A new TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction has been posted online. Not sure what show it aired with or when. It really is just a much shortened version of the first teaser trailer with no new footage. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Update: From the comments, the spot aired during last nights 2014 Kids' Choice Awards. Also, it was accurately pointed out that this is TV spot #2 since the Super Bowl spot is really #1. A better quality version of TV Spot #2 is up at MovieWeb.
Update 2: Seems Paramount has pulled the spot from everywhere.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Optimus Prime Truck at Mid-American Trucking Show
Thanks to Steve J. here are picks of the new Western Star Optimus Prime truck that will debut in Transformers: Age of Extinction in June. The vehicle was on display at the Mid-American Trucking Show 2014. As the pics show, the truck retains the flames and includes the Autobot symbol on the rims. According to more pics over at TFW2005, it appears that Western Star has decided to honor the vehicle with a new model number: WS5700-OP. Steve also reports that Town Custom Coaches in California has already received an order to begin preparations to build another Western Star Prime for Transformers 5.

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Two Images From Transformers 4
Two new images from the Transformers: Age of Extinction account have been posted on the transformers_movie Instagram account. To my knowledge the account isn't officially associated with the movie so not sure of their source. If the first image of Mark Wahlberg looks familiar, it is because a similar image was used for a TF4 poster. Thanks to Feris O. for finding them.

Friday, March 28, 2014
New Transformers: Age of Extinction Poster
A new poster has been released for Transformers: Age of Extinction. Much like the previous, it features Lockdown's ship hovering over the Yeager homestead only instead of Lockdown, its Mark Wahlberg and Nicola Peltz running away. Take out the ship, it could be a poster for a some farm based horror movie. Thanks to Feris O. for the link. Hi-Res images of the poster can be found here.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Video Interviews with Peltz, Raynor and Wahlberg
Collider has posted two videos (below) of their interviews with the core cast of Transformers: Age of Extinction while they were attending CinemaCon in Las Vegas this week. The first video is with Jack Reynor and Nicola Peltz while the second was with Mark Wahlberg. Lots of background noise so hard to catch everything. Not much is revealed story wise as Raynor and Peltz were clearly coached to twist any answer into up selling the movie while revealing nothing specific about the movie (as likely ordered by Bay and the studio). The more experienced Wahlberg covers his inability to provide details about the movie by sticking with working with Bay and an overview of a stunt (but answer so vague it could be for any scene in the movie, but probably the net jump sequence).
Look at Official 3D Glasses for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Collider has posted a look at new official 3D glasses for Transformers: Age of Extinction that seems to be part of a new "line" of these type of releases with glasses planned for TMNT, Minions, and Spongebob movies. No details on price but seems the plan is to sell them at theaters. A look at the rest of the line is here.
First Look at New Transformers Cartoon's Optimus Prime
A new image from Kids TV Magazine has provide a look at the cartoon version of Optimus Prime to go along with the early peek at Bumblebee. The ad indicates that the news series, maybe simply titles "Transformers" is set for a Spring 2015 debut. It really does look like Hasbro intends to return to Transformers: Animated type style with a mix of Transformers: Prime. Considering their intent to simplify Transformers line wide to capture a younger (not teens or older) audience, the cartoon's look and possible direction aligns with that goal. As usual, time will tell. (via Seibertron)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Descriptions of Transformers 4 CinemaCon Footage
As previously mentioned, around 14 minutes of footage was shown from Transformers: Age of Extinction to attendee's of CinemaCon in Las Vegas. Yesterday was light on details but today various websites have now provided a description of what was shown. In most cases it really is just longer versions of the scenes teased in the trailers. Sadly no videos. Below is a summation or you can read the info at the links: i09 | IGN | ComingSoon. Thanks to Feris O. for the links.
Spoiler Warning!
Spoiler Warning!
"Iconic" TF Franchise Shows Off Footage at CinemaCon, Maybe Story Tidbit
Today at the annual CinemaCon in Las Vegas, fourteen minutes of Transformers: Age of Extinction footage was shown off. Sadly zero details really on what was shown. No surprise as the 'Con is thrown by the Hollywood studios to show off their potential summer hits for theater owners so the public is not invited. Still a tiny bit of information has been leaked.
While Michael Bay was in LA continuing post-production on TF4, Mark Wahlberg was very happy to upsell Transformers, calling it the "the most iconic franchise in movie history." (Who am I disagree with that assessment). He also once again said the movie is a standalone from the previous trilogy so newbies to the franchise should be welcome (there are still TF newbies?).
While Michael Bay was in LA continuing post-production on TF4, Mark Wahlberg was very happy to upsell Transformers, calling it the "the most iconic franchise in movie history." (Who am I disagree with that assessment). He also once again said the movie is a standalone from the previous trilogy so newbies to the franchise should be welcome (there are still TF newbies?).
