Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Transformers 3 Official Chicago Filming Details has provided a new update on the filming details when Transformers 3 invades Chicago, IL and more or less closes the Magnificent Mile for three days from July 15th to July 19th. DW Studios Production has sent out a four page document to local businesses detailing Transformers 3 plans for the area which the website has images of. The production perimeter is not open to the public, partly to allow for smooth filming but also for safety reasons. If you live in the area, probably just best to not attempt to drive anywhere that weekend as traffic is going to be ugly.

The highlights:
- Portion of Michigan Avenue will be closed starting at 8pm on July 15th until 5am on July 19th.
- Filming is expected to occur from July 16th to 18th from 7AM to 7PM.
- Scenes will include exterior shots with special effects and "low flying helicopters."
- "The special effects will include but are not limited to gunfire, spark hits, explosions, fireballs, and black smoke."
- "The Michigan Avenue Bridge will be raised and lowered for filming." It will be closed to traffic from 8pm on July 16th to 5am on July 19th.
- The "main filming location is the traffic circle north of the bridge and surrounded by the Wrigley Building, 401 N. Michigan Ave, and Pioneer Court.
- Portions of the River Walk will be closed and boat loading zones will be relocated.
- The filming will use precision skydivers on July 17th and July 18th.
- Additional filming:
July 19th-21st at the Hotel 71 on Wacker Drive
July 24th-August 1st at 35
East Wacker Drive and nearby streets
July 27th at Trump Plaza

Hubcat, Breacher, Skyfire, Dinobot Video Reviews

Peaugh is back with more video reviews of new Transformers. Two are from the upcoming The Hunt for the Decepticons sub-line and two are currently Japanese exclusive Henkei (Classics) figures. The first video is for Scout class Hubcap whose alt mode is a classic 1930ish car (I am guessing on that). For a scout figure it actually isn't bad and probably one of the few scout figures I actually want to get mostly due to the alt mode. The second video is for Seaspray's "partner" Breacher, also a scout figure. This one is typical of scout classes, probably only worth it if already getting Seaspray.

As far as the Henkei toys, we have Dark Skyfire and Dinobot. The figure is a repaint of the Classics Jetfire mold from a few years ago. The new purple and black paint scheme looks great. I don't know if it’s coming stateside but kind of hoping it does as part of the Generations line or a store exclusive. Last is new inductee into the Transformers Hall of Fame. Dinobot is a repaint of the previously released Beast Wars toy but this time more cartoon accurate paint job. Sadly Dinobot, while a cool character, remains a clunky Transformer. He is only worth getting if a fan of the character.

Transformers: War for Cybertron Walkthrough

Thanks to RolandGamingHD here is a video walkthrough for Transformers: War for Cybertron that shows off the single player game. There are plenty of spoilers but if are on the fence about buying the game then watching a few random videos might just be what you need to pull the trigger as they show a fun action filled game.

The walkthrough is broken into two segments, one for the Autobot campaign and another for the Decepticon campaign with 6 plus hours of footage, across 45 videos of around 11 minutes each. One of YouTube's best features is its playlist so can check it out after the break or use the links to look at the individual videos to "like" the videos and comment (to bad YouTube doesn't allow the same for playlists).

A final note, High Moon Studios is offering double experience points this weekend for anyone playing the multiplayer matches online via PC, 360 or PS3. The Double XP starts at 9:00PM and ends whenever they feel like it (but probably after the 4th).

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Botcon 2010 Panel News

Botcon 2010, the official Transformers convention, was held this weekend at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. Hasbro, Activision, IDW, Peter Cullen and more held panels that provided updates on the toys, new cartoon, and more. One of these years I will get to attend but thankfully the other Transformers websites did and reported back. This post is for the panel news and the other for the toy galleries.

Transformers Hall of Fame - Trophy | Display | Dinobot Case
This year's Botcon is also the first year for the Transformers Hall of Fame the inaugural class including is Bob Budiansky (more or less father of much of the Generation One mythology and character personalities), Peter Cullen (needs no introduction), Hideaki Yoke (engineered the transformation concept in toys, TF designer), Kojin Ohno (designer of many Transformers), Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starcream and Beast Wars' Dinobot (chosen by the fans). If you are not sure why Dinobot won, you should watch the last two seasons of Beast Wars.

Botcon 2011 Location
Botcon 2011 will be held at the California Pasadena Convention Center on June 2nd to 5th, perfect for taking advantage of any promotional efforts from Paramount and Hasbro for the release of Transformers 3 later that month.

Transformers Toy Panel
Attended by a few Hasbro employees, this covered Hasbro's toy release plans for the remainder of the year, including a list of all the toys and classes they plan to release (at the link). No new Robot Heroes are planned. Hasbro aware of quality control issues and working with manufacturers to fix it (not sure what this was exactly in reference too).

Botcon 2010 Galleries Linkfest

Botcon 2010, the official Transformers convention, was held this weekend at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. Hasbro, Activision, IDW, Peter Cullen and more held panels that provided updates on the toys, new cartoon, and more. One of these years I will get to attend but thankfully the other Transformers websites did and reported back. This post is for the toy galleries, the other is for the panel news.

