Monday, June 30, 2014
More Detailed Look At Transformers: Age of Extinction VFX
While Transformers: Age of Extinction had a host of flaws, once again ILM brought their A game to the movie with some great visual effects. An extended article from provides a more detailed looked into how they did their work, much more than could attempt to summarize on the blog. Check out the full article here.
More Concept Art from Transformers: Age of Extinction
More concept art from Transformers: Age of Extinction has been posted online. This time it is the art created by Wesley Burt for the movie with a focus on the Dinobots, Crosshairs, Hound, and Drift. I didn't see a date for it but you can see the different takes that were considered for the characters. The full gallery is here.
The Cars of Transformers 4 Featurette
Below is a Transformers: Age of Extinction featurette that focuses the new vehicles being used in the movie. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Transformers 4 Makes $301.3 Million In First Opening Weekend
The early estimates are in and Transformers: Age of Extinction is clearly an international success with a worldwide first weekend take of $301.3 million despite near universal dislike of the film by critics. The movie just hit its $100 million goal in the United States, the first movie to do that in 2014. The movie's foreign total was $201.3 which includes a record breaking $90 million bow from China that is likely to trigger more "cooperation agreements" between the Chinese government and Hollywood (so get ready for even more ham-fisted commercial "breaks" in the movies). In Russia it had a $21.7 million debut (2nd of all time for that country) and in South Korea it had its largest opening of the year at $21.5 million. Net result is the movie is currently 35% ahead of Dark of the Moon so it is on target to cross the $1 billion threshold. I expect TF4 to take a 50+% nosedive in the States but that is normal after such a large opening. The real attention remains on foreign gross as that will determine if that $1 billion threshold is crossed.
Transformers 4 Score and Soundtrack Updates
I am guessing the sales on the previous score and soundtrack albums were not so hot has nothing has been released this go around to coincide with the release of the film. Having said that, something is still in the works since a digital release of albums is a minor cost compared to printing CDs. On the soundtrack front we have a list of the tracks that will be included while on the score side composer Steve Jablonsky provided some updates via his Facebook page and Hitfix.
"The amazing Patricia Sullivan is mastering the score album today. Dinobots roll out!"
$200 Million in "Promotional Value" for Transformers 4
If you have seen Transformers: Age of Extinction, you probably couldn't help but notice that at times it came just short of having the actors look at the camera and spout off some product slogan. It turns out that was intentional as the promotional might practically paid for the movie to get made.
“For us, Transformers is the big daddy of partnership opportunities,” LeeAnne Stables, Paramount worldwide marketing partnerships executive vp, told The Hollywood Reporter. The exec estimated that those partnerships add up to a global promotional value of more than $200 million.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Transformers 4 Has Largest Opening Day of the Year
It looks like Transformers: Age of Extinction will easily meet is $100 million opening weekend goal as it took it $41.6 million just on Friday in the United States. As a result the weekend estimate is nudged up to $104 but will know in a few days. This makes for the largest opening day of the year.
Target, Best Buy Exclusives Announced
With Amazon revealing their exclusive, it seems Target and Best Buy felt they had to do the same for the Blu-ray release of Transformers: Age of Extinction. Best Buy gets a Steelbook edition for $24.99 while Target's is an Optimus Prime Transforming package for $22.99 that is of the variety they used for previous TF movie releases. Both are available for pre-order now but keep in mind there is no release day for the movie so it will be months before you get it.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Transformers 4 Concept Art from Robert Simons
Over at his website, movie concept artist Robert Simons has posted multiple images of his concept art for Transformers: Age of Extinction. His art mostly focused on designs for Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Lockdown and his ship. Of note though is the dates on the art are around 9/27/2009 which is two months after Revenge of the Fallen was released. Does that indicate that Lockdown was in early consideration for Dark of the Moon? Maybe the TF4 story was being tossed around for TF3 until chose a different direction? Any case you can hit the link above to view his work or the mirror of the images here.
Transformers: Age of Extinction Limited Edition Blu-Ray Gift Set for Pre-Order
Even though Transformers 4 has just been released to theaters, already Amazon is offering a Blu-ray edition of the movie. The Transformers: Age of Extinction Limited Edition Gift set will include the combo Blu-ray of the movie along with a Grimlock and Optimus Prime Collectible statue for the current pre-order price of $79.99. No indication is made of what material is is made off so hard to tell if that is a good price or not. Amazon's description:
Only at Amazon – Transformers: Age of Extinction Blu-Ray Combo Pack gift set includes a highly detailed collectible figure of Optimus Prime riding Grimlock. The Optimus and Grimlock figures have been crafted utilizing the very same digital models that brought the characters to life in the film. Every sculptural detail of Optimus and Grimlock has been perfectly captured and enhanced with hand-painting, from Optimus’ flame-detailed chest and forearms to Grimlock’s fiery, glowing eyes. Together, Optimus and Grimlock stand over 7.25 inches tall (display base height included), and Grimlock stretches approx. 9 inches from his toothy maw to tail tip. The Transformers: Age of Extinction Optimus and Grimlock figure is a must-have for any Transformers fan, and is available only at Amazon.Currently there is no release date (but I suspect around October) nor any details on what special features will be on the set. This is an Amazon exclusive. If you order, please use the links in this post so this site gets credit for the purchase.
