Friday, January 31, 2014
Hero Mashers Tease Transformers 4 Grimlock
Another toy line called Transformers Hero Mashers shows off the Transformers: Age of Extinction version of Grimlock. At least his dino mode anyway. There are other figures in the line but those seem based on G1 or cartoon characters and not the movie.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Better Look at Transformers 4 Bumblebee Robot Mode
While we still know little about the new design approach for Transformers: Age of Extinction, the various toy leaks are starting to tease a little bit of the direction (very Transformers: Prime to me). New images from a Carrera Toys product catalog for a Transformers track set show of the best look yet of Bumblebee's new robot mode look. It is a bit more streamlined with greater emphasis on black. His opponent Decepticon is probably Lockdown but this has not been officially confirmed. Since this is an artist drawing, we still don't know what the final CGI version will look like but this gets us closer to working it out. Thanks to Feris O. for the heads-up. (via TFW2005)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
New Transformers: Age of Extinction Plot, Character Details?
Brazilian site Omelete has posted a new, more detailed description for the story and main human characters for Transformers: Age of Extinction. This has not been officially confirmed but does go along with previous synopsis, interview info and leaked information from the past few months so inclined to believe its accuracy. Below is a translation from TFW2005. Spoiler warning (just in case).
Transformers 4 UK Toy List, 1st Edition Prime Comparison
From the Idle Hands blog is a list (below) of some of the Transformers: Age of Extinction toys that will be released in the United Kingdom. The UK list seems to be a mix of items that will be released officially on May 17th, 2014 and other waves that will follow in July and the fall. No real character spoilers but Angry Birds Transformers are coming. Probably something similar to what Hasbro did with Angry Birds Star Wars. (via TFW2005)
Last week Amazon accidently revealed the existence of their exclusive Transformers: Age of Extinction 1st Edition Optimus Prime. The few images indicate it was the same as the leaked version posted several times in the last month. Now Planet Iacon has posted a few more comparison pics of the $60 figure that shows it is taller then Masterpiece Optimus Prime and TF2 Leader Prime. Still no idea what the simplified transformation will mean for the figure. Few more pics are here. Thanks for Feris O for the heads-up.
Movie 4 Dino Sparkers - May 2014
Classic Legion Figure Assortment - May
Movie 4 One Step Changers - May
Movie 4 Power Battlers - May
Movie 4 Flip N Change Assortment - May
Movie 4 Mega One Step Bumblebee - July
Movie 4 Stomp N Chomp Grimlock - July
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinobot Riders - May
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinobot Assortment - May
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinofire Grimlock - July
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinobot Warriors - May
Last week Amazon accidently revealed the existence of their exclusive Transformers: Age of Extinction 1st Edition Optimus Prime. The few images indicate it was the same as the leaked version posted several times in the last month. Now Planet Iacon has posted a few more comparison pics of the $60 figure that shows it is taller then Masterpiece Optimus Prime and TF2 Leader Prime. Still no idea what the simplified transformation will mean for the figure. Few more pics are here. Thanks for Feris O for the heads-up.
Movie 4 Dino Sparkers - May 2014
Classic Legion Figure Assortment - May
Movie 4 One Step Changers - May
Movie 4 Power Battlers - May
Movie 4 Flip N Change Assortment - May
Movie 4 Mega One Step Bumblebee - July
Movie 4 Stomp N Chomp Grimlock - July
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinobot Riders - May
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinobot Assortment - May
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinofire Grimlock - July
Movie 4 Construct Bots Dinobot Warriors - May
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Additional Info on Transformers 4 China Reshoot has a few more details on the reshoot at the Chongqing's Wulong Karst National Geology Park in China. As before there was no mention of cast and crew so it seems the filming mostly involved getting establishing shots and plates for CGI purposes.
The final cut of this scene is about 2 and a half minutes. The shooting is mainly for a bird's eye view of the two bridge-like landforms, and a fight scene between transformers takes place under them. Then a transformer walks out from below the two "bridges". Huang Daosheng, Manager of Wulong Karst Landform Co., said.
Because the bridges are part of a world natural heritage, the film crew did a thorough test to make sure the shoot would not damage the bridge. The shoot has also lured a number of curious tourists to the site.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The Face of Lockdown?