Dealer Room
What is a convention without a big room to buy stuff? If you have the money, you can probably find that Transformer you have been looking for and many you may not have known existed. If I ever won the lottery, this would probably be one of my first stops.

Power Core Combiners - One | Two
Images of the various 2-pack and 5-pack combiners that will start hitting shelves as early as July 1st but already seen reports that a few Toys R Us stores have started stocking them.

Hunt for Decepticons & Generations - Video | One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Lots of images that show off even more toys hitting toy shelves very soon to accompany Power Core. The Hunt for Decepticons sub-line has lots of repaints but also new molds while Generations is basically a big kiss to Generation 1 and War for Cybertron fans. Blurr also is shown off (repaint of Drift) but likely not scheduled to hit shelves until September.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

News Report from Milwaukee Transformers 3 Casting Call

This morning Transformers 3 held an extras casting call for Transformers 3 at the Hilton at the Milwaukee City Center. It was setup by TF3 casting director Maryellen Aviano who is looking for "trendy executives" when production comes to the city in July. As the below video from WISN, the call had a good turnout. (via AllSpark)

Friday, June 25, 2010

War for Cybertron Reviews and Accolades Trailer

Transformers: War for Cybertron has been out for a few days now and most of the reviews are in. Overall, the average score is more or less a B with an average numerical score of 80. Activision has out together an "Accolades" trailer (below) to highlight some of the positive reviews for the game. Below are few of the reviews with a few sentences grabbed from each that summarizes the site's view on the game. (B+)
A couple of cool set pieces, cut-scenes, and well produced dialog between the characters help (Peter Cullen is Optimus Prime), but it's the art and character models that do an admirable job of masking the repetitive level design. But even if the levels themselves are generic, there are a host of features in place to save the game from spiraling into mediocrity. ...the multiplayer aspects also add a lot of value to this package. War for Cybertron is an entertaining game that's just as enjoyable as it is playable.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Transformers Linkfest

Time for another "linkfest". More galleries of upcoming toys from Hasbro and Takara including Generations, Buzz Lightyear and Ghost Starscream. Also videos of the War for Cybertron credits and Hound fan art.

Official Transformers Generations Gallery
Click the link to view a gallery that shows off the 3rd wave of Transformers Generations toys. This wave, due on stores more or less now, is W4C Megatron, W4C Soundwave, Classic Red Alert and Darkmount (based on G1 Straxus).

Dreadwing and Smokescreen Gallery
A look at new additions to the Transformers (minus ROTF) line that is hitting stores soon. Dreadwing is voyager sized and based on the Generation 2 toy. Smokescreen is a shuttle that can attack to Dreadwing's ship mode. Mostly I just like the shade of blue but beyond that think will wait for a review before determine if worth buying.

Transformers 3's Chicago Brings Traffic

from Chris Sweda, Chicago TributeIt seems that the six week visit to the city of Chicago by Transformers 3 will bring an unintended gift of increased traffic problems for an already congested city. The Chicago Tribune reports of a news conference held yesterday by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications about the TF3 shoot that is scheduled to run from July 10th to August 19th to tell people about the possible traffic problems the shoot will cause. As a non-Chicagoan, the important part to me is the bit about how the shoot is expected to exceed in scope what The Dark Knight filmed in the city a few years ago.
OEMC Executive Director Jose Santiago said the closures on LaSalle Street (8 p.m. July 9 to 5 a.m. July 12), the Michigan Avenue bridge (8 p.m. July 16 to 5 a.m. July 19) and Upper Wacker Drive (9 p.m. July 18 to 5 a.m. July 22) will have the most impact on traffic. He added that most of the movie's filming in Chicago will take place during daylight.

“It's an ambitious production … but we and the producers are committed to mitigating the disruptions and addressing community concerns,” said Chicago Film Office Director Rich Moskal.

What can Chicagoans expect from filming — besides traffic?

Moskal said recently a few “scenes they're planning could match if not exceed the spectacular stuff ‘The Dark Knight' production pulled off.”

Yes, he's talking about the 2008 Batman film that featured an 18-wheeler getting flipped over on LaSalle Street and a massive explosion that leveled the old Brach's Candy building on the West Side.

“Flying debris, flipping cars, stunts, that's the kind of stuff you'll probably be seeing here,” added Moskal.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Transformers 3 Promotional Hats

Below are four images of Transformers 3 promotional hats that I wouldn't mind having. Especially the one with the Autobot logo cubed. I can't decide if the other hat is TF3 or TF3 but I suspect the cubed version will be common way of internally referencing the film until an official, number-less title is determined. Thanks to an anonymous source for the pictures.

Images removed per request of manufacturer.