Transformers 4 Thursday Night Box Office Results
Even though the movie has only been out for a day, already there are a few box office results to report. For its sneak preview Thursday night opening, the movie earned $8.8 million in the US which is less than Transformers: Dark of the Moon but don't read into that. In the last three years, midnight releases went from uncommon to very common to now being 8 to 9pm night before releases for almost every single movie that comes out (the exceptions are rare instead of vice versa). The only reason studios don't plaster a Thursday release date on their movies is it could lead to confusion for matinee goers in the US.
Transformers: Age of Extinction's VFX Supervisor Talks Robot Complexity
In an interview with Gizmodo, Transformers franchise visual effects supervisor Scott Farrar discussed the complexity of creating the robots for Transformers: Age of Extinction and how each film is actually harder to do despite improvements in technology. Highlights below, full article here.
"We've all been students of how to make the Transformers characters look more real, more metallic, better acting, more photographically real in each of the films. Certainly the robots look better than they have before in this one. They're sharper, the colors are more detailed, and the biggest change is, I think, the large amount of work that we had that was all robots, lots and lots of shots in the film don't have human actors in them at all. In fact, our work accounts for about 90 minutes of the movie. It's data-heavy, it's the largest film I've ever done, and it's the largest data push through in ILM history.
New Clip, TV Spots, and Viral Videos for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Transformers: Age of Extinction is now out in various parts of the world and the marketing machine continues. Below is a clip (whose location should look familiar as the Detroit China set), two more TV spots and a viral video warning citizens to report Transformers sightings. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Bizarre History of Transformers' The Touch
Vulture has written an interesting (for TF fans anyway) article that traces the history of Stan Bush's The Touch from 1986's Transformers: The Movie, through Boogie Nights and to today with interviews from Bush himself and few other Hollywood types that have used the song over its nearly 30 year history. The full article is here.
Critics TV Spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Below is a new 15 second spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction. I can't help but wonder if quotes are either taken out of context or if those are the "critics" that essentially exist to write happy things for the studios to use (there are more of that type then might think).
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction Out Now
Just in case you were not away, in the US, China and other parts of the world Transformers: Age of Extinction is now out (or has been for at least half a day). Overall critics hate the movie without about the same level of disdain as they did the previous three movies with almost the same identical complaints. The summation, which applies to all four films now, comes down to fantastic visual effects combined with a poor story, paper thin characters, indistinguishable (in personality and look) Transformers characters and too long a run time. The current Metacritic score is 31% while Rotten Tomatoes is at 13%. Too early to see what the audience things on those sites but feel free to add your thoughts on the movie in the comments below.
Transformers: Age of Extinction Tracking for $100 Million US Debut
Paramount's tracking indicates that Transformers: Age of Extinction will enjoy a huge weekend with a $100+ million debut in the United States. Transformers: Dark of the Moon enjoyed a $97.9 opening weekend but if I recall correctly it opened two days early were this one is opening with the usual Thursday night "preview" that all the summer films have been doing. Generally the higher the opening the long "legs" the movie has in theaters which will help its overall totals. Not always true but suspect that TF4 will stick with its processors' habit of opening big and then dropping around 50% each successive weekend. On a related note Amazon Local is offering movie tickets for $7 (that covers up to a $14 ticket value) from (Regal and other theaters). If interested click here but read through the details as from what I read it requires using the tickets all at once (so buy 4, must use all four at once). I guess you could just do a bunch of separate transactions. Thanks to Wynton R. for the AOE souvenir cup image that might be found at your local theater.
Peltz, Reynor Talk Green Broom Sticks for Transformers
In an interview with, Transformers: Age of Extinction's Nicola Peltzand Jack Reynor talk about working with the green broom sticks and using their imagination to act against Transformers. Highlights below, full interview here. Thanks to Feris O. for the movie still.
What was it like for you as actors working with characters who were largely CG?
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
"Calling All Autobots" in New TV Spots
Below in a kind of extended edit of five combined TV spots are two new one that include a few new scenes. The new spots start at the 1:29 point. Thanks to Feris O. for heads-up.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Five New TV Spots and Clip For Transformers: Age of Extinction
After a bit of a break over the weekend, Paramount has played catch-up with five new TV spots and a clip for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The first four TV spots might include a brief second or so of new stuff but the fifth clip is almost all new stuff. As for the clip, it is a scene between Cade and Shane as they try to get into a government facility. Everything after the break. Thanks to Feris O. for the links and this cool "unofficial" still of Galvatron firing on Optimus since it wasn't part of the official batch.