Could the image on the left be the half face of Lockdown? It could be, at least once consider some of the info that came out of the UK Toy Fair. The Robo-Destro look was spotted at the fair via a MashEm toy that was identified as Lockdown. That toy's color scheme combined with the Lamborghini Aventador being identified as a Decepticon via a race track toy seems to provide very strong evidence that Lockdown is the Aventador. Of course none of this official but it aligns strongly with the various rumors. (via Seibertron)
UK Toy Fair 2013: Toy Teases, Lockdown, Drift and More
The UK Toy Fair was held this week which provided the first look at the toys and merchandise that Hasbro is planning for Transformers: Age of Extinction. Sadly the fair was not open to the public or press and security was tight so while there are descriptions of some of what was on display, most of the pictures are for ancillary products. Still there was at least some potential useful information revealed including more looks at the TF4 versions of Prime, Bumblebee, Drift and potentially Lockdown. It really does seem like Transformers Prime animated look was inspiration for the TF4 redesigns. Thanks to Feris O. and others for the info.
Transformers 4 Reshoots in China
China's is reporting that a Transformers 4 crew returned to Chongqing's Wulong Karst National Geology Park for some reshoots. The area was one of the locations Michael Bay and company filmed at back in October 2013. The article doesn't indicate if Bay or any of the cast was on hand but it sounds like 2nd unit coverage to assist with a CGI sequence.
Due to the recent script alterations, the crew was forced to once again visit the Three Natural Bridges scenery of Fairy Maiden Town in Wulong County on Monday, and used two helicopters to get several grand aerial shots of the tiankengs (giant dolines) and naturally formed bridges on Tuesday and Wednesday. The scenes they shot will be used in "Transformers 4" to add visual impact.(va TFW2005)
Monday, January 20, 2014
Di Bonaventura Talks Not Rebooting Transformers
While promoting the new movie Jack Ryan, Transformers: Age of Extinction producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura commented again on how the series isn't rebooting but simply going in a new direction. Really, what Transformers is doing is the same as what comic books do with new #1 issues that re-launch the same series with new costumes, new team and direction. The X-Men books practically do it once a year. Soap operas do it too. Continuity and canon remain but the writers may not really touch on it beyond a vague reference as needed for the current story. It is a decades long writing tool that really has never been done for movies before. If Transformers can pull it off, it might allow for other franchises to gain the confidence to stop thinking a reboot is always a solution.
It’s definitely not a reboot. It’s an interesting question about what you should call it. On a certain level it’s a continuation of the previous stories, in the fact that it acknowledges what has transpired before it. It acknowledges in the last movie, the destruction of Chicago, it’s actually something that carries through the sort of emotional repercussions of that, not unlike 9/11 has emotional repercussions in the real world. In a fantasy world there are repercussions to what occurred.
That plays into the movie, moving forwards with a totally different human cast, who doesn’t know anything about the other humans, it’s not a reboot, but a continuation, yet you’re continuing with a new cast and group of characters. It was a big decision to do that.
We miss our friends that we did the first three with, and they were great, and they probably could’ve done more. But the advantage of doing it this way is that it feels almost like a first movie. It’s a very different dynamic than I’ve seen in a movie, I’m very curious. I guess Star Wars did that a little bit, but not so close together, the way we’re doing it.’
Hasbro Confirms Simplified Transformations, Box Art for Transformers 4
Back in the summer, during Botcon, Hasbro mentioned they are were going to make a push to simplify transformation sequences. Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner discussed the new goal with the New York Times (via TFW2005) along with the first official look at the new line wide packaging for Transformers that isn't just for TF4 but all lines.
The left image is "Smash and Change" Optimus Prime which clearly is for younger kids since there really isn't any transformation involved but this isn't the same as the Leader (or Voyager) class figure leaked last week. The highlights from the article are below.
The left image is "Smash and Change" Optimus Prime which clearly is for younger kids since there really isn't any transformation involved but this isn't the same as the Leader (or Voyager) class figure leaked last week. The highlights from the article are below.
Enthralled by the special effects in three big-budget “Transformers” movies that enabled the robots to convert in a matter of seconds, Mr. Goldner decided the toys needed to return to their roots. So he challenged his design team to reconceive them. Now, on the 30th anniversary of the brand, Hasbro is revealing a new look for the toys, including simple maneuvers that will complete a transformation with the push of a button or flick of the wrist.