Transformers Exodus Four Chapters and Review

The novel Transformers: Exodus, the "official history of the war for Cybertron", is now out and Hasbro has posted the first four chapters of the novel here. Hasbro description of the novel:
TRANSFORMERS: EXODUS written by Alex Irvine takes fans deep into the secret lore of the TRANSFORMERS universe, charting the creation of the DECEPTICONS and the AUTOBOTS—and chronicling the civil war that divided them. At the center of this thrilling history are OPTIMUS PRIME and MEGATRON, the ultimate hero and the ultimate villain, whose destinies are entwined with that of their home planet, CYBERTRON. Developed in close partnership with Hasbro, this is a canonical TRANSFORMERS tale that also relates to, and expands on, the story being told in the newly released video game, TRANSFORMERS: War for Cybertron, from Activision. Fans will not want to miss all of the details that can only be told in novel form, the moment OPTIMUS gains “PRIME” status, MEGATRON becomes his arch enemy and leader of the DECEPTICONS and their great civil war begins. has posted their review of the book. The result is lackluster, about on par with previous Transformers books. "Transformers: Exodus" is not a great book. It is however, an important book. It is not so much a novel as it is a foundation - a foundation for what, is yet to be fully revealed by Hasbro. But it is safe to say that though "Exodus", all facets of the Transformers multiverse has been tied together in a way no Transformers fiction has tackled before."

It seems the book is probably something fans will want to read, if only to know what the new Hasbro sanctioned history of the Transformers universe is now that the inspiration of Generation One has been combined with the movie universe additions to create a new official continuity. A continuity that will continue to likely evolve with Transformers 3 and the Transformers: Prime cartoon series. Of course how important this novel will be in the grand scheme has yet to be determined as it will mostly depend on how future writers use or discard elements from it in their own stories. To get the full review details, click here.

Transformers 3 Heading to Detroit is reporting that Transformers returns to the Motor City once again in August. The franchise last visited Detroit, Michigan for the first Transformers film, primarily at Michigan Central Station. Filming will be for two to three weeks but no specifics on locations that production will be using. Detroit joins other locations Transformers 3 plans to visit including Washington, DC, Kennedy Space Center, Chicago and Milwaukee.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Transformers Exodus: How Bumblebee Lost His Voice

Transformers: Exodus should be hitting stores soon if it hasn't already and writer Alex Irvine provided MTV Movie Blog with a new short story that is not part of the novel. Hasbro considers the Transformers: War for Cybertron as canon for the early origin of "The Great War" and the relationships formed during it. I assume that could also apply to the book and the short story that explains exactly how Bumblebee lost his voice. The story also indicates that the movies and this origin are all part of the same continuity as there are references to the 13 Primes, AllSpark and more. Click here to read the entire story or below for a quick summary. (via AllSpark)

First Look at Transformers 3 Set Video

MSN UK has posted a video that shows the cast and crew filming at the tilting office set at Playa Vista in LA. It looks like it was taken around the same time as the set images yesterday were taken. The one minute video shows Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson, and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as they run from a Decepticon. The video can be found here. Update: The MSN video no longer available but a mirror of it can be found here.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Shia, Tyrese, Rosie On Tilting Office Set has posted a few images from the Transformers 3 set that apparently was taken while Tyrese Gibson, Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley were filming a scene from the tilting office set at Playa Vista in LA. Thanks to Schellenbach and Craig for the link.

SPOILER: This specific scene had Shia, Rosie and military troops being chased by an evil Decepticon, who tips the building over. For this shot, one floor of an entire office building was built on a giant platform, which tilted at an angle while “tipped over."

Transformers: War for Cybertron Out Tomorrow

The long wait for video game Transfans is over as Transformers: War for Cybertron will offically be released tomorrow. Below are the various prices I was able to find from common retailers. So far Target has the best deal with Buy 1 Get One 50%, perfect if you are interested in the two DS games. If you find any good prices, feel free to add to the comments and I will try to update the main post with the info.

Bonus: Demolisher (pre-order bonus only) & $10 video game credit
360 & PS3: $59.99
Wii: $49.99
DS: $29.99
PC: $36.99

Best Buy
Bonus: Jazz
360 & PS3: $59.99
Wii: $49.99
DS: $29.99
PC: $39.99

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Video Confirms Sideswipe Convertible Alt Mode

Based on the video below from nando323, it seems the image of a Chevy Corvette Centennial Convertible is the new alt mode for Sideswipe in Transformers 3. The brief video was filmed in downtown Los Angeles at 4th Street and Main and shows a red Ferrari 458 Italia, Bumblebee Camaro and the grey Stingray convertible driving away without its top. Thanks to Mike G for the link.

Transformers Linkfest

Transformers: Generations Red Alert Gallery
Hit the link to get a look at the Classic 2.0 mold repainted to look like Red Alert. It is a repaint that has already been done about 4 times from that mold but I think most Generation One fans will be happy to see. The rather odd colored figured in the images is for Breakdown, a nod to the Generation 2 toy that was produced for Botcon 2010.