Transformers: Age of Extinction Score Coming Soon
In a post to his Facebook page, Transformers: Age of Extinction composer indicated that the score soundtrack to the movie will be coming soon.
"It was recommended to me that I start an official Facebook page (since there are other Steve Jablonsky pages that claim to be official), so here it is. Over there we will keep you up to date on things like the Transformers soundtrack, which just a few of you have asked me about I'm very sorry for the lack of information, but rest assured it is in progress and we will have details for you soon. I would tell you now but I'm not quite sure myself. I do know that the music is done!
Li Bingbing Talks Working with Bay on Transformers 4
In a new interview with Collider, Transformers: Age of Extinction's Li Bingbing discussed working with Michael Bay and working the film's action scenes. Video below. The main highlights is she said she did the film to work with Michael Bay and liked how he made sure she looked great in the film. Due to her fighting skills, Bay had the elevator sequence added to the film.
Di Bonaventure: Unicron, GI Joe vs Tranformers?
After stating that Transformers 4 was not the start of an official trilogy of films, Transformers producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura put the kibosh on some long held Transformers fan dreams in regards to Unicron making an appearance and maybe a live action Transformers vs G.I. Joe in an interview with MTV during the Hong Kong world premiere of the movie. Video below.
Unicron: “The problem with Unicron is how big it is,” he said. “It’s boring, that big. How do you stop it? We’ll get there, but when is a good question.”
GI Joe: “No, we haven’t spent a moment,” Di Bonaventura said. “It’s hard enough to figure how to do it alone.”
Unicron: “The problem with Unicron is how big it is,” he said. “It’s boring, that big. How do you stop it? We’ll get there, but when is a good question.”
GI Joe: “No, we haven’t spent a moment,” Di Bonaventura said. “It’s hard enough to figure how to do it alone.”
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Out Now with Launch Trailer
Today is the official release date of Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark on all the major consoles. Wii U and 3DS versions are missing multiplayer but from what have seen of Escalation Mode it probably doesn't matter. The retail price is $60 for PS4 and XB1, $50 for PS3, 360, WiiU, and PC and $30 for 3DS. I have not seen any good deals on the game. Gamestop has an okay one that might be worth looking into for some with a poster and e-movie tickets but the offer is for today only. Click here for details. Update: Added launch trailer.
New Stills from Transformers: Age of Extinction
Transformers: Age of Extinction is almost here. Pretty sure the TV spot onslaught will continue but until then head over to Bleeding Cool to view 20 images for the movie. Some look like repeats but most are new.
Michael Bay Recommends IMAX 3D for Transformers 4
In a letter posted on, the director himself posted a note recommended that the best way to view Transformers: Age of Extinction is IMAX 3D with ATMOS Sound. Most theaters in the US and around the world are not equipped for either but for the lucky few it might be worth looking into. His note below or link above. Thanks to Mackie U for the heads-up.
The best way to see this movie is definitely in IMAX 3D.
By far.
Video Review of Transformers 4 Toys Lockdown
Below is a video review of Transformers: Age of Extinction deluxe Lockdown which I am have yet to see on store shelves. One of the interesting aspects is the head gun gimmick. Sadly his head doesn't transform into a gun but instead of hand gun fits over his head so can re-create those moments from the trailers and TV spots.
Transformers 4 To Break China Box Office Records
According to The Hollywood Reporter, it looks like Transformers: Age of Extinction is poised to unseat Avatar for most successful movie in China. Avatar made $221.9 million and the "industry people" are estimating the movie could land in the $240 million range before it leaves Chinese theaters. The likely factors that could lead to a new record holder in the country is an additional 10,000 screens added to the country since Dark of the Moon was released with its $177.9 million take in the country. In addition the cooperation agreement that lead to China locations featuring strong in the story along with popular China film stars Li Bingbing and Han Geng can only help.
More help is some of the theater chains in the country plan on having 50% or more of their screens dedicated to the movie. Box office success in China is a major component of Paramount's worldwide plan for the movie and part of their overall plan to be able to release more and more films in the country which has a limit on what non-China based films can be shown in the country unless they meet certain requirements such as being set in the country, using actors from the country and portraying the country in a positive light. Requirements Age of Extinction met and so avoided the foreign film limit. The movie premieres in China on June 27th just like it does in many (non-FIFA oriented) countries around the world.
More help is some of the theater chains in the country plan on having 50% or more of their screens dedicated to the movie. Box office success in China is a major component of Paramount's worldwide plan for the movie and part of their overall plan to be able to release more and more films in the country which has a limit on what non-China based films can be shown in the country unless they meet certain requirements such as being set in the country, using actors from the country and portraying the country in a positive light. Requirements Age of Extinction met and so avoided the foreign film limit. The movie premieres in China on June 27th just like it does in many (non-FIFA oriented) countries around the world.
Beijing Pangu and Paramount Work Out Disagreement
After a pretty strongly worded message (for corporations) from Beijing Pangu Investment Company demanding that all property and references to their Pangu Plaza Hotel be removed from Transformers: Age of Extinction, they have now announced that all is well. “After friendly consultations, the two sides have achieved mutual trust, and reached an understanding,” Pangu said in a statement.