Thursday, March 20, 2014
IDW June 2014 Transformers Comics
IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for June 2014. Three comics, a reprint and three trades are coming. In the ongoing issues a version of Galvatron returns while Megatron contiues to read the Lost Light while in her mini-series Windblade gets to learn all about Starscream. As part of the run up to Transformers 4, IDW is also doing a "director's cut" of the Drift spotlight issue from a few years ago. For the full details of IDW's other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, and more click here.
Monday, March 17, 2014
New Transformers Cartoon Series Officially Announced for 2015 (Updated)
The Hub has officially announced a new Transformers cartoon series premiering in 2015 that is set in the Transformers Prime universe that is focused on Bumblebee and his team of Autobots. Returning as the voice of Bumblebee is Will Friedle who first voiced 'Bee for the Transformers Prime series finale. No premiere date, name of other characters, setting or another other details have been provided. Other voice actors are mentioned but none from previous TF cartoons. The rumor has been a new series would be geared towards the pre-teen set (rather then TF Prime's more or less all-ages approach) but the press release (below) doesn't confirm that either even though the image of Bumblebee might. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.
Press release:
Press release:
Friday, March 14, 2014
Updated Transformers: Age of Extinction Super Bowl TV Spot
Paramount Pictures International YouTube channel has started to post a revised edition of the the Transformers: Age of Extinction Super Bowl TV Spot. Its the same sequences as before but the CGI sequences has been replaced with the revised versions as ILM continues to work on the movie. The text has almost been modified to match the new title font. Most of the differences were already put in animated gifs. The CGI of the previous movies remained a constant work in progress right up to deadline so see little reason why that would not continue here as mistakes are removed and adjustments are made to improve the quality. The first vid is the new version of the Super Bowl trailer, the second vid is the original if feel like trying to compare and contrast.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction IMAX Poster
In what is essentially a still from from the movie featuring Lockdown, here is the new IMAX poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction from MichaelBay.com. You can download various size versions here. Thanks to Feris O. for the heads-up.
Saturday, March 08, 2014
Takara's Transformers 4: Lost Age Line Info
Back in January a partial product list for upcoming Transformers 4 toys was leaked from Takara. The list included indicates of a direction separate from Hasbro's plans. Now a new gallery of images have helped clarify that plan. For example, it apparently has the name of Transformers: Lost Age. The toys in this line are essentially re-decos of previous movie toy releases and in some cases repaints of new Transformers 4 molds.
One toy that got people excited was Dispensor which was hoped to be a transforming Mountain Dew machine from the first movie. Nope, instead its a Dew truck homage using the 2007 deluxe Payload mold. I am not aware of Hasbro choosing to follow Takara's plan in the US but from looking at the pics, I don't see the point of it. In most cases the molds have been re-used three or more times already stateside and many were peg warmers. The full gallery of current images head to Unicron.com or TFW2005.
One toy that got people excited was Dispensor which was hoped to be a transforming Mountain Dew machine from the first movie. Nope, instead its a Dew truck homage using the 2007 deluxe Payload mold. I am not aware of Hasbro choosing to follow Takara's plan in the US but from looking at the pics, I don't see the point of it. In most cases the molds have been re-used three or more times already stateside and many were peg warmers. The full gallery of current images head to Unicron.com or TFW2005.
Thursday, March 06, 2014
MTV From Set of Transformers 4 In Detroit
MTV has posted n video with the core cast of Transformers: Age of Extinction as they filmed in Detroit last summer. Nothing much is revealed about the plot as its mostly used to introduce the actors and the characters they are playing. In a bit towards the end, the surprisingly informed Josh Horowitz pointed out to Mark Walhberg's role in Boogie Nights connects back to Transformers thanks to a common song.
Li Bingbing Character Poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction
While the west is getting character posters for Transformers: Age of Extinction that feature the American characters from the film, it looks like China and likely other areas in the region are going to get posters that highlight the Chinese actors. In this case its Li Bingbing who plays CEO Sue Yueming who runs a company that has been referenced as the "mother of transformers" who might be making TF technology. The references are a bit unclear and they often came from translations from Chinese articles so context get garbled. Any case, she was in the trailer for a blink or you miss it moment. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction Theatrical Teaser Trailer (Updated)

Update: Three new pieces added. The main one is the animated gifs created by John R. (thanks!) that highlights how the scenes have been altered in the month since the Super Bowl trailer and this trailer with alterations to face shape, more details, change in lightning, more particle effects and other details that you might not catch but add to the "realism" of the moment. In addition has added links to sites with screen captures from the trailer. Finally if interested downloading the trailer, MichaelBay.com has the link.