Voyager Banzaitron in Package
A front and back look at the figure in its packaging. The figure is simply a repaint of Bludgeon. Like many Transformers repaints, the color scheme strikes me as superior to the original release. I don't have a clue on when this figure will hit retail.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Prime, Bumblebee, Ferrari on Set Images

TFW2005 member Cyclonus86 has posted three images from a Transformers set. I assume this occurred at or near Playa Vista in LA. The images show Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and the Ferrari 458 Italia vehicle that Bay revealed would be an Autobot in the movie.

Transformers 3 Heading To Milwaukee

Transformers 3 will be packing its bags to head to Milwaukee, Wisconsin according to and The Business Journal. TF3 production will bring 150 cast and crew to the Milwaukee Art Museum and and Tower Automotice site on July 12-13. No details on exactly what is being filmed or with what cast members.
A casting call will be held Saturday, June 26, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center in the Wright Ballroom on the fourth floor. If you're a female or male "trendy executive type," 18 or over, you're invited to show up (with a pen, please).

"We're really excited to showcase the Art Museum in what will be one of the most anticipated blockbuster films for next summer," said Milwaukee Art Museum Director Dan Keegan.

"The film will give the venue worldwide exposure during our 10th year anniversary celebration of the Santiago Calatrava designed Quadracci Pavilion."

The Tower Automotive site on Capitol Drive will also be utilized, but don't bother showing up at either location. The sets are closed to the public and the museum will be closed to the public on July 12.

"We are thrilled that Milwaukee can host the cast and crew of 'Transformers 3' and we recognize the economic benefits and pride of place that blockbuster movies bring to Milwaukee and Wisconsin," said Dave Fantle, from VISIT Milwaukee and president of the Film Wisconsin board.

"Logistical planning for the film began last November, and the cooperation between the city, the county and the private sector has been tremendous."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sideswipe Goes Convertible?

A few months ago Bumblebee was rumored to have become a convertible due to a change in design for the Chevy Camaro and now its Sideswipe's turn. In Revenge of the Fallen, Sideswipe's alt mode was the Corvette Stingray Concept car. Corvette Blogger was posted an image of a convertible version of the concept car spotted near a Transformers 3 set that suggests that Sideswipe might get an upgrade. Since the vehicle has yet to be released by Chevy, I am sure they wouldn't mind the current model making an appearance in the movie. It way too early to say this is an accurate assumption as we don't even know if the character is in the movie. This is a very sleek looking ride so it might be a welcome alteration to the character. Thanks to Christopher for the link.

Transformers 3 Brings Economic Boost To Chicago

An article from the Chicago Sun Times discusses Transformers 3 impending invasion of the city starting from July 10th to August 19th. According to the article, the six week shoot is expected to "pump $20 million into the local economy and create 200 jobs, including 10 internships for inner-city students."
“You’re gonna see a little bit of mayhem. You know, I mean it wouldn’t be ‘Transformers’ without it,” Di Bonaventura said. “Hopefully, it’ll be fun. What we find is, people really end up enjoying the spectacle of what we’re doing.”

[Mayor] Daley said a certain degree of mayhem is fine with him so long as “safety comes first. . . . They’re very conscious of that. You don’t want to say where you can go, where you can’t go. They replace everything. They don’t destroy buildings,” he said. “This is all about creativity. They have to figure out their audiences. . . . Younger people are attached to this.”

Seventeen-year-old Montel Williams certainly is. A student at North Lawndale College Prep, he’s one of the film-loving Chicago Public School students lucky enough to be hired as an intern for the filming. “I have a passion for film. It’s in my heart deeply. . . . I’m ready for hands-on,” Williams said. “This is my career. I’m looking for anything out there that’s gonna benefit me and my career.”

IDW September Transformers Comics

IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for September. The month will bring four Transformers comic books and one trades. If you are interested in the books, just let your local comic book store know. For the full details of IDW's TF and other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, Angel and more click here.

Transformers: Drift #1 (of 4)
Shane McCarthy (w) • Alex Milne (a & c)
What was it that caused one of the DECEPTICON’s most ruthless soldiers to turn his back on them? And what ancient secret lies hidden deep within an alien planet? All this and more as the origin of the newest AUTOBOT, DRIFT, is finally revealed!
• 32 pages • $3.99 • Expected in-store date: 9/15

Transformers: Drift #2 (of 4)
Shane McCarthy (w) • Alex Milne (a & c)
What is the secret behind DRIFT’s startling rescuers? How is it they came to be on the isolated, desert planet and what does this have to do with DRIFT’s future? As DRIFT uncovers answers, he’s suddenly faced with a decision that could alter his life forever!
• 2 covers, shipped in 1-to-1 ratio • 32 pages • $3.99 • Expected in-store date: 9/29

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bruiser Joins Transformers 3 Cast? (Update)

The picture of a rather odd robot is from Ain't It Cool News. The pic is reported to have been taken from the Chicago set for Transformers 3 with the robot being called "Bruiser". No other context was provided. If this is for Transformers 3, then the name is likely a placeholder name and of course CGI will likely add some life to the prop.

For reasons I can't nail down, that robot makes me think "Frankenstein's monster". This in turns makes me think that maybe a plot element is an attempt by humans to re-create Transformer technology but that is just speculation on my part.