The sudden about face means that Paramount either paid the company to go away as cheaper to avoid a legal dust-up in China less then a week before the movie's release or Pangu was leaned on by the Chinese government to make this go away. After all the country had invested a lot of time and money behind the cooperation agreement with Paramount over TF4 and doub they take kindly to anything that might disrupt current and potential future arrangements with Hollywood jeopardized. Oddly enough, not sure which possibility is more likely.
The sudden about face means that Paramount either paid the company to go away as cheaper to avoid a legal dust-up in China less then a week before the movie's release or Pangu was leaned on by the Chinese government to make this go away. After all the country had invested a lot of time and money behind the cooperation agreement with Paramount over TF4 and doub they take kindly to anything that might disrupt current and potential future arrangements with Hollywood jeopardized. Oddly enough, not sure which possibility is more likely.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Botcon 2014
Botcon 2014 was held this weekend in Pasadena, California. Like previous one, it was a chance to get a look at some of Hasbro's plans for the Transformers line for the next year. No major news was revealed but Hasbro is continuing the lines along the same paths as this year. For Age of Extinction they showed off a bunch of upcoming one-step changers and multi-packs that use existing molds. The most interesting toy news was on the Generations front with plans for a G1 inspired designs for Megatron and Optimus Prime, official return of the headmasters with Brainstorm. Part of that is two firsts - after nearly 30 years getting a true G1 Transformers: The Movie inspired version of Arcee along with for the first time to my knowledge having a Chromia figure that isn't simply a repaint of Arcee but an actually new mold (Cybertronian motorcycle). IDW revealed a few of their upcoming mini-series plans involving Windblade and Drift. Below are highlights from each of the panels. After that are links to a ton of official photos along with galleries from the floor. Last but not least is a video of Hasbro's toy display. Basically the news looked good but I also get the impression that Hasbro was holding back for San Diego Comic-Con.
Transformers 4 Reviews Reveal Plot Spoilers
The first few official review are out for Transformers: Age of Extinction. As expected for a Michael Bay Transformers film, the reviews pretty much compliment the great action sequences and ILM's special effects while lambasting it for weak story, so-so effective use of humor, and poor characterization. In other words despite being a "new direction" it is really more of the same. Still up to know what we really knew about the story came down to the government hunting Transformers down for fear, others are using their technology and Lockdown apparently wanted to capture Optimus Prime. First is the highlights (so spoiler warning) that provides new information about the movie. After that is highlights of three reviews seen so far.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Transformers 4 TV Spot #24, Camaro Commercial and Kre-O's Summarize The TF Movies
Three new Transformers: Age of Extinction related videos. The first is another new TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The next is a commercial for the recently recalled Chevy Camaro's featuring scenes from the movie involving Bumblebee. The last one is a commercial for Kre-O where they start to summarize movie stuff (in Kre-O bricks of course) before just pointing out the new Kre-O Dinobots.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Transformers 5 Is Not Part of A New Trilogy
In an interview with IGN, Transformers movie franchise producer Lorenzo di Bonvantura clarified a touch the new about Transformers 5 coming in 2016. The main bit is the plan is to essentially continue as they did with the previous three films as in they are not a planned in advance trilogy but really treat each as a standalone film.
"We're not planning on doing a trilogy," he told Roth. "We're not not planning on doing a trilogy. It's really a one-movie-at-a-time philosophy. It feels a little arrogant. Both [director Michael Bay] and I feel like it's a little arrogant of us to presume success each time. We know our fans are really out there and they're going to come, so we presume a certain amount of success. But all the energy will be thrown into the next movie, if we're lucky enough to get there."
Transformers: Age of Extinction Length: Two Hours, 45 Minutes
The British Board of Film Classification has posted their ratings for Transformers: Age of Extinction (essentially PG-13) and with it the official, with credits, length of the movie at 2 hours, 44 minutes, and 54 seconds. Just FYI to pace your drinking habits during the movie next week.
Chinese Partner Sues to Kill Transformers 4 Partnership
Apparently Beijing Pangu Investment Company was not satisfied with what they saw at the premiere of Transformers: Age of Extinction as they are suing to end their partnership over the movie with Paramount and attempting to have uses of their Pangu Plaza Hotel removed from advertising and the movie itself.
“This has caused huge financial loss and damage to the reputation of our company,” Beijing Pangu Investment said in a statement.
“When marketing and distributing ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction,’ (the studio) is not allowed to use our company’s image, logo, our building’s inside and outside views and its recognizable elements,” the statement continues. “If already used in the film, they shall all be deleted.”
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Lockdown Trailer
Next Tuesday is the release of Transformers: Rise of the Dark on the major systems. As part of that, here is an introduction of Lockdown for the game.
