The Arker.com has posted pictures of the Transformers 2 Deluxe toy for the Audi R8 seen at the Bethlehem and
Philly shoot, usually involved in a chase sequence. It is also the same vehicle mentioned on the
call sheets (which have yet to be contradicted) and it matches the
leaked robot mode (pic above) of the character. The person with the toy just didn't quite do the transformation right. The name of the character currently isn't known. It is a Decepticon, it reminds me of Barricade but the face mold is different. However, there is nothing preventing Barricade from returning in a new mode since his final fate has never been officially confirmed. Below are a select pictures, but the full galleries of images are
here and

As the R8 being one of my favorite cars, all I can say is................ YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think it might be Barricade as well. In the comic prequel Alliance he's currently still alive. The claws are the most similar I think, but the face says otherwise. :/
ReplyDeleteHe only needs to rotate that piece on his back so it points upwards, and it'll be a perfect match to the earlier robot image.
ReplyDeleteim gettin sick of hearing about this call sheet BS.... i put it in the same category as believing that "the fallen" is in the movie....when its confirmed hes not, im going on every message board and laughing hystericcally....cant wait
ReplyDeleteSlick vehicle mode! I think the robot mode has not been completely transformed yet. Reckon there's still more tabbing, fastening, and turning and twisting of pieces to get the final look (especially his back). Probably his back latches properly to the car trunk, and the windows need to be swivelled up?
ReplyDeleteGreatttt look. So far, Sideswipe and this one, have by far, the best vehicle modes.
Oh God this teases my senses to the max! Come out already with your action figures Hasbro!!!
How many times I have to say this? Barricade's fate isn't unknown. In first movie's comic adaption Barricade was killed by Optimus Prime short time after Bonecrusher's death. But Starscream fixed him in Reign of Starscream sequel comic.
ReplyDeletePrime didnt kill Barricade. The Movie Adaptation was from an earlier script version. In Transformers: Reign of Starscream #1
ReplyDeleteBarricade was ran into a bride support column by Ironhide. When Starscream found him he was in the process of recharging himself and Starscream told him to continue his recon of the Autobots.
I would go with the T:ROS version
That being said I dont think this is Barricade.
maybe a rouge decepticon who could be barricade's twin.
ReplyDeleteIt might be true that this robot isn't Barricade, but faces are still like him has and hands are too like his hands. If anyone has more information about that Audi R8 robot, send a link to here. I'm a very big fan of these Transformers live action movies and I want to get all information of characters robot modes, alternate modes and voice actors immidiately.
ReplyDeleteBarricade's twin. There's already Twins like Skids and Trax robot. Why there would need to be Twins to the Decepticons?
ReplyDeleteBarricade's twin. There's already Twins like Skids and Trax robot. Why there would need to be Twins to the Decepticons?
ReplyDeleteJust because? :P
Why you peeps keep thinking it is Barricade is beyond me. There are a number of Decepticons who has transforms into a car as their alt mode like the Stunticons & Runabout & Runamuck. So it could be any one of them...
ReplyDeletesorry typo: ... number of Decepticons who transforms...
ReplyDeletecheck this ! The full Transformers alliance 2 comic with first appearance of Soundwave !!http://www.tf08.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=181
ReplyDeleteI say wait... until we get a offical confirmation from TFW2005 insider or other resources who's that Decepticon.
ReplyDeletecheck this ! The full Transformers alliance 2 comic with first appearance of Soundwave !!http://www.tf08.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=181
ReplyDeleteWOOHOO! Thanks for spoiler dude! It's so great to know everything about the comic before i can read it myself! Yeah!
Thanks for the link. I've been waiting for a long time to see those comics. But there was only Alliance #2 comic. Do you have links to other comics?
ReplyDeletenope . i found them just by luck in tf08 .
ReplyDeletenope . i found them just by luck in tf08 .
ReplyDeleteHope your luck will run out quick...
anyone knows where i can get an e-copy of alliance#1???
ReplyDeleteI think nobody of those commentors has it. I've asked, but nobody didn't know.
ReplyDeleteSweet car!