“Our retail partners, they are getting very excited,” said Joshua Lamb, the senior design director for the toy line. “This rethinking of the brand is setting the stage long-term.”
The toys are expected to land on retail shelves in May, a few weeks before the release of the movie. Hasbro says it will build on the promotion for the movie with a marketing campaign of its own that will include ads on television and in theaters as well as on digital platforms, like mobile and social media.
Transformers 4 Secretly Filmed in Utah
It turns out while Transformers: Age of Extinction was filming in the mid-west, the production made a stop in Utah for its desert landscape. From the Salt Lake Tribune:
"Now news has come out that a new blockbuster shot a week’s worth of footage here in Utah last May — Michael Bay’s "Transformers: Age of Extinction," the fourth in the series of rock-em, sock-em robot movies based on the line of toys.My guess is it ties into whatever they were filming in Arizona at the beginning of principle photography but no details on what they filmed, who was involved or for how long. (via Seibertron)
Marshall Moore, executive director of the Utah Film Commission, said the film crew slipped in, shot the scenes, and were out before anyone noticed. The film company did not get any tax rebates for shooting here."
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Partial Takara Transformers: Age of Extinction Product List, Release Date
A few months ago an accidental leak from Hasbro revealed some of the various toys they are planning for their Transformers: Age of Extinction line. Now a leak to indicates what Takara-Tomy is planning to do on their side of the world. The leak provides the Japan release date for the line will be May 17, 2014. Based on that, chances are the US release will be either the same day or very close to that date.
It also provides a breakdown across various classes but since its heavy on previous line releases with mold and paint alterations, I assume it is an incomplete list. In addition, the comments indicate that per usual for Takara, they will continue to one-up Hasbro with greater attention to the paint deco and details. Their intent is a "movie accurate deco", more metallic look, "realistic tone", re-issuing past movie molds with movie accurate decos, and creating new toys based on the first three movies starting with the Mountain Dew vending machine from TF1. I would not be the least bit surprise if Hasbro takes Takara's line and releases them in the states as store exclusives and repaints. Not sure what the "Classic" designation means. My best guess is a merge of the G1 look with the movie.
Leader: TF4 Optimus Prime,
Voyager: TF4 Optimus Prime, TF4 Grimlock, TF2 Optimus Prime
Deluxe: TF4 Bumblebee, Southpaw, Thunderlips, TF3 Bumblebee, TF1 Protoform Optimus Prime, TF1 Starscream, TF1 Dispenser, TF2 Jolt, TF3 Ratchet
Legend: Devastator 7-pack
Toy list with comments:
It also provides a breakdown across various classes but since its heavy on previous line releases with mold and paint alterations, I assume it is an incomplete list. In addition, the comments indicate that per usual for Takara, they will continue to one-up Hasbro with greater attention to the paint deco and details. Their intent is a "movie accurate deco", more metallic look, "realistic tone", re-issuing past movie molds with movie accurate decos, and creating new toys based on the first three movies starting with the Mountain Dew vending machine from TF1. I would not be the least bit surprise if Hasbro takes Takara's line and releases them in the states as store exclusives and repaints. Not sure what the "Classic" designation means. My best guess is a merge of the G1 look with the movie.
Leader: TF4 Optimus Prime,
Voyager: TF4 Optimus Prime, TF4 Grimlock, TF2 Optimus Prime
Deluxe: TF4 Bumblebee, Southpaw, Thunderlips, TF3 Bumblebee, TF1 Protoform Optimus Prime, TF1 Starscream, TF1 Dispenser, TF2 Jolt, TF3 Ratchet
Legend: Devastator 7-pack
Toy list with comments:
IDW April 2014 Transformers Comics
IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for April 2014. This month is probably one of the biggest for Transformers comics since All Hail Megatron many years ago. The Dark Cybertron is over and in its aftermath the images tease several revelations - return of Optimus Prime as leader of the Autobots, return to Earth, and Autobot Megatron? A new tie-in series called Windblade focuses on a new creation from IDW and Hasbro that was a result of an online poll where fans chose the characters attributes such as being female, an Autobot, a flyer and so forth. The result is a new character entering the Transformers universe with a toy to follow sometime in the summer as part of the Generations line. Last is what seems like a wonderful walk down memory lane with Transformers Legacy that collects all the box art from the first 10 years of Transformers. For the full details of IDW's other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, and more click here.