Michael Bay Interview, Pics and Vids from Transformers 4 Premiere
A little bit more from the World Premiere of Transformers: Age of Extinction held yesterday. Michael Bay discussed the movie with The Hollywood Reporter. Nothing new revealed. In addition we have a kind of synoposis video from the event along with performance from Imagine Dragons of TF4 song "Battle Cry". Click here for more pics from the event.
Linkfest - Masterpiece Kre-O
Botcon is this weekend so figured better push this out as has been a while. As usual 3rd party releases dominate as they are constantly announcing something including two different versions of not Computron, a take on G1 Jetfire, Metroplex, repaints, and more. Takara has revealed their repaint of Evasion Mode Prime, a look at Masterpiece Bumblebee, Wheeljack, MP Ultra Magnus and yet another repaint of MP-10 Optimus Prime. Hasbro also is planning to release their own official take of Jetfire for the Generations line. On the cartoon front, no news on the new series but Shout Factory is planning something for Botcon along with the release of Transformers Animated and Beast Machines box sets. As usual, lots of video reviews including generations toys, not Cy-Kill, not Blaster, a $2000 statue and more. To start though is this cool Kre-O take on the classic Generations One line.
Clip #3 and Meet Shane Featurette for Transformers 4
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Video, Pics from World Premiere of Transformers: Age of Extinction with Imagine Dragons Concert
Early this morning (US time) starting at 6:45 am PT was the world premiere of Transformers: Age of Extinction that included Michael Bay and the cast of the movie. has posted their gallery of images from the event here. Below is video from Yahoo! Movies of the event complete with the Imagine Dragons concert.
Imagine Dragons Featurette on Battle Cry Track for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Below is a two minute featurette with Imagine Dragons as they discuss how they got involved with writing and recording a track for Transformers: Age of Extinction called "Battle Cry".
New Transformers 4 Clip, TV Spot
The vids just keep coming to promote Transformers: Age of Extinction. Below is another new TV spot and clip for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The spot doesn't really include anything new while the clip shows how Cade figured out the old truck was a Transformer.
More B-Roll from Hong Kong Filming of Transformers 4
Here is more B-Roll from the filming Transformers: Age of Extinction on Wulong Valley China. The behind the scenes footage has no commentary or other details, just a string of scenes as cast and crew work on the movie.
Everything Wrong with Transformers: Dark of the Moon
To go with Everything Wrong with Revenge of the Fallen earlier this week, here is the Everything Wrong with Transformers: Dark of the Moon from Cinema Sins. Final sin count was 215. What do you think?
SDCC Exclusive: Transformers 4 Dinobots in G1 Colors
Hasbro has revealed what will likely be the must have set of the San Diego Comic-Con 2014. Which means it will sell out almost immediately. At a cost of a whopping $160 dollars you can get a repaint with TF4 mold versions of Voyager Grimlock, deluxe Snarl, Strafe and Slug in their gold, red and chrome look from the Generation One days. It includes a unique packaging of the Autobots G1 Ark base with Teletraan-1. Full gallery of images here. Always annoying how SDCC brings out the best stuff from toy companies for a limited window that the regular public can't enjoy or afford.
IDW September 2014 Transformers Comics
IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for September 2014. Four floppies and one omnibus is coming out this month. The omnibus might be worth looking into for anyone that missed the first few years of IDW's take on the Transformers. Since it has the first three arcs I think that makes it around 18 issues but could be off by a few. Primacy concludes the story arc started with Autocracy and Monstrosity that tells the events that started the Great War. For the full details of IDW's other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, and more click here.
Transformers Mobile Game Out Now, Trailer and Dark Spark Info
Just a quick note about a few tidbits of information that came out today on the video game from for Transformers 4 related games. The first is Transformers: Age of Extinction The Official Mobile Game is now out in the Apple App Store (currently no Android version) for free. Update: Added trailer for game and adjusted blog title to be more informative.
Two New 15s TV Spots for Transformers 4
Here are two more TV spots to join the twenty others, each 15 seconds long. Thanks to Feris O. for the links.
Goalie Optimus Prime
Below is a cute commercial from ESPN as part of their FIFA World Cup 2014 coverage as Optimus Prime acts as goalie.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Transformers 5 Officially Greenlit By Paramount for 2016
The post title says it all. At the CineEurope Conference in Spain, Paramount Pictures International SVP Edward Ryan revealed that Transformers 5 has been green lit for release in Summer 2016. The move was part of the companies presentation of a Transformers 4 sizzle reel along with highlighting Paramount's overall release slate from this summer to 2016. Other planned 2016 releases include Beverly Hills Cop, GI Joe 3, and Hansel and Gretel 2. No details beyond that but if Michael Bay passes on TF5, that means that Paramount is going to have to find a replacement director by year's end as pre-production will have to start early 2015 make the 2016 release date.