Update: It appears "Bruiser" is for Hugh Jackman's next film "Real Steel" which has been filming in Chicago. The movie is coming on November 18th, 2011 and "tells the story of a father and his estranged 11-year-old son who enter the world of robotic boxing. You see, in the future, human boxing has been outlawed, replaced with sports combat between human-trained 2000-pound heavy steel robots." The little bit of robot that shows does indicate a simliar design. Thanks to Katie for the info and link.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mark Ryan Interview

TFW2005 has posted their interview with Transformers voice actor Mark Ryan. He is the voice of Bumblebee and Jetfire for the movies and usually does voices of the Transformers on set with the actors to help with timing of the "human" lines as usually the formal voice over recording for the Transformers is done later. In the interview he talks about how got hired, working on the films and voicing the characters. Below is a section that specifically is about Transformers 3, the rest of the interview is here.

TFW: Can you tell us anything about what's happening with TF3? What do you see yourself doing in Transformers 3? Will you be continuing as the on-set voice? What would you like to be doing?
Ryan: I am back onset and doing the voices again. There are several new robots, which I’ve played during filming but I can’t give details for obvious reasons. I do feel the storyline for TF3 is the most intriguing one in the series, so far. It’s an area I’m personally very interested in and find the history fascinating. Anyone who’s read The Pilgrim will know about these associated subjects. Having spent a part of my life in the military and in the more esoteric areas of intelligence work myself, I find the back-story for this one to be really cool. Also, the cast is just amazing! I’ve already worked with Frances McDormand and I was blown away with her good humor and down-to-earth approach to the size and scope of the project. Obviously working with both Shia and Josh is always a real honor and joy and I must give a shout-out to Harry Humphries and his SEAL team boys, who really bring the heat.

Transformers 3 A Go for Washington, DC

According to Michael Bay's Shoot for the Edit, Transformers 3 has cleared the necessary hurdles to shoot at the National Mall in Washington, DC. Nelson posts, "Well, it turns out that article is BS or misleading at best. I spoke to Mike yesterday and he's gotten authorization to shoot on the National Mall."

Last week a Washington Post article indicated that production was still in negotiations to determine how many days they would shoot and exactly what they could do at the site. Michael Bay apparently wanted to stage explosions and a chase sequence, something that the National Park Service said is "simply not done on the National Mall."

I have to wonder exactly what Transformers 3 is approved to do at the National Mall and for how many days. I don't imagine the Park Service (or other interested agencies) changing their minds about explosions and a chase sequence occurring at the Mall. I have a suspicion that filming will involve the usual Hollywood magic of making a sequence appear to have occurred all at one location despite having been filmed at multiple, widely separate places leaving the explosions and car chase for a separate set. Hopefully I am wrong as a little "Bay-hem" in DC would be very cool to see.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Transformers 3 Filming Locations Update

Before The Trailer has posted an update that provides the places that Transformers 3 has recently filmed and will film over the next month of so.
Los Angeles Filming Locations
They have filmed at the area of 4th Avenue and S. Main

Chicago Filming Locations
On July 9th starting 6pm until July 11th at 6am Transformers will be filming on Lasalle Street.

July 15 at 8pm til July 19 at 5am They will be filming on Michigan Avenue.

On July 18, 19, and 20 Transformers 3 is filming at Bacino’s of Lincoln Park at 2204 North Lincoln Avenue

Florida Filming Locations
In September (we will get a specific date frame) Transformers will be filming at the Kennedy Space Center.

Shockwave Fan Concept Art

Now that we know that Shockwave is the big bad of Transformers 3, it makes you wonder exactly what he will look like. When the character was first created he had an alt mode of a Cybertronian laser gun that later changed to a Cybertronian tank in later cartoon series. Will he retain a tank mode for the movies despite Megatron already claiming that alt mode? Too early to know but the guys at Team Pandora Box created some sweet fan concept art last year for the character that might help you imagine the possibilities. Below is a little of their Shockwave, the rest can be found here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

TF3 To Close Magnificent Mile

image from is reporting that Transformers 3 production will close Chicago's Magnificent Mile for three days (after business hours) as they film footage in the area. The site had previousily reported the productions intention of using the area for the film.
Chicago’s Michigan Avenue, also known as “The Magnificent Mile”, will be closed to foot and vehicular traffic on July 15th at 8 PM through July 19th at 5 AM for commencement of filming for Transformers 3. There will be lots of explosions and crashing cars during this time. The general public will not be allowed to enter the area directly surrounding Michigan Avenue and the filming is expected to be intense. Businesses along Michigan Avenue are currently receiving information regarding the filming schedule. This will in effect close down the busiest shopping district in Chicago for 3 & 1/2 full days! Security is expected to be very tight.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Transformers: The Ride Under Construction (Update)

Over a year and a half ago Universal Studios and Hasbro announced that they planned on creating a Transformers attraction for their parks. Now that the Harry Potter theme park is complete, that is much closer to reality with new images showing that Transformers: The Ride is under construction at Universal Studios Hollywood. has posted multiple images that show off the construction site but so far it is in very early stages so the site is really just a sign and the skeleton of a building that I think is being torn down to make room for the Transformers attraction. (via PrimeSuspect)

Update: Click here to view a short video from last month of the same location, taken before they started tearing down the building. Based on the notes, the ride is expected to be completed by 2012. Apparently Transformers is taking over the space were the Backdraft and Special Effects attractions use to be. The FX attraction is moving to the location of the now defunt Fear Factor attraction.

