Monday, April 30, 2007

Transformers Soundtrack Includes The Goo Goo Dolls

During an interview where Goo Goo Dolls vocalist Johnny Rzeznik picked up an award for "Better Days", he revealed the group just recorded a song for the Transformers soundtrack.

"Michael Bay and Lorenzo from the film, they approached my manager about getting me in there to do it. It's sort of the love theme, of course. That's what everybody wants from me. I'm more than happy to oblige. It's an awesome movie."

Thanks to Pon H. for the link and info. He is guessing that they are recording the love theme of the movie which I agree with considering the Goo Goo Dolls movie history (see "Iris" as an example). End of credits perhaps?

Video of the interview here.


  1. Goo Goo Dolls = Flames On Optimus = Batman Suit Nipples

  2. Oh, god damn it, I thought we'd heard the last of this band back in the 90s...

    Next thing you know, they'll be adding Linking Park, Disturbed, etc to the soundtrack.

    I have high hopes for this movie, and the trailer and commercials haven't disappointed me, but I hadn't taken into account the possibility of a spectacularly annoying soundtrack. I was kind of hoping for an all-orchestral soundtrack...

    Then again, maybe they could get a current rock band to do a cover of "The Touch."


  3. LOL Couldn't have stated it better than the first comment. So far everything I have seen of this movie is a blatant attempt to please current pop culture and artistic license. None of it is to please the fans. They're riding the coattails of true ingenuity but re-creating it in the manner they personally choose for their own egotistical or capitalistic motivations. Bumblebee a Corvette?! No Soundwave?! The screenwriters weren't fans. And how do they justify it? By giving us platitudes like, "The suit doesn't make the man," and, "Rather than fitting a square peg into a round hole." I'm sorry but YOU ARE THE WRITERS! It is your JOB to use your creativity to make it work, not re-design it in your image. I don't care how much Chevy pays you; you have a responsibility to both the original creators and the fans to maintain the integrity of the original design. If you wish to sculpt a giant, outer-space, robot movie in a manner drastically different from the original, then quit taking others creative juices and re-writing them how you choose. Instead prove your artistic abilities by not plagiarizing others’ work and go invent something fresh and new. It’s like a rapper who never creates their own sound but just destroys a time-tested hit by rehashing the beat and altering the lyrics to mask the fact that they don’t have the singing abilities of the original artists, only some poetic skills, if even that. Unfortunately, I have a strong desire to rent this for the sole sake of having correct information when formulating rants. Such arguments need to be heard in order to discourage this sort of blatant alienation. Though I’d much rather completely boycott the movie. What is worse is that I know they will make millions off of someone else’s creation and consider it a success based solely on that factor. So I thank you Michael Bay and those at Dreamworks, Paramount, and Hasbro for taking our heroes and beloved stories and selling them down the river to the highest bidder. You have managed to personify the mass consumptive traits of our society and completely neglect striving for the ideals in ingenuity, creativity and artistry. The only artists in this work are the CGI animators. And that evaluation remains to be proven.

  4. does anyone know what 'based on' means anymore?

  5. Funny, I must have missed that. Where in the title does it say based on? And if I wanted to base a movie on GI Joe I wouldn't take and elminate the Cobras just because I like the idea of a middle-eastern, political, terrorist group better. For something to be "based on" don't you have to have some similar elements? Oh no....we just have to have the hero and the bad guy cause the rest is all filler anyway. In fact, for the sequel, let's have Optimus Prime and Megatron exposed to radioactive DNA forcing them to become humanoid. Then for a plot twist lets have Megatron get blasted into a coma and to win over Starscream and the rest of the Decepticons Optimus has to take on the appearance of Megatron by way of a revolutionary new science. But while he's infiltrating Decepticon headquarters, Megatron wakes up and kills everyone who knows that Optimus' secret. Then Starscream figures it all out and blasts Optimus into the sea, where upon he is saved by a fishing boat but without any memory of who he is. Upon reaching shore he seeks out a crazy professor who builds a time machine in the form of a giant semi-truck that can travel back when it reaches 877 mph due to it's flax capucitor in an effort to help jog his memory. Dude. It still needs to be the Transformers and it's not. They're killing fundamental characters, some of which were my favorites, and for the sole reason of Bay's personal preferences. Of course the guy has always been a pompous hack. We knew when he was announced that the Transformers was gonna to be manipulated into an alienation of the series and he continues to prove it. What boggles my mind is how so many people justify it because they are fans of him or are so desperate for any live-action transformers that they'll take the first smut that comes along. I will state that it will probably be crazy computer animation with insane action sequences. It may even have a decent plot though I sincerely doubt it. But the least we can do is be honest and admit this is no longer Transformers. This is Michael Bay's Giant, Transforming Robot, Action Moving Picture for The Masses.

  6. Good grief. Transformers have changed so much over the years before the new movie. They where machines, then beasts, then back. The toy line even did Prime as a Firetruck at one time. Megatron has been done as a tank since sometime around 92. There has been Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Robots in Disguise, Armada, and other series that I can't even remember. It's already completely changed before Bay got a hold on it. I am looking froward to it big time. And, if some ranting sunhawk like fan boy rants too much near me in the theater I am going to rip off his head and puke down his throat! BTW VW would not let Bumblebee be a beetle because they did not want their car being associated with a "weapon". (Oh yea, and you do realize ranting like this will get us compared to the 40 Year old Virgin?)

  7. I just saw the new trailer. Starscream does a back flip, transforms in mid air, then takes off. I said to my self, "Now THATS Starscream!"


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