Transformers: Age of Extinction B-Roll Video
Below is a fairly long "B-Roll" that shows little snippets of footage from Michael Bay, the cast and crew as they film Transformers: Age of Extinction. It covers a pretty good range of material from setting off large explosions, to filming on the Great Wall of China, and a whole lot more. If anything, it is cool to see how some few seconds of boom and other moments can become this epic looking moment for the movie. Thanks to Colin H. for the link.
More Bumblebee and Hound in Transformers: Age of Extinction TV Spot
Another new TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction, number 20 by CBM Trailers count which sounds about right. This one features more John Goodman as Hound, Bumblebee and some of the film's humor. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Live Streaming for Transformers 4 Hong Kong Premiere
Tomorrow morning (US time), the world premiere of Transformers: Age of Extinction will be occuring in Hong Kong. If you are interested in watching, has posted the details (below) for a live streaming of the event. As part of that event, the city has erected a 20 foot tall Optimus Prime statue in Tsim Sha Tsui.
Watch all the action from the Transformers 4 Hong Kong Premiere via live streaming event on Thursday June 19th at 9:30AM EST /6:30AM PST. Check here for your local time.
Be sure to check out the red carpet arrivals of the film’s many stars and a special live performance by Imagine Dragons performing their hits including ‘Battle Cry”.
Meet Cade, Stanley Tucci Interview Videos
Below are two new videos for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The first is a brief almost TV spot that introduces Mark Wahlberg's character of Cade Yeager. The second video is a brief interview with Stanley Tucci that appears to have been taken last year on the Detroit China set as he describes his character and working with Michael Bay.
Regal Theaters has announced they are doing a "super ticket" for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The cost is the price of the ticket + $15 which buys you an Ultraviolet digital copy of one of the three previous movies and TF4 before it comes out on Blu-ray (so around October). If you have been buying the previous Transformers movies as Blu-ray with digital copy then do not waste your money as a redundant purchase. It might be ok if have a gap in that digital collection then might want to consider since usually a TF digital purchase is $10 and up just keep in mind that the purchase is Ultraviolet only, not iTunes. Details at the press release below or can purchase here.
Honest Trailer and Everything Wrong With Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
For your amusement (and probably frequent agreement) below is the Honest Trailer and Everything Wrong With... takedowns for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that pretty much points out all the problems with the film. The sin list is long with a final tally of 206 that took 20 minutes to get through.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The Cast of Transformers Interviews with Collider
Collider has posted all its interviews (links below) with the core cast of Transformers: Age of Extinction along with Michael Bay. The interviews last summer while filming in Detroit at the China set so its the usual combo of sales pitch while trying to avoid revealing spoilers. For me the most interesting part was the Collider's list of facts they learned from the set visit. Almost missed it but we finally have the full names of Stanley Tucci's and Sophia Myles' characters (Joshua Gross & Darcy Tyril). Highlights below, click links to read the full interviews. Pics from here.
Michael Bay | Mark Wahlberg | Jack Reynor & Nicola Peltz
Stanley Tucci & Sophia Myles| 65 Things to Know
Stanley Tucci & Sophia Myles| 65 Things to Know
Catch a Ride with Optimus Prime
If you live in Phoenix and Los Angeles, you might get a chance to ride the Optimus Prime truck. The Uber app (think Taxi service) will have the truck in Phoenix, AZ on June 19th from 1-7pm pick ups and on June 21st from 1pm-7pm in Los Angeles. Details at the Uber blog. Thanks to Colin H. for the link.
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Escalation Mode Trailer
A new trailer has been released for Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark that is coming out next week. The versus mode looks similar to War for Cybertron but trailer does give a peak at a few of the playable characters.
A Revealing TV Spot for New Transformers: Age of Extinction
The newest TV spot of Transformers: Age of Extinction revealed something new for the TF4 TV spots - a plot point. A very spoilerish (so warning) nugget of information. Straight from the mouth of Lockdown.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Angry Birds Transformers Line Announced
Soon it will be Autobirds vs. Deceptihogs as Angry Birds Transformers was announced today by Hasbro. The plan is to essentially follow the Angry Birds Star Wars model with games, Telepod toys (no idea what this means), and more. If the Angry Birds image to the left looks familiar, its a take on the 20th Anniversary DVD release of Transformers: The Movie. It will be interesting how all the toys come out but based on the image at least, the result is going to be very strange for long time TF fans but I imagine kids will love it.
IMAX and International TV Spots for Transformers 4
Here are two more TV spots for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The first is from IMAX to promote the IMAX 70mm specific scenes shot for the movie (similiar to what was done for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the second is a much shortened version of scenes used in the international trailer. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Bay Talks Transformers Universe and Why No All Robot Film
In an interview with Film Journal International, director Michael Bay and producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura spoke about Transformers: Age of Extinction. Bay mentions how he sees Transformers as a huge universe and not a toy line and also answered the question on why the movies are not all robots. Below are highlights, full interview is here. Thanks to Mackie U. for the link.
Film Journal International: Michael, prior to the release of Dark of the Moon, you indicated it would likely be your final Transformers movie. What tempted you to return for the fourth time around?