Battle Blades Optimus Prime Video Review

Hasbro has officially launched its next advertising campaign for Transformers called Hunt for the Decepticons, complete with official website. A new campaign means new Transformers toys, not all of which are just repaints. For example, the review below from Peaugh of Voyager class Battle Blades Optimus Prime that is a more movie accurate Prime with a pretty complex transformation. He also posted a quick review of Legends Ravage here. Thanks to Sideswipe88 for the links.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Transformers 3 Villain, Plot, 3D and Trilogy End

USA Today has posted an article that reveals the most information yet about Transformers 3 including who the main villain is, what the basic plot is about, the final word on 3D, a returning cast member and more in talking with Director Michael Bay and Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventure. Thanks to Christopher for the link.
With shooting underway on a third movie and plans to debut next summer, Michael Bay and Co. acknowledge missteps with the last one and aim to upgrade the shape-shifting robot franchise with a more coherent story, less goofball humor and a pledge that characters who die will stay dead. It will also be in 3-D.

"I'll take some of the criticism," says Bay, standing at a set built to resemble a dilapidated nuclear reactor. "It was very hard to put (the sequel) together that quickly after the writers' strike (of 2007-08)."

"This one really builds to a final crescendo. It's not three multiple endings," the director says.

Bay calls the second film's villain, The Fallen, "kind of a (expletive) character." The new movie's foe is certain to make fans of the original '80s incarnation smile: Shockwave, the robot cyclops-turned-laser-cannon, who became dictator of their home world of Cybertron after the other Autobots and Decepticons journeyed to Earth.

"One thing we're getting rid of is what I call the dorky comedy," Bay adds. So the twins, the two bumbling, slang-spewing robots? "They're basically gone," he says, though John Turturro returns for comic relief.

The new film features Sam Witwicky (LaBeouf) taking his first tenuous steps into adulthood while remaining a reluctant human ally of Optimus Prime. "Shia has this great line: 'You know, I've saved the world twice, but I can't get a job,' " di Bonaventura says.

"I love Megan and I miss the girl," LaBeouf says, flecked with fake blood and dirt during a break between shooting. "But Sam and Mikaela became one character, and here ... you have discovery again from a new perspective."

Plot details are under wraps, but it delves into the space race between the U.S.S.R. and the USA, suggesting there was a hidden Transformers role in it all that remains one of the planet's most dangerous secrets. "The movie is more of a mystery," Bay says. "It ties in what we know as history growing up as kids with what really happened."

While Optimus Prime, Megatron and even Sam all have died and been resurrected, di Bonaventura says this film will have no do-overs: Die, and that's it.

Bay hints that there may be a lot of that. "As a trilogy, it really ends," he says. "It could be rebooted again, but I think it has a really killer ending."
To summarize the information:
- The movie is in 3D, no official word if shot in 3D or converted but likely the latter
- Big bad is Shockwave. Alt mode unknown, in G1 cartoons it was a laser gun and in later incarnations it was a Cybertronian tank.
- John Turturro returns and Agent Simmons
- Twins "basically gone", which I read as they come and probably go violently from the movie early on
- Plot focuses on the "hidden" story behind the space race of the 60s through 80s.

James Avery Confirmed for Silverbolt

It seems over the weekend there was a rumor that James Avery was rumored to be dead. "Uncle Phil" from Fresh Prince of Bel Air's representative obviously felt a need to shoot down the rumor by saying that the actor is "doing great" and will voice Silverbolt in Transformers 3. This piece of info aligns with a story from February where the actor was reported to have said the same thing. No details on the Silverbolt character, who was an Autobot plane and leader of the Aerilbots in the G1 cartoons. (via The Examiner)

War for Cybertron Demo Available of XBox with Trailer

If you have an XBox 360 and resident of the United States or United Kingdom, a demo of Transformers: War for Cybertron is now available in the XBox Marketplace. Sadly Playstation 3 owners are out of luck. Game Developer Matt Tierger told Kotaku that the demo is exclusive to the 360. Below is a new trailer for the demo just released by Activision.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Transformers: Prime Bumblebee Revealed

The Licensing International Expo continues and with it is a full body reveal of the CGI/cartoon version of Bumblebee for Transformers: Prime. The picture removes any doubt that Prime is at least based on the movie design for Transformers. It remains unclear if the cartoon has any relationship to the movies beyond a source of design inspiration. I just wonder when the toy leaks will start. From Hisstank.

