the article and was spot on. How can these so called critics not understand the plot and story. I understood it completely, just too easy to understand actually. And yes yes yes , the 3D was actually beautiful and the CGI was so freakin good. And I actually consider Pacific Rim's CGI to be awesome and the best I ever seen before AOE. I cant say it was better but I do believe it was just as good, it was absolutely incredible. People should see the movie just for the technical achievements. And yes everyone should read that article.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Good to see at least one person understanding the points in my article.
ReplyDeleteSpot on! Thought the same myself. The critics have made up their mind before the movie comes out. Every other marvel movie or alikes have plot holes and discontiniue problems but they dont critise them for that. Not that its bad movies, for the most part theyre good. This was the movie with the greatest characterization of the franchise. No reviewer mentions that! Its just unbelievable.
Delete6:33 Your article was awesome, not only that I don't think I've seen a good review for this movie and the movie was fantastic, I've read reviews including especially the one on this blog and I hear these ignorant complaints about story and characters and blah blah blah, your review was AWESOME PERIOD
ReplyDeleteGood to hear. It's time the other side of the argument was presented to counter all the unfounded negativity which was the point of writing the article.
ReplyDeleteAlot of people on hear are pretty blind. I won't lie there was a lot of great stuff that happened in this movie. The plot was fresh, 3D was awesome, transformations were clean, lockdown was an excellent villain, and unlike most of us expected-Galvatron was great. BUT you can't even deny that the ending was all mashed together. This movie has a lot of great things that make it worth making a movie out of, but there was no flow. The dinobots inclusion was almost random, the entire seed aspect was not well developed-they should have showed galvatron physically after the thing himself such as bombing the bridge that the autobots/dinobots transporting it were on (I bet bay wouldve loved to do that) galvatron was almost completely absent during the 3rd act. Trust me I have been OBSESSED with these movies and I look up to bay as an aspiring movie director, but I tried to fight my disappointment during this movie but I couldn't. Though as the director, bay should have asserted his position as director more as an influence over the script, im not hear to bash him because visually there are literally 4 other people in the world that come remotely close to doing what he does visually (Spielberg, cameron, jj. Abrams, and George Lucas) I think these movies are Bay's and that if he didn't direct the first- we wouldn't be having this discussion because transformers would have been discontinued before they could make a sequel. Just like teenage mutant ninja turtles, trust me its the same thing and since bay isnt physically directing it himself, there will be no sequel. The solution to all our problems would be to FIRE EHREN KRUGER!
ReplyDeleteAggred, If they wanted to change TF4 to feel like a whole new saga, they should have changed kruger as well.
DeleteThia film has a very different feel to it, it is definetly a stand alone to the others, i believe bay had to do this just to get it out of the way and he did it at the perfect time, i believe the autobots were very different to the last 3 they felt evil more agitated at one point i thought bee was going to turn out to be one of thr bad guys and i think for the next one they shoulf consider making the autobots a little less like that.
ReplyDeleteThe movie started very slowly which again is very different we are so used to having action 5 mins into the film i personally thought the whole tessa and her father thing at the beginning all that 15-20 mins could have been summarised cleverly in 5 mins which could have left more space for either more action or more time to develop a better story.
This film had so much dialogue which was not neccessary especially from hound he was so ridiculous i could imagine the critics laughing everytime hound came on screen
the movie should have followed tradition start telling the plot at the beginning and include a action scene then develop the plot strongly in the middle with little bits of action scenes here and there and then lead it all into the last big action scene at the end it just felt a bit like a mess really the autobots had no real leadership OP didnt seem himself neither did BEE i sooo wanted to see more decepticons not these crappy man made robots which we cannot call decepticons
This movie was fantastic but bad it felt like it had so much potential but no real leadership and control and it really does miss Shia labeouf like majorly. Most of the jokes were lame and definetly at the wrong time, and i dunno about you guys but when the f word was dropped people looked at each other in shock i think things like that and OP killing a human after saying he wont for 3 1/2 movies just ruined the franchise a little bit
I believe transformers 5 needs to have the same feel as the the previous 3 it needs to have a quicker start and basically explain what is going to happen in the movie at the beginning instead of changing the plot 3 times in the movie like TF 2,3 and 4. I feel that if TF1 had TF4 visiual effects then it would be the most solid one to date, TF3 did come very close.
TF4 needs to be a stand alone film and the deal paramount made to make 7 of these movies TF5-7 needs to have a continous story line this way you can definitely develop a meaningful script and strong plot for 5 and 6 and go all in on the action in 7.
Well this is the first tf movie that really leads somewhere in the end. The others just quit with wise words from optimus. He said hes going after the creators and flew into space, thats really exciting! A semi cliffhanger ending. All relax. This new trilogy will open new tf territorium. Loved the movie despite the flaws here and there.
ReplyDeleteI just saw this movie and it looked great but I was incredibly disappointed with the story arc and plot lines. I want to know more about the transformers and their back story. I also hate that they decided to make up a name for the metal they're made of. Optimus and the Autobots deserve better than that.
ReplyDeletethe writer of the blog is entitled to his opinion much like many people here are entitled to disagree, i agree with what he is saying in the review for the most part, but i did like the visuals which were good. best acting of the 4 ...but my problems are the same ones ive had all along they are trying to combine all the transformers continuity...G1, animated, transformers prime...the comics ..they are just taking bits and peices of them and making single movies ..hence the fallen showing up with no real build up a guy like that should be in 3 movies not just one. and megatron has only been really bad ass at the end of 1 otherwise he has needed help from either the fallen or starscream or even prime to beat sentinel. im surprised that starscream didnt take him out a long time ago....i seem to remember somewhere that bay never really wanted to do the dinobots there is the link and he sure acted like he hated feels like he just threw them in to satisfy hasbro and the fans that wanted them.....i say at this point just throw out all continuty and start over which they eventually will do when bay im guessing the creators will probably end up being the Junkions instead of the quintessions and we will get headmasters soon...and targetmasters....and hound was really bulkhead.....just saying.
ReplyDeleteI liked the movie. The actions scenes were amazing. Sometimes a bit of the same like in the previous movies. But i still liked it. But i am very very disappointed the way they introduced the Dinobots. They got 10mins of screen time! And on every advertisements you see Grimlock with Optimus.I got the idea that grimlock and the dinobots would be the star of the movie. I agree with a lot of you that Bay just throwed them in because the fans wanted it. There was no back story or what so ever. None of the dinobots could speak.
ReplyDeleteI am not a complainer but this really pissed me off. For the first time i really hope another director will reboot this franchise. The Transformers deserve better than this!
Dude michael bay was born for this film series! he is sn action director and these are actikn movies notdrama films! i cant wait to go see transformers 5 and i hope nicola peltz comes back cause she was the best lead females actress in the entire series!
ReplyDeleteHe is an action director, but the way he directs the non-action is what wrecks it.