Michael Bay: Well, the way I look at it is that this isn't the fourth time around: It's the first time with a new franchise. Age of Extinction feels very different, while still keeping the history of the franchise intact. I wanted this one to be more cinematic and have a slower pace at the beginning to try and get into the human characters before it gets into this chase from hell and grows bigger and bigger. I also felt like it would be such a massive undertaking for a new director to come in and reinvent everything in terms of the design process, as well as the sheer volume of creating new characters and an idea for where the series was eventually going to go. It would have taken someone [new] three years instead of two. And then I was inspired when I saw these three-hour-long lines in Orlando and Singapore for the Transformers theme-park ride. I thought, "You know what? I think I gotta do this one more time."
New Transformers 4 TV Spot With John Goodman as Hound
Another new TV spot from this weekend. This one does feature more new scenes then usual for a TV spot including a bit with John Goodman as the voice of Hound.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Casey Kasam Dead at 82
Casey Kasem, probably famous to most people as the co-creator and host American Top 40 radio program, has died at the age of 82. For many he might be also known as the voice of Shaggy in Scooby Doo and Robin on Super-Friends. For Transformers fan, he was the voice of Cliffjumper, Teletraan-1, Bluestreak, and Dr. Arkeville. He essentially retired in 2009 when his top 40 programs and stopped doing voice work a long time before that. For me, I remember from his top 40 program that I often listened to in childhood and well into my adult life. Condolences to his family.
Lockdown TV Spot for Transformers 4
Earlier today two new TV spots popped up online, one featuring Grimlock's transformation. In the new one below we get an even better at Lockdown including Mark Ryan's voice for the character.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
New TV Spot Teases Grimlock Transformation
In the first TV spot below we finally get a look at the transformation sequence for Grimlock that looks like it was inspired by the War for Cybertron video game with the way he pounds the ground as shifts into robot mode. The second spot is just a mix of previous scenes but there is about a second of a new gunship scene.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Transformers 4 IMAX 3D Digital Camera Featurette
Below is a video from IMAX that looks into the use of their 3D Digital Cameras first used by Michael Bay for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The vid is a quick look at behind the scenes of the movie as it shows the camera being used to film scenes for the movie as explosions and the like going off as the not yet inserted CGI Transformers lay waste to the set.
Bays Transforms The Blockbuster Film
Canada's Macleans has an article that quotes people talking about how Michael Bay changed how blockbusters are done in Hollywood. It is a bit of an ego stroke article that highlights his successes while ignoring the critical drubbing he gets for placing the visuals above all else including story and characterization (aka the complaints most Transfans have about the movies). Below are a few highlights, full article here.
While it can be fun to slam Bay’s hyper-aggressive style of filmmaking, it’s also lazy. Setting aside the $4.6 billion his 10 films have earned, the 49-year-old filmmaker has held more influence over the shape and form of the modern blockbuster than anyone. “He’s a kind of abstract artist. It’s almost experimental, the way he treats shape and colour and movement,” says Jeanine Basinger, Bay’s film professor from his days at Wesleyan University. “I want to live in a world where there’s all kinds of movies—small talky movies and big explosive movies. But whatever it is, i want the person doing it to be the very best at what they’re trying to do. And Michael is: he’s the most cinematic and fluid and unafraid director.” While many people make films like Bay’s—think of Pirates of the Caribbean, or every entry in the Marvel cinematic universe—Bay makes films like no one else.
Transformers Hall of Fame Voting Begins
Botcon is next week and with it is Hasbro's now annual Transformers: Hall of Fame induction. Generally two humans and 2 or so Transformers are inducted each year with one of them decided by fan voting. This year's fan vote inductees are G1/IDW Arcee, Beast Wars Blackarachnia, G1 Devastator, Beast Wars Optimus Primal, and G1/IDW Hot Rod/Rodimus. Touch call as all are solid characters. Click here to vote, voting open until June 18th with winner announced at the Transformers Fan Experience at Universal Studios Hollywood on June 20.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction Tracking for $100 Million Opening
Paramount and Hasbro must be grinning ear to ear as it seems the slow rollout followed by a deluge of TV spots has paid off. The Hollywood Reporter indicates the movie is on track for one of the biggest openings of the year (so far) at around $100 million for its opening weekend in the United States. It is expected to also do extremely well overseas but no specific numbers were provided. The other three movies also opened well but their opening skey heavy due to all of them enjoying essentially a five day launch due to early premieres. So far all indications are that Transformers 4 will stick with the Thursday 8pm opening that most other movies have been doing this year. The goal is to surpass Transformers: Dark of the Moon's worldwide gross of $1.123 billion by the time it leaves theaters. Also slipped into the article is an indication that the film cost $200 million-plus, much higher than a previous report of $165 million.
Transformers: Robots In Disguise Cartoon Coming Spring 2015

Two New Posters, More International Release Date Changes
To go with yesterday's Chinese trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction is this great poster of Optimus Prime. The second poster is from IMAX with the main heroes of the film standing together. As for international fans (aka not in the US), Paramount has made some more FIFA related adjustments to the release date for the movie so be sure to check verify your location's release date.