ReplyDeleteThe concept art bears a striking resemblance to Barricade, in terms of his arms, torso, and legs.
It would be cool to have that be "Barricade reincarnate", but I don't want too many old characters brought back to life, so maybe it's a stunticon. (Yes! Finally, a Decepticon that isn't a giant guns-a-blazin' military vehicle.)
We'll just have to wait and see:)
Huh. He looks like a Decepticon version of Alternators/Binaltech Silverstreak.
ReplyDeleteBarricade and Frenzy weren't military weapons too. By the way, Scorponok is metallic animal, not military weapon. Soundwave, Ravage and Constructicons aren't military weapons too. In first rest of the Decepticons were military weapons, but in ROTF movie things are different.
ReplyDeleteHow many times I have to say this? Barricade's fate isn't unknown. In first movie's comic adaption Barricade was killed by Optimus Prime short time after Bonecrusher's death. But Starscream fixed him in Reign of Starscream sequel comic.
ReplyDeleteA rule in filmmaking: If it ain't in the script, then it ain't true. The Average Joe shouldn't have to read some comic book to know what happened to a movie character. If their fate wasn't revealed in a film, then we didn't know what happened to them. It's either a plothole or an ambiguous ending.
Barricade should still be alive.
Okay, now that I've actually taken the time to look at the toy, am I the only one that thinks it looks nothing like the actual car?
^^ There's the car, it's completely different.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteanyone knows where i can get an e-copy of alliance#1???"
Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen Movie Prequel Alliance #1
Head of the Toy looks like Barricade. Same mouth and eyes, but head and cheeks are shaped differently.
ReplyDeleteIMO: Barricade reformat again to continue his recon mission under disguise. Hence, the some slight similarities to the original Barricade mustang appearance. Due, to his reformat, his appearance alters his looks a bit. (Or could be his Twin brother with a cool hairdo)
The red and pink color screams 'gay' to me and doesn't seem to follow the usual color scheme for all Movie Decepticons. Is there a chance this robot might be a not-so effeminate female? Someone who cld go on a catfight with Arcee . .
ReplyDeletemaybe it's smokescreen
ReplyDeleteyeahyeah true... kinda like the smokescreen from transformers cybertron
ReplyDeleteor the return of jazz in the form of a decepticon.
ReplyDeleteIf Not a Rebuilt Barricade, it has to be Breakdown.....
ReplyDeleteThat's one sweet looking Audi. I also seriously doubt its Barricade. The more I see, the better I think this movie will be.
ReplyDeletecatfight with arcee haha
ReplyDeletecar looks good, robot not so good
ReplyDeletethis robot could be a spy working for the autobots?...
ReplyDeleteI also think it is Barricade. There are quite a few things that are similar to him here, including the face.
ReplyDeleteHis hands are similar even including the car's tires around his wrists like Barricade's.
His feet are similar since Barricade's feet came together as if he was wearing a shoe instead of spread apart like claws, which is also present here.
The way Barricade's car doors opened up like wings.. however Bumblebee had that, too so that might just be a normal car thing in robot mode.
The head looks like a slightly modified version of Barricade's. For example, Barricade had a very elegant design about his head and very Decepticonish with all the fancy and wild metal shapes that made up his face. A lot of those same shapes are present in this toy such as the sharp edged shape that creates that high cheekbone look. He also had a longer jaw which looks to be shortened here and a higher crest that has also been shortened. His head reminded me of the Green Goblin from Spider Man with a very angry appearance.
If it isn't Barricade, it's no big deal. Just pointing out the very high similarities. I don't really like the idea of the Transformers from the movie looking so similar to each other since each one was always very unique and I would hope they'd try and keep it that way for the second movie.