Transformers #8 Preview

Transformers Ongoing #8 has hit comics book stores today. Bzzurkk has posted the three covers and first four pages of the issue. Bumblebee remains leader of the Autobots but Prime has been busy trying to negotiate a peace with the US military to get them to stop hunting our favorite good guys.

Mike Costa (w) • Javier Saltares (a) • Don Figueroa, Saltares (c)
Spike Witwicky commands a unit specially trained to take down Transformers; he has single-handedly brokered peace between the U.S. and the Autobots. But there are secrets in his past that could jeopardize all of that. Good thing Spike's not the kind of guy who would recklessly endanger the entire world to settle a personal score, right?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

First Transformers 3 Poster and Bumblebee Prop

The Licensing International Expo currently being held at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas has shown off what could be the first poster for Transformers 3 and the modified "mature" version of Bumblebee. The poster is pretty straight forward with Optimus Prime standing tall and words "TF3 July 1, 2010". Likely the poster is just a quick mock-up made for the Expo. Images from SuperComicBook movie below. Thanks to Christopher and Daniel for the link.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Transformers: Prime Basic Plot

Amazon has updated its posting of the Transformers: Prime comic book that will be released around October 1st with a description that finally gives a clue on what the new cartoon series will be about when it debuts on The Hub network. The 88 page book will serve as a prequel to the cartoon, written by Transformers screenwriters and Prime consultants Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.
This all-new graphic novel adventure leads directly into the all new Transformers: Prime animated series! In this epic first adventure, battles across Cybertron have left Bumblebee and his fellow Autobots in need of a new leader. But is there anyone who can step forward against the threat of Megatron and the evil Decepticons?
It seems that unlike cartoons series in the past, Optimus Prime may be taking a back seat to Bumblebee as the lead Transformer in the series.

War for Cybertron Bumblebee and Drift Video Review

Peaugh has posted two new video reviews of upcoming Transformers: Generations toys. One is for War for Cybertron Bumblebee and the other for Drift. Both toys are pretty good, I will probably pick them up once they go on sale. It should be noted that apparently at some point that Drift will be repainted as Blurr at some point in the future if don't like the white scheme. Thanks to Sideswipe88 for the link.

Monday, June 07, 2010

New Ratchet, Ironhide, and Planes

A US Army Sky Warriors member posted to flickr a few pics of the Transformers 3 vehicles while waiting to film. The images show off the new color scheme of Ratchet, what looks like a modified version of Ironhide, a little of Optimus Prime, and planes. No idea what is being filmed nor where as no location is provided.

Rosie on Set of Transformers 3

For those last holdouts who just don't want to believe that Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is the new female lead of Transformers 3, here is a picture of her on the set from I have no idea if that is her film costume or anything else as the site provided no details beyond the pic.

Transformers 3 Hitting Roadblock for DC Shoot

Transformers 3 production wants Uncle Sam to let it film at the National Mall but the National Park Service is rejecting most of the offers according to The Washington Post. The cause - the action sequences. Production had intended to spend around 14 days shooting in the Washington, DC area but negotiations with what production can and cannot do around the historic location could reduce that number to as low as three days.
Paramount spokeswoman Gabriela Gutentag said with negotiations ongoing, she did not know how many days the company would end up filming in D.C. "We've gone from two weeks to 10 days to three days to seven days; I don't really know," she said.

Bill Line, Park Service spokesman, said the producers "have asked to do some things that simply are not done on the National Mall," among them staging a "car race" along the Mall's gravel paths and flooding it with artificial light in order to shoot at night.

"A lot of this could be more appropriately shot in a Hollywood studio," Line said. "The National Mall is not an area in which Americans come to see high-tech action movies being shot."

Kathy Hollinger, director of the D.C. Office of Motion Picture and Television Development, acknowledged that the plans amounted to "a lot more than D.C. has ever been accustomed to in terms of scale and impact," including, for instance, simulated explosions and pyrotechnics at locations along Pennsylvania and Independence avenues.

"The robots will be here," she said. "It's not like they're going to be building and having these little miniature Transformers running around and then make them look real with CGI effects afterward."
I have no idea what she means by "The robots will be here." The phrasing makes me thing Hollinger thinks real scale models will be at the site. The National Mall is the core area of Washington, DC that most people think of when they visit the Capital which extends from the Lincoln Memorial to the United States Capitol Building. In between you have the Washington Monument, Reflecting Pool, Vietnam Memorial, multiple Smithsonian Museums and more. Net result is you are talking wall to wall national monuments and historical grounds.

As a result, I think the real issue is security as a film production brings with an influx of technical people that will want access to or film very near national monuments with a desire to set off explosives. From a security perspective it’s just a major nightmare to deal with. Just as bad, what if something goes wrong and a historical monument is damaged. While the idea of Transformers trashing Washington, DC would probably be visually exciting, I can see why the National Park Services is reluctant to take the risk. If things go right, pat back all around. If they go wrong, it will be pink slips instead.