Steve Jablonsky Talks About Transformers Scores, TF4 and More
In a kind of career retrospective interview with, Transformers franchise composer Steve Jablonsky talks about his work, his writing process, other composers he has worked with and just a touch on his upcoming stint for Transformers: Age of Extinction. Below is the TF4 highlights but if a fan of his work, worth reading the entire interview - Part 1 | Part 2
I would argue that TRANSFORMERS was your "he's done it" score. Do you feel that's accurate?
I have heard that before and I appreciate it. Even Hans Zimmer had said to me one day, like, "You realize you have written something that's now part of the culture?" I said, "Wow I didn't know, I didn't actually realize that" but especially coming from him who has done that time and time again.
What was the process of doing TRANSFORMERS like?
I don't know, I didn't even know if I was doing it until he [Michael Bay] called me one day and started talking about it like I was doing it. I said, "oh, am I doing it?" [laughter] And he said, "Oh, yeah what do you think?" [laughter] I thought great. And of course TRANSFORMERS is- I had known about it since I was a kid. My brother was way into it, my younger brother. That was another level of...there is going to be a lot of people looking at this movie.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
ILM Singapore Begins Work on Transformers 4, New Super Bowl Image (Updated)
Today George Lucas was on hand to officially open the "Sandcrawler" in Singapore. The new 22,500 square meter campus is the location for ILM's CGI work outside of the United States. One of the first projects for the new building will be working on is Transformers: Age of Extinction. Later projects are expected to include Avengers 2, an animated project and more. The site features a Yoda fountain, theater and other techno bells and whistles. The name of the building is a result of its similar shape to the Sandcrawler from Star Wars A New Hope. ILM has had an arm in Singapore for a few years now having worked on Rango and Star Wars: The Clone Wars but the dedicated building will allow them to expand their capabilities there.

On a not really related note, here is a new image found on a Transformers 4 Facebook page by Colin H for the upcoming teaser trailer attached to Super Bowl 48. I have no idea if its offical (probably not) but it looks good enough for me to not really care. Update: The sweet image is a fan creation from TFW2005's TunaKaan.

On a not really related note, here is a new image found on a Transformers 4 Facebook page by Colin H for the upcoming teaser trailer attached to Super Bowl 48. I have no idea if its offical (probably not) but it looks good enough for me to not really care. Update: The sweet image is a fan creation from TFW2005's TunaKaan.
First Look at Transformers: Age of Extinction Drift?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
More Images of Transformers 4 Optimus Prime Toy
The source of the previous image leak has posted more images on ACToys that show off the new voyager (or maybe leader) class version of Transformers: Age of Extinction Optimus Prime. The images include some nice close-ups of the robot mode so can get a better look at the face and chest area. The toy itself look "meh" but the detail potential for its CGI counterpart is interesting. Keep in mind that Hasbro is attempting to simplify transformation sequences starting with the TF4 line to make the toys more all ages which partially explains some of its clunkiness. (via Seibertron)

Monday, January 13, 2014
New Look at Transformers 4 Optimus Prime

Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Transformers 4 Box Art Confirm Dinobots
While the toys themselves have not started to leak, thanks to Weibo's @HarryHuo we have images of the box art that will be used for the voyager boxes when they are released (probably sometime in May). The images show Transformers: Age of Extinction's version of Optimus Prime on the outside with the inside insert depicting Grimlock, Swoop (or Strafe) and Slag (or Slug) in their Dinobot modes on the inside. The Hasbro name leaks from a few months ago indicates the Dinobots are probably getting new names (likely for copyright/trademark reasons). This is further supported by new TF4 toy listings (below) on Wal-Mart's online store. Thanks to Feris O. for the heads-up.
Friday, January 03, 2014
Transformers 4 Pop Wars Figures With Drift
A new year has started and finally some useful TF4 news. Toy maker Pop Wars today posted a sneak peek at the prototypes for their Transformers: Age of Extinction line of products. Their comment with the picture says "Transformers coming soon! Drift , Prime and BumbleBee most likely from the New movie releasing. #funko #popwars #transformers #bumblebee." This is the 1st near official confirmation that the 2013 Bugatti Grand Sport Vitesse is the alt mode for Drift. Drift isn't an original Generation One character but a now five year or so old character created for the IDW's Transformers comics. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
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