I agree that it seems like a very good possibility that this could/should be Barricade. The movie clearly never showed what happened to Barricade. He never showed up to the final battle and as above posters have already mentioned, the movie tie-in comimcs have clearley showed him to not be dead. either way if you read the comics or not, it should not be a surprise to see him show up in the next movie. Kind of like it wasn't a surprise to see the Scarecrow show up in The Dark Knight. Didn't take up a lot of the movie but tied up some loose ends.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to all of this, I don't know if anyone remembers the CGI pictures that where released of this Audi Character two or three months ago? They where online on line for about a day before they where removed at the request of Paramount but the second I saw those pictures I thought, "This is Baricade. Looks just like him just a different car." which makes perfect sennse. To stay covert he would need to take a new vehicle mode and that would explain the head looking slightly different. Remeber the autobot's faces in protoform looked nothing like their faces did after scanning earth vehicles. So their faces are definatley linked to the vehicles they choose. Soooo, Baricade takes a new vehicle mode of a vehicle roughly the same size and shape as the mustang, and as a result his face looks slightly different. Anyway, just my opinion. Time will tell. I'm sure a picture of the package will turn up soon, and we'll all know the answer.
can't wait to see who this turns out to be.. but it really bothers me why the car isn't accurate, and where the logos went
ReplyDeleteWow Barricade huh yeah his fait is unknown but come on barricade the only TF that can reformat his head use the brain people..i see where everyone thinks its him but seriously why would his head change??makes no sense its a new character
ReplyDeleteyeah you're right... Bambelbee didn;t change his head when he reformatted...
ReplyDeleteThe Audi is present in the supposed opening scene in China. How did a reformatted Barricade get there? I don't think it's him.
ReplyDeleteBarricade: I would like if this were Barricade... I'd be sad about the departure of the Saleen (eyegasm inducing metal, right there), but I do love the R8... He was also one of my favorite characters from the movie. I do believe it would make sense for Barricade to reformat. He's a scout, primarily, and Starscream DID send him out to do recon on the A'bots. His Mustang form was WAY too conspicuous. (I'll miss the, somewhat kinky, 'To punish and enslave' slogan...)
ReplyDeleteThe Audi: Of course it's not going to look EXACTLY like the true Audi R8. It's a toy that has to make somewhat complex transformations. Certain things are going to have to be sacrificed.
I'm not saying it IS 'Cade, but I would like it if it was.
the minute i saw the face of the robot it looked like ratchet but the evil version of him.
ReplyDeletei like transformer
ReplyDeleteBumblebees head didn't change because bumblebee reformatted into a newer version of the same car. Same color same make. He also wasn't reformatting to hide what he already was. He just changed because Mikala was talking smack. Barricade would be reformatting for a tottaly different reason. Think about it. Plus The head of this toy isn't going to mirror exactly what it will look like in the movie. If I remember right the head in the CGI pic was almost dead on. Again, not saying it's 100% for sure Baricade, but it fits.
ReplyDeleteWasn't the Cop Car seen on a few trucks around filming?
ReplyDelete"Wasn't the Cop Car seen on a few trucks around filming?"
ReplyDeleteYes, why yes it was, and you know what that means? THAT THIS IS NOT BARRICADE!
"Yes, why yes it was, and you know what that means? THAT THIS IS NOT BARRICADE!"
ReplyDeleteIt could also mean that they show Barricade in his previous cop car mode, before showing him scanning a new vehicle.
Yes, why yes it was, and you know what that means? THAT THIS IS NOT BARRICADE!
ReplyDeleteOrrrrrrrrrrrr... He will just change his alt mode in the movie? DUUUH?
ok tfw2005 just posted some new pics of the r8 and ill be damn if they got a great close up of his head and i wouldnt be suprised if it ended up being barricade, at first i said no way but these new shots got me thinking otherwise
ReplyDeleteIf I remeber right the pictures of the cop car that showed up around filming time where debatabley old pictures. I don't think it was ever proved that they where authentically new.
ReplyDeleteIt's Wildrider from the Stunticons. I'm 100% sure on this. Take a look at this:
See the massive resemblance?
Oh, also new pictures of the toy are up at Seibertron.com:
not Barricade, just another sweet Decepticon.
ReplyDeleteweeell whoever he is , there are many similarities with ol'Barricade !
ReplyDeleteIt's Wildrider from the Stunticons. I'm 100% sure on this. Take a look at this:
See the massive resemblance?
Oh yeah, freakin huge, mhm, just like your dick, huh?
i can5t wait for the constructions
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