Transformers 3 at Playa Vista Part 2 & 3

Yesterday I posted transformersfreak1007's gallery of Transformers 3 at Playa Vista. It turns out he had posted two more parts (below). Part 2 is more images a lunar module (its part that 1960s astronauts "landed" at sea with), a LEM, and a video of the tilting office set during filming. Part 3 seems to show crew at work. No idea what is being filmed or if it’s TF3 related. Thanks to Katie again.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Transformers 3 at Playa Vista Gallery

Below is a gallery/video of images from transformersfrreak1007 at Playa Vista in Los Angeles where Transformers 3 is reported to have setup shop. The video mentions Loyola Marymount University which is a direct neighbor of the studio based on Google Maps. Transformers 3 wise not a whole lot is shown. You get a look at maybe Ironhide, the Ice Cream truck and its halves just sitting in the lot from Revenge of the Fallen and the office tilting setup from the other day. The last images are of a rusted lunar module that may or may not be Transformers 3 related. The film is shooting at the Kennedy Space Center in September but don't really have enough information to assume a link. Thanks to Katie for finding the video.

Don Murphy TF3 Update

Don Murphy, producer for the Transformers films, provided a brief update on his forums for his various projects including Transformers 3. Nothing specific revealed since the "movie is super top secret". Below is the TF3 portion of the post. (via AllSpark)
TRANSFORMERS 3 is starting its third week of shooting. As you guys know, everything on this movie is super top secret., but it is going very well and I think you will all be stoked to see old favorites and new characters coming at ya. You know I liked the second film a lot- that said the new screenplay brings back the sense of awe and wonder that made the first film so exciting and special. It’s a shame that Megan didn’t work out but with what Michael has planned you won’t miss her. There is still a hell of a lot of shooting to go and you don’t need me the way you guys dig up clues and jive- suffice it to say NEXT Fourth of July you guys will be excited again. I personally can’t wait.

Transformers Linkfest

Scourge (aka Nemesis Prime) Custom Figure
Click above to view more images of fan creation Scourge created by Toyphilia. The base figure is Leader class Optimus Prime but with a new darker paint job, lightning decals, and a tanker trailer. The result is a very sweet looking figure. I especially dig the lightning decals that a real improvement over the flames that Prime normally has.

Hyper Hobby July Scans
Click the link to Japan's Hyper Hobby Magazine for July. The issue covers many of the upcoming Transformers being released in Japan including many of their exclusives like MP-04S Masterpiece Prime Sleep Mode, Transformers: Animated, Unicron, and more.

Transformers Scout Class Gallery
Click the link to view the next wave of Transformers (movie style) Scout class toys that will be hitting stores soon. It includes Warpath, Storm Surge and Crosshairs. I was less than impressed but maybe you will like what is coming.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Transformers War for Cybertron Link Fest

Today is another blitz of information about Transformers: War for Cybertron. There is the E3 trailer that gives you an awesome look at Trypticon, the feature on the game, a look at the DS versions of the game, new toy images, and the book story description. The game is being released on June 22nd.

War for Cybertron E3 Trailer
E3 is coming up in two weeks and already Activision has released their trailer. Since the game is coming out just a week after it ends, the convention center is likely to be plastered with images for this game. This is probably the best trailer yet with Trypticon, I think Nova Prime, another look at Omega Supreme and more.

First Look at DS War for Cybertron brings the first screenshots and look at the Autobot and Decepticon DS games for W4C. The game story seems to be the same as the next gen versions but campaigns are split between the two cartridges with the Decepticon technically being Part 1 (but not required to enjoy the Autobot game). There are around 30 characters total including DS exclusive ones such as Grimlock, Swoop, Dirge, Cyclonus, Cliffjumper, Ultra Magnus and more. Many of them have been redesigned with the same Generation One echo. Click the link above for a gallery of screenshots and description of the game play.

XBox Campaign Preview
Inside XBox episode that gives a "sneak peek" on the game. Game Director Matt Tieger talks about the game, campaigns and the story. He reveals that Megatron's motivation is to return Cybertron to its "Golden Age" with the help of Dark Energon. Optimus Prime is a guy that is thrust into leadership of the Autobots as a consequence of events within the game.

War for Cybertron Soundwave and Megatron Toys
Click the link to view a gallery of images that show off the War for Cybertron versions of Megatron and Soundwave. Since Soundwave would be dated as a boom box, clearly the Transformers: Animated solution of making him essentially a SVU has become the default mode for the character. These two plus W4C Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are expected in stores around the time the game is released on June 22nd.

Transformers: Exodus Cover Images
An eBay auction show cases the upcoming novel that serves as a prequel of sorts for Transformers: War for Cybertron. I believe, much like the game, this novel will serve as canon for the origin of the Transformers Civil War and specifics on how various character rose into their various positions and relationships within the TF universe. The images include the inside flap description of the novel.

W4C Hands-On Preview
In what is probably just the beginning of an onslaught of write-ups for the game, click the links below to read (and view screenshots) about the experience playing the game in campaign and multi-player modes. The overall consensus seems to be a basic shooter with great controls that is fun to play. "Expert" shooter fans might be disappointed but then I doubt the game was designed with them in mind.

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