Stills: TFW2005 | Seibertron

Transformers Are Dangerous Site Launches
Along with the launch of a new teaser trailer and reveal of character posters, Paramount has launched their viral website for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The Transformers Are Dangerous website currently doesn't have much yet besides a warning image and chance to sign up to "Join The Fight". Thanks to Hassan A. for the link.
Optimus Prime in New Transformers: Age of Extinction Poster
The next character poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction has been released by MichaelBay.com with the first official look at the new design for Optimus Prime complete with badass sword that is part of the over all "knights" approach in the new film. Different resolutions of the poster can be found here.
Transformers: Age of Extinction Nicola Peltz Poster
Joining yesterday's release of the Mark Wahlberg and Jack Reynor characeter posters, here is the Transformers: Age of Extinction poster for Nicola Peltz as Tessa Yeager. (via MichaelBay.com)
Transformers: Age of Extinction Title Sequence, Trailer Release Bumped Up an Hour
The MichaelBay.com's YouTube channel has posted a very short video that introduces the new title sequence for Transformers: Age of Extinction that immediately makes it clear that even the titles are not going through adjustments by dropping the transformation transitions that was used by the previous movies and their trailers. The rest of the trailer is expected to premiere around 8:30pm EST tonight. And nope, there is no sound with the 11 second sequence.
The rest of the trailer will be out tonight. It was set for 8:30pm the time was bumped up by an hour to 7:30pm EST which is after Entertainment Tonight finishes on the East Coast which indicates to me the show will premiere the trailer before it is posted online.
The rest of the trailer will be out tonight. It was set for 8:30pm the time was bumped up by an hour to 7:30pm EST which is after Entertainment Tonight finishes on the East Coast which indicates to me the show will premiere the trailer before it is posted online.
Monday, March 03, 2014
Second Character Poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction
The next character poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction has been released via the Facebook account of Jack Reynor. The image depicts the actor in his role as Shane Dyson. With Mark Walhberg's already out, safe to assume that Nicola Peltz version is next. Thanks to Feris O. for the image.
First Transformers: Age of Extinction Theatrical Trailer Out Tuesday (Updated)
The official MichaelBay.com twitter account has confirmed that the new theatrical trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction drops tomorrow. Thanks to Feris O. and Wynton R. for the heads-up.
Update Time was bumped up the release by an hour to 7:30pm EST which is after Entertainment Tonight finishes on the East Coast which indicates to me the show will premiere the trailer before it is posted online.
transformers4 trailer on http://michaelbay.com tomorrow Tuesday March 4 8:30PM (Eastern Standard Time) (1:30 UTC/GMT March 5).
Update Time was bumped up the release by an hour to 7:30pm EST which is after Entertainment Tonight finishes on the East Coast which indicates to me the show will premiere the trailer before it is posted online.
Mark Wahlberg Character Poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Yet further proof a trailer (now confirmed for Tuesday) is coming this week as the first new poster since last September for Transformers: Age of Extinction has been released. This one features Mark Wahlberg, as Cade Yeager, carrying a Cybertronian key/sword (or gun considering how he is holding it) McGuffin. Of note is the tag line "The Rules Have Changed". I assume this is one of more that will be released over time.
Sunday, March 02, 2014
ET Transformers 4 Reporting Coming Tuesday, Prelude to First Theatrical Trailer Release?
Looks like if you bet that the first trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction would be attached to 300: Rise of the Empire. Good thing I didn't take that bet as I figured an R-rated movie wouldn't stand a chance of being the debut movie. This has not been officially confirmed but ET has just released a teaser (below) for the TF4 report that will air on Tuesday with "all new scenes". Since ET is part of the promotional arm of Hollywood, they wouldn't air this unless the plan is to release the first theatrical trailer either that day or a few days later.
Speaking of that trailer, the Paramount Pictures International YouTube channel has started their pre-prep by creating a new playlist with the first listing labeled as "Transformers: Age of Extinction -- Teaser Trailer". Don't bother trying to find it as the video is not yet posted for the public and the playlist is apparently on visible on some mobile devices. The 2 minute 22 second length of the PG rated trailer doesn't really suggest "teaser" so slightly confusing but the label is really semantics anyway.
Speaking of that trailer, the Paramount Pictures International YouTube channel has started their pre-prep by creating a new playlist with the first listing labeled as "Transformers: Age of Extinction -- Teaser Trailer". Don't bother trying to find it as the video is not yet posted for the public and the playlist is apparently on visible on some mobile devices. The 2 minute 22 second length of the PG rated trailer doesn't really suggest "teaser" so slightly confusing but the label is really semantics anyway.
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