Friday, February 16, 2007

MTV Transformers Interview With Michael Bay has posted a three part interview covering the development of the Transformers film. Go here to see the video.

The highlights:
- 80mph Transformations
- Many visual spoilers will not be used in the advertisements for the movie, "leave a lot of it hidden...until the release"
- A fan hacked Bay's computer to get a copy of the script
- The original boxy design simply looked fake, adding the complex transformations, and many parts, etc was to make it look more real.
- Optimus Prime paint job is to get a ribbed look to OP in robot mode.
- Wants to make sure the CGI looks real and so shoots as much as possible real and then adds elements. Example: stunt to jackknife a bus and split it. The action itself was real, robot added (can see seconds of it in the trailer).
- Ironhide's gun alone has 10,000 parts.
- Not aiming to just get "named" actors for the voices (hope for Welker?).
- Sequel would go bigger and try to add other Transformers into the next film.
- Film cost was $150 million.
- Transformers is Bay's 7th movie.
- Not closed to idea of a Bad Boys sequel (tossing in for giggles).

As far as interviews go with the movie creators, that was probably the most informative yet. No spoilers but still had actual information. Nice change of pace.


  1. still has Welker listed as the voice of Megatron. Here's hoping they know something we don't.

  2. Rumor has it (ie, Shia LaBeouf is going to be the son of Indiana Jones in the new Indy 4 pic with Spielburg at the helm and Lucas producing. I know I haven't seen Transformers yet but the recent interviews of this kids whinning and bitching of what he had to do for Transformers, in no way am I a fan of him becoming the son of Indy. Or in fact, I'm not a fan of Indy having a son period. Shia LaBeouf sucks and if Spike wasn't a whinny bitch in the cartoon I'd have a serious problem with his casting in Transformers also. Shia, go suck more hollywood cock cause your 15 minutes is ending soon.

  3. 80 mph transformations sounds badass. But the "ribbed" look of the flames on OP is kinda tacky, if not stupid. I just hope with the sequel addin TFs that they don't do it like in the series... with little to no explanation.

  4. talking about a sequal already?!?!?! the first film hasn't even hit the screens yet and you're whinging about a sequal?? get over yourself! let's wait and see if the first film is any good first!

  5. Snarf is my all-time favorite Transformer.

  6. Damn u most of u guys are haters on Shai LaBeouf. I dont care dat his in it.


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