Yet Another TV Spot and Chinese Trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Below is a new TV spot and chinese trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The TV spot makes use of the Kelsey Grammar threat from the recent clip while the trailer is almost identical to the recent US one but with a few seconds of Chinese actors and extras inserted into it. Thanks to Feris O.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Grimlock Trailer
Here is another trailer for Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark coming out on June 24. This one focuses on Grimlock and his Cybertronian (G1-ish design) and Earth TF4 mode.
Another TV Spot For Transformers 4
Another TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction. Around #15 and if recall Revenge of the Fallen had around 30 so plenty more to come. Technically a few seconds of new scenes. Thanks for Feris O. for the link.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
New One Minute Online International Spot for Transformers 4
Paramount International YouTube page has posted a new one minute long online spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction that has some new scenes and to no surprise emphasizes the action of the movie. Thanks to Wynton R. and Anthony W. for the link.
Wahlberg, Grammar Have A Chat in Clip From Transformers: Age of Extinction
Kelsey Grammer was on The Late Show with David Letterman Monday night. During the interview they showed off what I think is essentially the first real clip from Transformers: Age of Extinction was show. In the clip Harold Attinger (Grammer) offers Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) a way out of the Transformer situation he is in. Thanks for Feris O. for finding it.
Transformers: Age of Extinction TV Spot #10
Below is another new TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction. Its labeled #10 but at this point I have lost track of the total and order they go in. There are a few new seconds of new footage but its of the blink or miss variety. Thanks to Feris O. for the find.
Monday, June 09, 2014
New Ominous TV Spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Below is another cam quality TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction that has a more ominous quality with the music and judgement day voiceover from Mark Wahlberg. Hopefully will be able to post an HD quality one soon. (via TFW2005)
Video Reviews of Transformers 4 Dinobots and Dispensor
Below are five video reviews from the Transformers: Age of Extinction toy line. Three of them are for the deluxe sized Dinobots Slash, Strafe, and Slug. Over all they are solid additions that have some problems due to the simplified transformation sequence but manage to have solid robot and alt modes. The last video is a review of Dispensor, which is currently a Japan only release. It is sorta based on the first Transformers soda machine that became a robot due to the Allspark only the alt mode is a soda truck. It has a rather odd gimmick that took what would have been an overall great mold and made it not worth whatever the import price probably is.
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Transformers 4 Ads From Around The World
With the release of Transformers: Age of Extinction less than a month away, advertisements have started popping up around the world. Some are the straightforward billboard type but others include covering the entire side of a 13 story building, a double-decker bus in Hong Kong or just taking advantage of the driving advertisement that is the Optimus Prime Western Star. Other advertising images for the movie can be found here.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Two New TV Spots with New Scenes for Transformers 4
Here are two new TV spots for Transformers: Age of Extinction that apparently first aired in Malaysia as not aware of a stateside airing. Both show a lot of new scenes including (for the spots anyway) an extended look and sound at Grimlock's roar. Thanks to Feris O. for finding them.
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark - The Voice of Prime
A new video has been posted to promote Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark video game coming out on June 24th on all the major video game platforms. In the video the voice of Prime, Peter Cullen, essentially sales pitches the game.
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
New Transformers: Age of Extinction TV Spot with New Footage (Updated)
Below is a cam quality recording of a new Transformers: Age of Extinction TV spot that actually a lot of new footage. Hopefully an HD quality will be posted soon. Update: Swapped out video for a smaller, but visually better copy of the same spot. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
New International Trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Below is a new international trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction. While a lot of the footage is familiar, there are a few seconds of new footage including a brief look at a bridge sequence and Hound throwing his cigar at Stanley Tucci.
Transformers 4 Toy Line Hurt By Action-Figure Fatigue?
An article from the not really reputable NY Post (basically rumor magazine pretending to be a hard news type newspaper) suggests that various toy lines, including Transformers: Age of Extinction, are experiencing "action-figure fatigue." The basic idea is that too much product from too many action movies, especially all being sequels, has resulted in movie licensed toys not doing well on shelves causing retailers to start discounting them heavier and sooner than normal. “You’ve got all these action figures chasing mind-share, and they’ve all got the same backstory and the same characters,” [BMO Capital Markets Gerrick] Johnson told The Post. “Every kid already has Spider-Man and Captain America.”
How To Ride Your Dinobot
Below is a cute three-part short cartoon video done kind of Looney Tunes style to show Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and Drift learning to ride, walk and fight with Dinobots. The vids are official releases from Hasbro and not fan creations.
Sunday, June 01, 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction Run Time: 2.5 Hours
The twitter account has tweeted the run time of Transformers 4: "#transformers4 running time: 2 hrs 30 mins (without credits) #tf4 #Transformers #AgeOfExtinction"
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